What was his major malfunction?
What was his major malfunction?
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Hated dyel manlets
>create semi-intelligent monkeys
>hybernate for couple thousand years
>said monkeys now wake you up and demand eternal life like you're some tooth fairy
>all of your friends are dead
>the monkeys even made a synthetic monkey in a pathetic attempt to replicate your work
Why would that upset him? He literally does the same shit with a gay flute.
he had no dick
I see you're a fellow refugee of my former thread, the one the janny-faggots deleted because people went off-topic. Glad to see you again, Prometheusbro.
It's explained in the deleted scene.
So what was it?
He's retarded.
I see my thread was created earlier
If they are supposed to be Ubermensch, why reacting chimping out? why not answering human subhumans why a "no" in their own language and telling them to get out?
Because the bioweapon they were working on was intended for use on Earth
Jesus was humanity's last chance and we crucified him
Weyland pissed him of by saying he was like engineers because he created David.
I like how the bible left out the fact that Jesus was a bald, albino, ripped as fuck giant that spoke in a language that nobody in the region could understand.
What I don't get is that the engineers live in the medieval period. Where did their spaceship and technology come from exactly?
They built that shit
They didn't have the required infrastructure, their entire population lived in one small village.
He done nothing wrong
How would you feel if you were Joe Rogan and you woke up suddenly 9ft tall?
You'd feel pretty powerful and ready to enact your revenge on every person who was taller than you.
but they are themselves actually barbaric and very far from being an exemple.
wnat's the deal with Jesus? he was an ayy lmao too?
he was written by a no talent nepotistic hack
do as i say not as i do
Why didn't Weyland use a bunch of Davids as a crew for the Prometheus? Why hire a bunch of retards?
Ridley Scott is pretty dumb
or atleast arm a fucking gatling gun in their ship if theyre planning to meet the makers which surely a war capable space faring white race
How are the engineers barbaric?
But that is the point - God's goodness is a point of constant debate
The shit the synth dropped covered the entire planet, user. They could have changed into anarcho-primitivists by then too.
That's the village I'm talking about, it only had a handful of farmers and they were all stunned to see the spaceship.
Just didn't make sense.
Gender dysphoria
Those weren't engineers. They were likely seeded by engineers.
Why was David stuck in the Engineer planet after he killed them? What happened to the spaceship?
>Those weren't engineers.
Pic is from the Covenant artbook.
this is explained in the extended prologue. when weyland activates david and ask's him to play the piano.
>Extended scene: “Prologue”: What was left out of the superb opening scene is David’s describing the end of Wagner’s opera “Das Rheingold”: “The gods have rejected mankind as weak, cruel, and filled with greed. So they are leaving the Earth forever and entering their perfect home in the heavens, the castle of Valhalla. But … the gods are doomed. [T]hey are as venal as the humans they have rejected. … They are false gods.” This would’ve been foreshadowing and explained the motives of both the Engineers and David
why the fucker cut that out is beyond me, the extended cut is way better.
I thought it was stuck in a side of mountain or something. I might be misremembering things.
Okay well, assuming they are, the whole story is based heavily on Greek mythology.
Hence the name Prometheus, the jars full of pestilence and plague etc
Before the punishment of man by Zeus (the creation of women), men among other things lived an ascetic lifestyle. An idyllic society in the context of Greek mythology is a humble one
Yes it was, but why? Did David crash it on purpose? Again, why?
>humble, ascetic lifestyle
>with a functional spaceport right in the middle of the town
Dude I get what you're saying but it's a sci-fi adaptation of a Greek origin myth - it's gonna be goofy
kino too.
White people were still alive in the future. To add insult they created androids that looked just like them. If Idris greeted him things would’ve been different
Art references alone don't make it kino, that isn't how it works.
he was the nigger of aliens
Why was a woman who believed humans were made by aliens be a devout Christian and then go out of their to prove their religion wrong by confirming humans were in fact made by aliens and not God and then make themselves come off even more of a dumbass by saying "who made them?" as if that somehow reaffirms their faith in God being real?
Wagner is kino
Der Ring des Nibelungen, Das Rheingold Act 1: Prelude-Part I
I unironically love this guy's voice. Him and that black cop in The Wire/Fringe.
Because that's how religious faith works, beliving in something seemingly irrational.
It isn't irrational. It's just the most rational explanation one can come up with without scientific inquiry. I'm not entirely sure why people get preoccupied with it though.
No, she's just being stupid because Ridely Scott had become a born again Christian and wanted to shove in Christianity when it had no place being there and ultimately proves he and the MC are idiots for believing it.
The existence of a creator spawns a more complex question which is why create
>I'm not entirely sure why people get preoccupied with it though.
Well, there is the whole "dying" issue, which was also a point in Prometheus. The cessation of our existence is too horrible to bear, so we need to believe that a higher power can deliver us from such an end.
I wonder, what was Weyland's endgame if the Engineer was a loving creator and indeed gifted him with newed youth and eternal life? Would he have returned to earth and just say "hi guise, I wasn't really dead all along"?
Well men like Wayland and Niander Wallace can do whatever they please
He wanted to live forever and gain the secrets of immortality so he could become more powerful. Pretty typical goal for a greedy businessman.
A poorly written screenplay.
>a clearly intelligent space man was just awoken after god knows how many eons of sleep by a race of clearly intelligent humanoids
>first reaction is to act like a giant violent ape and kill them
Literally what?
>he knew all of this by looking at them for 45 seconds
Nice head canon, the movie just sucked ass
It was Drumph!
>"Ask him why they want to kill us?!?!?"
Humans suck and the engineers wanted to wipe the slate clean. He awoke to an old man asking for immortality, freakish Android who knew a forgotten language, an angry and frantic woman and a couple dudes with deadly weapons pointed at him. They confirmed all of his people's beliefs about men so he continued on with his plan of eradicating human life
Engineers worship the cycle of life, and death is a part of that. He was extremely insulted when he heard of someone that did not want to die.
>the art book
Fuck you fuck that if it’s not explained in the movies fuck you
True also
How would he fucking know that he never saw one before and they were good enough to make it to where they made it
It’s fucking retarded and so are you for trying to like it. Go lick a window you faggot with terrible taste
>he spoke English
Hmm where did he learn 23rd century English?
Engineers are Aboriginals
Just because you're a brainlet doesn't mean everyone is
Well get over here.
Imagine raising some imperfect clone of yourself, you do this thousands of times through out time.
They get uppity and think they're on the same level as you.
You smite them.
>if you don’t like a trash movies it’s just because you aren’t smart
How would he have gotten any of that from a 45 second interaction you are making up head cannon to invent a reason to like this movie
It’s dumb and it sucks
>me dumb phoneposter cant even member moobie i saw last year so how can alien member species he created
Weyland doesn't seem to be type to freely share the fire from the gods with the mortals. Plus there is the issue of the legal ramifications of faking your death. Yes he is rich a powerful, but even the rich and powerful got to answer to the IRS, and he'd be guilty of several years worth of tax evasion.
My guess is that he'd abandon his identity as Peter Wayland and forge a new one as a bastard son that Peter didn't know he had. Vickers would have died in an "accident", he'd take control of the company, and eventually market the secret of immortality as his own invention, making an even bigger fortune from it.
Yeah nigger I’m 28 yo boomer posting from my fucking high rise office making shitloads of money while in Yea Forums
Get wrekt zoomer faggot
>How would he fucking know that he never saw one
He fucking knew how fucking humans fucking look like, the fucking fact that the fucking engineers were monitoring our fucking planet was a fucking plot point in the fucking movie.
Wow, you're literally 12 years old aren't you?
Oh you wish boi
Holy shit people are unironically defending this garbage mess of a film
It’s nice looking I’ll give you that but is mega shit
I am not defending anything, dumbass. Again, it IS a plot point in the movie that the Engineers had knowledge of humanity, it is how the main characters found the star map.
Even if they knew about humans no civilized space fairing life giving ayy lmao scientist is going to brutally murder the first human it’s seen face to face in 10,000 years
i kek'd
They would engineer a bio weapon to completely eradicate the species, but wouldn't kill one on sight? Are you retarded?
>speak pure Indo-European or "Aryan"
>out of all of its degenerated linguistic descendants, get confronted with English first.
Maybe a Sanskrit speaking Pajeet could have saved them.
The engineers had targeted earth for termination, they considered humanity a failure. Yet another plot point that you somehow managed to miss.
No one cared who I was until I put on the mask
Humans have built bioweapons and nukes to eradicate while populations yet most of us wouldn’t kill another person on sight you absolute retards
The alien in alien makes sense as it’s presented and an unthinking killer animal, the engineers at are portrayed not as just thinking but literally the creators of humans.
It does not make sense that the creators of humans would be so barbaric to their own creations.
The movie sucks and doesn’t make sense
Did Ridley really have the plot thought out by the 80's
When you don't know what a physical threat is capable of, leave it alone or kill it.
That's what the biologist failed to grasp about the worm he was playing with that resulted in his death
Yeah because it's based on a story written earlier by the script writer