Post home videos about the attacks that didn't come from news networks. Also reminder that it's vids like these that increased our feitishization of infrastructure destruction in TV and movies (outside of 90s Roland Emmerich films)
9/11 Home Videos
Other urls found in this thread:
Here's a bunch that are remastered:
There was a really amazing one someone posted last year which was 15+ minutes long. It was really tense because the cameraman enters a tower, looks around for a while, and leaves mere minutes before it plummets and he becomes shrouded in smoke. The timing makes it feel very cinematic. If I recall right it was filmed by a professional but he wasn't actively working when he filmed it so it's not for the news or anything. Wish I'd bookmarked it, anyone know what I'm talking about?
jews caused this feel
nvm, found it. Remember it being longer than this
This is the original:
Ah yeah that's it. Thanks you. One of the most captivating videos I've ever seen
>secret service dicking around in WTC7 before it's flattened to destroy evidence.
gg, Mossad, wp.
I remember back before 9/11 Oreo
Had a commercial for double stuffed Oreos that had cream pouring through a city street just like the debris from the tower call that they pulled from tv. I haven’t been able to find it anywhere since either
he got indicted for stealing government cars during the attack
i swear that was a jew running to the ambulance truck at the begining of the video. he knows. they know what happening
What evidence? You bomb conspiracy tards are just helping cover up the real conspiracy. The real conspiracy is who was behind those terrorist hijackers in the first place. The planes were the only bombs they needed. Look at how wrecked that building is.
Holy fuck. I'm doing my best to not break down sobbing. The sheer fucking scale. Seeing that tower fall. Dear God Almighty. Even before that. The destruction from the first one. Trucks just smashed to bits. And all those responders. That cop covered in soot that went into the lobby looking for people.
>trying to film the buildings
>this guy approaches you and says "Back off back off, come on let's go"
You're an idiot. You know how many Jews and Orthodox Jews like that guy work in lower Manhatten. They had no clue it was coming. The ultra ultra rich Zionist Jews that were involved in allowing the Saudi funded terrorists in this terror plot are way way way above them. The Jews who died in those towers and in NYC were fodder like everyone else. Working class Jews were victims like everyone else. It isn't "The Jews". It is the tip tip tip top of the ultra rich ones. Along with a buncha ultra rich Christians and Muslims surely too. The little cabal of theirs in Mossad, CIA, and The Saudi government. They didn't care who died that day. They wanted to let these terrorists have their day of terror to usher in their new world order. And it worked.
oh wow. No wonder he was hanging around there.
I take it back. He was there rescuing people. He later used fraud with paperwork to claim a bunch of cars were destroyed in the attack when he had taken off with them later.
There was a firefighter documentry I saw a long time ago where they were not even planning to film anything remotely like this, but on that morning they were filming and they filmed the whole thing. Even from inside tower 1 for a bit. Most haunting sound is the loud thuds of the jumpers landing. It's horrific
about 33 and a half minutes in they cut in
Wow. Them trying to make sense of it is amazing. Howard did call it as an attack soon after seeing the fire. It wasn't that many years before they had the bombing in the basement.
Reminder the Jews did 9/11 and they'll never be brought to justice for it.
>it's Pearl Harbor
>it's war
>wre'e gonna bomb the he out of them
>it was a suicide mission
>they're doing it over here now
Mr. Schwartz... my dentist... was behind 9-11?! Why didn't he tell me?!
>its a loud explosions are heard before the plane hits the building episode
show me 1 (1) video
>Trust me, Alex Jones told me on InfoWars!
Yeah this is amazing saw it as a teenager.
Not a video but the last janny out(William Rodríguez) reported it, one man's skin ripped and hanging.
Imagine the asbestos.
>i'm 69 but i can still run hehe
>Hey GW. You better bomb the shit outta those towelheads!
>We're letting everyone in here illegally.
>We can't get Bin Laden? Then there's something wrong with this world.
And then it still took a decade to find him
It's why so many first responders and survivors had such health problems years later.
Tell me something he's been wrong about.
reaction video
at 15m51s someone jumps out of the building and plummets straight down
>We need the towers.
>You're not gonna have it. It's gone.
The way they're piecing together the reality and the scale of the destduction is amazing. It really was almost too big to comprehend.
That has no relevance to the point made. The burden of proof is on the one making claims about >le 9/11 cOnsPiraCy xD
What did they mean by this?
Those special effects did not age well.
So, US intelligence services together with THE JEWS orchestrated a massive plot involving the hijack of 4 airliners in american airspace, the controlled demolition of the WTC and surrounding buildings, and apparently a missile attack on the pentagon (I could never make much sense of that part), and systematically (but not TOO systematically) erase any evidence. Something on a scale that would have involved hundreds if not thousands of people on all sorts of government and military branches, from politicians to air force servicemen. And out of all that people, almost two decade later and there is no whistleblower, no smoking gun. Somehow, for people that crap makes more sense than the US intelligence services finding that arab terrorists were planning a terrorist attack on US soil and letting it happen.
As usual, fags fall for the grandiose psyop made to cover the much more mundane and simpler but equally horrendous truth.
>Something on a scale that would have involved hundreds if not thousands of people on all sorts of government and military branches
no it wouldn't, all it would take is a guy with a rubber stamp and a black marker
>EYEWITNESS: I think a bomb went off in the lobby first, then a plane hit the building. Then another plane hit the other building. But when I was coming through the doors on the other side of the Trade Center, something—either they blew the lobby up, or something. Because it blew the glass out of the doors and knocked us all down and I got a—smoke and everything on me.
>all it would take is a guy with a rubber stamp and a black marker
So, is that a magic rubber stamp, that erases the minds of everybody involved?
Keep gaslighting, you're very good at it.
The most haunting thing to me wasn't any footage, but the recording of the last 911 call that came out of the towers before they collapsed. The guy begging with the operator for help, then their screams as the building collapses around them, then nothing but a dead line as the operator calls out to no one.
have sex, prefferably without the tin hat.
>everybody involved?
it would literally only take one person
the eeriest stuff for me was always the footage of people walking around downtown after both buildings had collapsed. Literally looks like hell on earth and everyone’s in so much shock because it was so hard to comprehend what just happened
It takes time for light to travel retard
>the US government can't even successfully win a war against a bunch of cave dwellers using weapons from the 80s in some middle eastern shithole, but they can cover up the biggest terrorist attack on US soil
Honestly, do you people even hear yourselves?
The most haunting thing to me is that americans can't shut up about the goddamn 9/11.
It’s actually the other way around bro. You see things before you hear them because light travel is faster than sound. Still think that guys full of shit though, one janitors testimony isn’t enough to convince me it was a preplanned attack
The same guy placed the bombs, hijacked all the planes, and launched a missile at the Pentagon?
Get out europoor
>it was just one person!
multiple eyewitnesses
Did he address it well?
Literally no one talks abouy 9/11 except for infowar retards and on anniversaries like today.
it is the most pivotal moment in human history since the dropping of the atomic bomb
show me the witness testimonies right now
Only because you guys went full retard about it, and ruined things for everybody.
all the more reason for people to talk about it
This SpongeBob scene was taken off the air because of 9/11.
>New Yorkers fund the IRA for decades as they commit numerous atrocities against innocent people including children
>Hurr durr fuck da English
>New Yorkers after just one terrorist attack
America deserved 9/11 r8.
If the microphone was a boom mike and placed in front of the lens then the sound would reach the camera before the light does. Pretty obvious if you think about it
the supa hot fire video is still the best though
regarding the first one he didn’t really seem to be implying any explosion in the basement. It would make sense that the elevator would collapse because the cables go up the entire building. The other two do raise some questions though
Oddly enough the entire episode was removed and never shown in its full length again after the edits. Not even on DVD.
All i have are home movies from Sept 10, and 12th..
Too busy plowing your stupid-ass mouth.
It literally doesn’t make sense though man and you clearly don’t know how sound works. Light reaches a lens near instantaneously. A boom mic would give the sound a few feet of head start at most. The speed of sound through air is a mere 340m/s whereas light, which doesn’t even need to travel through a medium mind you, travels at 186,000m/s. Take a basic physics class and you’ll understand what a retard you are
In case you didn't know - JIDF has been invading the chins for years now, their mission is to sew doubt and sage unfavorable threads off the boards with ">le conspiracy XD" and other pointless shitposting. Well, JIDF and a few other retards who buy into their bullshit.
Where was Yea Forums on 9/11?
>5 years old, having a blast in kindergarten
>live just outside NYC so kids kept getting picked up early
>mom was a teacher and school wasn't cancelled so had to stay whole day
>she met me and my sister at the bus stop instead of letting us walk which was odd since it was just down the street
>ask if something is happening because everyone went home early and she seemed upset
>told no
>get home, want to watch Pokemon
>put tv on the WB 11
>image is frozen on burning Twin Towers because WPIX's dish was there
>no Pokemon for me
>mom freaks out when I ask what's wrong with the TV
>ends up having to explain what happened to us
Weird day
>the US government can't even successfully win a war
They can, they just didn't try. The point was to destabilize the area and steal oil while generating gorillions of debt. Which worked out great for those who orchestrated the whole deal.
Daycare, I was only 3 but I remember going home early and my mom freaking out because my uncle was supposed to be in the towers that day but he slept in
lol pussy
is your uncle jewish?
Nah he’s a slav
>Gets hit by plane
>Small hole in the building
>Suddenly completely collapses in in itself
My parents let me stay home, fucking based.
That seems kind of late for a north tower jumper, all of them should've been burned out by then. Nevertheless you can also hear the thud it makes as he zooms in.
The only thing I remember about that day was hanging out with my dad. Everybody was stressed for some reason, and my dad had to go to the bank for some reason. I remember being disappointed that I did not get candy from the teller but I was too afraid to ask.
someone make a braddu pittu edit
slavs can be jewish I think. my great grandfather was a russian jew that fled to the us during wwii
>live in Connecticut
>at school walking to homeroom
>notice a whole bunch of staff in the library watching news on the one giant tv the school has
>as we keep walking down the hallway all the classrooms with doors open have the same news channel on their little tvs
>get into classroom, watch the news and ask questions until an announcement comes up that we have early dismissal
Had to go to my grandparent’s house because my parents were working. And the building my mom was in was evacuated because it was considered a target for another attack
>That has no relevance.
So you can't think of anything?
You can thank Lucky Larry Silverstein for the creative demolition (most profitable way to demolish)
I mean I’m pretty sure he isn’t. It also doesn’t really make sense why he would visit New York on vacation if he knew there was gonna be several buildings we’re gonna collapse
lol messed up typing that
I have no memories of it because I was 3, but my parents told me a few years later when the anniversary was on the news that neither of them heard about it until after they were driving home from work on the radio before seeing it on the news when they got in and being really freaked out by it because they'd taken me and sister to Florida on holiday like a month earlier.
The last day we had American freedom. But at least we're not at Birtish levels of fake freedom...yet
>be unamerican
>wake up from sound of parents watching tv
>think towers just on fire before falling asleep again
>next morning
>kids at school talking about it
>classmate reenacts the towers collapsing
just an average day for a kid, we had our own terrorists to worry about
>(((arab terrorists)))
Good one Moshe. If 9/11 didn't happen, there would be no wars in the middle east. Who benefits from killing Israels enemies?
How did Teen Titans go get away with THIS?!
too bad hardly any kikes died in the attacks
Oh also just remembered my mom later told me the reason she freaked out so heavily is at first she thought it was a trailer for a movie about a plane crashing into the WTC, which made it so much more shocking when she realized it was real
the bombers and hikackers died during the mission and the missile could be fired by one person with plausible deniability
Really? It wasn't censored in Canada
Why is yanks dying so funny?
Brazilian here. I was 7 years old at the time of 9/11 and I remember one of the kids in school doing an in-class assignment ended up drawing the planes flying into the towers
He got suspended. And I live in a small Brazilian town in its suburbs. We were all poor as shit but still monkeying around what happened.
Great times.
Fuck off bong
IRA did nothing wrong
lol, howard instantly started talking about bombing them
Literally called everything. People were bloodthirsty within hours of it occurring
>Not understanding the irony
why did everyone see a plane hit the pentagon then and not a missile?
All that talk of 'killemall, USA will rise again' and what did we get out of it?
Recession, surveillance, mounting civil unrest, a good tens of thousand dead and many more ready to take their place with a burning hate for the west
If it was a legit terrorist attack they got everything they wanted out of it, because we swallowed the bait hook line and sinker
9/11 is the most beutiful thing that took place in america
A lot of those people are describing phenomena already attributed to the official story. The plane explosions have to create the lobby/basement disturbance in any model because the fireball got right into the elevator shafts and had to travel down them. Cars would have exploded in the aftermath of the collapse because you can see photos of many of them as burnt out frames. Many of them seem utterly bewildered by the collapse and don't know how to describe the noise except to call it an explosion. Falling bodies were also loud enough that some people could call them explosions.
Yeah unfortunately the Suadis and al-Qaeda proved their point near flawlessly and the world has only gotten progressively worse culturally in the last 18 years
Don’t try to reason with them man. Someone in this thread was trying to argue sound would reach a camera before light would it’s not worth the effort arguing with retards
Occams razor is a strawman used by pedophiles who think we're just atoms
>8 year-old in Vietnam
>the whole family watched it on tv in the evening news
>the whole vibe was "damn this is fucked up, but we've been through worse"
>"guess they will know what it's like to be attacked, huh"
because the rest of the world is jealous of us i suppose
not as funny as chinese escalator videos
>invade southern Vietnam
>bloohoo why are we getting bombed this is just like 9/11
>wage war across the globe, killing millions for their imperialist conquest
>a few building collapsed
The difference is innocents. The people in the WTC weren't soldiers.
more than one person can be capable of calling out retardation :))
It's the worst when the best country gets attacked, faggot. Sorry you don't live in the best country and have to survive in the disgusting wasteland you call your home.
Sure, we're not as great as we were before, but it's loads better than the alternative.
>help the French retained their colony and enslaved vietnamese people
>prop up a dictatorial puppet government after French got fucked up
>woooaoaao why did they want to get their country back
only time we were ever attacked like that before was pearl harbor
>only soldiers were killed in american-made wars
There's just one problem....
America definitely deserved 9/11 but you’re not really being edgy or interesting by pointing that out. If it happened to any other first world western country you’d still hear about it today. People just use it as an excuse to shit on America even though pretty much most modern democracies have done horrible atrocious shit throughout history
show examples of the opposite.
nice shop bro but i know what i posted and what i didn’t
ya know, China deserves something like this. How about 2 nukes instead of planes?
it was early afternoon and I got home from highschool and I turned on the news and saw what's happening
don't exactly remember if the first tower already collapsed, I watched the channel for the rest of the day
I was still interested in news and politics back then
>nice shop bro
COPE. Stop replying to yourself.
hey we nuked two cities
My-Lai massacre, Khandar Massacre, citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
only white Americans are people.
Wont be the best for much longer the way you have continually shot the west in the foot after 2001 ;^)
Friendly reminder that Northern Virginia was also attacked during 9/11. NYCfags always hogging the attention.
civilian death toll of recent middle east wars already exceed the ~3000 from 9/11
>asians are people
and kandahar was a single soldier.
How’s that being attacked, Chang?
lmao who gives a shit about NoVa
Does it also exceed the numerous terrorist attacks on the American people too?
nope & cope
We can all agree that 9/11 is a tragedy that the US deserves?
>moving goal posts
you asked for examples of the US killing non soldiers and I have them to you
>moving goal posts
meme term, finish high school
Those are mostly done by fellow americans
It looks barely fucked up DESU.
Why would he tell a goy?
>real american
stop joking
Don’t cut yourself with that edge.
>born in NY
>lived there for half my childhood
>2001 I'm in 10th grade in Deltona, FL
>been rumblings about fire in NYC and planes between classes
>got to band and we asked the teacher if he knew anything
>he said he had just seen some footage in the break room and we start asking him to show us
>wheels out the TV and puts on CNN
>everyone kind of watching in shock for a while, this is like 9:30 so everything is still on fire
>teacher isn't even saying anything, just watching with his hand over his mouth
>Tower 2 collapses
>lots of cursing
>one of the girls just starts crying and finally says "My mom works in that building"
so did you fuck the girl? you're beta if you didn't move in.
>3000 dead
yeah what other user said it shows in canada often since i was a lad
why the fuck did i get a boner reading this
I'm gonna go ponder life now
why did you give up?
i jerking off sorry
>military installation was attacked with minimal casualties
>biggest office towers in the greatest city in the country are attacked and completely destroyed killing thousands of innocent civilians
I was 1 when it happened so I can't remember lul
it’s okay so am i
Thanks for these, anons. Absolutely eerie shit.
Anybody got the retrospective version that cuts some later interviews with footage from the studio?
Whether you are for or against Al Qaeda, you can appreciate the cinematics of this attack.
True, pure kino in every sense
Playing smash bros after school
>you have continually shot the west in the foot after 2001 ;^)
not as bad as germany pre 2001 :)
non-american here
i was 6 years old when it happened, remember watching reports of it on tv, parents reacting all concerned
all i was thinking is 'what's the big deal, americans have lots of other skyscrapers'
do people unironically believe that? in my country i didn't even see a nigger until i was like 7 years old