What are your favorite MTV shows?
What are your favorite MTV shows?
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God I wish I was born a sexy woman. Everything seems so much easier for them.
My Life as Liz
Why do women complain about "being objectified" all the time yet so many of them woule go outside naked if they could?
Nah I'd never be a tranny. I'm too ugly and I don't want to fuck dudes. I just wish I was a hot girl so I could get free shit from beta orbiters.
I love this fat cunt. She's like the music version of Emily Ratajowski. Always posting slut pics while talking about feminism. Feminist your ass on my face!!
Do you ever spend time naked? Feels good.
Doesn't mean I want to walk around my friends and family, but if I'm in an non-sexual environment (e.g. resting at home, locker rooms, nude beach, etc) just being naked, I don't want ever rando passing by to stop and stare
I was just talking to a zommer today at work. He had no idea that mtv used to play music vidioes. Haven't watched mtv in years.
Bebe made good music, but the mass hordes don't listen to good music, so now she makes braindead music for zombie people and her career's on the rise. She was never this slutty during All Your Fault Pt 1
>this is a real tweet
Numbers added for clarity, rolling
She looks like a Kardashian
Gib dubs
Sure you do, faggot
now I just need to get her to see my dick and I'll wind up a regular on her reality tv show
It's not hard to scam marks into parting with their cash as a male either. It just requires a different tact to slapping on makeup and not being fat. Apply yourself.
Is she though?
Teach me your ways. I need money.
Looks and acts like a bitch
Heh, dumb slut
>sends a mid-penis-into-vagina surgery pic to her instead
Earn your keep and you'll be respect forever as man. Hot women has a window of 10-20 years tops, and it's not really respect.
Stop being a bitch user
isn't she muslim?
She's like, Indian? So that's within the realm of possibility
Poor Dustin just wants to get back to DnD.
That's Katy Perry tho
Muh dik
Being a wageslave is suffering though. Is there any social class more disenfranchised than ugly men?
She’s Albanian and no she doesn’t give a shit about religion. They’re the biggest American wannabes in the world
>>Earn your keep
you realize how that sounds. Be a good drone and occasionally you'll get tossed some scraps.
If you're naked you can expect people to stare. If you don't want that, don't get naked.
>walk into bathroom
>see this
What do?
They only care about being objectified by people they don't chose. They want to control who treats them like a slut.
pancake tits
turn 360 degrees and walk away
Based Michael Jackson
Rolling on the river
I've never once heard a decent track by her. Links?
I'm so lonely, bros.
objectification is the stupidest thing to complain about. It's literally trying to control people's thoughts.
"You're not thinking of me in a sexual way, ARE YOU?!"
You get free stuff as an attractive male too.
my dick irl is small
Gimme that 3, all about that 3 life
I'd rather be an ugly man than an ugly woman tbqh. Its seems far more worse to me.
why am I laughing so fucking hard bros
Even ugly women have options. No matter how ugly a woman is there's is always someone desperate enough to fuck her. The same can't be said for ugly men
Women wouldn’t mind wearing a dog leash around town. As long as who is doing it is chad or BBC. Women are all sluts but for the top man
just be glad you're not an ugly woman it hurts really bad ;_;
whole lotta rosie right there
MTV JAMS is the old MTV music videos all day
music videos usually all suck now tho
prostitutes don't fuck for free
They are expensive as hell. Like 300 bucks for an hour. Sure they are hot as hot but think about what you could do with that much money.
I'm on hating women, should I go to a hooker to climb back ?
>turn 360
>fix jacket and hat
Post picture of you before transition
pics of vag?
That isn't you talking
Its the fluoride you are consuming, the 5G frying your brain, and a lack of God in your life
should get a boob job for complete package
Because every single thing women ever do in their lives is ultimately motivated by two desires: to gain as much male attention as possible and to antagonize men as much as possible.
its been 15 years since i started watching porn and im still at porn
seems like a shitty illustration
>implying half of all instathots aren't dog rough without their pounds of make-up, filters and perfectly posed and lighted photos
Isn't bebe a Satanist?
i know plenty of ugly women who have no issue at all finding men, stop putting yourself on a pedistal and be sociable, it's not rocket science. also go to a gym, both to improve yourself (do WEIGHTS, dont waste your time doing cardio for hours because its pointless) and to hook up with men (as there's usually a disproportionate amount of men to women).
Dude, what would you do if I told you this can be acted upon? You can do this and suffer no consequences
She looks like she would be into having her ass eaten.
Oh fug I'm currently at traps and /d/
Why do zoomers look brain dead?
She’s got kankles.
mgtow is just understanding female nature
That's hot.
It's fiction, he made it up
I sincerely hope she'd be open to passing a delicious brap while its being eaten
i want her to SUCK my dick with her PUSY!!!!!!!!
Why is no one talking these?
She’s a traitor whore that sucked nigger and Jew dick to get on top. Fuck her and her family. Hopefully there’s a secret kill list on them by our based secessionist movement.
She doesn’t look like a gypsy at all.
Real Albanians don’t want to be nigger spic mutts like Americans my dude, of course some do but it’s no different from anglos (Irishmen) sucking nigger dick and hating on anglo history. t.albanian. We want Islam implanted throughout the world you fucking kaffirs and we want genocide of niggers, kikes, spics, gypsies and arabs that have black admixture. Also Slavs and Greeks.
What the fuck is MTV?
Mgtow is the "I don't fuck because I don't want to guys, I swear" branch of the incel group. Equally pathetic, less self aware.
You better produce a potent, rich and good yield of pure White goo if you want to impress her
which one of the clones is this? charli xcx? rita ora? skiffy ledoux? excellent iteration
Shut the fuck up
they are all MKUltra hypnosis victims
Cant say I blame them, I have been using hypnosis for 10 years
I'd suck them.
>Yea Forums hates cucks
>has a footfetish, a gateway drug to cuckoldry
lol Yea Forums everyone
>Also Slavs and Greeks.
And I was agreeing with you up until the slav part.
Fuck you retards too.
Imagine being this retarded.
actually just Serbs.
All submissive fetishes are for cucks, adleast blacks want to DOMINATE big phat ghetto asses
And there it is. Fuck off, blackedfag.
I have a girlfriend and we have been together for 10 years since high school and I still jerk off to hentai and doujins.
Not only that she watches me play Catherine full body and I told her that Katherine is fucking hot.
I don’t give a fuck.
Here’s my tags. Dark skin, elf, tanlines, big dick.
fuck off w*ite boi
Go grovel at the dirt of some literal whore you cuck
No it’s fucking dolls.
>This it’s actually right
Women live on easy mode from ages 0-30, but they pay for it hard once they hit the wall and people stop caring about them, and it's even worse because they know what it's like to basically be incapable of doing any wrong.
Meanwhile, it sucks consistently to be a man until women lose their social value and start lavishing attention on the same men they didn't give a shit about a decade ago. Of course, those men are usually bluepilled betas, so instead of pumping and dumping gullible roasties who are trying to corral a provider, they fall for their manipulations and settle into a loveless marriage.
holy INCEL alert Batman!!
Imagine getting a boner from FEET.
That's equivalent to saying: omg look at those elbows hnnnnnnnnng I wanna suck those bows mommy please rub your elbows on my faaace. That's you.
Hoooooooooooooo yeeeeeeeeeeeessssss gimme the toes mommy!!!! Whoooooooooooooo yeeeeeeesssssss *pulls out cock* mommmmmmy pweeeeease steeep on my face! I'm a good boy mommy! Steep on me *sniiiiiiif* ohhhh yes baby likes the stinky feetsies *masturbates so fast hand is a blur* mommy let me give you my cummmmmiiiieeeees! *cums on own feet* aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.
Imagine being a namefag.
Incels hate women. I don't hate them: I would be the same way in their position. I just understand how the game works and I personally don't want to fall into the "husband and provider" trap, is all.