Be honest, did you watch this?
Be honest, did you watch this?
yeah it wasn't bad, i enjoyed it. greer was cool. second season whennnnn
I did. It was alright. Too much "I've got to act like a moron or the plot won't progress" to allow it to be great.
Second season was teased, but heard nothing about that.
I saw the trailer the other day and it's October 1st or some shit, it's got Noomi in it. First season is pretty shit though
It was alright. Americans only hated it because they're used to action heroes looking like they just stepped off the catwalk.
No because Yea Forums told me thatcthe show is liberal propaganda.
hell, even the villain is justified by many characters by saying "lets not be islamophobic, he had his reasons to go nuts"
Wish they didn't kill Patriot to make way for this. God forbid you have two spy shows. Also it was okay, though honestly hardly remember anything about it other than his "I MADE SOME SQL QUERIES" line in the beginning that sounded really awkward and laughable.
I will never not be pissed the canceled Patriot, taking this shit to the grave.
I don't think I've seen episode 3 onwards of Patriot. Perpetual grace, LTD was good though
the snow fight by the gasstation, the mexican standoff on the beach, when they raid the compound, when the bioweapon at the hospital, when "I HAVE YOUR SON" in the trainstation
liked all these but i also forgot alot since watching it last year lol
the terrorists wife has the most annoying fucking raspy voice dude i hate listening to that bitch.
that doctor chick from robocop that he bangs is super fine
Don't put the blame on me
I liked the sheikh more than I liked the show. I know alt-right crybabies will whine about someone liking a non-white person, but he's doing something with his life instead of REEEE'ing at strangers online.
>the snow fight by the gasstation, the mexican standoff on the beach, when they raid the compound, when the bioweapon at the hospital, when "I HAVE YOUR SON" in the trainstation
oh yeah lmao. It's ringing a hazy bell. I definitely remember the lady cop getting killed at the snow place. And the hospital parts vaguely.
Patriots good and really the two shows are nothing alike so I'll never understand it. The second season takes a dip in quality but then again that seems par for the course for shows these days. Maybe it's a good thing that it got a good 2 seasons and tied up nicely without some gay cliffhanger or anything.
Yeah fuck man. They also did the same thing with The Tick for The Boys. I enjoyed The Tick but I liked The Boys better still though no reason you can't have both.
Since you've seen The Patriot and Jack Ryan, have you seen Condor?
Is it good?
I've never heard of it is it good?
Much more polished and kino than Jack Ryan, but slow. It's apparently filmed by MGM that makes Bond movies.
Still haven't seen The Patriot.
I'll check it out, thanks.
watched The Sum of All Fears with my roommate to make fun of it, then ended up watching Jack Ryan. it was a pleasant surprise. can't say i'd recommend it to anyone, but you could randomly binge watch much worse shows
Yes, it's on A&T's Audience Network so it's not really popular.
AT&T has their own streaming network? Fuck man I can't keep up with all these platforms. Thank god I don't have to pay for all them.
Yeah. It was okay. His new GF has an amazing rack. Pissed me off they didn't show it properly. Apparently she'd not in the second season which is shit.
The trailer for the second season is just such blatant propaganda. I thought they were going to Russia and instead they end up having to stop a "nuclear Venezuela" because "they'd already be dead". Plus I already recently watched an entire season about an evil south american on The Last Ship.
Second season is set in Venezuela. Lmao.
can't wait to see jon k. tower over a whole country of brown manlets
No. Can't take Jim seriously in a role like this.
Yeah, it was kino.
Yea Forums would rather discuss Steven Universe or Doom Patrol. They don't know what kino is.
what the fuck has happened to this board? this steaming pile of shit gets a thumbs up? i quit at the 2nd episode which ended so goddamn stupid. the fucking GIGN raid an apartment building like a bunch of amateurs and multiple guys get taken out by a bunch of teenagers. to top it all off, a bunch of them see one of them with a suicide vest and a dead man's switch and the first thing they tell her to do is TO DROP IT, then one of them barges into the room and instantly domes the bitch and kills his entire fucking squad. the cherry on top of this shit sundae is when jim spots the bad guy with a gunshot wound in the street, then for some inexplicable reason gives up the chase because the dude limped 20 feet too far.
No. Only a FAGGOT loving KIKE would watch this.
Recommend something based on books about a white man being the hero and saving the world, then.
3 heterosexual sex scenes. No jews.
you know no ones making those, but that doesnt mean this garbage gets a pass
I haven't finished it, but the action in season 2 trailer makes it actually look good
forgot to mention the ending of the first episode when jim finds out the next osama bin laden is escaping and he just watches him and his buddies drive off in their fucking toyota pickup trucks in the middle of the desert without making a single effort to chase or track this guy down when hes in visual distance.
>Didn't like Sum of All Fears
>Liked Jack Ryan
Most plebby post of the day award
Did you masturbate to this? Like are you turned on by how much you hate it? You remember so many details.
The first season. No interest in the second.
these are pretty basic plot points but i guess the only way someone like you could enjoy this show would be to completely turn your brain off
There's something called entertainment. You might know about it if you had a soul instead of an empty, hollow mess. You can look down on things for being "pleb" but you sound fixated on things having to be a certain way to be kino instead of enjoying things.