Pure, unadulterated kino

Pure, unadulterated kino

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The bleakest, coldest horror movie that still makes me uneasy to watch.

yes but he chases her around screaming for a bit too long

Would you say it's the best horror film made?


I would indeed. Few movies come close in terms of raw, visceral terror. It was one of Kubrick's favorite films for a reason

This film perfectly captures the 1970's.

Can the best of something be flawed?
there isn't a single thing wrong with Tokyo Story.
Or, is flawlessness a sign of lack of ambition, and that the best of something must have imperfections?

Because Texas Chainsaw Massacre isn't a perfect film.

but if we're talking -horror- horror and so Psycological Horror like The Shining & Rosemary's Baby don't count, then i reckon it is the best ever.

Things happen here about...they don't tell about. I see things. You see, they say it's just an old man talking. You laugh at an old man...this thing that laughs know better. Things happen here about, they don't tell about. I see things. You see, they say it's just an old man talking. You laugh at an old man, this thing that laughs know better.

quite simply the greatest horror movie ever made

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what did he mean by this?

Sally best final girl

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>beautifully shot
>the main girl's incredible acting
>tight foot chases
>that ending
yeah i'm thinking it's kino of the highest order

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Based af

Seeing this in a theater is a whole other experience. A lot of small theaters screen it occasionally.

So what was Franklin’s deal? Was he autistic? Why did he keep making that tongue noise? What was with his obsession with the hitchiker?

Because if he had any more fun he wouldn't have been able to take it.


also why was leatherface making pig noises

he brought home the bacon

I got to see it on a double bill with Q the Winged Serpent. Excellent.

My guess is that he was mocking his "prey" and referred to them as pigs since he and the family were consuming them. It's almost like Deliverance (another classic 70's film) when the hillbillies were calling their rape victims 'pig' while squealing.

She was a hottie. Better than Jamie Lee Curtis.

God, I wish that were me.

I has too many jumpscares.

theres like 2

The actor studied retards and they made pig noises in real life. Not even joking.

So tell us why you made pig noises for the actor then

Oof. That was terrible.

I hated this ducking scene I jumped a mile fuck that

Believe it or not, Franklin's actor took the method approach with his character and acted as annoying throughout the entire production of the Texas Chain Saw Massacre. One of the many reasons why people were agitated during the filming of that movie.

edgy gore fest, kill urself

>Texas Chain Saw Massacre
>Gore fest
Imagine being this misinformed.


just a stereotypical teenagers being slaughtered film, unoriginal af

Your birth was a gore fest with disappointing results.

Nope, try actually watching the film next time junior


i literally did, your mum was in full agreement with me

No, it isn't. You have no idea what it is.

Pretty interesting approach. His annoying ass, the heat, the creepiness of doing the film adds up perfectly

Go to bed, dad

Not enough chainsaw

>sledgehammers teenager
>chases teenagers with chainsaw
>original scares

your understanding of the film is so basic and surface level. Are you a retard?

yes. my daddy committed incest with his mum

my condolences

I don't see how they did it. Just watching him on-screen was bad enough, and plus you could see on the expressions of the actor's faces, particularly Marilyn Burns, hat they were annoyed by him. Some of that was probably genuine. I think Gunner Hansen also stated in an interview that during filming he couldn't stand him.

i've seen this movie dozens of times but I watched it recently and picked up on some things I hadn't noticed before, particularly in regards to sound editing. Like I only just now noticed that Leatherface is screaming along with the buzz of the chainsaw in the final scene

How come the first one was so beautiful and the second was such trash?

second one was a fun,dark, tongue in cheek comedy.its respectable in its own right

unironically the only classic slasher that has a good remake (okay, maybe Ft13th kinda falls into the same category but I hope you get what I mean).

because the second was a literal fucking PARODY of the first one.

Tobe Hooper initially hoped the first film would be perceived as a black horror-comedy, but the reaction was opposite so he made the sequel as campy and less scary as he possibly could. I actually like it, and the gore in it is top-notch.

>Tobe Hooper initially hoped the first film would be perceived as a black horror-comedy
kinda funny how it really turned out if you ask...

It's kind of funny and weird, but it's strange to see the same director make a film like that after the first was such a visual tour-de-force

That's really funny!

Gnarly, isn't i? Little thing like that are really unsettling

true,they're like night and day. sad that hooper never made anything nearly as good as the og TCM though

>horror is kino

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Leatherface is unironically the most sympathetic character in the movie.

It's on par with Psycho for that accolade.

have you tried watching the movie?

No, I was watching gay porn on my phone while it was playing.