
/trek/ thread
Stardate 97293.56
Is it just me or is I, Borg a shit episode

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Hugh from I, Borg was the inspiration for Hugh(gone) in Alita: Battered Angle.

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Is that the one where Picard has the opportunity to eradicate the (((Borg))) but he bitches out and doesn't do it and ends up fucking over humanity forever because of it?

Can you believe someone started a rival thread?

How does he doom humanity when they defeat the borg in the future

Are you saying there's still hope for us?

Because the Borg are never completely gone. THey return in the new Picard show. Have you seen the trailer? I has a borg square.

Isnt it decommissioned

You salute the uniform, not the woman, cadet.

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You see a Borg cube as a looming threat in the trailer.

Its literally half destroyed

We'll see when the show airs. I have a hunch I'll be right.

Picard's Nr. 1 is a girl?

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ENT is still the worst trek there ever was. STD never had a chance and shouldnt be considered trek anyway. ENT fucked everything up.

What a douchey thing to say.

she qt

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fite mee

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We have a rich history.

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Who's the best girl in star trek? Is it troi?

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Ensign Ro pre betrayl

What does Picard need Moon Mans help for?

To help fuck you, user.

skelly McManface? no.

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I don't like girls, they're manipulative.

Ro & Picard need to meet up again, when they go to Bajor for DS9 cameos they need to see each other again

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>Is it just me or is I, Borg a shit episode
I am Hugh. Hugh J'Cock. Of Borg. You will assist us.

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Its Ezri even though Worf raped her and got away with it

>Is it just me or is I, Borg a shit episode
It's just you.

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I claim Eliza Taylor aka Gigi Edgley.
You might know her from Farscape.

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>god tier jawline
>chiseled abs
>petite twink frame
I'd add his biological distinctiveness to my own, if you know what I mean.

She's old now and not fuckable

too skinny

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>implying it's not going to wake up and start shoving assimilation nanites into everybody by the end of the first episode

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