Why aren't many Indian babes in American film

Why aren't many Indian babes in American film
they are very beautiful and act so good
Think is racism because they are good but americans hat them

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looks like shit, literally, like all indians


show bob, pajeet

that is what I tell you, is racism because that is beautiful and sexy and works good on the TV and movie, is racism because americans does not want to see Indians on the TV and movie

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Im sorry but I must agree so very sexy and hot! Such big bobs and hot make me want to touch such butiful women I would make sex with having her until news paper man arrive next day

Indians are the least attractive people on the planet. Abos don't count as people.

This is something that is true, Indian girls and women are hot and only is racism that il the reason we can't see her and many like her

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I've always wondered if an Indian chicks butthole smells like curry? Maybe I should ask /biz/

I know that my neighbors old house stank of curry so badly that when they moved out they had to sell for like 100k under market just to find a buyer willing to deal with the smell


Isn’t this an oxymoron?

>ITT: desperate bhanchods


>Indian babes

Why would Indians star in American films? We’re not Indian, why do we want you to play our roles? You’re the racist, cunt.

Fuck you you bloody bastard fuck. I fuck your mother and slap her bloody face. I fuck you too motherfuck bhanchod

what's the point of getting into these arguments. you're going to post some pictures of indian women looking like shit and maybe some hot ones. it doesn't prove anything. please, there is more to life than this

Ullu ka patthha detected. You are not the blood of your father.

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What you say to me? you bloody bastard ass

Bring your sister in front of me Bhanchod bitch. I show her a better time than you.

Why is there no 54 year old Durgesh in tv and film?

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I'd like to hat her, if you catch my drif

I fucked an old colleague of mine. Totally rubbish in bed, super hairy, and a faint scent of spices or whatever, to the point that I lost my boner and called it quits.
Seriously, the memes are real.

Mindy has a braaper for days desu

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Indians are legit the ugliest race on the planet, thank god I wasn't born an indian

Because not only were they responsible for 9/11, their food gives Americans heartburn and indigestion.

Only white women are good looking and some white looking ethnically non-europeans

Im team durgesh desu what a fuckin chad

I actually exist because Indians smell so bad. Parents wouldn't have met if my mom wasn't forced to move because her unit stank so bad after Indian "people" lived there for a year.


Kindly do the needful and fuck off

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Goddamn I want her to step on me.

Came to post this

indian girls are objectively the ugliest girls in the world

1 billion pajeetas

Not one looks good.

That's basically it.

A story of titans

I mean i think indina guys are objectuvally worse looking, but this women blows it out way out of proportion

The only good Indians are the lighter skinned or Mixed ones.

>tfw no found footage Bollywood kino

Attached: Horton smears a poo.webm (640x468, 2.56M)

Its actually funny.

maybe she a guy in india i dunno

>no matter how much I diet I stay fat
Must be those genetics



Some are absolute goddesses though.

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prööööööh :D

Attached: Naomi Scott Aladdin.webm (1300x808, 2.95M)

Where are the handsome Indian men in Hollywood?

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Anytime I see a poo on the screen I feel like I can smell them. It gives me flashbacks of when I worked in a shop and whenever a poo came in, they always stunk up the place and we had to open the doors and spray Febreeze everywhere after they left.

There are a lot of handsome Indian actors and a ton of beautiful Indian actresses. The vast majority of people are plain or ugly, that’s true in most countries. For some reason Hollywood does not want to feature beautiful Indian actresses or actors, they prefer dumpy looking stereotypes.

how does this thing have a career?
