Goddess edition
Other urls found in this thread:
What's the matter, friend?
post milf pics of her
A few episodes into VOY S7 now and I'm ready for the damn thing to end. S4 and S5 were great, got close to TNG and DS9 but then S6 took the wind right out of me. Please can someone tell me it ends good.
>watching tv is torture
so why watch?
It's not literal torture it's just wearing a bit thin now. I'll finish it because I've put a hundred hours into this series alone and hundreds more into the rest.
>Goddess edition
You'd still suck her titties and cuddle.
In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
I'm amazed you got past season 1 of that garbage.
The way her hair just rests covering her face is brilliant.
>96 years old.
not watching S1 of every Trek show is the true sign of the tourist normie.
voy was cozy and they're my frens...
unsay meanie post
Agreed. Everyone constantly shits on Season 1 TNG but it's arguably the best season and my personal favorite.
marina sirtis is a child abusers
post pics of her as milfy
I like it, fuck you.
There\s no need for that kind of language, young man.
STD is shit
>hating Voyager
Not even the best in her show
So bold.
Fuck it why not. Be a laugh.
daily reminder Gul Dukat did nothing wrong
Hopefully Contrapoints will do a takedown video of Dukat soon
lmao the bajorans deserved it gul dukat is based xD
Based Chadassian Gul.
I like her when she was a bit furry (can pretend she's Tina Fey who is also Greek)
Why would you want to pretend that an 11/10 is an 8/10?
That is a repulsive man
This (but unironically)
Imagine being this gay.
I have low bloodsugar now. too much coffe and milkshake. tired eating but it doesn\t help. favorite show is tng
What’s the best post in /trek/ history?
she's in picard
the frog is pretty funny
star trek posting
tilly posting
These cats are kinda kool:
Piss & Shit
Jimmy 2x
Valley Forge
Dukat-did-nothing-wrong-guys (It's a two-man-team)
"You are dismissed."-fag
Fake Selar-fag
Fake Fake Selar-fag
Pretty fag
I’m at least 3 of these.
Can you say which?
reposting the same image evry thread with no text? why? it is spam.
With all your pissing and moaning about this, I am now glad this triggers you and evidently, only you. Fuck you.
nice post more of her as milf
it doesnt even have text!!!
>collagefag gets punctuation
I always appreciated this
He's special.
11001001 was GoaT.
I’m into her.
The final episode is a big let down. BIG.
based Marc Alaimo heightfag
Do you get a (You) id you reply to yourself? Can you?
>everyone I don't like is the same person
I don't like your spam either. If you want to start a discussion about based beardless Riker, include some text rather than just spam riker9.jpg and DTO.jpg in every thread.
it's one of the best episodes of the season, dumb frog
he has beard in tng
Riker9 poster is an asset to this community and under my protection.
You only care about people licking your thighs, not the community.
Not having grown up Molly on the show is a huge mistake.
>weird eyes and lips
You don't have that authority. Even if you applied for a janitor position your ban record speaks for itself.
Any Riker fatfic?
Write some
You can still apply.
for me, it is ensign lefler
ill fitting uniform
. . .
Most attractive woman to ever appear on a Star Trek show or film hands down
TNG was full of background cuties, whoever was in charge of casting was a happy man.
What would you do to protect that smile?
Why are her actual nudes shit and her almost nudes kino?
chest job
Nuke the whole quadrant
Me, lonely? No, hehe, I just happen to be here every day.
same but unironically
>her actual nudes
you what now?
ever been with a woman IRL?
didn't think so
>now do that again but use 3 fingers this time
Does anyone else think it was creepy that after Kes left the ship suddenly Neelix started cozying up Naomi Wildman? What is with that fucking pedo? Why did no one stop him?
She looked good in "The Wicked Lady".
That's hot. More.
>mfw slightly taller than Dukat
How come in I, Borg Hugh acted like not wanting to be assimilated was a revelation to him? Don't the Borg take all the info from their victims brains and add them to their collective conscious to become the most superior beings?
Everything about the Borg is stupid when examined with any scrutiny
I agree 100%
I wish she kept her miniskirt uniform. She looked really rapeable in that
Care to explain?
>they ignore you if you’re not a threat instead of just assimilating on sight
>they don’t use shields and suffer massive damage on initial encounters instead of just using shields
Many such cases
Why do you think women wore short skirts to begin with?
>Angry Troi
>Happy Troi
who more cute
>suffer massive damage on initial encounters
i think maybe their sense of threat is a little off what with their massive resources. sure they lose a cube or two but more will always come.
Yeah still dumb.
Is Julian Bashir the biggest DYEL in all of Star Trek?
>augmented superhuman
>looks like a noodle
what did he mean by this?
Computer, replicate two glasses of sherry. Now, commander Niles prepare to beam down to Le Cigare Volant.
which episode is this from (im only on season 4)
>You replicated a practice phaser, Commander Niles?
>Yes, you see, as long as Doctor Crusher thinks it's real, it makes her feel secure, but this way, no one can get hurt.
>Good morning Captain, just getting up?
>Commander Niles just replicated a practice phaser.
>And there is no need to get snippy, accidents happen you know.
>O I'm sorry, was I snippy? I didn't realised it was too much to ask to there not be PHASER SHOTS IN MY PRIVATE QUARTERS!
angry is my fetish along with terrified.
>voy was cozy and they're my frens...
Unironically this.
Man of the People, S6
Season Weird is GOAT
WTF, Paris looks like that?
What, you got the faggy tower, a cafe, space beret, what else do you need?
finale is a little dissapointing but other than that s7 of voy is kino. I watched 17 episodes of s7 in one day.
s1 of ent is literally unwatchable.
Lmao that's like 13 hour straight of watching Voyager. Did you literally do nothing else?
some eating, shitting, showering. When i truly like something then i watch as much as possible. Had similar streaks with ds9, x files, the wire, twilight zone
Correction, she IS Picard. The show will be about the adventures of her. Picard will just be an old wise man sidekick in his own show.
When she hit the wall she turned into a liberal retard. This retroactively makes her really ugly.
That's a good thing_______________________
The future we could have had.
Yeah, let's get a healthy, constructive debate going on the politics of trek actresses 30 years after the show ended!
Moar qt Cypriots
Hold me, user.
Her belly is hairy and I shall not have it.
She’s a nasty woman.
To boldly go back, where no one has gone back before.
Oh, man... you're in for a treat. Look for screenshots from:
Death Wish II
The Wicked Lady
A shot from Death Wish II was the first celebrity nude I ever saw on AOL
MAKE /TREK/ PART OF THE FRANCHISE ALREADY! We have 6000 threads of stories and creative sessions. It's a fully fledged expanded trekverse.
america online?
Where's VF?
Imagine coming here very day for 9 months haha that would be crazy haha
Yep. 1996
In my basement
Lost in a transporter accident.
You guys have like ONE image to work with and it doesn't even get reposted.
>Her belly is hairy and I shall not have it.
Nigga you can shave that
You'll still feel the stubs.
In my soundproof rape room
Ladies and gentlemen, IT'S VIC FONTAINE!
Valley Forge is an egomaniac asshole, and probably sleeping off his latest meth binge.
Because I have it saved
What does this garbage have to do with star trek?
p o s t :: i t
Do girls post here?
Hopefully dead
pls no meanies
Do cuts post here?
I don't want a ban
My wife laughs at my shitposts but she mainly stays on /pol/ and /vr/
Getting pegged by BF like always.
just spoiler that shiz, bromo. fuck.
Post a link to it. I'm begging you.
Data describes himself as an Argentinian in Victorian England
Data descibes himself as a Frenchman in American West.
What did he mean by this?
It's a comment on the English and Americans not being able to tell foreign accents apart.
No it’s true she hates modern console gaming
The occupation.
That is all.
>tfw an entire community obsesses over you.
it's gotta drive her nuts.
She's hotter than BF except she pretends to be a guy, which makes her even hotter, so really it's her fault.
that's like saying the american Cadillac
I wish VF was a ghost that haunted me and then we had spirit sex
asshole shit fuck
one image
There's also the Shinji gif and the street webm
pls no angrey
There is not.
>waifufags obsessing over someone they don't even know is a girl or not
what did they mean by this? I am asking this unironically
lurk more
It's a community thing here. I just pretend like those posts are blank.
VF is the perfect tsundere girlfriend, it's that simple.
>that huge bubble ass in the webm
I would give anything to huff the braps out of her shitter
There is no webm.
The one where she smiles at first then looks away but looks back and sticks her tongue out
>She's all yours, user. Mind your step.
Are they doing a bit making fun of Patrick Stewart? What's the context please? (And also bonus: why did I get aroused?) Thanks.
there's a .gif, a .webm, and a picture user found on her facebook
we found hthe blah blabah blah neelix. jail
It's called P E R S O N A L I T Y
Something incels lack
>It's called P E R S O N A L I T Y
>Something incels lack
A lot of incels are witty and clever because they have a lot of time to think and develop jokes.
oldie but goodie
that's just face.
>witty and clever
>needing prep time for jokes
not how that works, retard
No, they aren't. That's why they are incels. Just go to /adv/. They think they're incels because of height, looks, money and whatever. But the fact is that they all have shit personalities because personality is what gets you laid.
Sure, cus comedians don't spend months preparing a set. They just wing it.
slap me with a hot elab there, bud
Okay, incel.
You have a wife? Who supports you and shares some interests? C-can I ask you your secret?
Is this real?
Just act like Sheldon in BBT
>jokes need months of prep time or they aren't funny
holy shit lmfao are you a robot?
Is there a better quality version of this?
Here's the jpg:
3/10 trolling. Barely worth the (You).
Different expectations doing a show vs being spontaneously funny with your friends. Sure some people are better at improv or writing. Nobody wants to pay a babysitter for their one night out, wait in line, hand over more money for tickets and drinks, then go: wow, he sure is swell at winging it. I am mildly amused... like when I hang out with my funny friend. For free.
You misspelled, "ugly whore"
this guy gets it.
Worst writer
That isn't VF.
Friendly reminder that Data is a computer, nothing more. No divine spark, no empathy, no consciousness. Just wires and microchips, nuts and bolts.
Post them without making me search the archive
Fuck off, VF
i love you guys!
I love you too. I would unironically spend time with you.
no more alone!
imagine the smell
>Sirtis nudes
>a treat
Maybe if you like gore
If I had it I would have posted it instead.
Take your Geritol
She could be a goddess, if she just got fit.
Great fundamentals, but she's just chubby and almost fat.
>"but I'll lose my curves"
no you fat whore, Your curves will be even more apparent instead of having a singular curve of fat on your body.
She could be a goddess, if she just got fat.
Great fundamentals, but she's just skinny and almost skelly.
>"but I'll lose my curves"
no you skinny whore, Your will become the curve.
>70 posts about VF
what the fuck /trek/
Eww. Nasty.
What are /trek/'s thoughts on Orion slave girls?
They look like they're covered with pond scum.
I want to see their green muff
DS9 S1 has some great shit amongst the drek making it the GOAT Trek
>page 9
what went wrong?
To boldly stop where no one has stopped before.
We're back on page 1 naow.
thank you, Akoocheemoya
don't you mean...move along home
>And, this sandwich which you ate-- it was how long? I see.
They run the show in Enterprise...pheromones an sheeeit.
Yes, they do.
>they do
Reminder that Shatner has expressed interest in Tarantinos Trek project
dead thread
Look, we're on page 10.
It's been posted before, can we get a link to the archive?
Watching Interface, it's clear that Geordi's parents are responsible for his incel-like behavior. His mother is a stronk Starship Captain, while his father is a passive, beta-male Science Officer whose wife outranks him. His Father preferred his sister to him, as evidenced by his contacting her before Geordi. His Mother was constantly patronizing, trying to get him hooked up with a stronk female like her instead of building his confidence through encouragement and support.
>That awkward moment when your commanding officer catches you browsing trap porn on Yea Forums instead of completing that level 5 diagnostic he asked for...
Read the thread? user already posted links
They keep getting deleted
Why the fuck did they send Picard and Crusher on a secret infiltration mission in chain of command. They are so out of place
Normie response: it’s a tv shoe
Trekpilled response: Necheyev is a neocon chickenhawk that was trying to install her incompetent puppet as Enterprise captain and start a war
Nechayev is a royal cunt. Based though.
Real Talk: Nechayev started the Maquis and hoped Sisko would join them.
"Fuck Cardies." - Admiral Nechayev
Was Cal actually working for her? Was his true mission to get Sisko to lead the Maquis in a shadow war against the Cardassians?
Bumping with green babes.
Which TNG episodes have the best visual direction?
"The Big Goodbye" and "Family" were both nominated for Emmies for Cinematography.
Here's to swimmin' with green skinned women!
This was 10/10 in 1985
With a magnificent bush
What would a threesome with them be like?
Very fast
No. It wasn't.
It was trashy whore/trashy whore.
You tards have shit taste in women.
Can we have a Thin Tilly edition?
Did he go down on a smurf on her period?
Based Greek women.
I could never get past the stench.
Very fast, very very fast, very very very fast, or Jimmy fast?
This bitch is elitist totalitarian scum who thinks the Brexit votes should be ignored.
I wish the women in my swampy paradise looked that good. Nothing but drunken meth head women around here.
Foursome, there are three of them. That would be great.
Really? I definitely get The Big Goodbye, but Family doesn't seem that interesting visually.
Reed's actor has two modes: confused and constipated.
Having a second vote is not ignoring the vote. It's clarifying what you actually want.
Do you want a border separating Ireland and Northern Ireland, or do you want a border separating Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK? Right now, nobody knows where the border goes, so you gotta have another referendum.
Or perhaps the voters would vote for no border, meaning no Brexit, and that's fine too.
>You tards have shit taste in women.
At least we like women, unlike yourself.
I recognized one of them as the bitch from VOY: Drive but didn't realize she was one of the dozen actresses who played Dukat's daughter
>She's the most experienced of the three
Those are the ones with the most stds.
>knowing/caring any celebrity's political views
You have only yourself to blame for your frustrations.
>Having a second vote is not ignoring the vote.
you like shitty women
So where does the hard border go?
You like shitty women because you're desperate.
You don't like women at all unless they have a penis.
Where's VF?
I'm assuming you are VF
Post better trekfus, then. You contribute nothing.
Then you're a beta orbiter, which is possibly worse.
Based Riker9 poster
That bitch is like 80 years old.
She's probably full of cobwebs.
Interesting... Keep me posted.
>no response
Once again, the Brexiteer has no interest in actual policy or in doing what's best for their country.
They vote for Brexit only because they want to see people suffer, because they want to see chaos, because they want to see the world burn.
Dr. Neelix
I'm not English but the idea of a do-over vote smacks of butthurt.
We hold elections every few years because the will of the people changes every few years.
Maybe we should cancel elections because they feel too much like do-overs.
>why shouldn't the UK leave the EU?
>but why?
Phlox, not Neelix.
Where do you put the hard border?
>wacky civilian alien
What's the difference?
Data, you dog
up ur budd :DDDDDD
Make new Dredd