What are some essential found footage kino? So far I've seen

What are some essential found footage kino? So far I've seen
>The Blair Witch Project
>The Tunnel
>As Above So Below

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Have you heard of the indie art film Paranormal Activity?

>hasn't seen [REC]

V/H/S is an absolute essential.

But 2 is trash and 3 is ok.

Blair Witch Project is the only decent found footage film. Ive watched every found footage movie this shitty board has suggested and they're all fucking terrible.

Grave Encounters is a pretty good one, the .rec and v/c/r series are both solid


Can confirm [REC] is essential.

I also really like VHS, The Last Excorcism and

and The Devil Inside

VCR lol

The Last Broadcast is pretty cool except for it"s dumb ending.

Troll Hunter

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Oops, I've seen both of these too, REC 1/2 are fuckin great.
I'll pop it on the list.
I've heard this one is pretty awful, but I'll check it out.

I forgot REC off the list but oh well

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>all the paranormal activity films
>no rec 2


Yeah I didn't like REC 2 at all. Nothing innovative, and heaps of obnoxious shaky cam and digital glitching in place of actual suspense, plot, action or scares.

Also, not all of the Paranormals, just the good ones.

I haven't seen the original BWP, but I watched the remake from a couple years ago and I have to say it surprised me positively, I was expecting absolute trash and it was a decent flick


Blair Witch Project is kino and Blair Witch is boring trash.

But maybe I'm just showing my age.

I don't like any of the ones posted here except maybe Blair Witch, REC and maybe V/H/S.
WNUF Halloween Special is a good one for Halloween though.

Watched Lake Mungo last night. It had one or two scary parts but overall just average.

Maybe you just don't like found footage man. Which begs the question, why post in this thread

I do like found footage, it's just that most of them are crap.

What happened to the general

niggaa out here actually liking grave encounters

Not litterally found footage but Lake Mungo is dope, it's a fictional documentary so it's not about people being lost/chased/in danger but it rather focuses on the atmosphere and some kind of mistery so it's kind of a breath of fresh air if you've already seen your share of found footage movies.

Also it's already been recomended but the 2 first rec movies are great.

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is cannibal holocaust a meme flick, or is it actually good

If anyone can find it, watch "Exhibit A". It's pretty fucked up.

Yea Mungo is great.
The thing I can't believe are that people are unironically suggesting Paranormal Activity.
We used to make fun of Paranormal Activity on Yea Forums when it came out.

I saw enough of it to turn my stomach. If that's what you're into, check it out. It's pretty harsh and if you go in fresh, you're gonna be really caught off guard.

so how come we don't have found footage generals anymore?

All these suggestions are not unusual. Are there any obscure ones that might be interesting to check out?

Start one. Let's make this one a general

Why no love for Apollo 18?

Not that user, but I liked it. Thought it had a slight silent hill vibe to it.

Cannibal holocaust is must.

How the fuck has nobody posted Bad Ben yet?

The Bay is kino, makes your skin crawl

Europa Report

Europa Report
Last Exorcism
The taking of Deborah Logan
Blair Witch