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>op browses a fag magazine website

why are gays so sensitive taking a dick in the ass has to hurt more than words

>starts crying about white genocide when a black man kisses a white woman in a movie
why are white people so sensitive

americans are not white

i'm not white

nowadays the only white on white relationships allowed on screen are between adult men and underage boys aka Call Me By Your Name.

it's fitting since white history is abound with homosexuality and pederasty

Wow, it's almost like he's a sane, sensible, and reasonable person with a sense of humor who went to a comedy show for a comedian he enjoys and had a nice time being entertained by jokes. It's disturbing how this no longer seems to be the norm.

I don't think it's a sexuality thing moreso than a generational thing.

First faggots I met in person were big into Yea Forums like in 2007 or something, and they were incredibly anti-PC (maybe because there was neither a left or right that supported them? who knows). One of them was jewish, and the other loved talk about forcing his jew to do his taxes and shit.

The one I worked with was the hardest worker there. Changed my opinion on gay folk and I'm fine with it nowadays.

Outraged/Woke culture is a different beast altogether.

Friendly reminder that Anderson Cooper is a literal descendant of the Vanderbilts and all his money is inherited through slave labor and outlawed shitty capitalism. He's the literal shithead liberals claim to hate. He'd be a nobody without his inherited wealth.

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it's almost like whites are allergic to the truth

>Wow, it's almost like

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>anderson cooper
>sane, sensible, and reasonable

it was transophobic not homophobic, one would think that person who writes articles like this would know the difference

The gay at my work is entitled, lazy, and distracting. And smells like poop.


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Dunno what the big issue is
isnt even like Dave is that funny
No different than any other nigger comedian
same jokes, same retinue
Its like they go out of their way to be just every other noggling they see on stage.

>why are white people so sensitive
they're a minority

>t. didn't watch the special

And the minority past time is to cry victim.

>Cooper, however, has not responded to any of the tweets calling on the comic to apologize since the Netflix special dropped four days ago.


we live in a world where "homophobia" is supposed to be something bad.

Not gonna lie.. Anderson Cooper is daddy as fuck.

Nice what aboutism.

he looks so old and so young at the same time it's creepy

And he's a glow in the dark CIA nigger to boot

why is it not?

and most likely a pedophile too

>why are white people so sensitive

they're just imitating everybody else.

>comple sub vibes



>but what about

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Im literally black I just hate fags

but do you hate them enough to fuck one?

I don't know if stumping for Chapelle is a meme or what, but the special really was hateful, and punched down.

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that looks fake

>Anderson Cooper is daddy as fuck
wtf does that mean?
sounds creepy as fuck.

blacks are the most oppressed group though , they cant punch down.

American Indians

Anderson Cooper is confirmed to be a Nazi who wants the 4th reich to rise.
Only a Nazi would go to a Dave Chappelle show.

>(((why are white people so sensitive)))
every time

that means that he's sexy middle aged man like Ben Affleck or Thanos

blacks were Egyptian kangs
that means they had jewish slaves
bow down to my Jewish oppression you fucking bigot.

more like 99.9%

>black muslim
>punching down
racist tranny spotted

At that same era in time, 2007-ish, I met my first few gay people.
The first literally never showered, and fucked his history teacher. Told the cops it was rape and then made a blog post about how he loved the guy.
The second also literally never showered, and also fucked the same history teacher.
The third worked with me and his boyfriend had AIDS. He said he wanted to catch it from him and might have already been infected, so he wasn't allowed to work anything but the cash register.

Shame Anderson wasn’t at home instead
taking copious amounts sleeping pills and vodka

plus he has psyonic powers that require nearly a thousand human sacrifices a day to keep in check

nope, just a pedophile
normal with the left these days.


>he doesn't know they also sacrifice the child to Moloch for power

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prolly just use their stimcells
thats why they are so pro abortion
need that baby blood.

The blood is consumed to preserve youth. Burned sacrifices are for Moloch. Different rituals, but yes you're not wrong.

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because identity politics is the name of the game, it wasn't started by whites, but now they have to play it

posting ragebait should be bannable

I keep telling people Anderson Cooper isn't a real fag.
He's only gay because he was raised on some satanic bullshit as a child that a lot of those old money millionaire families believe in.

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So was talcum x

Oy vey, what did this holocaust denying anti-semite mean by this?

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Only because modern conservatives don't really have any genuine values. They just kind of see where the left stands on something and picks the opposing position.

There is literally nothing wrong with punching down, it's how you stay on top. People who say punching down is wrong only say this so that they can punch up without resistance and displace those on top, then begin punching down themselves once they attain their goals.

Go fuck yourself queer lover.

This holds more truth than you'd think. It's how Trump got elected.


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Kinda weird statement about the only culture where its seen as a taboo.

Famous comedians and filmmakers are by their nature punching down, since they're worth millions, and talking shit about people who will never have a fraction of what they have.

Nah, its leftists who think tolerance is anything but the complete absence of values.

Haha yeah i can see how it might appear that way to some idiot who doesnt realize that leftists just oppose anything that anyone could ever attribute any value to.

God, country, family? Yeah valuing that sure puts you on the opposition to the marxist mainstream.

It's not so much that the left opposes family but embraces family models that don't consist of the typical mom/dad/child combo. It wasn't too long ago "good christians" treated single parents like dirt.

Absolutely based post, you really deserved all those (you)s, user, even further proving your point

Im pretty sure the Vanderbilts already had a generation of twats throwing their fortune away on degeneracy. I dont Anderson inherited that much.

we went from cavemen to space travellers during the time of homophobia

>Insult faggots
>Insults whites in retaliation

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>getting (you)'s means i'm right
i don't understand this mindset

>left values family
>they just don't value families
i'm lost here user

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it was like a gay 9/11 thoughs and prayers


OP was indeed a faggot today

>punching down bad
Once you start putting rules on comedy, it becomes pointless. Who is "down" is incredibly subjective as well, considering jews control almost all the wealth in the west, but somehow are still oppressed because of the 6 billion in the holocaust

I knew I saw his ass there.

>embraces family models

Aka "not family"

>one of the most famous gay guys in the country went to the show and thought it was fine
>maybe we're overreacting?
>nah, he's the one who's wrong here

The problem is that these people are so spiteful and vindictive and passive-aggressive that they can't comprehend Dave was just telling jokes without malicious intent behind them.

he didn't pocket any of that money
probably because he's gay

yous imply seething, he accused /pol/tards of seething, he then got a bunch of yous. it's not difficult to follow the logic.

you know white people are the ones who love fags the most

How much of a brainlet are you. If you're going to go crying moloch this moloch that at least try and understand mythology and old history. That image is Mary standing over her dead son Jesus. The fire represents his time while he descended into hell before rising to heaven. The fact that it's a coffin and not a tomb is most likely just a cultural touch, people at the time the art was created or depicting probably buried their dead in such.

>But muh Jesus being burned for sacrifice
He's in a process depicted in the Bible during his death. Moloch isn't depicted as a woman, he's depicted as a buff cow bull man thing

So was Talkum X

Well, what about it?
It's just hilarious how hypocritical people are.

Based. Homophobic, transphobic, and homophobic intolerance will not be tolerated. Some assholes will only understand the way of the rope!

Well, here I sat high, getting ideas.
I ain't nothing but a fool to live like this.
Out all night, and running wild,
Woman sitting home with a month old child.

So Dang me, Dang me
They ought to take a rope and hang me.
High, from the highest treeeeee.
Woman would you weep for meeee.

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as usual OP is a faggot


>intolerance will not be tolerated

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I guess it's a good thing that Anderson Cooper isn't a complete retard and understands that Chappelle is a comedian and isn't homophobic or anything resembling a /pol/tard.

Whys tha le reddit oh no meme?