Just take the migrants p-please

>just take the migrants p-please


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I still don't understand brexit

>Johnson/Farage Alliance
were reaching high kino here

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brexit means brexit

Simple as

>brits be like
‘No, we dont want european immigrants, we want pakis and blacks!’ lmao

This is in Calais, France. All of them want to Britain and Brits, understandably, don't want this filth.

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it's rayciss

Britain is ruled by old commies in Belgium that give British people no say in how their country is run
The people voted a referendum to remove themselves from this tyranny.
The British elite class threw a tantrum and are doing everything they can to prevent this exit from under the boot of the eternal Belgian and they've got in it's way for the past 3 years.
They're hoping they can push it away for a few more years and have another referendum where the people will vote to undo the last vote after years of "Brexit bad" propaganda like the OP film.

That’s more Frances fault than the EU

>party in disarray
>MPs leaving party
>ministers literally begging you to announce Labour is the "Remain" party
is the fire rising?

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I wouldn't waste time looking into it, England is irrelevant.

How will the EU punish Britain without opening the eyes of the other member states? If they do nothing it's the same result, people realising they can be negotiating on their own terms.

Brexit was barely about immigrants, but more about the EU "paternalism"
And now these island monkeys have to live the consequences of leaving a trade union

If it wasn't for the EU, those faggots wouldn't be there in the first place.

The long and short of it is this,
>brits woefully uneducated on how the EU works
>British politicians and media blame the EU for anything that goes wrong for the last 20 years
>lots of anger over the large amounts of immigration to the UK (even though the ones causing the most problems are nonwhites not from the EU)
>brits told they can leave but negotiate ‘a deal’ which will give them all the benefits but none of the responsibilities
>this deal is an impossibility
>they keep stalling for time trying to work out said deal not realising its basically impossible because of how the EU works (e.g. they want a special deal with Ireland but cant because you must negotiate with the EU as a bloc not on a per country basis)

tell me ONE lie Boris Johnson has said

I might be wrong, but Britain didn't have a rapefugee migration treaty with the EU right? Any immigrants they accept they do by their own volition.

A hard brexit will make the pound crash like never before and big companies and banks will leave britain.
Then they have to pay a lot more for literally everything they import from other EU countries.
The EU doesn't have to do anything, britain's economy will get fucked on its own.

The calais camp predates the migrant crisis by years

How would Brexit fix that?

non-meme question to britfriends: is brexit really happening or not?
quite frankly I'm open to both possibilities, if the UK really does okay on its own it'd be a huge blow to the EU

>Brexit was barely about immigrants
Would say the lower class vote was completely dominated by a mixture of that and GOD SAVE DA QUEEN. I personally think that the EU is a fucking mess but now i'm aware of how much of a bigger shitshow the british parliment is

saying he's interested in an actual deal

>A hard brexit will make the pound crash like never before
The EU wouldn't want that, it would weaken the Euro and send them into a recession

>is brexit really happening or not?
at the moment yes. the people against it have only delayed it by 3 months AT BEST
still due to leave on 31st October unless EU want a delay too

Oh no how will they manage without a useless layer of beaurocracy. What, the EU will punish them by shitting up the terms with the member states? How will that happen without fucking over the member states and them realising they should leave and negotiate by themselves?

Brits get all the worst migrants from Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Those places have literally been using the UK as a dumping ground for their undesirables.

Big companies already left m8

GL with hard brexit tho

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what proof is there against that?

it's brittains last spastic moves before it dies

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that picture is fake as fuck. fucking hell
Airbus still in UK
no jobs were lost with Nissan

thats just off the top of my head

Sovereignity is more important than money. Sadly, I'm not British, but I wish our economy would collapse.

>text leave eu
>>standard fees apply
very cool

Meant for


maybe that he forced the fucking shut down of the parliament until 2 weeks before dead line? Are you fucking retarded?

>making assumptions
ah so he isn't telling lies on that?

His Brexit is a lie

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The posh Tory boys who were born into incredible wealth don't like the new EU tax laws which start in November.

They paid big media and shills to push some sort of mass immigrant argument and "taking back control" (the UK has full control over who gets a visa to live here)

Brainlets fell for it, especially poor brainlets who love Greggs, weatherspoons and SPORTSDIRECTDOTCOM UKS NUMBA ONE

>everyone knows who won
I genuinely don't. Did anyone but britcucks care?

like a broken record

C-can I have a no deal please?
Parliament: No!

A bunch if rich fucks successfully convinced a bunch of poor fucks that they're poor because of some rich fucks abroad, rather than those same rich fucks at home. And that if those poor people just let them do what they want, their situation will improve. In reality it's just going to further increase the gap, because those rich fucks just want to get around incoming EU regulations on tax avoidance and money laundering, which is why they're so desperate to force through a no deal before the ywar is up and also why they ousted May (she included taking over those new regulations as part of her proposed deal)

What tax laws?

>>British politicians and media blame the EU for anything that goes wrong for the last 20 years

Make that 50+ years

Tory detected

Why would the pound crash and why would companies leave? They just negotiate new terms. Business goes on without useless politicians interfering.

>Why yes, my plan is to ruin the country so not even third worlders would want to immigrate, what gave it away?

There are new EU regulations on tax avoidance and money laundering being brought in next year, basically going after money that's hidden in offshore accounts

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>He thinks a 13 year old posh tory boy who wore a monocle at school has his best interests
Tax avoidance

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look at someone like Rory Stewart who is a tory and by far does has the countries best interests

At this point I'd rather live in poverty than around shitskins.

>hey guys, we really need to find a solution to this problem, the clock is ticking
>that's why i ordered a complete shut down against the will of literally every single person in this parliament, so that we only have 14 days to find that solution
You "based and redpilled" niggers are fucking delusional

the final redpill and perhaps the hardest to swallow is that poverty is good

And why is this bad? The EU is fucking cancer and all that tax money goes to Abdullah and his 20 children anyways.

>who is a tory
He pretty much isn't anymore though

it has consistently been known that deals are done at the 11th hour. its obvious a good idea to keep no deal as a bargaining tool
is this your first time following politics?

I admit the guys funny

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>They just negotiate new terms
They have to do that with literally every single company individually, it will cost them more and without a deal, like Johnson wants, on the 1st of November, the entire economy is in some kind of legal void, because every contract for EU workers and EU companies and EU imports suddenly lose its legitimation.

he said he still is yesterday despite whip gone and is trying to get behind Johnson in pushing for a better deal before 31st October

EU won't do much, postpone for years and years.
Unless the UK does something radical this shit will be stalled for years

>it has consistently been known that deals are done at the 11th hour. its obvious a good idea to keep no deal as a bargaining tool

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>resorted to memes

I'm gonna try again because I guess people miss my posts.
Why is leaving bad? Why do you think the apocalypse will happen without the faggy beaurocrats interfering with people's buisiness?

it seems we are in fact getting a bone chilling slow burn withdrawal

>Why is leaving bad?
you may have to pay for a visa to go on holiday

thats about it.

>answer my loaded question!
You're an idiot

>>resorted to memes

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>"why is leaving bad?" is a loaded question

Who the fuck cares anymore about that rainy, shitty island? It's all going to be Muslims by 2040 anyway.

can't be worse than pakistan lmao

>According to one study, the referendum result had pushed up UK inflation by 1.7 percentage points in 2017, leading to an annual cost of £404 for the average British household.[7] Studies published in 2018 estimated that the economic costs of the Brexit vote were 2% of GDP,[8][9][10] or 2.5% of GDP.[11] According to a December 2017 Financial Times analysis, the Brexit referendum results had reduced national British income by 0.6% and 1.3%.[12]
That's in year one. It only gets bleaker as time goes on and countries turn away from the UK for trade. But muh visas or whatever these lying idiots are saying

he's been begging for an election for years now. why doesn't he want one?

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It's not bad, but leaving without a deal is bad.
Like other anons already told you, first britain has to pay millions for breaking contracts, then they have to make new contracts for every minor shit, all while in that time, no one knows the legal situation of their company.
Every major business will instantly fuck off from that island, because, ironically, now it's a legal and beraucratic mess

Because No Deal terms for the UK suggest universally that they would be worse off overall in terms of economic development and standard of living. As it stands, esp with Johnson and Trump, a No Deal means the UK traded Pavel for Pajeet and their remaining social services for the cum encrusted cock of American businesses that will make it into a 51st state.

Imagine being so racist you want to cause a recession. What the fuck is wrong with right wingers?

i dont see why utilizing money that other wise would be hide and unused for decades a bad thing
specially when is just a bunch of rich faggots that try to avoid responsability and leave them to you to pay for them

[loaded question detected]

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i'm not right wing but i'll crash my country given the chance if it meant immigration stop

Brexit was backed by Zionist Jews and Boris has already promised amnesty to half a million illegals.

Your taxes are pennies to any EU welfare scheme both foreign and domestic. Are you literally that upset that you'd sunder the Union and toss the country back 20 yrs in development just to spite some Paki fuck you'll never meet in your entire life?

>Why is avoiding paying UK tax after making all your income in the UK a bad thing


Glad I left the UK years ago. Shits nothing but a comedy show to me.


>durr da fookin pakis

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>Are you literally that upset that you'd sunder the Union and toss the country back 20 yrs in development
Who gives a toss about "development", how many more polacks and pakis do you cunts want to to fucking fit on there anyway? Pave over the last pieces of green to fit in another twenty million fucking Nigerians?

why are people still clinging to remain?
its embarrassing
referendum was 3 years ago. if youre still struggling to accept defeat you are pathetic.

racism is natural and healthy



France fought tooth and nail together with Donald Tusk to prevent the immigrants from crossing the Aegean. Then Merkel and Junker just went around the parliament and told the fuckers "all are welcome in Germany". Of course that created an avalanche far beyond what Germany was capable of dealing with so they began to bitch about "solidarity within EU".

aside from the burocracy hell every fucking companny and the state itself will need to go trought and the lost of the biggest trade dealt the british has i guess they get to loss their position as an important player in the geopolitical world, as they lose any an all influence over the EU become just another dog of the EU or USA, who knows who get to keep it, probably EU will just reintegrate it later but whit a less adventaged position for the british

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>No deal will crash the pou--

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>let me tear apart my country over pakis and blame a supranational entity that had no say in who the UK let in at all

>Nigel Farage in 2016: If it ends, say 52 to 48 for remain, that still wouldn't be the end of it for me
>Farage after it ended just a touch under 52 in his favour: That's the result, you'll just have to accept it

Brexit was racist a bigoted hate mob hijacked democracy away from the people with the help of Russia and now Britain is on the brink of collapse because of it, there's a very good chance the UK will cease to exist in the next year or so.

People are realizing the EU is nothing but the tool used to out the Kalergi plan in motion. The EU is an anti-white organization whos only purpose is mantaining a continuous stream of shitskins into Europe.

>He thinks the UK has no say in who can and can't love there because they have a passport from a EU country

He thinks the guy who wrote "the art of the deal" will give the UK who are without any deals a good deal

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>noooo you're tearing up this country you can't do that you racist fuck oh by the way "nationalism" is a 19th century meme exploited by posh cunts to oppress you-

>BRB, gonna crash the economy and create food and drug shortages while thwarting democracy in the process


Im just saying for all the moaning and crying about getting cholorinated chicken, theyre already our 2nd biggest import and its not an issue.
majority of our food comes from UK anyway

Blaming DA PAKIS isn't an argument. I'm a Lexiteer btw. Rightwinger arguments are pants on head retarded.

Import the pakis Indians then. Fine your choice Nigel farage and Boris Johnson frequently appeared on India today.
They want the south Asian cock. And they're going to get it. Fine say no to fellow whites see where it puts you.

Sounds to me like you just don't like successful people. It's not your money, pinko.

>I'll make my country a third world country if it means those filfthy third worlders stop coming here

Fine plan you have there

>drug and food shortages
do you not keep upto date with the news?

Good, the past 100 years have proven that democracy is a broken system. Thats right, give power to people who have no idea about ruling nations and who can be easily brainwashed into destroying themselves.
And even more with the retardation that millennial activism is.

>Majority of our food comes from the UK anyway

Fucking KEK.

That's pretty serious

if you hate the pakis so much why are you gonna replace the poles with them?

>becoming another pet of the USA is such a better thing than being part of the EU
sure, just ask south america, they all love it

That's the best part, it's all - assuming it goes ahead - just going to further expose the lie that the public has any control over immigration policy whatsoever. Vote Brexit, get two millions pakis, vote Remain, get two million gyppos.

truth hurts

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You can recover from economic collapse, but not fron demographic changes. Non-Europeans shouldnt be allowed in Europe, not even Americans.

Nigel is the embroidment of the anglo spirit

>Campaign for months for Brexit and how much of a good thing it'll be
>The vote actually passes and the campaign is successful
>The first thing he does is to retire from parliament right after the vote and go live in Germany for the next two years

No its not desu. The future is balkanisation for all people who are too nationalist to live together. Can't cooperate with other humans, you'll end up becoming a tiny shit hole. See how powerful England will be without Wales, North Ireland and Scotland.

Kalergi was a European integrationist and his muttening/race mixing thing was taken out context.
This whole thing is blaming brown people even though its entirely up to the UK to decide who to admit into the country and not the EU. Assuming No Deal, you're gonna open your ass for legit more actial pakis and pajeets instead of pavels just to keep your labour market functioning. Enjoy getting raped on the world stage with no help whatsoever from your >American friends

Sounds like the government is full of traitors and needs to be burned into the ground.

>people realising they can be negotiating on their own terms

The EU has time and time again said they will not renegotiate the deal, at best they will be open to what the wording is on the future declaration, i.e. plans for the future after Brexit. Boris claiming he can do complete renegotiations is typical populist bullshit.

Sounds like a problem on the side of the EU members who can't negotiate on their own.

>Assuming No Deal, you're gonna open your ass for legit more actial pakis and pajeets instead of pavels just to keep your labour market functioning
Britain's going to be majority-brown in ten years regardless lol

You are a millennial, you wont last a week in such a situation.

Americans are gonna sell their sub standard poisoning chicken and other garbage foods to the UK. So is China.
UK will have to accept that garbage into their country and next thing we'll know, mainland Europe is less poisoned by bad food.
UK will accept those trade deals because nobody cares about 64 million people. The British empire doesn't exist anymore. People can afford not to trade with UK.

I've done research and this is sorta true. When the UK was just opening up for immigration the 50s the politicians for it were literally saying in Parliament that these populations would never be more than 0.5-1% ever.

What was the context? I think his opinion that Europe should be turned into a USA-tier multicultural shithole is very clear. The EU is the biggest enemy European civilians are facing right now.

Probably not. Britain averages 1% more brown every decade. It's gonna take a long time.

>and now Britain is on the brink of collapse
please stop, i can't start cooooming first thing in the morning

Maybe they should be killes now that we still have a chance. Why are there muslims in Europe anyway? This is not their land.

USA is a superpower. You're just an American who wants to Europeans to stay weak and divided so you can force your bad trade deals on us and rule us.
If balkanisation is so good, why don't you do? Break up America into autonomous states.

>Americans are gonna sell their sub standard poisoning chicken and other garbage foods to the UK
this has already been proven wrong in this very thread.
USA is our second biggest import yet we see non of the chicken you mention.
Have you even noticed the chicken sold in supermarkets? all products of UK.

Why don't Europeans clean their chicken?

>muh racist bigotes
Oh boy, an amerimutt leftists. Can't wait until the USA dies out from your beloved multiculturalism.

Only 20% of the population is racist.

Because the states are more similar in infinitesimal ways than they are different like in Europe, you dumb fucking faggot yuropeon.

we use a different process
chlorinating chicken was banned in the 90s. its still done to clean vegetables though

I dont want America balcanized, I want it turned into glass. America has already had a heavy hand in the muttification of Europe, plus, every US citizen seems to be anti-white to some degree, they wont be missed. But the US and the EU must go away. We dont need deals with anyone, Europe can live on its own. Depending on other superpowers will always be a weakness.

>He thinks Scotland will continue providing fish and beef and free oil after they leave
>He thinks Wales will continue producing potatoes after they leave
>He thinks British people mainly work on farms

You're fucked mate, proper fucked. (Unless your a Tory who's already moved his money out of the UK)

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Why would they have to resort to trading with others? Why wouldn't they trade with the EU?

And that will increase as more terrorists arrive.


Because he wanted to first stop the no-deal Brexit. Boris being a cunt could have easily just decided the election would only took place after Boris' no-deal had already gone through.

>after they leave
speculation is not a good argument.
they tried to leave before and failed.

They are future EU passport holders user, then they can choose to live in whatever EU country want and you can't stop it.

We see none of the shitty American chicken BECAUSE ITS BANNED BY EU LAW YOU BRAINLET

>Americans are responsible
Because your mutt retard asses couldn't stop killing each other and relying on US finances and industry to do so. This is especially true post WW2 as Europe would be a bombed out wet soppy pozhole still if it weren't for shiploads of greenbacks being thrown at you. You reap what you sow, Eurotard.

And people will unironically think the EU is anything but the key of the Kalergi plan. The EU must be disbanded and its bureaucrats condemned for treason.

and so why does this argument still come up?
we rely on ourselves for chicken and its not a law were looking at changing anyway.
the only one who had recommended it was the US Ambassador who got sacked.

The last big terrorist attack was a long time ago, and it was white initiated lmao.

Then don't break the EU retard.

That's because of mixing and shit.

>da Kalergi plan
Literally no one but boomer eurofederalists even know about Kalergi. He's irrelevant to the current EU as it stands. Your autistic reliance on conspiracy and boogeymen suggest a lack of sex as well.

America wants to sell that chicken to you among another shit. They couldn't before because it was poison and banned by EU law. Now there's no EU law and cheap American chicken will flood the market and UK will spread its anus open for it.

That was nice, but nowadays you are a bunch of obnoxious anti-white dogs where even the furthest right person wishes whites to be gone and wants to racemix. Not to mention your obsession with implying that because whites in your country are scum, all of them are too, when you are closer to niggers.

They were told leaving the UK would mean leaving the EU.
It's an example of what's to come. That 28% of food currently imported from the EU will most likely come from America. And we all know their food is shit tier

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>the states won't break up because of the amerimutt thing
Dude mutts lmao
Go outside you fucking loser

Then how come everything he planned is coming true?
The EU is doing no attempt at stopping immigration, in fact, they welcome it. They are a traitor organization that clearly wants to kill Europe.

>Now there's no EU law
this is the similar argument that because UK wont follow ECHR the country will start treating people like shit blah blah muh human rights.
its a nice theory but not practical. I really doubt UK would even pass euthanasia once out of EU

Because Lord Rothshild will make some scary boom booms to bring the flock of sheep back to their senses and stop interfering with his plan for world government.

UK will become a fascist state once its out of EU. It might even start the next REICH. And then it'll be put down by Germany.

Why wouldnt I want to break the EU? Its an organization puppet of the US that keeps pushing the delusional notion of multiculturalism.
I'll agree to keep the EU when they agree to kick out all non-Europeans from Europe and keep it that way.

> Leave the EU
> Get flooded by Pakis, Nigerians, random ex-colonies

this was your master plan?

Good, with luck that will kickstart a war between the EU, and USA-UK.
Its been too long since the last big one.

Why wouldn't they keep buying the EU chicken?

what news? Did they officially release those leaked memos?

Get real. The only thing you lot have in common is the language, which most of you speak worse than most L2-learners in Europe, anyway.

We're not going to put anyone down lol. We don't even have a proper military.

>stay in EU
>get flooded anyway but have even less power over your own country

Why are you implying that the EU's main purpose isnt getting rid of Europe's white population?

What the fuck are you even saying you fucking Eurotard? If it weren't for organisations like the EU hell even the US's own goodwill and desire to contain the USSR there wouldn't be a Europe as you know it today. Keep calling me LE MUTT since you clearly cannot cope with the reality of Europe being responsible for its own shitstained bed.

think thats impossible now that parliament is liking to have every voice heard through different parties on the spectrum come the next election.
I fear a retarded coalition of the Lib Dems/ Tories/ Brexit Party

Lol France has more nukes than the uk

no will to use them.
Macron's wife has more balls

EU chicken is probably more expensive.

You probably will in 10 years. That's all Germany needs.

Yeah France can fight the UK too.

most poultry in your tesco's, your asdas, your morrisons is from UK.

I only go a butchers anyway. supermarket chicken is disgusting

Considering what being under American influence has been like, with all that crap of multiculturalism, I do wonder how it would have been like if the Soviets took control.

Its not like theres going to be a Europe in 20 years anyway. Thanks to the US and the EU, this will be the middle east. Unless the anti-white traitors are removed.

imagine importing that shit

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> The EU doesn't stop immigration
> What is the Erdogan-deal
> What is Frontex
You are such a brainlet it's embarassing. Do you think you are convincing anyone of anything other than not to side with a retard like you?

We will have weimar conditions in Britain,
>Glorious history but now living in an era of shame and weakness
>Economic Turmoil
>Weak and corrupt government trying to damage control by oppressing and arresting dissidents
>Resentment for outsiders who are seen as bringing about the woes of the country
>Radical lefties trying to take over cause more to react by people to join right wing steet movements

Just need a charasmatic leader to seize this opportunity, the ground has never been more fertile for revolution in this country since the civil war.

Telford pakis look white.

>He thinks his local white priest, Tory and banker isn't a nonce. Also most of them are UK born

so whats is british endgame?
is it facism? or they are going to do the "lets become USA pets" path?


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Because the US will obviously be demanding that they get much more preferential treatment to their advantage in food products they can dump in the UK when they negotiate new trade deals between the two countries. And since the UK has to negotiate with the EU for new trade as a giant block, the UK has very little options where to get the foreign meat. And the US could very well just decide to make the price low enough for the UK to agree to it.

The EU doesn't force you to take in migrants. The VISEGRAD, Denmark, Austria and Finland all have much stricter migration laws than you guys do. It's your own politicians who betray you, from both sides of the aisle.

because it's harder right now for a non EU person to move through schengen and land in the UK than it will be after brexit

If they did why arent they actively kicking everyone out? Why arent the borders closed? Why arent we preparing our military for the hordes coming from Africa?

Either the EU wants white Europeans gone, or they are the most incompetent organization, on par with the UN.
Anyway, its brought nothing, it needs to be disbanded.
The USA proves the failure that multiculturalism is.

muh empire

I forgot to add
>A million different coalition parties in the parliament that accomplish nothing just like the Weimar reichstag

No point explaining it m8. Their brains have gone

"Fookin Pakis, Aye, and the Blacks."

Im all up for killing the EU and parlament jews, dont get me wrong


1. annex ireland
2. annex brittany and aquitaine
3. reduce corporation tax to 2%
4. martial law in all labour constituencies until the labour councillors are shot dead in the squares

So, no argument. The EU must die as much as the USA. If they both live on, Europe will be the same as the middle east in 50 years.

>US absolutely moggs Europe in size of economy, military power, and geopolitical relevance
>you're all m-m-mutts
It appears my superiority has stirred some controversy...

Yes. For holidays you dumb cunt

> why aren't they kicking everyone out?
That would be the prerogative of the individual member states, not the EU as a whole. Now, before you mention the European Court of Human Rights, I would just like to remind you, even though I am suuuuure that you already know this..ahem.. that that is a separate organization from the EU.
> Why aren't the borders closed
Some are. Again, up to the member states.
> Why aren't we preparing our military for the hordes coming from Africa?
Well I doubt that that is popular opinion in any EU-country, and even if it were, the EU does not have a unified military structure.

Initially, while they negotiate for EU chikin. What's the problem?

Explain why it's wrong for Europeans to travel from one country to another you retard. You fucking fascist cunt you think you love whites but you won't even import East euros?

imagine thinking anything bad will happen once we embrace our jewish overlords

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I am from England and i love the UK and the USA, Australia and Canada

Once they have EU passports they can live in any EU country of their choice.

And, due to muttification, despite having that the US itself feels like a 3rd world nation, a parody of humanity where blue hairee manchildren pretend watching superhero movies are acts of radical activism.
Not to mention that even the right wing refuses to have white kids and hates white people.
You are done, die quietly.

Oh, so all the Pakis, Pajeets and N'golos who happen to come from your former colonies and speak your language are migrating there from other EU nations?

Not just holidays they have a right to live and work in any EU country. Not just that but all the illegals come in 'on holiday' and then they dissapear into the system and you can never get rid of them.

I just want this whole Brexit thing over with. I want UK politics to go back to normal.

I just unironically hate the fucking English.
First, they produce nothing of worth. Go ahead, name ONE export that the English are known for.
Name ONE. And no, oil doesn't count, that's scottish.
Think about it. France has its wines and cheeses and planes, and Italy has its pastas and cheese and wines too, it's more or less the same country, but Germany has cars, Russia has gas, the Nordic countries have fish.
What the FUCK does England have??? Red phone box and Big Ben souvenirs?

Second. Their culture itself is just fucking TRASH. It is in every single Englishman's blood to bow down before authority and let the government ream him in the ass. England is probably the singles most authoritarian country in Europe, to the point that not pretending to enjoy the Government can get you fucking JAILED. ( gulfnews.com/world/europe/man-arrested-for-not-smiling-at-olympics-1.1060050 ). It's just such a fucking pathetic nation of people who let themselves be walked on by their government, and actually value being such fucking weaklings.

And third, their cultural exports are pretty fucking weak too. The BBC is nothing but low budget trash and all of their "humor" consists of nothing but the same predictable jokes over and over like Blackadder or lolrandum shit like Monty Python. As for the rest, their only claim to fame are old franchises like Shakespeare or Doctor Who or Jekyll and Hyde, shit from centuries ago. And they just fucking double down on all of those, because it's all they have.

The only worthwhile thing to have ever come out of England is all the PC games of the 80s and a bunch of video games. That is fucking IT.

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No I dont. I dont want anyone from any other country here, i'm done with any and all immigration.

> Size of economy
Yeah, no.


you fucking morons have been the biggest wrench in the process of creating a united and solidified EUROPEAN block

Anyone can do that you brainlet. Literally anyone who walks out the airport could stay illegally.

To work or study you would need to change your visa to a work visa or student visa at the immigration office

Because all around the world, people have to get a visa to travel to other countries so that country can vet the individual and make sure they're not a criminal or are likely to overstay. The EU is the autistic exception that demands absolute free movements as part of its 4 freedoms policy. It undermines the nationstates ability to control its borders on a fundamental level.

Yes, but they all come to your country first, from your fucking former colonies.

Of course its an impopular opinion, they want Europe to turn into Africa, its their objective. And god please, I hope that unified military never becomes something real.

Nobody has explained why some foreign beaurocrats can make better decisions for other people.

The EU is not your enemy, its your own Gov't.

Shut up retards. America does the same. What happened to white unity you RACISTS.


So you are mad at the EU for not doing what you would be mad at them for doing in the first place?

I have no interest in that, we are not compatible countries, Europe is a land where nations have been attacking each other since the dawn of time.
Not like a unified Europe will do anything if half of it are muslims and africans.

Wrong. They need to apply for the correct visa type. Brainlet (student, working holiday, spouse) work visa has to be processed by your work.

Do you get your info from twitter and Murdoch sites?

>Brexit thread
>300 replies incoming
every fucking time

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The EU under Merkel let in 4 million + non european migrants into the EU. Do you think they want to live in a italy or spain or greece? No they want to live in Germany, Britain, Ireland, Sweden etc. Within the EU we have no control over these prospective EU passport holders coming here.

But say 'muh colonial immigrants' again without addressing my point. I agree thats a problem too, but you can have more than 1 problem. Its not hypocritical to say we need to plug 2 different holes on the sinking boat.

>name ONE export that the English are known for
actors. the arts. the magna carta. the rule of law.

now shut the fuck up you moron.


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I'm not a Brit. None of the 2 million shitskins here are from our former colonies.

You spend too much time online. Have sex.

Because I have no interest in other whites? I care about my country, period, everyone else can nuke itself for all I care.

>sharing economy with scumbag egyptians

I love these threads

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The point is EU freedom of movement makes it infinitely more easy for this to happen. Its the principle at stake, when a supranational body you have limited control over gains supremacy over your border control decisions something is wrong.


piss off brew

The EU is an enemy of white people.

The EU under Merkel did not let in 4 million people. Merkel does not formulate EU policy, and the EU as a whole does not have a unified immigration policy. You could also have shut the border to those people, since you are not in Schengen. You are a fucking brainlet.

Yeah its funny how muh unelected Eurocrats seem to help countries better than their own parliament e.g. Funding for Wales and other deprived areas

>Im working as hard as I can, Mr Juncker

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The absolute STATE of the EU

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Have sex yourself, and with a non-white, if possible. The sooner the USA is gone the sooner whites can breath free again.

EU didn't force you to take in pakis and pajeets you faggot. If you're American you should sod off. You won't balkanise your own country but you force us to balkanise our trade union.

You are not in Schengen and your migrants are primarily from your own former colonies, not from the EU.

Or they end up being just fine and other countries realize they don't need the EU either and leave and the whole retarded experiment that is the EU fucking collapses to the benefit of everybody involved.

I'm from Switzerland, you fool, and you have no idea how glad I am not part of that fucking cancer.

Without the US or EU the avg Eurotard would be beating each other to death over stupid shit like borders.

He just got arrested for being a public nuisance Kek

There was never free movement to the UK. You think British people are that nice to other whites ?
Fuck off American you don't know shit.

you will be, user. you will be.

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Let's see if they can agree amongst themselves on how exactly they want to leave, before we speculate on just how much they will fuck themselves over.
So far, they haven't even been able to elect a government and parliament that can actually make any progress on the matter.

Yes you are kike faggot. You're a part of this "Cancer". You and Norway don't have any say in the EUs affairs but you have to follow all our laws. You're basically slaves to the EU with no right to vote. It's worse.

>the arts.
Like what? England has always lagged behind Continental culture for centuries.
>the magna carta.
The first step in the decline of the social order
> the rule of law.
Masonic subterfuge

Why can’t Remoaners stop lying?

Merkel invited them to Germany so then a swarm rampaged through EU countries because there are no borders. They tried getting to Britain, hence the Calais jungle.

You’re either a migrant yourself or Jewish.

Yeah, clearly being slowly replaced by muslim terrorists is much better.
I'd prefer to relive WWII than continue under the anti-white influence of the US and EU.

>The EU under Merkel did not let in 4 million people.
Germany is the powerhouse of the EU, when Merkel speaks people listen. Merkel unequivocally spoke in favour of letting in millions of migrants from outside Europe. This is indisputable and would have sent a strong message to encourage migrants to come. You're just being disingenuous here.
>You could also have shut the border to those people, since you are not in Schengen.
When they possess EU passports they can come here and we cannot stop them. Its called chain migration and its being used in a calculated way to import low wage labour throughout western Europe. Try not being disingenuous now and stop the ad hominem and answer my points.

fuck england
fuck britain
fuck the eu
fuck globalism
fuck antiwhite scum

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imagine voting in an election for no fucking reason

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Blame Spain, greece and Italy for letting them in.

You’re speaking English because Anglo media is so dominant lmao

We have free movement in and out of your country, as well as complet eright to work there and take your precious Jewgold if we want to, while you have fuck all to say about it. You are basically our vassal state.

But he wasn't in parliment?

Vote on what? I do not care about the EU, I dont want anything to do with it, I want anyone who isnt from Switzerland to stay away from here. At least here we have rifles to enforce that.

Brexit is a meme, they should have focused on their immigration policies instead. More white men in the workplace = higher GDP. They could have had an edge over other similarly cucked white countries but noo

If you're pro white why do you hate fellow whites?

No, blame Merkel and her self hating autistic German pets for inviting trash to Europe

> Merkel invited them
What Merkel does politically in Germany is entirely her business. That doesn't make it official EU-policy.
> Hence the Calais jungle
Yes, the Calais jungle that is there because you are free not to let them in. Like I said.

because i despise racetraitors more than i despise foreign enemies

Since when did words hurt you bitch?
Turbo pussy.

Who is the one getting flooded with shitskins? Not me. I will be retiring to a comfy home while Ahmed is raping your children.
Too bad muslims seem to be the only way of making Europe become a proper right wing continent.

Doesn't matter if we are not in schengen, anyone within the EU can come here. It just means they must show their passport. Schengen is non-passport border crossing. The inflow of people from colonial countries and EU is about 50/50 so that point is moot, and why do you people always make that point? Why does pointing out colonial migration invalidate anything I've said? We're talking about the EU here.

All EU members have to accept freedom of movement of people within the EU established by the Treaty of Maastricht.

> When Merkel speaks people listen
The first thing my own country did after she made that speech was shut our border to Germany.
> Chain migration
Again, your migrants aren't there because of chain migrations. If anything, the rules for becoming a British citizen are relatively lax by EU-standards.

Make your mind up. Either Germany is the power house of the EU or it isn’t.

The fact is the migrant crisis exploded after Germany said they’d take them.

Krauts should pay damages to the countries on the Med and in the Balkans, as well as war reparations.

basically, conservatives were shit-scared of UKIP stealing their votes and destroying their majority, so to appeal to potential UKIP voters they call out a referendum whether to stay or leave in the EU.
the problem with the referendum is that the ramifications of staying nor leaving were at all discussed (there was no distinction between "no-deal vs yes-deal" brexit for example, there was a bunch of misinformation (mainly from UKIP, and russia), and so on and so forth
conservatives fully expected brexit to not go through, but since the UK had a brainfart and loads of people decided not to vote for some reason (probably because they had no clue what leaving the EU would entail), the people voted brexit

so here we are, two PMs later and literally no closer to a deal with the EU. opposition (labour) is pretty much just shrugging everything off and letting conservatives take the fall. UKIP has burned to the ground after faraggot decided to create the brexit party, lib dems have no idea what the fuck is going on.
the only deal the UK does have with the EU pretty much is the same as remaining, except the UK can no longer vote in the European parliament. no-deal has been made illegal by parliament, so that's no option either. the EU has stated they will only grant another extension if there's going to be a second referendum (perhaps this time with more fucking options), or a general election.
it might be the biggest political mess ever conceived on this planet. sure is fitting for it to be in the UK.

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Freedom of movement seems to be more than enough reason to leave the EU.

You must be stupid.
You want to kill whites to save the white race? I suppose you think the surviving whites will gain something from that. But it'll reduce the white population from 1 billion to 200 million if you had your way. And you wouldn't be able to replace that because whites can't have kids.

People voted to leave but not HOW to leave. So now you have a bunch of politicians promising that the brexit will be done their way and it wont affect their particular voters. If they dont come to an agreement britain is just kicked out and everyone loses, thats called a “hatd-brexit”.

She literally said Germany will take any migrants. So migration increased.

Why are continental Europeans so cringe?

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Like 30% of the population of Switzerland is foreign born. If anyone's getting overrun, it's you guys.

Yeah and when the EU tells you to take these migrants they threaten economic sanctions and other penalties. Don't you see how toxic the EU is?

Nope. They check my passport at the border of UK. Brits are racist against other whites.

Kill a traitor before an enemy.

>whites cant have kids
Which is why any and all politicians in Europe deserve death, its their treachery whats lead to this.

Merkel and Germany ARE the EU, lets not beat around the bush here.

If you're British why do you care? You don't even allow us to cross your borders even though we have red passports.
If you're American kill yourself

not kill (not all of them at least), just crush them so that they have no power or influence over anything

Its the Kalergi shills desperately defending what remains of their terrorist organization.

so youre saying the people who are arguing about another referendum are equals to Nigel Farage on moral status?

We don’t consider non Anglos white. And quite frankly, why should we?

Germans are soulless insects who destroy the continent every few decades. The French are mostly African. Poles are criminals. None of you created other white countries like Britain because none of you are white.

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Its like when you have sex and your condom pops, and out comes all these immigrants swimming over, and then she gets an abortion when the children are in their twenties

Nope. Birthrates in racist countries like Poland and Hungary are still shit even though they have redpilled racist sexist homophobic politicians.
Cull your own population. Go ahead. You won't be able to replace them. We will replace you. And you'll say "FOCKING PAKIS"

Imagine if we had the EU forcing economic sanctions on us for not taking our alloted part of muslim subhumans.

Work on your reading comprehension, thats exactly what I said. To get into the UK you must show a passport. But if you have an EU passport you can come to this country and live without any difficulty. Which is my point. To say that we can control inflow of migrants from the EU just because we're not in schengen is laughable.

Those African gentleman are currently engaged in fisticuffs.

>why do you care


Oh no!
How will people ever be smart enough to figure it out without EU telling them what to do?!

Why must I repeat myself on this issue. Why can't you just accept that you are a fucking brainlet because you fell for the immigration argument, which has fuck all to do with the EU and everything to do with your own politicians fucking you over?
The EU does not have a unified immigration policy, and any attempt to establish one has failed, because plenty of countries, not just VISEGRAD, but also Austria, Denmark and Finland, like their restricted migration just fine. It's a non-starter.
Then you bring up chain migration, but getting an EU passport probably takes something like 8 or 10 years in most countries, and even once they have it, they're not gonna move to the fucking UK, your country is just not that attractive. Your political system is a joke, your food sucks and your weather is terrible.

Having a stable population isn't "shit".
Flooding your country with exponentially more people is why everything is shit, which is twice as bad when they're the worst people on the planet.

See? This is the nature of the EU. EU hates white people, they WANT to get rid of whites. Every single supporter of the EU is an anti-white terrorist.
They dont want to provide help to natives, they want to flood Europe with African and muslim subhumans. The EU MUST be destroyed.

so is america and pretty much every white country. immigration is deliberately made easier for nonwhites and harder for whites. i am from australia and i would like to live in america, but the criteria for permission and the costs make it impossible. if i was some 80 iq spic who didn't speak english they would let me in though

If you have an EU passport you can go anywhere in the EU. That’s a fact. Stop lying, you evil fucking square headed Boche.

maybe because...
>people generally had no clue what remaining vs leaving entails, so calling a referendum in the first place was pants-on-head retarded
>there were misinformation campaigns from UKIP, radical think-tanks, and russia
>seeing as the UK government is fucking crumbling at this point and we are no closer to leaving than we were three years ago, we might as well just end the entire process and just leave everything as is since whatever dumb xenophobia was the reason for this mess definitely isn't worth it

Chances are they'll figure it out just fine. They'll just follow the EU-rules, meaning all your precious sovereignty is dead on arrival.

No they don't. Having an EU passport gives you visa free entry but it doesn't mean you can just cross the border without having it checked.
Plus refugees don't have EU passports unless they've learn the hard languages of one of the countries and passed the citizenship test and lived there for a decade or something. Plus nobody would ever come to the UK from Germany because welfare in Germany is a hundred times better.

going taking down the EU.
you in?

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>omg why are Brits anti EU?

Europeans are so retarded. No wonder Brits want to get away from them.

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>bbbbbut muh racist sexist homophobic mysognist bla bla bla
See? Only leftist traitors side with the Kalergi Union.

oh no, lower populations! how awful. whatever will they do?

>being born in the stable makes me a horse

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> never meet

You must not be from the UK. They are everywhere.

I don't understand how you came to that conclusion from my post. Poland and Hungary don't have any immigrants. They're 99% white, but not even whites want to live there.

>we will replace you
Yes, we know, with Ahmeds and Mohammeds, thats why we want to kill you first.

>The EU under Merkel
EU is not under Merkel
>Merkel does not formulate EU policy
No, but when EU policy doesn't suit her national policy she shits all over it.
>and the EU as a whole does not have a unified immigration policy
That had to change after Merkel and Junker betrayed the EU by addressing all those immigrants directly.
>You could also have shut the border to those people, since you are not in Schengen.
I guess fuck everyone who is in Schengen then?
Instead of Britain leaving, the rest of EU should have kicked out Germany for their behaviour (but thats never going to happen).

>it’s not an open border because they check a passport!!!
Yes, and then they’re allowed in, a second per EU rules

Please explain why there are Merkel migrants in the U.K. then.

I'm a fucking paki ya cunt.

I adress that point in the post you are quoting, brainlet.
Like I said, maybe you should tighten your own passport rules before you start worrying about chain migration.

>Oh no no no no
Also nice /pol/ thread

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fuck pakis
love islam

>crashing this country

simple as

UK wanted them.

We're at the point where we need massive global recessions/depressions to fix all the shit wrong with our countries on a societal level. All this can kicking just means the inevitable collapse is going to be that much harder.

No, you explain to me how the Merkel migrants are EU-citizenships when it takes 8 years to become a German citizen. Sounds like another case of you blaming the EU for something your own politicians should be blamed for.

Yes, and you dont belong here. Although i've made plenty of money investing it in the military industry that probably turned your country into a shithole, you are kust not from here, back to your crater. Then again, I can always move to the US and wait until Europe becomes the next war economy market.

The EU tries to punish countries that close their borders to the enrichment, that alone should show you why the immigration argument IS relevent to EU membership. The only argument against I have heard this whole thread is 'hurr b-but colonial migration though' and 'EU doesn't have a unified policy' all the while they let in millions of non Europeans that are proliferating throughout Europe as I speak. To ignore people's concern over EU membership as a result of this and declare it invalid is dumb.

>your country is just not that attractive

fuck both

>a whole 6%
wow I truly am scared for my race

I'm a paki though so I can't say that.

>that chart

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How can he retire from parliament when he was never in parliament?


>go live in Germany for two years

This is just bollocks lol

>EU is not under Merkel
It basically is though, Germany is the most influential member of the EU and throws it weight around all the time. Which is exactly what people warned about, that this Union would just become a political tool to be used by whoever was the strongest at the time for their own agenda.

>circular logic
>merkel controls the borders of Spain Greece and italy
>Poland and Hungary are 99% white and this is why the EU is bad
I don't even understand who is trolling anymore. This is a shitshow low.
Who else is saying bullshit for no reason?

> The EU tries
Did the EU succeed? No. Because this wasn't politically feasible.
> They let in millions of non Europeans.
YOU do that. The rest of us have a much stricter immigration policy.

I'm a paki, I already own three shops m8. Cash 4 gold and 2 newsagents. Only 23.

Love seeing little poor whites come in selling their PS4 for smack. Fuckin laugh my cunt off so I do. Right next to the job center to

brexit is a good thing. this we can all agree on.

Poland and Hungary are being threatened with sanctions for not BLACKing themselves

>the EU shill is a literal shitskin
I swear i'll die happy if I ever get to see Donald Tusk, Juncker and David Sassoli hanged publicly.