What was his fucking problem

what was his fucking problem

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He represented the victory of Capitalism over Communism.

What's your problem, they were threatening to kill him

There's no way some random stuntman could beat Bruce Lee in a fight

Once upon a time in hollywood. That’s the name of the movie. It’s a fucking fairytale where the rugged stuntman beats up all the fucking murderous hippies to save Tate’s life and the tv cowboy type that Tarantino admires manages to keep up in a changing Hollywood. It’s a FAIRY TALE.



Cliff doesn’t have problems, only solutions.

Stuntmen > actors.

My dad actually had a problem with the movie in that he thought it was going to be a depiction of the neighbors of the 5 killed. He was annoyed they changed the events which actually happened.

Fucking boomers amiright?

His wife was a whore

Except he’s not a random stuntman he’s the protagonist.. and it’s a movie.. and Bruce Lee was fraud anyway so who the fuck cares.

Is being too based a problem?

name one person that wasn't a fraud.

>Decorated War Hero
>Notorious Ship Captain
>”random stuntman”

Also whiney.


Probably Brad Pitt's best role since Benjamin Button or Jesse James

Killing them softly is underrated

He got blamed for killing his wife when it was infact an accident

Steven Seagal

Kurt Russel's wife

The story is based upon a real even where stuntman and judo practitioner Gene Lebell picked up Bruce Lee and carried him around the set. Allegedly Bruce was shouting to put him down or else he would kill Gene.




Lmao Bruce Lee was a fraud not even US military wanted him.
He was good at making cool looking athletic feats but he was a weak in an actual fight.

i prefer him being a golden retriever