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A true faggot thread, for true faggots.
he would stand fucking Roman?
for someone who was so smart he was so stupid for not killing off all potential enemies
give me the tl;dr, did diversity kill rome?
You say that. But remember immediately after his death the people stood by octavian and antony and the murderers were villified. Caesar did everything for power, but also made sure he won the peoples favor
And what of good Lepidus?
He was pro-plebs so xbox
Yes and No.
>Controlled Immigration.
Thanks to NonRoman Ausillary Cavallery; Rome is been able to Conquer Chartago/Gaul
>Unconrolled Immigration
Germanic Tribed who got buttfucked by Huns asked Rome help, then since Western Rome is not able to "Control" them, They decide to ostile take over and kill the Empire.
It also helped the fact that the Germanic tribes converted to Christianism to have the Pope approval
Ironically I think it was the monarchy that killed it. Monarchy saved rome during caesar and augustus' time but the succession inevitably passed on to shitty emperors that made stupid decisions that led to the fall of the empire.
Under Adrian, Rome reached it's peak.
It's the size of the Empire that made it Ungovernable by some Roman Senators.
I second this. There are some good nigs. But some, not 2 000 000.
Apathy by the people. They stopped caring about Roman ideals and traditions. Christianity also played a big part because people stopped doing sacrifices for the Gods and Emperor so it gradually eroded tradition and loyalty.
>start watching this show
>really enjoy it so recommend it to my older sister even though I haven't finished watching all of it
>the next episode I watch the main character fucks his older sister
the republic was never that stable. unrest was everywhere as well as constant attacks from outside threats but the straw that broke the camels back was an emperor who accepted a malignant, monotheistic religion like christianity. christfags can sugarcoat it but they were a huge factor to the fall of the empire
Did she give you the fuck?
You can't have a caesar kino without his fuckboy labienius in the show,how did they pulled it through??
Mainly after the Pope accepted a load of smelly G*rmans who proceeded to ruin everything like they always do