How was he supposed to be the bad guy?
How was he supposed to be the bad guy?
Other urls found in this thread:
Killing 3 million Soviet POWs
Killing 2 million + Poles
Killing whites in general
He was only the bad guy because he lost.
30 years from now, as the bombs drop and humanity faces self extinction, a lone time traveler will jump to 1930 and convince Hitler to save Germany. Sadly, despite the traveler's hindsight knowledge of historical events, his efforts to help Hitler eradicate Judaism would fall short due to technological shortcomings. And thus, the timeline circuit would close, playing out events as we know them.
>Hitler to save Germany.
he doomed Germany to begin with.
This is always true.
an Amerimutt wrote this
Germany was already doomed without Western support against Communism, or Eastern support against Capitalism.
Europe is an over-exploited continent.
the movie was trying to show that extreme right wing talking points like the superiority of one race over the other are still just beneath the surface for the supposedly "reformed" Germans
but they fucked up because they just made Hitler make a lot of sense which is the reason they agreed with him in the movie, not because they were secretly alt-right or anything
This movie was weird because he was supposed to be the bad guy, not because of his actions but because he was Hitler, if that makes sense. It's the historical context which makes him the bad guy, not the movie itself. Even the moral of the story revolves around this
Hitler coming back represented the rise in the "Far-right." Even with the protaganist tries to kill hitler he just comes back and tells him you can't kill an idea V style.
If anything the movie's analog would by V for Vendetta. Seriously the 2 movies are very similar in their message and themes.
a hurt slavshit wrote this
>without Western support
he antagonized the West through his aggressive territorial expansion in Europe.
>Eastern support
NatSoc is inherently anti-communist
You know, apart from the war and the whole genocide business, he really wasn't. If Germany just created a unified anti-bolshevik front, things could have been so much better nowadays.
Had the Germans not gone to war their economy would've crashed since it was fueled mostly by mass rearmament and military spending.
>he antagonized the West through his aggressive territorial expansion in Europe.
True, but he only did the gamble against Poland because he signed the treaty with the USSR.
Also the West's guarantee for Poland didn't count for when the USSR invaded, which meant that the Western powers were more intent on containing Germany than they were on defending Poland.
>Also the West's guarantee for Poland didn't count for when the USSR invaded
The West had offensive operations in mind against the Soviet Union see Operation Pike. Churchill even wanted to wage war on the USSR after the war with Operation Unthinkable. The West and Soviet Union weren't friends it was an alliance born strictly out of convenience in having a mutual enemy in Germany
And to think in another world the West could have helped Hitler destroy the judeo-bolsheviks. Depressing.
Why would the West help Hitler with his aggressive foreign policy? I could maybe see it he stopped at the Sudetenland as far as territorial demands go and had someone more competent than Ribbentrop as foreign minister to forge stronger relations with Britain but that's a long shot. I think war with the west was inevitable for the Nazis. The Revanchism against France was just too strong.
There was an interesting interview Hitler did in the 1920s when asked about this very subject;
"We must retain our colonies and we must expand eastward. There was a time when we could have shared world dominion with England. Now we can stretch our cramped limbs only toward the east. The Baltic is necessarily a German lake."
"Is it not," I asked, "possible for Germany to reconquer the world economically without extending her territory?"
Hitler shook his head earnestly.
>"Economic imperialism, like military imperialism, depends upon power. There can be no world trade on a large scale without world power. Our people have not learned to think in terms of world power and world trade. However, Germany cannot extend commercially or territorially until she regains what she has lost and until she finds herself.
>"We are in the position of a man whose house has been burned down. He must have a roof over his head before he can indulge in more ambitious plans. We had succeeded in creating an emergency shelter that keeps out the rain. We were not prepared for hailstones. However, misfortunes hailed down upon us. Germany has been living in a veritable blizzard of national, moral, and economic catastrophes.
>"Our demoralised party system is a symptom of our disaster. Parliamentary majorities fluctuate with the mood of the moment. Parliamentary government unbars the gate to Bolshevism."
It certainly wasn't unorthodox to associate territorial expansion with economic gain during this period either. The British Empire was the jousting with the USA for #1 military and economic power at the time, and one could say that the USA's acquisition of the westernmost areas of the North American continent were a form of colonialism too.
Because they couldn't have made anything else right?
Long term military spending exceeding 10% of GDP during peace financed mainly by a country using Mefo bills with no financial reserves doesn't fix itself by just "making something else". Such spending effects the economy on a massive scale. You'd have to deal with the mass unemployment from all the industries that would have to downsize from mass demilitarization like steel and armaments. It would be Great Depression 2.0 tier
Does that make Post Vietnam America the bad guy then?
What was this movie called again?
He literally only does one bad thing is this movie and it's kill the dog for no reason. They put that scene is because they accidentally made him too based
>people forget this show was satire
>specifically this scene
and everyone knows hitler loved dogs so it's a really bizarre way to try to bring him down, i honestly just don't think their hearts were in it
Some of his intentions were in the right place but he completely fucked up on the execution because he couldn’t control his incel-anger.
Killing a fuckload of people and outright stating that they’re inferior beings because of circumstances well beyond their control is the quickest way to isolate and villainize yourself from a decent majority of the world, and it will only hit do irreparable damage to both your people and your cause later down the line.
Should’ve taken a pointer or two from the sly Jews he so vehemently hated and beat them at their own nefarious game through a steady stream of friendly “bread and circus” propaganda propelled by the global economic elite and the MSM instead. Ex: promoting the concept of homogenous cultures and races as a bad thing that negatively impacts everyone’s livelihoods on a global scale. But nope, just he just killed them en masse or treated them like livestock in concentration camps and labs instead.
But that's the whole thing: what happens when the satire hits a little too close to home?
Just like /pol/ is "satire" until it isn't, right?
A mercantilist economic policy for the first decade and a half of the Reich could have put them in a more favorable industrial position, with the Ruhr, Austria and the Sudetenland being the end point of territorial expansion to not risk war/trade relations.
China has proven that the way to defeat a Western capitalistic power is to sell them the rope that they'll hang themselves with: bleed off their industry by offering lower labour costs and higher profits for their corporations, and they'll literally move their industry to your country.
What show? Looks like Black Mirror lol
Satire of what?
>get kicked out of 150 countries
>"circumstances well beyond their control"
You don't try to eradicate an entire race of people from your country for nothing.
>bleed off their industry by offering lower labour costs and higher profits for their corporations
The Nazis smashed trade unions when they came to power and catered a considerable amoung towards industrialists in their rise securing large donations from companies like IG Farben so this wouldn't be a bad idea.
>Just like /pol/ is "satire"
it originally began as that but even moot admitted it started making him uncomfortable when people were ironically agreeing with shitposting. Did you forget why it got plugged the first time?
I'm a bit terrified you cant understand WHY the scene is satire
Damn I didn't know Slavs and Poles were kicked out of 150 countries
No they're just genuinely subhumans
>dude Jews lmao
>brb gotta go slaughter a bunch of illiterate european peasants before ransoming off this Rothschild
what did Hitler mean by this?
This meme literally makes no sense.
>he doomed Germany to begin with.
Germany was ruined post WW1 he restored its honor before WW2 happened
So is there no way to have a successful economy without war or slave wages? I keep wanting to use America as an example but we've been at war since WW2 in smaller conflicts.
The over-leveraging doesn't mean shit when you run a command economy. Germany had no price inflation during WW2 as a result of the mefo bills. Neither did Britain or the USA when they expanded their monetary base because all the prices of commodities and goods were controlled and rationed.
It is more about the access to resources than it is running le perfect free market.
The inflation and economic decline only comes when a war is lost and a country loses it's sovereignty. The Reichmark only hyper inflated because the Allies made it so.
Total horseshit. Really tired of Anglopropaganda.
>I'm a bit terrified you cant understand WHY the scene is satire
> I'm a bit terrified
Holy fucking shit, absolute basedboi. Neck yourself.
and Germans aren't right?
And his rage-driven attempts to eradicate them further ruined his country, his innate cause and his people in the first place.
It wasn't so much that they smashed them, but simply nationalized them. They nationalized a lot of industries proper later on too.
The German industrialists weren't exactly being paid in Gold.
the Germs rule the EU while Poland is a welfare country living off EU handouts
>So is there no way to have a successful economy without war or slave wages?
I did not say that or even imply it. My point was just to show that the Nazi German economy was unsustainable had they not gone to war.
It's a movie called Look Who's Back.
>run a command economy
Nazi German economy wasn't a command economy for the majority of its life it was privatized to a large extent. It wasn't until it switched to a full war economy later on in the war that it became a full command economy. My post was referring to the unsustainable nature of the Nazi economy before 1939.
>The Reichmark only hyper inflated because the Allies made it so.
How do you figure? Why would the Allies crash the value of the Reichsmark when they had a vested interest in seeing Germany pay back the reparations?
>When the Nazis took over Austria in the Anschluss of 1938, Baron de Rothschild, then head of the Austrian banking operations of the family, was held prisoner by the Nazi secret police. He was released only after lengthy negotiations between the family and the Nazis and upon payment of $21,000,000, believed to have been the largest ransom payment in history for any individual.
>in 1938
>$382 million in 2019 dollars
The source in that wiki article is from 1955, but even if they had adjusted for inflation to 1955 that is still $200 million dollars from 1955 to 2019 dollars.
B-b-but people having that sort of money wouldn't have undue influence in any governments, right friends?
How is it propaganda? The German economy was built on mass rearmament with military spending exceeding 10% GDP during peace time. Such levels of rearmament meant Germany had no choice but to go to war as there is no return on these weapons unless you actually use them.
>AH of Schacht’s admitted wizardry in finance was put to work to pay forgetting the Third Reich ready for war. Printing banknotes was merely one of his devices. He manipulated the currency with such legerdemain that at one time it was estimated by foreign economists to have 237 different values. He negotiated amazingly profitable (for Germany) barter deals with dozens of countries and to the astonishment of orthodox economists successfully demonstrated that the more you owed a country the more business you did with it. His creation of credit in a country that had little liquid capital and almost no financial reserves was the work of genius, or – as some said – of a master manipulator. His invention of the so-called ”Mefo” bills was a good example. These were simply bills created by the Reichsbank and guaranteed by the State and used to pay armament manufacturers. The bills were accepted by all German banks and ultimately discounted by the Reichsbank. Since they appeared neither in the published statements of the national bank nor in the government’s budget they helped maintain secrecy as to the extent of Germany’s rearmament. From 1935 to 1938 they were used exclusively to finance rearmament and amounted to a total of twelve billion marks. In explaining them once to Hitler, Count Schwerinvon Krosigk, the harassed Minister of Finance, remarked that they were merely a way of ”printing money
only good if you are a retarded /pol/turd
That's the point of the whole fucking move. It's 100% basedcuck propaganda
>OMAGAWD! Hitler says reasonable things!
>Next thing you know you are literally a NAZI!!!
It's fucking retarded and was release in the month before the AfD was predicted to win their first state vote. For some weird fucking reason it became a burger meme on the chans.
>proving your a gullible moron who will fall for strawmen politics
It is terrifying when morons like you vote when someone appeals to your confirmation bias.
>It wasn't so much that they smashed them
Late that night Goebbels, after describing in his most purple prose the tremendous enthusiasm of the workers for this May Day celebration which he had so brilliantly staged, added a curious sentence in his diary: ”Tomorrow we shall occupy the trade-union buildings. There will be little resistance.” That is what happened. On May 2 the trade-union headquarters throughout the country were occupied, union funds confiscated, the unions dissolved and the leaders arrested. Many were beaten and lodged in concentration camps. Theodor Leipart and Peter Grassmann, the chairmen of the Trade Union Confederation, had openly pledged themselves to cooperate with the Nazi regime. No matter, they were arrested. ”The Leiparts and Grassmanns,” said Dr. Robert Ley, the alcoholic Cologne party boss who was assigned by Hitler to take over the unions and establish the German Labor Front, ”may hypocritically declare their devotion to the Fuehrer as much as they like – but it is better that they should be in prison.” And that is where they were put.
Within three weeks the hollowness of another Nazi promise was exposed when Hitler decreed a law bringing an end to collective bargaining and providing that henceforth ”labor trustees,” appointed by him, would ”regulate labor contracts” and maintain ”labor peace.”185 Since the decisions of the trustees were to be legally binding, the law, in effect, outlawed strikes. Ley promised to restore absolute leadership to the natural leader of a factory – that is, the employer . . . Only the employer can decide. Many employers have for years had to call for the ’master in the house.’ Now they are once again to be the master in the house.’ ”
>gets told that one is tired of Anglopropaganda
>repeats said Anglopropaganda in blocktext
Again, how is it propaganda? what's inaccurate about it?
The book ends with hitler running for (re?) Election after becoming a victim of neo nazi violence even the left sucks up to him
> your
So you were saying something about morons?
The entire fucking premise. That the National Socialist economy was unsustainable and had to go to war. It's literally the other way around: the NS programme proofed substantially more successfull than Rossevelt's New Deal and it was Roosevelt who had to go to war to boot your economy in depression through armaments and credits. Had Hitler died in 1938 he would have gone down in German history as the greatest German of all time.
The whole argument is mute, because your country will shart out the next thousand books and movies and YouTube videos about it anyway.
>Nazi German economy wasn't a command economy for the majority of its life it was privatized to a large extent. It wasn't until it switched to a full war economy later on in the war that it became a full command economy. My post was referring to the unsustainable nature of the Nazi economy before 1939.
Don't be foolish. Germany was running a Keynesian mixed economy prior to 1939, where the state had a much greater participation level than it's western counterparts. Look up their Four Year Plan. It's almost Marxian.
The rationalization by Speer in 1943 was just a reorganization of the system towards higher production because of inefficient systems. The power to do that was always there.
>How do you figure? Why would the Allies crash the value of the Reichsmark when they had a vested interest in seeing Germany pay back the reparations?
Because the Reich-mark didn't represent anything by the end of WW2. Not even a sovereign German government. Internationally it was becoming worthless even prior to then because nobody wanted to accumulate the currency or debt of a country that was about to lose a war. Hence payment to the remaining neutral powers in Europe was done in Gold prior to 1945.
What's weird is that it survived the war and was being issued by the military authorities until 1948, when the Deutschmark came into being.
From the stories I've read of the post WW2 era, I think a cigarette was worth more than a Reichmark.
Also, the Allies were never stupid enough to allow Germany to pay back reparations in it's native currency, even after WW1. If you can't understand why, then I can't explain this to you.
>That the National Socialist economy was unsustainable and had to go to war
The Nazi economy reached 10%+ GDP spending on rearmament during PEACE time, it was by far the driving factor of their economy. For comparison sake America spends about 3.2% GDP on military and that's head and shoulders above anything anyone else spends. This ridiculous military spending was also funded using Mefo bills with no financial reserves, it was unsustainable had they not gone to war. The effects of retooling the economy would've been drastic
>the NS programme proofed substantially more successfull than Rossevelt's New Deal
And you base that on what?
This is exactly what central bankers do today. The value of a unit of currency can be whatever the government allows it to be, if it has enough force to back it up.
Thus, the currency itself is an investment in the system that it represents. Hence, you can inflate the fuck out of it and price inflation need not show up.
At least in the short to medium term, that is.
Actual historical record and works by historians. You just dug yourself autistically into a corner and repeat your same points ad nauseam. Have fun proving yourself right to yourself.
Sounds like nationalization to me. Still, workers were better off during the 1930s in Germany in every progressing year.
What the NSDAP wanted was to eliminate the ability for organized labour to cripple the country, which did happen in 1918/1919.
>Germany was running a Keynesian mixed economy prior to 1939, where the state had a much greater participation level than it's western counterparts.
I never said otherwise. I merely said it was privatized to a large extent, wouldn't call it a command economy personally.
>the Allies were never stupid enough to allow Germany to pay back reparations in it's native currency, even after WW1.
But Germany did pay a substantial amount of the reparations it owed after WW1 in its native currency in addition to gold and other goods.
>The whole argument is mute
For all intensive purposes, I'll give you the benefit of the drought. It's a doggy-dog world afterall, and guys like him are a diamond dozen.
>Actual historical record and works by historians.
Like what?
>just dug yourself autistically into a corner
I don't think you know what that means
>repeat your same points
Not a single of which you've been able to debunk or debate
>workers were better off during the 1930s in Germany in every progressing year.
Although millions more had jobs, the share of all German workers in the national income fell from 56.9 per cent in the depression year of 1932 to 53.6 per cent in the boom year of 1938. At the same time income from capital and business rose from 17.4 per cent of the national income to 26.6 per cent. It is true that because of much greater employment the total income from wages and salaries grew from twenty-five billion marks to forty-two billions, an increase of 66 per cent. But income from capital and business rose much more steeply –by 146 per cent. All the propagandists in the Third Reich from Hitler on down were accustomed to rant in their public speeches against the bourgeois and the capitalist and proclaim their solidarity with the worker. But a sober study of the official statistics, which perhaps few Germans bothered to make, revealed that the much maligned capitalists, not the workers, benefited most from Nazi
Finally, the take-home pay of the German worker shrank. Besides stiff income taxes, compulsory contributions to sickness, unemployment and disability insurance, and Labor Front dues, the manual worker – like everyone else in Nazi Germany – was constantly pressured to make increasingly large gifts to an assortment of Nazi charities, the chief of which was Winterhilfe (Winter Relief). Many a workman lost his job because he failed to contribute to Winterhilfe or because his contribution was deemed too small. Such failure was termed by one labor court, which upheld the dismissal of an employee without notice, ”conduct hostile to the community of the people . . . to be most strongly condemned.” In the mid-Thirties it was estimated that taxes and contributions took from 15 to 35 per cent of a worker’s gross wage. Such a cut out of $6.95 a week did not leave a great deal for rent and food and clothing and recreation.
>But Germany did pay a substantial amount of the reparations it owed after WW1 in its native currency in addition to gold and other goods.
It was stipulated in Gold marks, which was the currency of Imperial Germany prior to WW1. It was a claim on German gold.
The currency that got hyperinflated in the early 20s was the Papiermark.
Apparently, because there was obviously not enough Gold marks to pay for reparations, the Weimar government took out loans from Wall Street in order to pay the reparations.
German monetary policy from 1900 to 1950 is really interesting.
A typo is not evidence of a lack of intelligence, user. Especially on a multicultural website like this.
>user provides evidence
>keep playing dumb
>refuse to refute
What are you hoping to accomplish here?
>The currency that got hyperinflated in the early 20s was the Papiermark.
something interesting I read on that:
>The inflation could have been halted by merely balancing the budget – a difficult but not impossible feat. Adequate taxation might have achieved this, but the new government did not dare to tax adequately. After all, the cost of the war – 164 billion marks – had been met not even in part by direct taxation but 93 billions
of it by war loans, 29 billions out of Treasury bills and the rest by increasing the issue of paper money. Instead of drastically raising taxes on those who could pay, the republican government actually reduced them in 1921. From then on, goaded by the big industrialists and landlords, who stood to gain though the masses of the people were financially ruined, the government deliberately let the mark tumble in order to free the State of its public debts, to escape from paying reparations and to sabotage the French in the Ruhr. Moreover, the destruction of the currency enabled German heavy industry to wipe out its indebtedness by refunding its obligations in worthless marks. The General Staff, disguised as the ”Truppenamt” (Office of Troops) to evade the peace treaty which supposedly had outlawed it, took notice that the fall of the mark wiped out the war debts and thus left Germany financially unencumbered for a new war
Real wages might have went down, but the average person in Germany felt better off than their pre-3rd Reich counterpart and that's all that matters from a governmental perspective.
>user provides evidence
what fucking evidence? he's provided zero evidence for his claim that:
>the NS programme proofed substantially more successfull than Rossevelt's New Deal
>refuse to refute
What point has he made that I haven't refuted?
>What are you hoping to accomplish here?
I can ask you the very same thing. You keep yelling propaganda while failing to prove any of it is actually inaccurate. I've provided facts, figures, and specifics for my argument you've provided nothing
Yes, it does
He was one of the greatest men to ever live.
It fucked up anyone who held a debt in the native German currency. It was a mass default of the system.
But debts that were held externally couldn't be paid off with the Peipermark.
The rich would rather ruin the national currency that have to voluntarily pay a higher percentage in tax. Remind you of somewhere? :)
If only it was possible to help the economy by reduce wasteful spending on rearmament and military.
nice source
It's not that simple user refer to
Kys homo
>he doesn't know about the nazi beans
Google any of the paragraphs and it's at the very top.
No, it makes the French the bad guys.
It's not my job to find your sources
I don't think anyone should replicate Hitler's diet or drug cocktails from 1940 onwards.
Most of the politicians from this era were doped up. Churchill is confirmed to have done crystal meth in the 1950s 100%, and JFK had a chronic back problem that he was medicating with something strong too.
When you get to a certain strata in society, a doctor's prescription isn't even required to obtain hard drugs.
Our current leaders are 100% on gear too. Not primitive stuff either.
If you don't let in the third world you are literally hitler the movie.
There we go that wasn't so hard was it
Rohm would’ve been a better leader for the NSDAP
Wait a minute... Nazis eats nazi products? Lmao, Nazis are naziboys.
What the fuck? I didn't type nazi.
nazi sauce
Socialist cope. Japs definitely are white though and Arabs are BASED, eh kamarad?
I wonder if my grandfathers were today and saw society as it is now, would they've fought for it?
Seething central planning socialishit.
He admits it himself.
They would shoot you for fucking it up.
Yeah, unemployed/underemployed 20 somethings are the ones who fucked it up.
>Nazis are bad because... they're bad
whoa... I'm convinced now
>low unemployment
>people paid better
>live longer
>crime going down
>no global wars with generations of men lost
They would be pretty proud desu
>two decades for free to make something out of themselves
>do fuck all
>abloobloo unemployed, gib me!
This mentality really did the Germans a disservice though. A shit load of slavs who were fed up with Stalin and the Soviet system were completely willing to aid the Germans until their autism about muh Ubermensch flared up and they ended up making enemies instead of allies.
>He was only the bad guy because he lost.
Basically this.
Nobody in America wanted to get involved in WW2. They had just lost 115,000 men 20 years ago in WW1, another war nobody in America wanted to get involved in.
But the Bastard and Traitor FDR managed to provoke Japan into attacking the US through a series of economic confiscation, blockades, and secretly arming the Chinese with fighter planes (that the Japanese military obviously knew about). Which forced Japan to attack Pearl Harbor out of pure desperation. I mean, growing up, didn't you always think it was pretty fucking crazy that a tiny island nation the size of the State of New York would start a war "for no reason at all" with the giant, ass-kicking nation of America?
But thats how Historical Propaganda works. As a result over 400,000 Americans died , and another 700,000 wounded. All because of the lies and personal ambitions of the people running their government. Meanwhile FDR is still talked of as a hero to this day, and WW2 gets referred to as "the last good war".
they would have fought harder and started mass importing niggers and spics in 1945 already so that the world is already brown and beautiful by 1980 max.
And they would have started cutting men's dicks off by the 50's so we have a healthy headstart to lgbtqp acceptance
Natsoc is only different than dirty Commies in that they want to do what’s best for the state state to control production for planned maximum efficiency whereas Commies don’t care how efficiently something is made since thrybjust redistribute the products. All leftist philosophies are trash and the only people that don’t see fascists and Commies as two sides of the same coin are blinded by their overly tinted rose colored glasses
Regarding the US, I'd say their usurpation of the Spanish in the Spanish-american war and later Banana Wars better describes economic imperialsm since that was purely for economic gains. The drive to the west coast had the manifest destiny element which was more racist in nature and perhaps more in line with what Hitler imagined for eastern Europe. Hitler just forgot that Europe was the sacred cow when it came to war. Nobody gave a shit about native Americans, Nicaragua or India in comparison.
>Did you forget why it got plugged the first time?
It got shutdown because /pol was exposing the lies of the Arab Spring you stupid faggot, and Moot buckled. And then it came right back. And all the crying in the world on /q/ couldn't get it shutdown again. And then GG happened, and you faggots cried even louder. But /pol/ remained. And then Trump got elected. And here you are, still trying to act like a smug faggot while you howl at the moon.
Anyway, one reason its so hard to dislodge the myth of the Holocaust isn't just because "muh Jews" but because a lot of the imagery you've likely seen is actually that of American war crimes against the Germans. And this is where the interests of despotic assholes converge.
slavs are not white, street squatter
I love how they used real videobloggers for the scene where he went viral on the internet
That's our meme you limp dick faggot
Amazing. Everything you said was wrong.
Considering the state of white countries these days I'd rather just be a slav and not be associated with them desu. At least we kept our countries slavic, not made them african or arabic.
Is this movie good?
The movie is genius in a way that you can watch it as a right-winger or a left-winger and it will feel like it's taking your stance and parodying the opposing side
He WAS the good guy
You can't say bad things about Hitler!
He just wanted to save the white race!