Holy SHIT this movie was freaking awesome.
Why do I hear people bashing it all the time? It had a weak beginning, sure; but once Jason gets revived, and the qt android gets introduced, it gets a lot better. It sure as hell was a lot better then the last several formulaic f13 movies.
Holy SHIT this movie was freaking awesome
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Yeah, this and Dracula 3000 is tha bomb!
>Why do I hear people bashing it all the time?
because qt android pic related is the best thing about this flick
the rest is shit.
It's an awesome guilty pleasure movie
You have terrible taste in movies and women
Even if she was removed, the story was still good (certainly not any different from the past several "Jason chase Jason kills Jason dies BuT nOt ReAlLY" basic story lines), has decent acting from most of the actors, they manage to kill off the one annoying character in the first half hour...the only actual reason that I can see why someone would actually hate it, is because of the setting , robot Jason, or that it pokes a lot of fun at itself and the series.
It's shitty self-aware trash.
Jason X sucks, but it has one of my favorite kills in it unironically.
You're an idiot.
Didn't mythbusters do an episode on that or something?
>or something
>You're an idiot
Yet, you're entertained by the bottom of the barrel, low-tier trash. KYS quietly and slowly.
Fucking relax dude, this is a Friday the 13th thread. You don't need to reply to every single poster and be a complete hardass.
unironically based movie
I only posted once until now, faggot
I kind of wish it was a pilot for a tv series, the whole aesthetic has the same tone as those cheap 90's sci fi shows.
You must be fun at parties
Stop lying incel.
>implying they've ever been invited to a party
It's the best Friday the 13th movie. Slashers are never scary, so they instead made a comedy/action thing, and it works.
It's the closest in tone in the series to Part VI. I'm not the biggest fan of either one. I'm not much for the whole self awareness thing. Jason X reminds me of silly low budget movies you'd see on the sci-fi channel in the 90s. To me it's just not a Friday film to watch when I want to see a Friday film. Maybe you know what I mean.
No fucking way dude. If part VI is self aware, it’s in crystal lake fashion. Jason X doesn’t feel like a Friday movie, even down to the music. It sucks aside from the hot android.
Jason X and Jason Goes To Hell are indeed the goriest movies out of the entire franchise and also have worthy director's cuts. Both movies are held in low regard for their campy, utterly retarded tone, but they bring the gore. It is fucking sad the cut gore footage is forever gone for rest of them, I don't consider the director's cut of the first one all that special.
I thought it was kino as fuck too user.
>that constant manhandling of her tits
I wanna go back, god damn it.
Slasher fans are dullards who unironically thought the early entries were really good and scary.