Could you beat him up in a fight?

Could you beat him up in a fight?

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Other urls found in this thread:

you know very well nobody here could

I'd heem that pussy in one punch.
This faggot too.

Yeah, but it wouldn't be easy. He'd have to draw out a fight, and outcardio me.

say the word multiverse to confuse him and bash him over the head with a lightpole easy

No but I could beat him in a Super Smash Brothers Brawl fight.

post vid of skills pls

Would you wrestlefuck him?

No, and even if I was taller than him, his martial art skills would still give him an easy win.

With the power of gun.

REMINDER. All his years of training, all the years of sweat and hardwork. Can all be made null by a gun.

Based and 2nd amendmentpilled

nobody forgot but thanks for the epiphany

I could prolly beat him off.

Yes. He's like 5'5. Weight classes exist for a reason.

Depends. Am I armed with a pistol? In that case sure, unless he is a better shot.

depends if it's a fair fight or not

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He barely even lifted that.

If he didn't lube up his scalp I'd easily just hold his head and jab his nut off, he's like 4'11.

Rogan pre-lubes every morning buddy so you're shit outta luck with that

Could I beat a highly trained BJJ fighter?
Yes, I think.

rogan carries two glocks in a fanny pack. you have no hope.

Imagine putting Joe Rogan's head in your ass. It's probably small enough to fit without significant discomfort.

In a battle of wits pretty much all of us could kick his ass. (While drunk and high.)

yes he is a fake tough guy

i'm six feet so yes

Watching him overreact to women's pillowfighting in UFC is just embarrassing

Yes. I have been boxing since I was 12 years old, and have been doing BJJ and Muay Thai for the last 6 years. I'm also 6'1 and have worked as a doorman before more recently getting into private security.

>all this
>browses Yea Forums
something doesn't add up

yes, I'd just do pic related with weed and some disgusting egg on toast and hide behind a corner

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Instead of training faggy martial arts you should have been training for survival and marksmanship. Your sports don't work in the real world.

You can't just shoot everyone.

>nooo you have to follow the arbitrary rules of my martial arts when I try to fight you!!!!1!

Attached: 1557495801307.png (785x731, 279K)

t. european

There are many more benefits to boxing than simply being able to fight. Also, no one goes into a street fight expecting there to be rules.

My job involves a hell of a lot of sitting around and waiting on clients.

>no one goes into a street fight expecting there to be rules
>You can't just shoot everyone.
Where is the rule?

You mentioned following the rules of martial arts pal.

I’m much larger than he is but he would side kick my spleen into my asshole and it would be a wrap. Also he’d prob just snap my arm or something my years of wrestling wouldn’t amount to much I’d wager.

And I am not going to follow those silly rules. Start a fight with me and I will shoot first.

hes probably paid to do so. but its also likely that he's just a cuck, considering who his wife is and all of thar

Enjoy prison

I live in Texas, so not fucking likely.

I doubt it

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/k/ has to be the most retarded board in existence

I don't start fights, that's not a part of my job. How quickly can you get your gun out of the holster, aim and shoot? I bet if someone who knew what they were doing was around you, you'd be incapacitated relatively quickly.


Probably note

Better hope you're a good shot then, any engagement that involves a firearm being used unfairly guarantees you will be beaten to death if you lose the upper hand. I know I would kick you till you're unconscious, then take your gun and dome you after. I'd sleep like a baby that night too.

Golem get ye gone

I've been training with firearms since I could walk. I can snuff out your life faster than you can cock your hand back for a punch. I know what I'm doing. If you tried to start a fight with me the next person you would see would be St Peter.

Yeah, you would sleep. In the morgue.

>NOOO you can't just keep head butting me you have to let me use judo and throw you

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I knocked someone out before, a faggot that hides behind a gun leaves insurmountable possibilities what I could do to you after you're out. Maybe have a pitbull chew your genitals off, /k/uck.

Your guns wouldn't save you from a chimp.

Attached: hairless.jpg (1080x1350, 229K)

>hides behind a gun
If I wanted to hide you wouldn't see me. You wouldn't even detect me. I'm not hiding. If I have to defend myself against a goober like you, then I will. Maybe if you lived in a civilised state you wouldn't be so salty about guns.
I hunted chimps once. Too expensive for such an underwhelming experience.

>I hunted chimps once. Too expensive for such an underwhelming experience.
Bullshit. They're too fast.

God made man, but our lord and saviour John Mosses Browning made them equal, amen.

That shortens the list of states you're probably in. Keep your guns clean, pray they don't jam and watch your back, hermano.

>Start a fight with me and I will shoot first.
Retard, someone with physical prowess and superior reflexes than you isnt just gonna let you shoot them. Watch some liveleak videos kid, most fattys that pull a gun or weapon get it taken awayfrom them and used on them selves. Also you have absolutely no way of knowing that the person fighting you doesnt have a gun themselves. Even if you did so in self defense, you are going to jail no matter what, and they would push your shit in and beat your ass everyday, making your gun cuckoldry useless.

Guise, remember when he was a decent co-host for Doug Stanhope on the 2nd string, not yet "woke," Man Show? Wasn't that kewl? (t. paid shill. Keep getting fired up and watch his shit show.)

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Yeah it would
Hey everybody! This dipshit thinks chimps are bulletproof!

>Yeah it would
>Hey everybody! This dipshit thinks chimps are bulletproof!

Attached: soyjack.png (454x520, 13K)

enjoy life in prison, retard

Dilate, democrats.

>chumps are bulletproof
big if true

>muh gunz
Retard, yeah.. You can snuff out life quickly.. ESPECIALLY your own. Most suicides use guns, and you sound deeply emotionally unstable if you're talking about shootiing people on a harmless manlet thread. You are a danger to yourself more than anything. And dont try to turn into a sweet innocent man with the, " ooo i am completely sound, and love my life, and would never shoot myself," cus no gun owner is that stable, and accidents ALWAYS HAPPEN.

You sound like a Marxist.

>sports are excursively for survival
do you have brain damage?

Try reading that again, champ.

Nice black belt faggot.

Attached: Glock-17-9mm_main-1.jpg (1000x1000, 112K)

Take your pills, retard

I obviously meant exclusively, my bad
you said his sports don't work in the real world, as if the exclusive reason for training martial arts is defense in real life. that's like saying playing football is idiotic because you can't shoot people with a ball

street fight? yes
mma? no

portal 2 co-op robot

>chimps are bulletproof
Jamie, could you pull that up?

Attached: rogan chimp.jpg (1280x720, 149K)

>as if the exclusive reason for training martial arts is defense in real life
No, I said it because he implied they would help him in a fight.

Fuck you retard

*punches you then shoots*
nothing personnel kid

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They would help in a lot of fights depending on the circumstances. Even in a gunfight being in good shape is a bonus.

In a fight, anything goes.
If you want rules (or not get stabbed/ shot) don't start something outside of the ring. Sure, some of these methods might land you in jail (shooting or piledriving a guy into the street head first) or you might violate the geneva convention (using a handheld tactical nuke, using your Sarin aerosol spray or taking children as hostages) but as long as you win it doesn't matter.

>marxist boogeyman
The absolute state of Americans.

Faggot, Im a great shot. But I'm not so insecure with my masculinity as yourself to kill someone else to get out of a fist fight. Your obviously have never had friends, me and my friends would fight for fun all the time, and sometimes you fight people and then end up friends. It was the faggots who didnt have friends like you that would always talk about their gunna and shot themeselves over little things

they would absolutely HELP in a fight, why wouldn't they?


>implying Rogan wouldn't drop you 200 yards out with a compound bow and arrow
Rogan the King of Manlets then butchers your corpse for meat and mounts your head on his podcast wall. What the faggot?

>itt: gun retards self insert their pseudo-machoism in a conflicts that involve fighting

/k/spics like you all just keep looking like pussies outside of your containment board. I'd tiger claw your face before you got a shot off, pork rind.

>every fight will turn into a gunfight
enjoy prison you retard

Absolutely, a lot of above average sized men could pick this dude up over their head and throw him a few feet

Absolute cringe my guy, yowchies.

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wow you are really BADASS bro!

>Absolutely, a lot of above average sized men could pick this dude up over their head and throw him a few feet

Attached: soyj.png (644x800, 15K)

>potentially risk your life and/or expensive medical bills because you're a brainlet who thinks play fighting is fun
Yeah, this is why I exercise the second amendment.

It's called stand your ground law, faggot.

>spergs talking about killing someone because OP asked if they could take rogan out in a fight
you guys are extremely insecure, this is obviously a hypothetical situation

>implying that I am not wearing an arrowproof coat of mail and a gambeson

Attached: Gaul_warrior_Vacheres_2.jpg (504x700, 201K)

STFU, bitch, or I'll stuff my unwashed cock down that gaping fuckhole you call a mouth.

Thats all from you, you have an outlandish sexual fantasy, that has nothing to do with owning a gun. Why is your life worth protecting? What is so valuable about you or your "daughters"life? You are going to die, no matter what, what does it matter? If someone wants to hurt you, its because god hates you.

>STFU, bitch, or I'll stuff my unwashed cock down that gaping fuckhole you call a mouth.
>After I get home from work, I sw-swear

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I'd just need to kick him off my leg and *CRUNCH* his head with my feet

explain how you're not going to prison in this scenario
>thief steals from you and runs
>chase him down and tackle him
>he pushes you off because you are inexperienced with fights and can't hold him down
>shoot him in the back as you run
you are 100% going to prison

only thing cringey here is all the wojacks you have saved

>Why defend yourself if you'll just die? Your life is worthless.
Such a Marxist way of thinking.

I wouldn't let him steal from me in the first place. I would drop him right there.

>only thing cringey here is all the wojacks you have saved
I hate this basedjack meme and myself for partaking in it

Attached: soysoy.png (785x731, 200K)

absolutely seething

>alarmist faggot who cant take a punch
Thats your mother speaking. You obviously are effeminate.
Your life isnt worth protecting bro. A lot of people smarter then you also have guns, retard. And even some stupider than you. Better get right boy. Live by the gun, die by the gun.

>Why yes I DO believe investing time and energy into autistic Asian combat dance routines is not needed to properly defend myself if I have a firearm and the basic knowledge of hand-to-hand combat.

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>centre left faggot who is scared of guns
Yeah, fuck off. I don't take unnecessary risks with scum like you. Go huff paint.

>not answering any questions, only replying with npc alt right bizzwords
Why is your life worth preserving? Try answering a direct question, without resorting to name calling. O wait your a shill bot u cant.

Just say he tried to stab you retard lmao

It's a crapshoot, but this is precisely the kind of situation where nullification might actually come into play.
There are only two situations where nullification is a real possibility: if you're being charged for defending yourself and property, or when you're being charged for hitting a bicyclist with your car.

>Why yes I DO pray towards Mecca five times a day instead of shooting people

Attached: chadislam.jpg (1242x1394, 87K)

>I hate this basedjack meme and myself for partaking in it

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>projecting that im scared of guns
Faggot, shoot yourself already.

Because I damn well want it to be. Why do you think it is so necessary that the government recognize you as female?

ok man, you have superpowers or whatever
another scenario: someone tackles you from behind in a shop and wrestles you for your gun. why doesn't martial arts experience help at all?
>"h-he tried to stab me"
>5 gunshots in his back while witnesses say you were 5m away form him


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Holy shit why do guns piss off autistic martial arts cum eaters so much? Must be the high estrogen from rolling around with sweaty men in a dojo all day.

Then why did you get so upset? My buddies and I like to shoot each other all the time. We even became friends afterwards. You're just a coward who can't take a bullet.

Maybe he's not a chimp

>another scenario: someone tackles you from behind in a shop and wrestles you for your gun. why doesn't martial arts experience help at all?
Why would I not be aware of my surroundings? Why does every scenario you think of have to be predicated on the idea that gun owners are retarded?

you could ask the exact opposite, a lot of gun dudes absolutely hate martial arts for some reason

It doesnt matter what you want, you still are going to die no matter what. What have you contributed to any one else's life? Why do you think your life has value?

>lying in court
>no evidence
Better pray your prison doesn't have its own nigger yard, your asshole won't ever be the same but you probably fantasized about that at one point in your life, huh?

>Why would I not be aware of my surroundings? >Why does every scenario you think of have to be predicated on the idea that gun owners are retarded?

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>Your life isnt worth protecting bro
Yikes, dilate.

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Why should any of that matter, tranny? I'm alive, and I want to be alive. The only justification I need is that I can.

>you are retarded if you don't see every human as a threat
do you live in brazil? do you put your hand on your gun when someone walks past you in the store? say you're at the bank and filling out a form then, stop pretending like you're ALWAYS ready to kill within one second

Maybe they're out of shape and ashamed of that and the fact that they wouldn't know what to do without their gun

>immediately bringing up male buttfucking
What the fuck is wrong with your brain? Fucking cumeaters.

I don't live in the hustle and bustle of a dynamic and diverse city like you.

Then have sex and shut up

Get the gun. Put it in your mouth. Now pull the trigger

He'd live if he were a chimp. Just saying.

Just plant a knife and knick yourself in the side a couple times

Stop being so scared of guns.

Maybe you shouldn't browse 18+ website, dumb fucking zoomer

Not in my experience.

This thread proves people here aren't all 18+.

They think their little sports actually work in the real world. They get so butthurt when they are reminded that their shit is fake.

Mentally ill tranny lmao

you can see it in this very thread

Tiny old midget coward that spent his whole life running from competitive fighting who fucked his own shoulders doing retard kettlebell swings. Also brain damaged from weed.

I heem him in 10 seconds.

what's the real story here?

Fuck you.

Attached: fuck you.jpg (640x360, 37K)

Buddy, you talk a lot of shit. I'm a Roman Greco Wrestler, I could submit you in an instant.

Joe Rogan in his prime early 20s would drop me like a sack of bricks. He's like 50 odd I could probably kite him. He'll tire before i do. Probably a guard puller these days too.

>competitive fighting
It's just rolling around until one guy gives up. It doesn't work outside of it's extremely arbitrary rules.

jesus christ man, it's so obvious that you're larping. you're telling me you've NEVER stood in a line? you NEVER go to food stores? you're just so deep into refusing to admit that close quarters combat experience can be useful in certain situations

If someone tried to grab me from behind I would know and I would immediately neutralize the threat.

I've seen this guy do it, he's good.

So what's the takeaway from all of you antigun MMA trannies? You think that the strong should dominate the weak with no consequence? Guns are an equalizer against thugs and killers. A man or competent woman alone doesn't stand a chance against a group of ruffians, but even a small modern pistol immediately tips the balance to the common man.

You're supposed to own a gun and know martial arts.

Based & well regulated-pilled

I don't think you're the same user anymore, you're trying to make him look stupid at this point

Guncels are pathetic.

He looked stupid from the start, I think on purpose but you never know. I just know I've been pretending to be retarded a lot in this thread.

lol no. Martial arts are on the same level as healing crystals and burning sage. It's just vague oriental mysticism sold to affluent white yuppies at a premium.

Martial arts aren't just Asian.

I don't think you're the same user anymore, you're trying to make him look stupid at this point


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Marx was a guncel himself you stupid mutt.

>n-no u
whatever you say, superman

I could beat this soi fag up no doubt

That every time an incel shoots up a shopping mall and introduces another gun regulated law will be a step closer to having your pussy cannon nerfed to the point where you have to get off your hamplanet ass and learn how to throw a punch.

Missed me. And now you're out of ammo. Good luck.

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It's sold on the same premise. It's just a way for some con artist to extract money from the ignorant.


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How come no MMA trannies have managed to stop an active shooter yet?

Doesnt matter. you have to give big applease for the retards to participate. Just to get moral high ground .

Yea, I should have read the thread before responding. I meant my IRL experience suggests otherwise, but maybe that was partial projection because I enjoy both so much. Also, trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.

Most people know the rudiments of wrestling and punching already it comes natural. People do not want to invest thousands of hours into different wrestling holds and counters


I have before.


>Most people know the rudiments of wrestling and punching already it comes natural
Most people can't throw a proper punch.

How come the police haven't minimized the body counts? Gotta look into it.

>y-y-you're not superman so you might as well die and surrender your guns to the state like a good comrade

>implying I don't carry two on my person and one in the truck

>implying I'm not already on top of you by the time you're reaching for one

How come police use guns instead of "fung-shway"? Would't the latter be more effective?

Most people don't need to throw a punch in their everyday.

Yeah, unless he gets me to the ground which I doubt since he's a small manlet on roids with no cardio

Most people don't need to shoot people either.

> have worked as a doorman
Tough guy over here.

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How come with enough martial practice and discipline, can a man in Japan stop a high caliber round and slice it in two with a katana? You will never be that incredible

Owning a gun isn't a thousand hour time investment like martial arts.

you're legitimately retarded, why do you think I'm anti-gun?

>You will never be that incredible
If only you knew

Attached: katana.png (924x560, 48K)

>I'm a Roman Greco Wrestler

Because you're an MMA tranny trying to disarm me. Just admit guns are better than oriental mysticism.

Not to mention that martial arts is a scam. Pay your sensei $500 a month so he can spout unfalsifiable shit at you three times a week.

>Blow Job Junkies

@Ink Para

YEAH I CAN TAKE Bolette in the fight She's a fine piece of ass

you're strawmanning so insanely hard, jesus fuck. when did I say guns aren't the best self defense item? this started with you saying martial arts doesn't help at all in any situation

Most martial arts is weebery
Only thing a man needs to know is how to punch without breaking his hand and a sleeper hold.

>Because you're an MMA tranny trying to disarm me. Just admit guns are better than oriental mysticism.

Attached: fatgun.gif (334x251, 1.17M)

Shuttup tranny

And a collection of firearms.

Guncels would consider Charlton Heston or Hunter Thompson “anti-gun” if they expressed the slightest reservation about permitting open carrying of semi-autos in kindergarten classrooms. They’re genuinely mentally ill, which is why they keep killing people.

It's falsifiable, test it out on people

It's true, martial arts don't help. You can't stop a bullet with your "key".

and there we have it, the ultimate copout

Wow that guy looks based and fun to be around unlike a borderline MMA TRANNY like you lmao

>Wow that guy looks based and fun to be around unlike a borderline MMA TRANNY like you lmao
Is that all you got?

Attached: all is well.jpg (1000x667, 361K)


Maisie Williams moved on to meatier roles

Got to admit that guy does look based and I'd hang out with him.

>you're not a badass unless you can win a fight with your fists
I've never seen a badass looking corpse, yurocuck

>You can't stop a bullet with your "key".

Attached: to test my power.jpg (1024x1024, 135K)

Damn I thought this would be a JRE thread but instead it's just Gunchads dabbing on MMA virgins

Only gays use guns. There is a whole gayfur community for dragon dildos and firearms. But muh MMA TRANNY

What’s a less memetic form of self-defense than martial arts? I talk a lot of shit and I’m probably gonna get my ass kicked one of these days because I’m a fightlet.

You mean MMA Chads dabbing on Guncels
gg no re

I'd rather be a living gun owner then a dead badass.

Fuck off.


seethe MMA virgins

heavy cope

Just train punches and some basic holds, most martial Arts is weebery autism.
Also buy a gun


There is/was a "woke" man show? Fucking how?

>Could you beat him up in a fight?
Who knows? I'm about two weight classes above him. But on the other hand, I'm not a professional or even amateur fighter.
Also, I'm not 12 years old, so I don't spend a lot of time thinking about stupid questions like that.

>Only gays use guns.
THIS! We should surrender our weapons to the state!

Attached: 1568029936080.jpg (1280x1500, 269K)

MMA Chads strike fear in guncels so much they're already griping their guns close to the mantit

>heavy cope

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>>heavy cope

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These people defending martial arts know it's all fake, right? It's just sports entertainment.

I'm sure a couple have shot themselves already after getting destroyed ITT

stfu before I people's elbow you

Karl Marx was pro-gun, you fat, stupid mutt.

>Karl Marx was pro-gun, you fat, stupid mutt.

Attached: soyman.png (1674x740, 719K)

Fat, stupid and seething mutt.

>MMA trannies actually think this will work against a gun

Attached: mmashit.gif (320x256, 1.91M)

>guncels think they can stop this

Attached: rogan kick.gif (435x250, 1.84M)

Do they seriously believe this shit?

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Cope and lubricate, furry

>Do they seriously believe this shit?

Attached: guncel.png (785x1000, 306K)

This is what MMA trannies have been boasting about for the last two hours?

>yea my disciples are totally attacking me right now

They pay $500 a month to do this.

>MMA virgin picks a fight with a man minding his own business
>"Finally, after ALL these hard years of training I can use my earned martial art ski-*BANG* *BANG* *BANG*
>three nickel sized holes erupt in his stomach and he crumpled to the ground and bleeds out over an hour
>the brave young shooter is cleared after he tells the police about being threatened and attacked by a deranged tranny
>he goes home to his comfy home he built using all the time and money he didn't waste on learning a useless asian dance
>he cracks open a cold beer and laughs "just another day for a gunchad."

Attached: 1567148002855.jpg (935x954, 73K)

Gun collecting sounds like such a useless hobby. The payments and upkeep costs doesn't justify any of it when you can't utilize for it's true purpose: to kill a human being

>nickel shaped holes refill themselves
>he gets up
>you notice it's a chimp
>you die

Attached: chimps riding.jpg (511x508, 39K)

>Some fag turning his back on you

Most gun owners aren't collectors you stupid tranny

Most trannies aren't guns you stupid collector owner

You sure act like you are, dumb faggot

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chimps are an endangered species lol

Guns>Knives>Martial arts

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Concede and heel to your master


What is this thread? Kindergarten?

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only because they keep killing each other, numpnuts

You can't shoot me if I do THIS!

Attached: mastersensei.gif (240x178, 654K)

Silence, dog.

I dare you to try it

cool thing about that was the attackers mutilated and torchered (removing sex organs) some concert goers before killing them.

Actually disregard this post, I don't want you to shoot somebody. I want to sleep but I can't so I keep posting stupid shit.

I train 5 days a week. My energy beams would stop a bullet.

Bow, worm

I can't believe MMA trannies think this shit would work outside of their dojos.

I can shoot energy beams from my gun

fucking nazi alt righters are the real terrorists, #notallmuslims

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Let's see an MMA tranny take on this
any weapon>mma garbage

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Make me, cunt.

stfu dude

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You're already my slave, sub human

*kicks away his sword*
now what

No he's not. Quit being a tard.

You all know Joe Rogan has said on multiple occasions that his plan in most life and death situations is just to shoot the guy trying to kill him right?

Funny how the mma fags abandoned thread after these were posted.

*gets your foot split open*

Come to unionize, pathetic mutt?

Yeah, I know. I appreciate both martial arts and guns.

still got rid of the sword tho

>catches sword with toes
heh, they didn't teach ya that at the barracks..

Do you feel lucky, punk?

49 killed, 53 wounded #notallmuslims

Attached: pulseorlandoshooting.jpg (1100x619, 195K)

fake news

Attached: muslim2.png (660x664, 111K)

Killing is not allowed in the Koran, so any Muslim who kills someone is not a Muslim.

Case closed.

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Or one chimp

yep that's when you shoot him


that is only true for fellow Muslims, not apostates or non-believers.

Mumbai 166 killed by 9 attackers using firearms.


the Koran also says every infidel must be killed, it has a lot of contradictions

Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi was released on bail and disappeared in 2015 he was one of the planners for the attack from Lashkar-e-Taiba

Attached: mumbaiattack.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

And kill them wherever you find them

Only by Allah.

Koran was written by a bloodthirsty tyrant who feasted on the blood of the innocent.

read; Invasion of Banu Qurayza, Muhammad in Medina for starters to get an idea of what kind of man Muhammad was, his spiteful ideology and warmongering doctrines runs through the veins of Islam the same way the ideologies of Thomas Jefferson still runs through the veins of the United States.

>And when the forbidden months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take themprisoners, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then leave their wayfree. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.
literally tells them to kill

No, Islam is about peace.

The Koran is only written in Arabic...

>translations aren't real

Gun Owners
Body type: Ranges from big, hale and hearty strong men to lean, tough and wiry. Their muscles are built through reasonable exercise and labor.
Diet: Red meat and potatoes, fresh bread and vegetables, cheese, the healthy diet of thousands of years, beer and liquor when out with friends or throwing a barbecue
Temperament: Jocular and easy going, always ready to laugh and conversate, but also prone to deep contemplation and meaningful melancholy out in nature.

mms trannies
Body type: either vascular steroid induced disasters or pale, frail and self conscious. Heart is barely beating after years of fad diets and chemicals, will die before 60
Diet: Massive amounts of soi based protien powder has ruined their natural t levels, fad diets that wreck the body. Constantly overanalyzing their food which leeds to stress induced ulcers and the rotting of their bowels. Parasites from consuming too much undercooked fish and meat
Temperament: A fidgeting ball of anxiety and insecurity. Combine the worst aspects of inferiority complex and body dysmorphia into one seething panting manlet. High estrogen levels lead to violent mood swings, often turns to hard drugs. Overcompensating for childhood bullying and trauma. High chance of transexuality

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OP said in a fight you mongoloid, as in fist fight. you probably couldn’t kill him in a firefight anyway


Is this post true?

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This is a false statement you took at face value from Gavin McInnes.

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yeah he's fucking tiny, id just hold him at arms lenght until he dies, i did it with my younger brother all the time

Christians and muslims are united against trannys

So in conclusion
Chimps > MMA > Guns > Knives > (you)

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Highly unlikely. My sheer obliviousness to any potential physical deterioration of my being would take me further than most, but ultimately he just has too much experience.

I haven't read the entirety of the thread yet, but I guess someone mentioned chimps are stronger than men. And it's true. A chimp can actually rip a limb off you.
And that's not even bringing gorillas into the argument.

No, wouldn't stand a chance. I wish I could say otherwise, but I have no training and I'm out of shape. Don't own a gun either.

That's fucking nuts


You do realise MMA doesn't work outside of your dojo, right?

t. durchfallanon

You do realize you don't even know how to shoot a gun, right?

I'd just shoot it in the head lmao


Every martial arts trainer would recommend you run away from a fight if your opponent has a knife.

>Your sports don't work in the real world.
Imagine actually believing this concerning well-developed and proven combat sports in this day and age
You gun toting american neckbeards are well out of your depth here.

Read the rest of the thread, they're bulletproof. Even if they weren't, they're too fast for you to land a good shot on them.

So show me the proof of this, then

That's a joke that almost nobody believes besides the guy and his deluded students.

I would surprised to learn just how strong they are. They don't look like it at all. And a gorilla could probably pull your spine out Sub-Zero style, if we take proportion into consideration.
Obviously if you have a gun you already have an advantage. I was talking about pure physical combat. And you'd still have a chance then, but the strength advantage is out of the equation.
And when the chimp attacks you and starts clawing your face, it will be difficult to see, and think from the adrenaline overload.

Ah, yes, the old "no true martial arts" argument.

I don't think they're bulletproof, but they're more durable to bullets than your average person.
At times I've wondered why the military don't employ them in some fashion.

>guncels believe they can kill a trained MMA fighter with these
unironically, have sex

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I've read that Stalin actually tried to genetically engineer (or breed) ape-man hybrids for war.

What the fuck are you talking about? You posted something that anyone in the martial arts world would just chuckle at. How is it relevant to MMA, or anything?
You really, really have no idea what you're on about, and I sympathize, but you should try and restrain yourself from talking about things you don't understand.

You do realise those students are playing along with their "sensei", right? You can't actually deflect a bullet with positive energy.

Maybe you can't.

So that isn't a martial art now? Just because I proved you wrong?

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From a distance, they can, undoubtedly, even if an MMA fighter deflecting the bullet with a karate chop would be cooler to see.
I think a more interesting argument to be made in this case is that a "guncel" without his gun is no match for a trained MMA fighter, even if their opponent is otherwise smaller in stature, like Joe.

Those guns shoot water bro

>I think a more interesting argument to be made in this case is that a "guncel" without his gun is no match for a trained MMA fighter, even if their opponent is otherwise smaller in stature, like Joe.


I said "well developed and proven combat sports", not what is known as "bullshido", ie almost everything involving asian people with robes and belts, with notable exceptions you've probably heard, like Judo.
There's nothing to argue about here, you're just an ignorant retard, if you're really not baiting, in which case, you're still just as retarded for wasting your time.
Either way, go take a kickboxing class and maybe you'll learn pretty quickly what it means to engage with someone who knows how to fight. You know as much about this topic as a fish would about rock climbing.

If someone tried to kick me I would shoot them.

The future is nigh. No common gun or chimp will be able to protect you from that which was designed to never fail, hesitate or make brash emotional decisions.
It's over for organicucks.

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If someone tried to shoot me I would sick my chimp on them.

*blocks your path*

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Just admit that martial arts need extremely specific rule sets and regulations to appear at all viable. They are just sports for competition and nothing more.

Based. It's truly over for the humies.

Just admit you're inferior to us.

I'm white.

I'm a chimp.

>mfw it was ceaser all along


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Who /g/cel here? I plan on upgrading my body with all kinds of cybernetic enhancements when the Second Renaissance comes.

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Going to hack into all you cybercucks someday

I'll probably get some upgrades. Maybe new limbs, increased intelligence, etc. Gonna be sweet.

Why do you hate your body that you want to alter it like a tranny?


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Why get new limbs when you can just wear an exoskeleton you retarded cyber tranny?

>chimp breaks into your house
>"oh I'll just slip into my cybersuit, give me five minutes"
I want to be prepared, always

Just shoot it lmao.

Cope. It's over for humanity.

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That's nice, good luck. You should hope that you never encounter a professional fighter in a situation like that. If he was aware you had a gun, and already close enough to kick you, you're as good as dead.
Getting past your fantasies of what martial arts are will only benefit you, user. Might even help you survive some day, if you really are as stupid as you come off in your posts.

Are you talking about Taekwondo? Sure. But I wasn't.
Modern MMA, as in Mixed Martial Arts, has been rapidly and *scientifically* developed over the last few decades, combining and evolving from martial arts that actually work(largely kickboxing and judo, in essence), mixing and matching elements to create something as efficient as possible in all possible forms of hand to hand combat. MMA only has a bare minimum of rules to prevent it from being a lethal gladiator sport. Here's an example: you're allowed to grab someone, knee them in the face repeatedly with full force, kick them in the head, pick them up and slam them into the ground, then proceed to bombard them with your elbows from above, or choke them until they lose consciousness. A modern professional MMA fighter is a highly advanced athlete who specializes in REAL fighting that has been refined to an art, at the highest level. That's all, I hope this comment helped make someone slightly less retarded.

>Modern MMA, as in Mixed Martial Arts, has been rapidly and *scientifically* developed over the last few decades, combining and evolving from martial arts that actually work
Then why no weapons?

>all these apecels

Shuttup tranny

Cope, seethe, have sex and dilate


Tranny lmao

Cope, mma tranny.

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You're right