blade runner just doesn't blend well with today's audiences, huh?
Blade runner just doesn't blend well with today's audiences, huh?
blends well with incels it seems.
i mean shes not wrong
She acts like she's the first one to discover this.
In her defense it's a pretty shit movie. Its no surprise she didn't pay attention.
i mean shes wrong
Didn't the replicants kill people though?
why are women so dumb? the replicants fukn die within x time anyways, they killed people too
Did she miss the beginning where they stated the androids killed 20 people?
She was tweeting when they mentioned it
Go back to whatever outrage subreddit you crawled out of.
I think they killed someone and that's why he has to chase them.
>the only one he shoots is a woman running away from him
It's pretty clear that Roy isn't supposed to be a good guy. It comes with the cyberpunk story.
First off, we're supposed to sympathize with the Replicants because they just want to live but not too much because they've killed people
Second off
Third off, I'm surprised she didn't say anything about the scene between Deckard and Rachel that would definitely feel "rapey" to modern audiences
Fourth off, who cares what these literally Twatter nobodies think?
>Go back to whatever outrage subreddit you crawled out of.
Who is worse
The OP that can't understand anything more than basic "protagonist = good guy hero"
or the retards ITT that think the point of the movie is Cop vs Robbers but instead of Stallone it is Harrison Ford
Maybe this is a new thing but the "good guy and bad guy" thing is gonna end soon and especially with this joker. It's now just 2 men with different objectives. Not like ones objectivly evil but they just have conflicting interest.
>b-but the slaves killed some of their masters! That means they were evil and the slavery okay!
They are going to die anyway and they are a risk to society
>The OP that can't understand anything more than basic "protagonist = good guy hero"
What did you expect? Yea Forums is one of the lowest IQ boards on Yea Forums
Why do all these twitter accounts with weird opinions have that check mark?
I dont like harrison ford in this movie. not his character but his acting. I think he overacts
Blade Runner is a cop vs fugitives movie brainlet.
Go back to the shill thread from where you spawned from, retard
The new one sucks ass
he did rape that girl aswell.
Of course she doesn’t understand
Imagine getting triggered about a rando's opinion.
>his argument starts with "i mean..."
Jesus Christ what do they put in the water these days?
This is what capeshit has done to everyones brain, every movie has to be "bad guy vs good guy". Of course it's common in film but the fact that she can't understand that it's meant to be that way is just key to understanding the normie brain
That means they are certified sheeple/shills
Funny, most people think he UNDERreacts, to the point some joke that the robots are more emotional than the supposed human cop hunting them down
Does social isolation really make you appreciate good movies more?
Well, she is female. So, of course, she would get it wrong.
He's meant to struggle with doing his job and slowly discovering that replicants are more human than he was lead to believe. It's literally what the entire film was about.
Get murdered by a nigger.
> Baby’s first noir
Not being biased by the general capeshit public and having their logic surely helps in some way I imagine.
Killing someone is worse than enslaving someone.
It is true. If you get sucked into the mainstream Disney garbage. You've tastes becomes sterile.
Holy shit imagine being so much of a cuck that you'd let a slave murder you because "like slavery is wrong omg I can't even".
They're not human.
Amazing how these morons would be so quick to defend abortion but metal is so precious.
It means twitter thinks their opinion matters.
They are usually entertainers, politicians, journalists, and major activists.
seriously, what the fuck
he even fucking falls in love with one
>but metal
Are you seriously dumb enough to think the replicators are robots?
What so there has to be objectivly a "bad guy"? There's bad people who are going to do bad things SIMPLY because they're bad?
She's simply stating an opinion, and asking why you are expected to root for him, since the story tries to portray him as the heroic protagonist.
Are you dumb enough to think replicants are real?
The closest thing right now are robots.
Just because it's made of synthetic skin doesn't mean it isn't a machine smooth brain.
No.... just no.
and right on cue....
There's your answer.
Correct. Replicants aren't human. You can torture them to death and it wouldn't matter. Would you care about a piece of furniture getting "tortured"?
It is fine sweetie. Being a murderer is your right.
There's no need for air quotes, it is very rapey since in the 80s the culture still very much thought "oh women might struggle at first to look chaste, but they will ultimately submit because deep down they like it when you force yourself on them"
I mean, it took until the 90s for people to start talking about sexual harassment seriously, and it still took another twenty years for it to actually take considerable steps to address it more firmly.
its his body language. he always has to make faces or move around for everything he does
his line delivery is fine tho
Way to miss the point and be just as retarded as her.
He's a replicant too though...
Robot refugees aren't people.
I would care about a perfectly good piece of furniture being damaged for no justifiable reason, yes.
Replicants aren't human ;)
>synthetic skin
It's normal skin. They're bioengineered drone people with genetically enhanced muscles and shit to adapt them to whatever planet they're meant to work at. They're not fucking Fallout 4 replicators.
>No.... just no
Why do all lefty retards write like this? Is it some zoomer shit to add dramatism to whatever they say?
>likes new blade runner
12 year old nigger
She literally stole this from me when I said the same thing here except even better. She's right. The slaves are the heroes.
Humanity has no future....
Women like bad boys, they like it when you get a bit rough.
Bet you can't even tell me why it's bad besides using non arguments like "it's pretentious" or "it's dishonest filmmaking"
>It's normal skin.
Normal skin doesn't have serial numbers on its cells.
>kill people
yeah fuk off and never post your opinions again
>Le epic video game reference
You are arguing about a fictional world with fictional bs. It's all just mental farts you are spouting. Now stfu and come back when you build a human out of thin air.
What would you like me to say to satisfy your rules?
Send the buggers back. Coming over here from the Shoulder of Orion, with all your fancy clothes and running about.
need anything else need to be said?
Slaves kill the people who made them slaves.
Fucking morons, replicants are not human, they are machines. Of course a big part of the movie relates to their struggle with their innate humanity, but they are still robots in the end. More importantly, they are defective robots, who go insane once their expiration date is up and then have a tendency of murdering innocent people. Yeah it's kinda sad when they die and it makes you question whether Deckard is a good guy at first, but terminating old models is necessary for people's safety.
> "oh women might struggle at first to look chaste, but they will ultimately submit because deep down they like it when you force yourself on them"
Sorry are you saying this unironically? Because that's indeed as true now as it was back then. Only a person who hasn't experienced multiple women would think otherwise.
Of course it only applies if you're good looking.
I don't think the movie does do that
Scwhartz does, but that's because she doesn't understand how the lead character in a story can be anything besides the 'hero'
There is no villain in the film.
Build a fucking wall.
A SPACE wall.
Patrolled by the SPACE FORCE.
I'd understand her points more if she'd referenced PKD's book but you can tell her stance comes from a realm of pure emotion/ignorance.
they killed innocents, the real slave master is Tyrell corp, its like saying sweatshop chinks are justified in killing random whito*ds instead of going after Nike
no it doesn't
I wasn't just referencing Fallout out of nowhere, I did it because user seems to think the replicators have metal inside them and fake skin just like they did in Fallout 4. Ever since that game came out there's been a huge uptick in people who think the Bladerunner replicators were like that.
>I can't handle moral complexity I need simple good vs evil story
No, slaves live sad and broken lives.
They seldom kill anyone and when they do they and everyone they love is severely punished.
They didn't kill random sweatshop workers. They killed people who told them which parts of them they designed specifically. They killed the people who designed them.
You don't actually know that replicants don't use metal in their construction.
I wonder what her jewpussy smells like.
actual film criticism
> t. people on Yea Forums pretending they could possibly know anything about what slavery is like
okay, but I was describing what happened in the movie.
Maybe Tyrell. The whole society is fucked up and he's the closest thing to a responsible party.
They killed 23 colonists and the crew of the shuttle they hijacked to reach Earth.
Sounds like wagecucks to me.
>Seeing the actor and not the character
>I don't think the movie does do that
But it does. The movie takes a long time before the replicants starts to look sympathetic, and until that Deckard is very much the typical neo-noir-ish anti-hero.
Fuck off Uridon
I guess it'd be the rich guys who don't live on earth anymore
>the movie does what I said it does, not what it actually did
>oh gee, seems like we might have some replicants loose, should we check which employees have metal in them, or just ask them a bunch of weird questions and see which one freaks the fuck out?
wait is ash from alien one of these replicants? everything makes sense now
she really isn't tbqh. they fucked up by giving replicants emotions
Nice digits. If I were them I would have tried not to kill them. Though I don't know what I'd do if I were a slave who knew that he was manufactured and had a limited lifespan.
if they did the premise of the film wouldn't make sense
Someone would think that we would start to understand more technology with time.
It's like she missed the whole point of the movie because she can't stop seeing the world with her gigantic ego's lenses.
The Voigt-Kampf test isn't just meant to detect Replicants but also detect if they are developing feelings
What is with liberals and having to see everything in black and white? Like every side in every conflict has to be either good or evil and you have to root for one and against the other. Nobody is the villain in Blade Runner. Both Deckard and Roy and his men do what they do for understandable reasons and conflict inevitably ensues. It should have been clear to her that it wasn't about a good and evil fight when at the end Roy saves Deckard before dying.
And of course, the cherry on top, with the implicit assumption that one side is LE GOOD and one is LE BAD in tow, the liberal then chooses the replicants to be the "good side" for no other reason than she can identify the replicants as slaves who are running away from something. The rebel is always right, the oppressed is always right. Unless its your political rival, of course.
Its bioengineered, they can make it grow numbers.
Replicants are basically humans made piece by piece from artificial organs.
>should we check which employees have metal in them,
and would they do that user?
Let me guess, a metal detector right?
because the only way metal could exist in a human body is in large lumps you can easily detect with a magnet.
>What is with liberals and having to see everything in black and white?
>one side is LE GOOD and one is LE BAD
It's part of their brainwashing, it removes their ability to think in abstract terms, nuance and consider gray moral areas, it infantilizes the mind. You're either with them or against them, there is no middle ground
That changes nothing about the fact that if they had metal skeletons or whatever then the guy doing the test in the beginning would have just run a fucking magnet over everyone or scan them, because he was looking for a replicator who'd escaped to Earth and taken up a job. The only reason for having to ask the questions is if they're so close to human that it's difficult to tell without the neurological test.
>no man they're totally made of metal, they just don't have any metal parts that can be detected :^)
You're pathetic.
/pol/ was an error
I'm not machinist, I just remember when we didn't have so many of them about. Better times.
Leave it to a woman to look at a complex plot and wonder "WHERE DA VILLAIN AT?!"
No wonder their outlooks on life are awful when they just want X Bad and Y Good.
Except they're not "basically humans" at all, as humans are not made bit by bit from off the shelf components that display qualities that don't exist in their human equivalent. Human is a scientific nomenclature, its not just a feeling.
Verified tick of David
Deckard shot a female replicant dead. Man on woman murder makes him automatially a villain. It doesn't matter that these replicants are dangerous, killed the shuttle crew they escaped from and went on killing more people on earth. I guess this bitch needs to stick to Marvel movies.
>since the story tries to portray him as the heroic protagonist.
god you are dumb
Who said deckard was the good guy
>Deckard shot a female replicant dead
She was a dangerous criminal avoiding capture
Obviously the protagonist of any story is automatically a hero,
>they fucked up by giving replicants emotions
They weren't given emotions, it's a natural consequence of them being intelligent enough to be useful.
The trouble is that replicants are "born" with fully mature bodies but immature minds so the way they develop emotionally isn't predictable or comprehensible to a normal human being, at some point they hit their version of the terrible twos but with the strength to break a man in half.
So the consensus is that replicants are human, right?
>You're pathetic.
Says the guy that doesn't know that calcium is a metal.
They're not human but they should be treated as such. They are capable of feelings, having hopes and dreams,etc
Whoah Blade Runner is more relevant than ever!
Dark-romanticism. Faust. Learn the history of film. Deckard isn’t the ‘bad guy’, he’s standing on a metaphorical precipice, reverse baptism (same as Faust) it’s the same emotional output throughout tons of films. This sort of forceful bathing in evil due to the conditions of modernity but romantizing it because at the end it’s always with spontaneous Faust + Gretchen love
Young Women dont understand noir
One of the key features is Moral ambiguity.
Women’s life’s have been too easy and soft to get it
robots are supposed to be our slaves, when women and feminist male allies inevitably get in the way I'm gonna be pissed
>acktually the human body has metal in it
brainlet attempt at a gotcha. Good of you to pay attention in last weeks biology class I guess, kid.
Film Noir is an intrinsically misogynistic genre. Women are only damsels in distress for the straight white male hero to save or villainous seductresses that lure him astray.
She literally wrote a book called The White Man's Guide to White Male Writers of the Western Canon
I'm already ignoring her
I'm more surprised that she isn't sperging out about the rape scene
Huh? Usually the pretty one one hiring the detective is in on the scam in some way and is the character with the most agency
1. Robot literally means "slave". Even though when we eventually have robots I'm sure women like this will campaign for their rights, the entire POINT of them is to replace the need to make other humans into slaves. Feeling emotion for machines that LOOK like humans will be her downfall.
2. There are multiple points where the Replicants could get away or otherwise just NOT kill people, but they're proven to be violent when unstable. Not even their creator could have stopped one of them from killing him through rational discussion.
3. I don't get what women see in Harrison Ford. He's a cool dude, I don't get how he's particularly "hot".
It's a completely accurate assessment you dumb lib or even dumber centrist, whichever one you are
More accurately, American film noir is very sexist. French film noir on the other hand tends to have very strong female characters, although obviously still very rooted in male POV when telling the story.
i always thought he was basically the villain. I mean the point is he starts to feel bad about his job and question his "programming"
A neo palestinian who doesn't understand art that's non subversive
>>whew grabbler
I'm glad that finally admit that you were wrong the whole fucking time, and it's actually possible for metal to exist within what appears to be a human body, that cant be detected without impractically invasive tests.
What about neonoir, the topic of the thread?
nice b8
Millenial women were a huge mistake.
Replicants are not people.
>They're not human but they should be treated as such
Anyone else think that this female wojak looks cute? She looks like she has a little leash on and needs a headpat.
>replicators are just metal
>no they're highly bioengineered humans
>you don't know they don't use metal in their construction
>yes we do because the movie wouldn't work if they had metal parts to set them apart from humans
>well acktually humans have small traces of metal in them so I'm actually right anyway and you've been wrong all along! I win!
You're just embarrassing yourself.
This many posts and not a single mention of the 'question' over deckard's true nature. I'm impressed guys!
2049 pretty much confirms he's human. Even the original doesn't have much evidence to the contrary either.
>omg they're like slaves this is horrible this really makes me think about history and stuff
god normies are like fucking puppies. i wish i could live like this honestly.
i feel sorry for these people
their brains are reduced to algorithms for spitting out 'hot takes'
they cant enjoy or have a meaningful experience with anything
>but mah unicorn dream
She is since Ford is only doing what he is programmed to do.
>"oh women might struggle at first to look chaste, but they will ultimately submit because deep down they like it when you force yourself on them"
>There's no need for air quotes
>the movie where he's living in an irradiated hellhole where no other humans go confirms he's human
What. It's left ambiguous, but it DEFINITELY doesn't prove he's human.
Spotted the housenigger.
If he was a Replicant then how come he grew old? He would have died years ago like Rachel did.
>the movie where he's living in an irradiated hellhole where no other humans go confirms he's human
It WAS an irradiated hellhole. You see bees and even a dog are capable of living there perfectly fine
Are you a fucking retard?
My whole fucking point is that "metal detectors" are not magic, they do not detect all metal. Even in non-trace amounts a metal detector will not detect calcium, in fact it won't detect any metal that is not substantially conductive.
Let it go Dunning-Kruger, you're not as smart as you think you are.
take no issue with points one or two, but Harrison Ford was clearly ridiculously handsome
Rachel died giving birth to the kid, not old age. They were a new kind of replicant who could have kids and didn't have the short lifespan because they were made to human specs, rather than superhumans mining shit on other planets with twice the gravity.
Your whole fucking point is irrelevant because the discussion was never about trace metals. If replicants only have trace metals then they're the same as humans in makeup.
>it is very rapey since in the 80s the culture still very much thought "oh women might struggle at first to look chaste, but they will ultimately submit because deep down they like it when you force yourself on them"
literally sitting in the pub one night with a girl i know for years, starts telling me she has a rape fantasy out of the blue, we go home and I pretend to rape her, good times.
Only edgelords and brainlets don't side with the Replicants.
>in the 80s the culture still very much thought "oh women might struggle at first to look chaste, but they will ultimately submit because deep down they like it when you force yourself on them"
That still doesn't prove Deckard was a Replicant
>There are multiple points where the Replicants could get away or otherwise just NOT kill people, but they're proven to be violent when unstable.
What about Roy sparing/saving Deckard?
No like I said it's left ambiguous, but it definitely doesn't confirm he's human, if anything it's made to have more points supporting both sides than the first movie.
>Your whole fucking point is irrelevant because the discussion was never about trace metals.
Calcium doesn't exist in the human body as a trace metal you moron, it's literally 1-2% of your bodyweight.
It's an observation that's been made many times and more eloquently in film analysis before. One of the things that made the film innovative at the time it was released was that the antagonist was more sympathetic than the villain, and the ending plays with this by having the hunter becoming the hunted.
The only thing this dumb jew cunt did with that tweet is restate that observation in a dumbed down, blue checkmark approved, millennial-friendly way that appeals to social justice sensibilities with some half-baked slavery parallel.
This is why everyone hates zoomers and millennials, they feel entitled to upvotes for their lack of knowledge.
Deckard isn't the ‘bad guy’ the entire society is lied to about how replicants are. And the entire film is him discovering this.
Saying he overacts is not correct at all. He's subdued to a fault.
>Someone airs an opinion after seeing a movie for the first time
>You stupid cunt, how dare you not know scholarly film analysis already said this same thing decades ago!!
And you wonder why people find film snobs to annoying.
When comparing it to a metal being with fake skin slapped on top it is. Or are you going all out on memory-holing your first post where you said "but metal is so precious."?
Practically the entire point of the movie is that Deckard is not a good guy for killing replicants. How brain dead do you have to be to not understand such a simple story?
Someone needs to make an image of this woman's head, the Tyrell pyramid on the opposite side, and the actual point of Blade Runner flying over her head while she exclaims "wow cool future".
Roy isn't a good example for you to use because he's the same one I mentioned as killing his creator.
However, in this instance, the reason he doesn't kill Deckard is because that's what the story is about. It pivots about that moment. It exists for that final climax. These violent machines CAN choose not to kill, but most don't. The only time we ever see it take place is akin to what humans call religious experience - that is, he delivers a eulogy to himself and the content of that eulogy refers to the passing of information - killing the only one to hear that eulogy would hypocritically be the very thing that ENFORCES the fact that those memories would be "lost". Deckard will always remember him, even if he doesn't share those memories. It's an exception to the rule, because Batty has reached the apex of fear, emotion and pride; he's tried to do something about it; and he's failed. That's the point of his character.
It's the fact that this opinion is aired on Yea Forums, a board dedicated to doing exactly that(when not simply shitposting) that really makes it fun.
>uhm guys? through my lense of primitive female moralism this movie appeared as having clear cut good and evil sides? like, powerful people and those who help them are evil duh?
>t. blue checkmarked, well connected LA Jew
>Half baked slavery parallel.
Replicants are literally slaves though, it's not really half baked. Roy explicitly complains about what it's like to be a slave.
No one wanted to wage slave shitty dangerous jobs so they just said "fuck it"and made cheaper flesh robots
Just saw 500 Days of Summer for the first time and it's great but... Zooey Deschanel is the villain, yeah? Like, it's about this guy who wants the best for her and just wants a CHANCE of starting a family with her, and this manic pixie girl dumps him only to do that with just other random guy
Why are we supposed to like Zooey deschanel in this movie aside from the fact she's Zooey deschanel? I don't get it
I'd agree with you and I wouldn't take this tone if I was watching the movie with a friend and he made a similar observation. But this cunt was obviously baiting for attention and as an opportunity to virtue signal (the comment about slavery makes this especially obvious), so I have to assume she's either dumb or playing dumb to sneak in the whole implicit fuck wypipo subtext. If it's genuinely the former and you're gonna comment about it publicly on social media or anywhere on the internet, maybe take 5 seconds to google it and see if your "brilliant observation" hasn't been made a million fucking times before?
I just don't get this reddit mentality of immediately starting a thread with some facile observation for upvotes after watching a movie, I personally research and read up a bit on the movie if it was at all interesting.
>Batty has reached the apex of fear, emotion and pride; he's tried to do something about it; and he's failed.
Yes the are and you murdered your own babies out of lazines. You have to live with that cunt.
Nah, in her case it's totally justifiable, she probably felt smart about simple observation that's already been done before. But what this Arrow screenwriter doesn't realize that protagonist does not a priori imply hero of justice in spandex she's used to writing about.
Hell, Oliver Queen wasn't exactly the positive figure himself in season 1, he was a serial killer, she should be fucking aware of that, her post is entirely applicable to Arrow.
>So... this guy wants to kill dudes who want to destroy and rebuild from scratch most corrupt and poor district in the city and it's bad exactly why?
But you know she meant it differently than the movie meant it. The movie doesn't make a big deal out of the fact that they're slaves, its more about them trying to achieve humanity. She was obviously making a parallel to american slavery. And don't even try to argue that she didn't, just have a look at her twitter bio, it reads exactly how I expected before looking it up, except I was picturing preferred pronouns.
Failure is a definitively (yeah I'm using that word properly) a human phenomenon. It's entirely appropriate and intended that a story about who is and who isn't, and what it means to be, human; has characters who fail in spite of their exceptional abilities.
>(((([insert jew name here]))))
Also this kike clearly didn't watch the damn thing did she? They explicitly show several murders, and explain the others that the replicants committed too.
Fucking brainlet.
>I wouldn't take this tone if I wasn't triggered because I presume things like the intent to virtue signal without any evidence.
Pray tell, do you also do extensive research before you decide to shitpost here?
Roy is the replicant
>movie about slaves, with Roy referring to himself as such
>fuck this bitch for virtue signalling by bringing up slavery!
Also Twitter was literally designed for shooting out quick thoughts you're having, not publishing your fucking movie thesis after researching it online like an autist.
late stage cultural marxism
Moral ambiguity is what makes Blade Runner work. Decard is just doing his job because without it he's practically worthless, he feels extreme guilt over it which gets even worse when he falls for Rachel. The Replicants have a noble and sympathetic goal but commit horrible acts in the process of reaching it. It's not really a story with a good guy or bad guy, movies don't need to be black and white.
Yeah I realised right after posting. Me no good with names.
>Pray tell, do you also do extensive research before you decide to shitpost here?
See my post here
then try to explain how her narrative wasn't
>Deckard=cop=authority figure=symbol for oppressive white patriarchy
>Roy=slave=metaphor for oppressed=black slaves
I figured, at first I was gonna add 'dumbass' to my post, but then I didn't cos I figured you just slipped up.
>being such a cuck that you won't kill your master after you've been enslaved
The fucking state of you betas.
>Twitter was literally designed for shooting out quick thoughts you're having,
thats one way of putting it
I don't give a shit what twitter was designed for, its current purpose is virtue signal devotion to the progressive ideology. This disingenuous jewess literally wrote a book called THE WHITE MAN'S GUIDE TO WHITE MALE WRITERS OF THE WESTERN CANON, I don't believe for a second there wasn't an underlying signal to her tweet.
And this is why we need trigger warnings, folks.
>those poor immigrants did nothing wrong
>cop bad
>we are supposed to like Harrison ford in this movie
> I presume things like the intent to virtue signal without any evidence.
what possible evidence could there be for such a claim except for the text itself? if you disagree with its interpretation that is fine, but which interpretation is correct is not a question that can be settled by 'evidence', except for a minute inspection of the authors psychology, which i doubt anyone on this earth would be consider a worthy endeavor.
>then try to explain how her narrative wasn't
lmao you have to explain how it was that when there's nothing in the tweet to indicate that
>slavery is bad
My gf broke up with me after we watched this together
she 100% was the villain
I was expecting the tweet to be about the rape, but no.. it's about the refugees.
The same refugees who murdered the first blade runner, the eye scientist, Sebastian and Tyrell.
Way to virtue signal on Yea Forums, bro.
>there's nothing in the tweet to indicate that
Her choice of words makes it very obvious. Why did she choose slave instead of androids (which better encompasses what they are)? Why did she choose cop instead of bounty hunter (which is a more accurate description of what Deckard does)?
My ex gf read the book once, and when I asked her who she liked the most, she said she liked Isidore.
>having a simplistic binary view of morality, good guys vs bad guys
Why do idiots like this even bother watching movies?
If a computer or a bull kills its owner, you put it down or recontain it. Replicants don't have property of themselves.
>Why did she choose slave instead of androids
Because they are slave labor. That's why they REBELLED.
>Why did she choose cop instead of bounty hunter
Because he IS a police officer.
> Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it? That's what it is to be a slave.
It's a real mystery why watching the movie would make her think of slaves rather than androids. Real big thinker.
your mind when it's taken over by simple political narratives. Activists are truly low IQ.
They are lifeforms with every single property of lifeforms. They are humans just like people sleeping are humans.
Whether you can massacre humans because you feel like it is another matter and I'm not even trying to be edgy saying we should let it happen in many cases, but denying the humanity of children in the womb is top delusion.
>guy who gets his order from a police captain
>not a cop
>but denying the humanity of children in the womb is top delusion.
Nobody is denying their humanity, but they're not persons
English, doc?
What makes it strange is the fact there were hardly any insurrections in their black slave era. To make it worse, slaves themselves would rather defend their master than join a rebellion.
>Because they are slave labor. That's why they REBELLED.
That can be inferred, but the movie itself gives Roy an actual overt motivation: he wants to meet his maker and he wants more life.
>he WAS a police officer.
fix'd, not that it changes much, but since you want to nitpick.
this is why you don't watch movies on a fucking telephone
If a cop tells you to show him your license, are you taking orders from a cop? If you do it, do you then become a cop yourself?
If a sheriff deputises me to go hunt people down then I'd be fine with people calling me a cop. Especially if I used to be a cop or sheriff.
>Deckard: Abdul Hassan? I'm a police officer, I'd like to ask you a few questions. Artificial snake license XB71, that's you? This is your work, huh? Who did you sell it to?
>Deckard: They're classified.
>Rachael: But you're a policeman.
>Deckard: I didn't look at them.
Fantastic explanation. I kinda wish to learn but I can't into motivation. Never dumb down ur posts
Not him but it'll be a cold day in hell before I take a fucking replicant seriously
Nah you're supposed to hate the guy because he's entitled. Literally the feminist narrative, men are disposable and should do whatever women say or want.
That's a dangerous road here. Are people sleeping not persons?
People in a coma have lower activity and can stay this way for way longer than the duration of a pregnancy.
>people have their culture destroyed and even family bonds purposively shattered by splitting families up, with brainwashing for each disrupted generation
>somehow it's strange that they got brainwashed
That's exactly what to expect. That's why the slave owners did all that shit. Same reason why they didn't want anyone to teach slaves anything unrelated to work. It was a giant example of social conditioning.
he's a private dick, morons
They were given memories that inspired emotions and a sense of belonging in the world. They were also given killer instincts and a will to survive so naturally conflict would arise. Emotionally they might be a little stunted but still had plenty of reason to be pissed because of their short lifespans.
He was pretending to be a cop to get information, the same way you're pretending to be retarded to bait.
aka not a cop
He's an ex-cop being brought in and ordered by his former captain to do cop work again. You have to be an extraordinary faggot to nitpick the twitter-post calling him a cop.
How? The guy runs a company that makes replicants. It's doubtful he's responsible for overcrowding or pollution.
And when it comes to replicants, he tells Roy "we made you as best we could" - and he's not lying.
Reminder the repniggers killed the crew of the very ship that got their asses out of where they were.
Even if you think the artificial men have rights, they are still criminals of the highest order. They might have been justified in killing their holders, not the people that helped them get out of it, and certainly not their maker.
Not a "bounty hunter" either
It's a well-known thing that he's not a cop, I'm not the nitpicker but you'd have to be a retard who didn't even watch the movie to call him one. I haven't seen the goddamn movie in 20 years but I still remember he's a private eye
> Deckard flashes his police card.
Got your licenses in order, old
buddy ?
>Deckard hastily flashes his badge at arriving
I thought they hijacked a shuttle? In that case it's like killing your foreman and taking his horse to fuck off the plantation.
>Not a "bounty hunter" either
No, it's like your toaster malfunctioning and stabbing you
Based and insightfulpilled
>movies have to have a clearly defined "villains"
can women comprehand anything more than Marvel movies?
his shitty acting in 2049 must be what you're referencing
Niggers hardly rebelled retard
In the book, he's more unambiguously bad. He's been corrupted by consumerism and ultimately kills because he gets paid for it and he wants to buy fancy animals to show off ASAP. In the film, the police chief tells him, "If you're not us, you're little people," so regardless of whether or not he's a replicant, the film positions him where he and the replicants are similarly placed under threat by the state and have to kill to survive.
He's doing the job of a cop. It's not like they're bringing in some outside guy to do a job they can't do, hunting down replicants is the police force's job. They just pulled Deckard back from retirement because their best guy got killed and Deckard is the best now. You're a giant autist for nitpicking the simple use of "cop" instead of going into the intricacies of Deckard's former job status on twitter where there's a low character limit.
Yet you have to pay for it
The day my toaster starts philosophising is the day I get a toaster that isn't some IoT shit.
Yeah, private eyes work with the cops all the time watch literally any movie about a private detective
Alexa does exactly that, put it in a toaster and there ya go. Replicant v1
>replicants are more human
They're really not. They have no empathy. They're basically sociopaths, with superhuman strength. That's what makes them so dangerous.
There is no indication of that.
I'm not convinced about it either. This sound dangerously close to 'wypepo from Poland zee responsible for slavery in Jamaica indirectly'. The shuttle crew have little to do with the replicants.
And they still go on rampage on earth after that.
Both movie and book have a more complicated view of the replicant group than big baddy, but there is no doubt they are hardened murderers.
And 9/10 times cops get private detectives involved because the cops can't break into houses or whatever they need the private eye to do. But in this case the police's job is to hunt down the replicants. There's no ambiguity here, he's doing the cop job.
You've got a thick skull. He's obviously not a cop, so this conversation is over
The point is that that’s literally the entire point of the movie, not some special hidden meaning
Thus spoke the autist.
>We should taken in dangerous androids from another planet or else !
Is she from Europe?
Judging by this thread it doesn't seem that obvious.
OK but like 70% of this board is legally retarded
She's mostly right, the only thing she's wrong about Fords character being a villain. Which is not to bad for only having watched the movie once.
>There's no need for air quotes, it is very rapey since in the 80s the culture still very much thought "oh women might struggle at first to look chaste, but they will ultimately submit because deep down they like it when you force yourself on them"
>I mean, it took until the 90s for people to start talking about sexual harassment seriously, and it still took another twenty years for it to actually take considerable steps to address it more firmly.
She is. We shouldn't sympitise with Ford's character, because it's not his story.
I'd vager that replicants have more than 50oz of metal in them as opposed to an average human.
>you can tell her stance comes from a realm of pure emotion/ignorance.
Yes, we can tell she's a woman
So if a dangerous criminal is avoiding capture by say, running away from the police the police can't do anything about it because his/her/it's back is towards them? shit, just train to marathon run and the cops can't touch you as long as they are behind you.
He's just a cop doing his job, you are literally suppose to sympathize with Rutger Hauer's character. Is she retarded?
The concept of anti-heroes is too difficult in the current morally confused climate.
Your brain has rotted from pure ideology to the extent you're lashing out at people who simply understand the film better than you seeing them as political opponents. It's actually sad, there's almost nothing you can enjoy at this point.
I'm not a leftist and there's nothing that really indicates the users you're replying to are either.
The reason we only get marvelish films anymore is because concepts like character progression and any kind of moral ambiguity is too difficult to grasp for a lot of people. People need simple bad and good guy or they get confused ans scared, then lash out on social media.
They aren't wrong incel.
>d-duh villain and duh g-good guys!!
why are women like this
Kosher certification.
>can't do anything about it because his/her/it's back is towards them
no, you just can't shoot them
Looks like she got the movie just fine, she just didn't realise that it's on purpose.
>four escaped murderbots
In the book which this movie adapts they are literally robots with fake skin.
The movie is about decommissioning some robots, there is no murder. The point of the movie/ book was never "are robots alive and do they have feelings/ is it wrong to "kill" them", the point was the protagonists struggle to get over seeing the things as human since they emulate humans so well. The book is very clear in portraying actual life as being more important than simulated life, hence there being a taboo on not having a real pet, or having a sim pet to hide the fact that someone is not taking care of a real animal
>implying 90% of all humans including men are not like this
Don't be disingenuous
This. In the end it seems clear that Roy is the anti-hero of the story, but he is the antagonist because the story is told from Deckards perspective.
Also the deaths of the female replicants are shown as pretty gruesome and tragic.
I just watched it a couple weeks ago (again) and I didn't like Deckard at all.
how are they hard to catch then? just point a metal detector at them.
Wait a second, esl here. When she says 'hot' she means attractive? Why does she feel the need to mention he's hot? Can only good guys be hot?
You're omitting the fact that the Replicants aren't humans.
>Feeling emotion for machines that LOOK like humans will be her downfall.
Replicants have emotions
>((((Schwartz)))) complaining about white men
Likability isn't necessary for you to be the hero.
I don't think the film is coloured by Deckard's perspective at all, he doesn't act certain of himself or his aims at all and is reluctant to get involved, and he is assaulted first in almost every fight. He remains confused and conflicted right up to the end, and is as much a victim of circumstance as the replicants.
Is there a movie with a purposely unlikeable hero and a likeable villain? The hero has to be good though, none of that anti-hero shit.
Neither were niggers in the South.
what i don't understand is why they just don't dial back the human verisimilitude. why create this ethical dilemma by mass-producing artificial humans? keep them in the uncanny valley and without personalities. make them inhuman and machine-like.
>their masters
They didn't say specifically who they killed. It could have been some unlucky pedestrians that they decided to take their anger out on.
it's fucking "replicant" you pleb.
>it's a millennial woman can't comprehend anything outside black and white good vs evil cartoons for kids episode
When are they going to stop replaying this one?
>You Dickard? You villain Brade Runner?
>neo palestinian
kek that's good
Imagine a dwarf child killing their dwarf parents for knowing they'd have dwarf children. That's basically the plot of the movie.
>live in a society entirely dependant on slaves doing the dirty work needed to make society go on
>dude, like, I didn't personally own a slave! It's not cool to fuck with me!
I'm surprised she used the actor's name instead of just using "white male".