Why am I not surprised? It's probably gonna be 63% by the time movie comes out

Why am I not surprised? It's probably gonna be 63% by the time movie comes out.

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This movie wasn't trans-inclusive. NO STARS

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Seriously though it's insane how purely ideologically driven critics are now


Over 3/4 of critics gave it a positive review how fuckung DELUSIONAL are you people

roastie getting scared

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If just one incel shoots up a showing of this movie all of society will be agreeing with her

How do you even become a """critic""" nowadays? What even qualifies them? I don't even fucking get it. I'm convinced it's a job absolutely anyone could do and the ones that get into RT just have better connections.

yes i would also choose "roastie" as her defining characteristic


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>EVERY rotten on the front page is a woman

t. Still doesn't understand critic scores

wtf i'm a progressive now

Post the real one

She is greenblatt cause she give movie greensplat

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Why do they want this movie to be some kind of morale babysitter when it's for 18+?

Seems just as obviously fake as his image, just in the reverse way. I recognise almost every white person in this image but not a single one of the black ones.

I'm pretty sure you just took random mugshots of black people to try and fill the image out.

yeah you're probably right, blacks don't commit crimes, it's definitely only whites, goddamn whites.

Most mass shootings with 4+ victims are gang related/groid shenanigans. The media dodge them every time, at the most they get a one shot piece or a blurb. They only exhaustively cover white shooters, hence why you recognize all the whites from their always extensive media coverage but none of the blacks or hispanics.

>dark evolution
What did they mean by this?

I didn't say that. But as far as mass shootings go, at least for this year, it definitely seems to be a white thing.

I'm fully willing to admit that black people commit more of other types of crimes but I honestly don't think I could even name a single black mass shooter from the last few years. Maybe if I thought about it for a while but even then it'd only be one or two compared to the ton of white ones.

this movie legit makes me want to go to mall on a saturday.

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>67 black
>21 white
>10 hispanic
>1 asian

Yea Forums BTFO again

Odds are it won't even be certified when it hits 80 reviews because RT knows the score will just keep dropping

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You're thinking of spree killers, not mass shooters. A mass shooting is defined as an event in which 4 plus people are shot in rapid succession. They're common, and mostly perpetrated by blacks against other blacks, and the victims usually know one another or are part of a rival gang.
Spree killers are the type who go to a public place and try to kill as many random people as possible. They're relatively rare but are indeed perpetrated mostly by whites. Jury is out on precisely why, but plenty of people have made educated guesses, ie dissatisfaction with a society that, as they perceive, rejects and has no place for them.

It's made using the FBI definition of a mass shooting which is 4 it more people shot in one event. That goes on every day in Chicago and similar shitholes due to gang violence be the media doesn't give a shit about those because it happens literally every day

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critics are leeches and only exist due to the need people have to believe in someone with "credentials" to tell them what they should think of something
artists create, critics destroy. it's the least productive "job" there is.

I don't care. I just want to go see it (alone, with a backpack) and then come talk about it with everyone.

Imagine "too violent" and "too scary" as an actual criticism towards a movie. I mean, who hires these fags? Schlomo Goldenberg?

>lmao it's going to get BTFO at venice
>mcdonalds arthouse
>incel movie
>you're gonna get shot if you see this movie
>it's antifa anti trump propaganda
>joker is trans guys trust me bro i fap to traps all the time
So this is what we know about the disneyshill script for this movie so far, anything missing?

>reee only most people like it bloo blooaaaaa
it's just a capeshit film not a fucking statement about your incel society

>B-But muh worthless foreign rapist award!

Bruh look at this dood

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what's insane is how you don't really need to show you know what you're talking about to have these kinds of jobs
all those art and gender studies majors are taking these jobs and they'll ruin everything

I don't like any of the modern DC movies but I will go see Joker.

enjoy your empty theater

that's really high for a dc flick though

Why do marvel trannies hate DC kino so much?

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Thank G*d, I wouldn't want to see it if it had a high jewish score

There's 20 DC movies below 63% and 22 above it

Lol that was me on the 2nd post
Tbh I’ve never been more glad to be btfo, this movie is gonna stir so much shit up now it’s too funny

Yeah but ghost busters was actually good whereas joker will be shit.

wow only 297 more reviews for Joker before you know for sure if it's better or not

hint: it's not

Nearly every fucking negative review in the wake of TIFF is the type of people you’d expect crying about the same things:
>muh ableism
>oh goy, white men, alt-righters, mass shooters, and INCELS are going to love this and that’s bad
>muh incels
>muh trolls, 4chins, and mass shooters, its a TOXIC rallying cry for INCELS
>muh incels, also I hate it because it’s popular
>muh social issues (also I’m a Disney shill)
>contrarianism laid over 400 words
>tranny who can’t into sympathizing with someone without endorsing them; also muh mental illness and FUN
>movies make people violent (ugh) and muh FUN
>muh mass shooters
>“I’m too deep for this film (also, I’m a Disney shill that gave Marvel movies the same rating, but they are fresh instead of rotten)!”
>its a TOXIC rallying cry for INCELS!!!
>muh mental illness and muh FUN

It’s comical. Like a comedy.

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Armond White will be the true sign whether it's kino or not


What will tv do if he ends hating it and calling it a glib facsimile

they'll say that means it's good because he's a known contrarian

>too volatile and scary
>Entertainment Weekly

I'd be embarrassed to print that anywhere while talking about a Batman villain.

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Women are a meme

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Based and agreepilled, still pretty fun BTFO
>not giving Joaquin the actor award so all the MCU cucks around the world jump the gun
>give it the golden lion instead a few minutes later
Now that's a based and redpilled festival if you ask me

Do "critic" reviews even mean anything?


Who are these people? How are they becoming critics. I thought professionals are supposed to remain neutral and review a movie based on it's performance not on it's message.

Did it entertain you? Was the acting good?

>>B-But muh worthless foreign rapist award
seethe more libcvck

>Ghostbusters but with women? NOOOOOOOOO DAMN FEMINAZIS NO FUN ALLOWED!!!

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Pandering aside the movie itself was mediocre. Might as well have watched Pitch Perfect.

yeah and the film flopped hard, the ghostbusters cinematic universe was cancelled

based chadcels btfoing feminists :)

it's not because it's a female crew that it flopped. it's about missing the entire point of the original, instead it's like a shitty snl comedy movie. it would be like if they made ghostbusters with adam sandler and his friends.

>when you own le incels

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RT is absolutely irrelevant.

you mean pixels?

>Who are these people? How are they becoming critics.
Jews and nepotism

paul feig is a shit director and the neckbeard villain was the only good part

>film """""critics"""""

who gives a shit?

we saw the leaks.

As soon as it gets safe, we're all going to see this movie... very carefully.

Reviews mean nothing.

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>disney leaks the movie
>only gets people more excited
Way to fuck that up

Already won best movie on venice... why the fuck would put RT opinon over Venice?
RT should realize that there are things that you cant just cancell.

As far as critics goes, you choose whether to agree or disagree with a particular person. There are some movies lambasted by critics early on only to be redeemed in the near future.

that would be based

They're gonna get what they fucking deserve

I was already expecting it to be way lower considering the autistic screeching from journalists months before they even watched it

how is this your comeback?
do you like to watch movies with black people screaming at the screen?
I pray that no one else is in the theater every time I go.

>kicks kicking you seat
>black women acting like Brenda in Scary Movie
>falcons pooping on my head
>cleaning dwarves fucking in the gutter right under my feet
>no designated armrest so I have to fight the people next to me for crableg and anvil space
I hate it, actually

>t. retard

i scrolled through the reviews and half of the negative ones include some political remark

>movie is hollywood auto-fellating itself

"timely", "relevant to society", "important for today"

>movie actually captures and performs a relevant to modernity social condition

"scary", "inappropriate for this climate", "volatile"

This film seems very jewish

No, this movie is Jewish

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Why am I not surprised? Yea Forums is already coming up with conspiracy theories about why critics don't like a movie no anons have even seen yet.

>”art degree can’t get you a job”
>art majors make good money doing basically nothing
>meanwhile STEM cucks slave away doing work that isn’t even enjoyable
Who’s the real chad here?

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People who quit school and dig ditches. Not gonna lie, best years of my life.

I'm surprised it's even as high as it is; usually the RT score is more of an indicator of whether a movie is politically correct and not a summary score of its actual quality.

High RT score is almost always guaranteed kino(except for the MCU). Low RT score is almost always guaranteed crap. That said. You should like what you like and stop caring what other people think.

>usually the RT score is more of an indicator of whether a movie is politically correct and not a summary score of its actual quality.

source:dude trust me

What do you expect mutt you live in the US

>caring about ratings

>almost every day