Critics are going nuts for this but it looks fucking terrible. Ive followed this hack for a while now...

Critics are going nuts for this but it looks fucking terrible. Ive followed this hack for a while now. He hasn't made a good movie but he has climbed so high on zero talent. His rich parents paid for his break into movies. He is the most overrated director ive ever seen...ever.

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Plenty of people like that. You just dislike him in particular because of what he did to your shitty space opera.

fuck the director, boycotted to the depths

>Plenty of people like that. You just dislike him in particular because of

the same argument that killed ghostbusters 2016

So Yea Forums was wrong? Again?

Isn't this just orange man bad: the movie?

the trailer wasn't funny AT ALL


>Not liking Brick
What are you? Some sorta weirdo?

Supposedly it's a commentary on Trump and is subverting your expectations: the movie. So Yea Forums was right, but that's the kind of stuff that gets praised.


just consider the mere fact that the movie can look (and be) mediocre

>Supposedly it's a commentary on Trump
a visionary lol

>What is this? CSI: KFC?

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in an age when film basically now lives in the uncanny valley of quality, looper is so especially bad that i think he's worshiped in modern hollywood the way he's despised by the modern movie goer

I don’t really understand how a whodunnit murder mystery can possibly be a commentary on trump or anything political except for maybe a few throw away lines of dialogue

Sure, i'm not saying that it will be good. I'm just saying that the hatred for Rian comes from butthurt Star Wars fans, if he didn't make that people wouldn't shit so hard on everything else he has made.

Watch the Q&A from TIFF, one character is an alt right troll if i understood it correctly.

the way he acts online kinda turns me way off bro, he wishes he had half the presence of trump ala twitter but can't even sniff that kind of talent

>that the hatred for Rian comes from butthurt Star Wars fans

just consider the mere fact that rian johnson was always a mediocre director

What does he do online?
I agree, that doesn't change what i said.

>Trump bad, TLJ good

>I agree, that doesn't change what i said.
idk man, i really dislike him and i havent seen a single SW movie

if you played me his voice with no context i would be like haha i remember her christine blasey ford eh

No, we were right yet again like always

Hi Disney. Welcome back to Yea Forums. I see you're back at it again with that Kino method of advertisement here. Gotta make them big bucks somehow.

The trailer looked like shit, which was quite disappointing

Johnson has legitimately not made a single bad movie.

Critics liked TLJ too, fuck critics and fuck Rian Johnson


Indeed, he's made several bad movies

anybody got any plot leaks?

From what I understand it's a movie about a rich old dude dying and his family killing eachother over his well.

But also according to critics it's a:
>Satire of modern Republican figures including Trump and people like Ben Shapiro
>It's heavily pro-immigration and supports minorities
>Trying to take on "white privilege" and Trump supporters

So I'm gonna go ahead and guess it's a shitty black comedy about a bunch of rich white assholes being assholes to eachother while secretly hurting eachother to try and be the last one standing to inherit rich old daddy's will money but instead it'll be the smart, sassy black and brown maids who were secretly fucking rich old daddy while plotting to rob him in the end, so they get the money and all the white people end up dead or in jail or some shit.

Because there's literally no other script you could write that would make sense.

He's got not nothing on Jew Jew Abrahams, who has taken a giant dump on two different nerd franchises.

That's pretty based desu.

Rian Johnson is a good director and whoever blames him instead of JJ Abrams for the current state of Onions Wars is mentally ill and deserves to have his precious franchise ruined.

Hi Rian. Your movies suck fyi

>I don't understand how a sci fi space opera sequel can be a commentary on anything political except maybe a few throw away lines of dialogue

Brick: 7.3/10 · IMDb 79% · Rotten Tomatoes 72% · Metacritic
The Brothers Bloom: 6.8/10 · IMDb 68% · Rotten Tomatoes 55% · Metacritic
Looper: 7.4/10 · IMDb 93% · Rotten Tomatoes 84% · Metacritic
The Last Jedi: 7.1/10 · IMDb 91% · Rotten Tomatoes 85% · Metacritic
But yeah, sure, if you say so, guess we can all agree he sucks...

Looper is the worst one but those are all terrible, really. What a crappy portfolio. I wouldn’t even let him direct a commercial.

They have to like it after The Last Jedi. Same reason why they’re gonna love TRoS no matter how good/bad it is. And they’ll love his trilogy if he gets one. They’ve gone too far to turn their back on him now.

>his rich parents paid for his break into movies
>source: my ass
I've been Googling it since I came across this thread and found nothing.

That was some serious student film pretentious shit. I watched it a few times it just didnt gel as a storyline. Thats rains problem...he cant write a cohesive story which is kind of what a writer director job is.

>didn't gel as a storyline
I'm just gonna have to disagree on that one. Can you elaborate? I thought the story moved along great, the pace and the high-school setting were perfect.

Honestly I actually talking from personal experience. I know some people who know his family. They are Californian large real estate family. Rian went around and asked his rich patents friends for the 500k for the movie. Before that he was a student who went to film school with zero experience. Literally held a boom once on a set. I don't think he is 100% shit I just think he cant write a movie and doesn't know how people even speak irl.

Here's the ironic thing. His family are very Christian and Rian was brought up on Christian youth camps etc. He really is clueless about real life.

Ironic i mean as he attacks the whole Christian Right when his entire family is.

I thought Brick was terrible way before Last Jedi. The writing was so tryhard and rarely made any sense. Completley soulless garbage.

Film school graduate asks wealthy people to invest in his first feature in order to get it made and goes on to be successful? I am over-fucking-whelmed.

Is there a better writer working today?

Leftists may eat it up, centrists might go moderately right and the far right stays the same. Until it becomes too powerful, gets corrupted and the left starts being the good guys again.

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>ana de armas
>character name is not a member of the family

found the the smug and 2clever4u maid who steals everything in the end

what're the odds the movie gets reviews on being "a timely satire of modern society"?

the rich parts still think that they're immune to the waves they generate. they really think it's all the lower classes that just drown in it. retards like robert o'rourke dont get that they arent allowed to participate in a society after demonizing their own group long enough

>Supposedly it's a commentary on Trump
So brave and original.

If there's one thing leftshits have become the absolute masters of it's turning ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING into a screed against the boogeyman of the month.

Hot take: Rian Johnson is highly talented and just made a movie that you didn't like in TLJ, doesn't mean it was bad it was subversive.

Drew Goddard
Craig Zahler
Michael Lonegren

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Fuck Rian Johnson
>Yes, my ass hurts

>doesn't mean it was bad it was subversive.
You are... very dumb.

People here have always liked this hack
it's just a bunch of redditors started flooding in crying about meme wars