What are some Muslim kinos?

What are some Muslim kinos?

Attached: The-Message.jpg (260x382, 31K)

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Attached: 911film.jpg (256x390, 14K)

I said Muslim, not Jewish.

is that muhammad? isnt that haram?

Attached: charlie-hebdo-paris-shooting.jpg (618x412, 335K)

The entire film actually doesn't depict him.

isn't it a sin to portray God's creation in any way? what, is that some iranian flick?


cinema is Haram


Attached: Hd.png (498x556, 242K)

best part about "The Message" was how the avoided showing Mohammed at all, so every so often the characters would turn to the camera and talk to it. gave the whole thing the air of a video-disc based "choose your own adventure."

> "Great prophet, shall we ride against the Mokhar this night or shall we propose peace?"

> Anthony Quinn stares at the camera

Muslims are the degenerate dysgenic scum of the earth, no Islamic nation lives at peace, no Islamic people are peaceful ANYWHERE, they are worse than nigg--- and worse than hispanics. They are THE cancer of the world.

i thought that was good

It was approved by the Al-Azhar university. IIRC that rule only applies to drawings but there are different opinions.

Tomorrow's Pioneers is a classic children's show

Absolutely based. Probably my favourite movie of the 2010s.

Kafir bastards.

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slow down goldberg

Attached: william adamsdale holding a piece of snack biscuit in his hand.png (970x719, 1010K)

i fucking hate libtards


watch the movie, that isn't Prophet Mohammed PBUH, he's never actually portrayed in the film

iirc you can't make movies in general though, not just represent mohammed
iranians get a pass because they follow a different doctrine