How fucking terrible was this movie that test audiences hated so much they're now paying tens of millions o reshoot parts of it? This movie is going to make TLJ look fucking kino
Rise of Skywalker is getting reshoots
Other urls found in this thread:
Solo was almost totally redone and it's kino, have some faith.
Are you fucking retarded? That movie was terrible in nearly every way.
The shilling is strong with this one. Remembr everything is fine!!!
It's the best of Disney Wars and is almost as good as the OT. Try to be real for once, user, this is not the place to pretend to be cool. Yes, TLJ was horrible, but Solo is unironic kino.
So these test audiences are basically unpaid consultants?
Solo was terrible, I liked Glover but the rest is absolute garbage.
>lead can't even remotely act like Ford's Solo
>New Lando =/= OT Lando
>Lando is robosexual
>SJW Droid
>All characters are 2D, forgettable fodder
>Solo's name origin *cringe*
>forgettable, cartoon villain
>worst piece of fan service ever (Darth Maul)
>Kessle Run Scene makes no sense
>They actually found a way to ruin a ship! the Falcon is SJW fembot....
Just remember that the sequels are just a bad dream that Luke had while drunk on blue wine.
Han and Lea didn't work out..
Their kid becomes worse than Vader, yet is somehow still a pussy..
Luke is a coward...
It was all a nightmare.
Glover was shit in Solo
>>lead can't even remotely act like Ford's Solo
So what?
>>New Lando =/= OT Lando
He was close, even sounded like him.
>>Lando is robosexual
Not really.
>>All characters are 2D, forgettable fodder
A lie.
>>Solo's name origin *cringe*
That's one of my favorite parts. That old Imperial was a nice guy. The scene gave some warmth to the film.
>>forgettable, cartoon villain
Dryden Vos was good. His polite demeanor was a means for his malice bubble beneath.
>>Kessle Run Scene makes no sense
I'm starting to think that you were looking at your phone most of the time.
TLJ bad
everyone was shit in this movie.
Solo entertains me and its environments are truly unique in Star Wars, I want a sequel to it, but I know that's a longshot. They should just make "Kenobi" be its sequel, may as well then we can have Maul Vs. Ben part II.
What's funny is how JJ ruins Star Trek, after professing neverending devotion, then wins Star Wars through Spielberg, and now he can't stick the landing and basically tries to distance himself because the franchise has "such stern limitations and expectations." And everyone falls for it. And he gets a $500 million deal, while the last sequel in the Earth's biggest franchise is imploding like a Mexican on a bidet.
>tfw this movie is going to piss off both the people who liked TLJ and the people who hated it
It's gonna make less than a billion.
You mean like literally every movie in existence?
Keep up the facade, user, maybe some anons here will think you're cool for shitting on a good movie that they've never seen.
Not saying it's a perfect film, but I regret not seeing it in a theater. It's all TLJ's fault unironically.
YouTubers and sites have Been reporting this since Sunday.
It isn't necessarily terrible, more like unsatisfying to a degree that Disney wants to make sure it will get as good as reception as possible.
In the end, they don't want a divisive movie like the previous one was, so they try to make sure the'll hit all of those sweet OT notes this time around. They'll focus group the hell out of this one.
>JewJew Abrams and the writter for BVS and JL
>Expecting it to not be a fucking trainwreck
God I hope this finally put the nail in the nu-trilogy coffin. I thoroughly enjoyed watching everyone bitching and dissapointed with the GoT finale, and I'm just waiting to see the same effect with episode IX.
I say it ends up with 2.9 billion.
death and rebirth is part of the great circle of life. it's fine if Star Wars dies.
let it die, it needs too. the cancer infecting it is far too malignant.
JJ killed the franchise, not Disney. He’s a hack. He did the same to Star Trek. His scripts are always garbage.
All big movies do reshoots. It's normal.
it's because he has no actual innate talent or vision.
he's a pretender. everything he has done (which is very little actually) has been done so in the style of those that came before. Super 8 is literally "notice me spielberg sempai"
he's fucking shit and needs to disappear.
Why the fuck do they keep reshooting these movies?
Are the script writers and directors really that fucking incompetent?
Glover was the trying to imitate Billy Dee, he didn't bring anything special to the part. It was hit or miss. At least everyone else was just playing a character. Not playing someone else playing a character.
Shit opinion from a shit person
Isn't that the question of the day
Do you think movies are done one take and are perfect? It's refinement. Reshoots are to fill in missed gaps or address things that don't work as well as they wanted when the completed thing is put together.
Reshoots are a completely normal part of the process.
Fags don't know what pick ups are.
Because of focus groups and test audiences. Literally need to make it as palatable as possible for every single age/sex/race group.
No, they're not you fucking moron.
So what was in the trailer probably won't be in the movie?
>reshoots are fine!
>reshoots three months before release
The last Avengers movie was doing reshoots one month before release
Bait harder retard
wine? that was titty milk, son
Predicting the cgi to be poor and full of mistakes
...and it was shit. Is that your point?
TFA > RO = Solo > TLJ
All of them are shit.
I've heard its because they shot a bunch of marketing approved scenes and now are trying to cobble them together in editing to make movie as likable as possible.
ROTK last reshoot was one month after winning the oscar
GUYS, they RECAST and RESHOT Spielberg's newest flick BACK TO THE FUTURE. LOL! It's gonna be fucking GARBAGE.
>the franchise has "such stern limitations and expectations."
Hilarious. Untrue, but hilarious just the same. I didnt realize that, "don't fuck with the OT characters" and "dont make a shitty movie" were stern limitations and expectations.
What they mean is
>we need tie fighters and x wings
>we need to have the old characters
>otherwise casuals won't know it's star wars
Prequels had creativity. Nuwars is braindead, soulless garbage. Corporate but also mediocre.
Literally every JJ movie has reshoots.
The really sad part about threads like these is that you just know the people posting here spend every day thinking about Star Wars, and they're going to gobble up every single little detail about this one stupid movie until it releases, and then waste years of their lives afterwards discussing this stupid trivial bullshit, nitpicking every minute detail in order to justify their pre-determined hatred for a children's film product.
Go outside.
JJ movies are garbage. What's your point?
that doesnt happen when you draw out a proper storyboard
they actually listened
>What's funny is how JJ ruins Star Trek, after professing neverending devotion,
His point is that you should stop questioning JJ and pay to see his films! Stop hating on Children's Film Products because it makes Sanctimonius Children's Film Defenders like him upset! Don't ask questions just consume JJ film and then get excited for next JJ film!
>This movie had to recast and reshoot four weeks into filming, it's just like this other movie that had reshoots a few months before release!
They doubled Solo's budget and the end result was a horribly average at best sci-fi movie with Star Wars slapped on it. If they hadn't fired the directors and refilmed the whole bloody thing, can you honestly say that the movie would have lost more money?
If they were going to fire a director and replace him with Ron Howard, it should have been Rian Johnson and Episode VIII. All they needed was a safe and predictable director to bridge together Abrams' Episode VII and Trevarrow's Episode IX. Instead they picked a pretentious loose cannon indie film director.
Honestly, maybe it's for the best. Episode VII was not even a good movie but I gave it a pass because I wanted to see where it was going, even though I didn't particularly like it as a movie in its own right. The Last Jedi sped up the process of destroying Disney Star Wars so in a way something good will come out of Rian Johnson's bafoonery.
They better reshoot a reylo ending.
>not as drastic as Solo
>the movie that re-shot every scene because the lead actor was just that bad
not a very high bar to clear
Johnson is, quite literally, the only director out of all the new Star Wars movie to not utterly fuck up production.
Solo being almost entirely reshot was farcical but JJ's TFA was a fucking mess that only got pulled together into something workable at the last minute and Rogue One had to be extensively redone to save it as well.
There's a reason why their first choice to replace Trevorrow was... Johnson. But he passed because it wouldn't have worked time wise.
No shit, the ones like us who do this are simply biding time and polishing our wares before the big Future War with Disney erupts circa 2025-3030. This is our homebase, this is our brainstorm cantina and shitpost outhouse, now get out and bring us back some fucking cigs and joe, no cream, no sugar.
embarrassing post
>Spielberg's newest flick BACK TO THE FUTURE
That was Zemeckis.
So why was TLJ shit?
It was good, actually.
So why was TLJ shit?
I swear this place gets more retarded every minute
It's obviously a shill that made that post, you couldn't tell?
Who am I supposed to believe?
Every fucking big budget movie is getting reshoots and pick-ups you retard.
I swear Star Wars fans are the biggest brainlets on this board.
in her
None of them.
Disney is fucking petrified of risk, especially now they realise they boiled the frog and people will be going over episode 9 with a microscope. This makes them obsessively trawl their movies over focus groups and test audiences to try appeasing everyone.
The problem is that the Lucasfilm division don't grasp what makes a safe movie. They thought 8 was safe because of the pathetic racebait pandering and ripping off vast swathes of ESB/RoTJ, and the utter rejection of it scares them.
Chances are that 9 is just as much of a pathetic pit of pandering.
Yeah I remember when people like you were making the same excuse from Fant4stic's reshoots, too
Alias was good
Why do people defend this fucktard?
As I said, everything is getting reshoots including fant4stic. Go read a book that isn't a spaceshit comic book.
Fuck man. These fags can't get it right.
Uh huh.
>noo its not true!!!!
Seethe spaceshitter.
I wish I could have such easily satisfied tastes
Maul vs Ben part 2 happens in Rebels bro
JJ directing a script written by somebody else would have been good. Do not have JJ writing it.
fucking pajeets
Not this late in the game you fucking shill. The movie drops in three months. If this news gets widespread even normies with no knowledge of the industry will know something is seriously wrong, which could affect their confidence in buying a ticket and bothering to see it. This looks bad, is bad, and requires them to make several hundred million more to make the same level of profit after these increased costs, on a product that looks shakier to the consumer. The Mouse is fucked.
nice redditspacing fellas
RLM are a disgrace, and pleb filters
They still do?
If TRoS ends up massively under-performing (which it most likely will) then is it safe to say that Hollywood will blacklist him, Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson from getting another major gig in 5 or so years at the bare minimum?
Watch out, he's going to call you names and say that every movie has reshoots.
Probably explains why everything is shit
Wouldn't he have final say on how a script goes?
writing and directing are the same..
Literally every big budget movie gets reshoots now, this isn't even news. No one today is competent enough to do this shit right the first time.
>writing and directing are the same..
Zer is not wrong.
>They'll focus group the hell out of this one.
That’s the fucking problem. TLJ is a Frankensteinian nightmare. Rian Johnson’s retarded first draft was pretty clearly stitched together into something different than what he originally wrote, and it was done so using reactions from focus groups consisting of Disney moms and retarded, ADD zoomers who don’t care about lore, consistency, or even a good story, apparently.
Good storytellers don’t need focus testing, and even *bad* storytellers are negatively affected by making films not based on a vision or discernible themes. All focus testing produces is bland, inoffensive, disposable “product,” utterly forgettable trash.
Know what the single biggest problem with modern entertainment is? It’s afraid to offend. If you’re not offending *someone,* then you’re not challenging *anyone.* If your story isn’t challenging, then it’s not compelling. If it’s not compelling, then it’s not memorable.
For those who say the original Star Wars films weren’t offending anyone, I’d invite you to remember the culture in which they were released. America was a far more religious place back then, and seeing “space magic” couched in extremely Eastern-sounding philosophy wasn’t exactly something anyone would consider mainstream. There were Christian groups boycotting it based on it showing “holy men” performing “miracles” and acknowledging no Supreme Being. To them, the Force was just another word for magic, and these films and the mythos they created helped broaden the American psyche beyond the narrow, fundamentalist interpretations of a Higher Power so prevalent at the time. Star Wars changed how a lot of people think about God.
>mothers and daughters are bad
You're a special one aren't you
Nah, He can weasel out of it pretty easily.
Like Ron Howard, he's pretty much doing them a favour at this point. He's got enough ammo to throw them under the bus, combined with the fact most of the public will blame Johnson even if they don't absolve JJ, and they know it.
Jonson is undoubtedly fucked once the movies get to the point that firing him won't impact sales. He's only been kept on this long because Disney is worried about losing face.
Kennedy probably has blackmail material on half of Hollywood now, but given the scale of her fuck ups she'll probably "step down to spend more time with her family" and get paid off to keep quiet.
>All focus testing produces is bland, inoffensive, disposable “product,” utterly forgettable trash.
Profitable trash though. The MCU and the live-action Disney remakes, pretty much everything made under Iger is focus-grouped to hell and back.
They’re unironically right though. The new trilogy completely shits all over its diversity cast while making Kylo the only remotely interesting character to come out of this clusterfuck.
>male oriented saga with a huge male fanbase
>make movie for mothers and daughters
How about you create your own female oriented movies, faggot?
Why is this autist spamming these images every day? Really hope it's a bot.
Star Wars is for girls.
Yeah, I know. I actually agree with that post. I saved that because I think it's funny in contrast with JJ, Rian, Kennedy, etc and their shills chest-thumping about how Disney Wars is now more inclusive and progressive than ever.
>Scott Mendelson not gargling Disney cock
I'm going to need a direct source on that
...and that's a GOOD thing.
I need that in the title so I can figure out if something is a GOOD thing or a BAD thing.
The thing is, what Lord & Miller were going to make would have been far more hated than Last Jedi.
shit taste tbqh
Well that article has Scott Mendelson with the twisted psychopath pose. So, it's likely a clickbait article that deflects all blame away from Disney and blames the audience for the film not making more money.
That's a shame, I unironically like Aphra
>Jonson is undoubtedly fucked once the movies get to the point that firing him won't impact sales. He's only been kept on this long because Disney is worried about losing face.
Imagine being this delusional.
They dropped the hammer on Trank, Trevorrow and Lord/Miller without a seconds hesitation but they're totally just pretending to keep Johnson around because firing would "look bad"
Absolute brain problems.
Him and most of the media gargled TLJ cock because it pushed their pet agendas. Now that it's looking like Disney will be cutting most of the ideological preaching to win back middle of the road audiences, the leftist yuppie press is pissed.
They should have done a movie about Lando. Han's story was told in the OT, really.
Lando you have the whole story of how he came to be running Bespin and his antics before that.
They were fired before they released garbage movies that were damage controlled for months on end, you absolute brainlet.
>There are no problems here, consume the next Star Wars film please
Yeah, but they’re literal McMovies. I hate them and I hate what they say about the public at large, because they indicate that people have seriously just stopped caring about anything but supporting a brand, even when that brand is filling their children’s minds with incongruous bullshit. I can’t even begin to imagine a child looking at modern Star Wars and seeing anything that captures their imagination.
>Solo was almost totally redone and it's kino
It was a passable space adventure movie. But it was easily noticeable that production was fucked. It looked so fucking bad and rushed at parts.
Their takes were probably better than what we got.
Disney will never allow that. It's going to limp to $1.1 billion if they have to buy half of those tickets themselves.
And it sucked dick.
They already pulled that trick with Ms. Marvel. Will they be able to do that again?
He's a very good action director but his writing is garbage.
They cant keep doing that. Too many people were posting pics on Twitter of empty theatres that were supposed to be "sold out"
Captain Marvel was garbage and the MCU is in a lot better shape then Star Wars is at the moment. They try pull a ticket buying stunt again and they will be caught.
Captain Marvel needed to succeed to keep the capeshit hype going.
There's pretty much nothing after 9 to stay hyped for.
It was recast two weeks into shooting you fucking retard.
There's nothing in 9 to be hyped about either. The movie is aneurysm inducing.
No, they should’ve pulled a Mandalorian/SWTOR and either have the new trilogy take place in an entirely different era that was completely separate from the originals & prequels, or they should’ve played off on the aftermath of the fall of the empire, but with a completely new cast and plot outline that didn’t retread back on the old and tired Skywalker/Jedi vs sith/rebels vs dictators plot themes.
It's decent, and nothing else.
Completely on point. JJ knows how to direct action flicks. It's his scripts that are the problem. I don't know why you mongoloids don't understand basic concepts of film making.
This. He just shoves in stuff people remember, with little thought. He is totally generic in his approach.
"Star Wars started on a desert let's have Rey start...on a desert planet. Let's shove the Millenium Falcon in right at the start because people know that. Let's have a new death star, and let's have all the fighters be X-Wings, and let's have the bad guy wear a mask and answer to a creepy old guy. The lack of any original thought is astonishing.
Rian Johnson at least had his own ideas. Yes, many of those ideas were shit (Canto Bight), or poorly written (Holdo could have been great if she were written as a proper character), but they were at least attempts at originality.
Rian needed someone to say to him, "no, that idea is shit, come up with something better", and help him refine his ideas. Alas he was just left to auteur TLJ.
No one can convince me that the OT have had its last reshoots as long as Lucas is alive.
>directors don't have any involvement with a script
Is this brainlet serious?
The idea was meant to be three Skywalker movies with non Skywalker stuff elsewhere in the universe inbetween but they messed up the inbetween movies
Those were a handful of scenes not huge chunks of the movie.
What makes you say that?
Involment != writing the script from scratch. Stop getting your info on film making from image boards and YT video essays made by freshman dropouts.
>this script can't possibly be ruined by a director!
Do you JJ shills really believe that?
There the behind the scenes "fuckups" with the other movies were entirely to do with the big wigs not liking what the directors were making. The one Star Wars movie that needed a complete change of leadership was The Last Jedi. The only reason there wasn't any production drama with that movie is because for some reason Johnson was able to convince Lucasfilm to go completely hands off with it.
Even in Johnson's case there ended up being tons of unused material because he filmed a lot more comedy scenes than Lucasfilm would let him include, and the movie was already past the cringe threshold even with the final cut. He basically made The Last Jedi as if it were a cynical parody of Star Wars.
It was fucking awful lmao
back to Tahiti faggot
In an interview, the original writer of TFA, before he was fired said Kathleen kennedy told him she wanted a "female jedi story". That's the only thing that mattered to this bitch, make star wars with female heroes and people are wondering why it's garbage.
The reason Johnson didn't want to direct Episode IX is because the whole point of Episode VIII was to salt the earth for Trevarrow's movie. Lucasfilm asking Johnson to make IX was like if they asked him to sleep in Trevarrow's bed right after shitting in it. Trevarrow walked because Johnson made his job impossible.
Johnson was angry about being the middle bitch even though he considered himself the best director out of the three Disney had chosen, so he decided to make his mark on the franchise by completely derailing it.
>focus on similar action
>completely ignore context
this happens a lot in many facets of society
it brings me discontentment
Name five movies with excellent script written by a dedicated screenwriter but ruined by a director.
Kathleen Kennedy saved Lord & Miller by sacking them.
They would have been skinned alive by a fandom already angry about TLJ with their "Han Solo is a retard" comedy
Imagine writing this broken brain shit much less believing it
>The Mongler
It's been a long time old friend.
>The reason Johnson didn't want to direct Episode IX is because
LOL he publicly said he would do it in a heart beat. Lucasfilm never asked him to do IX. Considering Trevorow bailed out, they could have offered Rian the job if they believe he made a good movie. They knew TLJ was a turd, they just didn't know how strong the negative reception would be. Instead of giving him IX, they offered an hypothetical new trilogy to pretend they were confident with TLJ. Rian knows he's done with Lucasfilm but he's still trolling them because it wasn't cancelled officially.
Rogue One was the best of the new movies, and even then, it wasn't great. Could have been good if they made Krennic a threatening dude and not a middle manager. Not had so much Tarkin, and saved Vader for the reveal at the end.
Also, a leaner crew with more connection with Jyn and her dad.
It's bizarre, like do people think the social justice robot was something Howard added to the movie? That shit is 100% Lord and Miller.
Calling it right now, Joker will make more money than Episode 9. The Rise Of Stinkwalker will be a historic failure.
Why is Daisy Ridlerbunny so fucking HOT?
>with their "Han Solo is a retard" comedy
Literally only Disney sources spread the rumor that L&M were making some sort of ad lib farce of a movie. The truth is they most likely just tried to do their own thing and make a real movie about young inexperienced Han, instead of dreck we got about how Han was some kind of paragon of virtue even before OT, thus completely negating his arch in the trilogy.
The same thing happened with Garreth Edwards who was brought in to make a gritty war movie set in the SW universe, but then KK practicaly removed him and almost completely reshot RO.
Tim Burton's Batman films
Their movie probably would have been a lot more entertaining. Kennedy fired them because 1337 was a mocking depiction of a social justice warrior, and that made her angry so she had Ron Howard dial the character back so she could be presented as unironic. You were supposed to love to hate 1337 but Kennedy did her to scrub any evidence of the other characters rolling their eyes at her.
Even if Lord and Miller's version of the movie would have been just as shit, they can ride high and smug on fan speculation about how much better their version might have been. The movie bombed after re-filming the whole thing with a different director, so their reputation in hollywood has basically been exonerated. They were very smart to decline taking co-director credits with Howard.
Zoomer taste. Also not five movies.
Really at this point I don't really care whether it was Johnson playing Disney or Disney playing Johnson. Both sides are retarded and they can all burn together.
Not a real answer
>JJ is a good action director
Disagree, he moves the camera and cuts fast enough so you cant notice the lack of everything else. He wants to be a spielberg wannabe but lacks both talent and vision.
Spielberg copied Hitchcock, but JJ is like the photocopy of a photocopy.
Haven't you been paying attention?
Disney is setting up Rian to take all the blame for the NuWars trilogy.
Why do you think Disney gags all of their other minions on social media yet let's Rian go off on mad tirades?
When Disney starts another trilogy the first thing they will do is kick Rian down the proverbial hole he's been digging.
Mark my words Disney WILL offer up Rian as a scapegoat for everything that went wrong the Disney Wars films.
That way Disney can look like they care about quality of the film's and the feelings of their fans while avoiding any of the blame.
Nailed it. Something really annoying I’ve noticed about him is how he lifts techniques from Spielberg, then uses them without any apparent understanding of why Spielberg was using them when he used them. Two of the most annoying moments in TFA to me were Rey and Finn talking over each other after their escape and the dumbass helicopter shot at the end. Both of them just felt so mechanical and forced, just completely inorganic.
I didn't say he was an excellent director or a revolutionary one. He's good and his overly kinetic style fits the millenial ADHD tastes. Not my cup of tea as well but as long as he's not writing his retarded mystery box scripts, he makes serviceable blockbusters for the masses.
>This movie is going to make TLJ look fucking kino
Your movie is still awful, Rian.
I hate that they gave Star Wars and Trek to this shit director who just uses lens flare
Poe, Finn, Rose, Holdo, Rey..they could all have been great characters with better writing and if they were written as fleshed out characters. The writing is basic as fuck.
Finn should have been more conflicted about fighting his former comrades, Rey should have been allowed to make mistakes, Holdo should have been portrayed as an unorthodox leader and strategist, whose conflict with the more conventional Poe should have been more nuanced.
Rose losing her sister was ruined by Johnson turning her into a comedy character and basically making no effort to give her depth.
Also, Tali should have been Poe's wing lady in the battles.
So many missed opportunities. Phasma could have been interesting...but hope, just a generic baddie, not the skilled badass storm trooper who develops doubts about the First Order I had hoped for.
Sort of like how he imitated A New Hope without seeming to understand why things worked in A New Hope.
>dumbass helicopter shot at the end
Imagine being a AAA list director and putting this shot in one of the most anticipated movies in decades. I'm still baffled by it no matter how minor if a thing it is.
Also aping Spielberg in the 2010s is embarrassing. Spielberg's style aged badly.
Maybe they do want to kill the franchise because they care only about Skywalker Sound and ILM and movies are made just because they are contractually obligated.
I mean, they killed LucasArts and EU without hesitation. And there's no OT, or prequel stuff in the SW disneylands.
He has no idea how to end a story. He's pretty good at building a story up, but then it just falls flat.
Look at Lost tv show for example. TFA is so similar.
Exactly. I’ve come think of Abrams as the literal “bad robot” - a machine with no internalized understanding of human emotion. In his entire career, he’s never once managed to evoke any emotional response from me.
Female heroes is not the problem.
Badly written female heroes is the problem.
The movies actually fuck over Rey by denying her a growth arc by making her perfect from the outset.
Funny he thought this way because the middle movie is often the most important movie in a trilogy, it’s when most of the major character development takes place.
Imagine doing it and also exhorting your main actress to stand breathless, literally heaving with emotion and unvoiced expectation, arm outstretched and speechless for the space of nearly a minute with a man you’ve never even met who can’t possibly know who you are.
This is acting! This is filmmaking!
>That pic
Rian truly is a visionary artist and director.
The one thing he is Spielberg Jr is in his marketing strategy. Bad Robot is even more successful than Amblin now.
Amblin has been trying to produce that Halo tv show for ten years, while Bad Robot has produced the new Star Trek films, the new Mission Impossible films,the new Star Wars films, Lost, Fringe, Person of Interest and Westworld in that time.
Dont agree. Spielberg is still a good classical director, his style has been very consistent since he started working in TV back in the seventies.
I would pay good money for watching Rian locked into a room together with Cockmongler for 24 hours.
After Gunn got the twitter Lynch Mob after him and Rian nuked parts of his twitter, I assumed they were finally 'tard wrangling him.
Now it's clear they were just cultivating the rope they want to hang him with.
Hi Rian
>So what?
>what's your first name lad?
>and your last name?
>I don't have one
>so your all alone? don't have any people?
That’s one of the reasons I hate Abrams. He trades on Spielberg’s image while not possessing a quarter of his talent or imagination. At his absolute zenith, Abrams produces forgettable shit. Spielberg had already given us an entire catalog of classics by this point in his career, not just as some nebulous “producer,” but as a director.
He makes Bay look like Kubrick
>Spielberg had already given us an entire catalog of classics by this point in his career
How old is JJ now...
>53 years
Wait, really? Okay then when was Spielberg 53 years old...
>December 18, 1999
Holy fuck.
Krennic was originally a mad scientist Mengele style instead of a bumbling idiot. The crew knew each other from the get go, giving them a stronger bond and avoiding the boring introduction schticks. The robot was a cold assassin machine, not quip 3000. Vader was supposed to kill the main cast instead of a bunch of randos.
We could have had an actual "adult" adventure, but the reshoots just watered it down into another Disney flick.
This is all false.
I honestly thought JJ was like in his early 40's at most.
Yeah, his lack of quality output sure fools a man. His entire career is a nothing-burger that’s served as the harbinger of the death of not one, but *two* perennial sci-fi franchises, and what’s he given us in their stead? Fucking nothing. Nothing at all.
They hired me, Star Wars Boomer Fan, to rewrite the entire plot and characters and reshoot everything.
The movie begins with Luke waking up in Yodas hut having seen a vision of what might have been, if he became an alcoholic.
Proof beyond doubt that the people at the helm of nu-wars are fucking clueless
Why do you post this shit every day image spammer?
Because the only people that it upsets are shills
Yea Forums
>Solo was almost totally redone and it's kino, have some faith.
>How fucking terrible was this movie
The firing of Solo's directors has such long reaching effects that it sent ripples beyond Star Wars.
The directors - Lord and Miler -went on to make Into the Spiderverse. That movie was a commercial success and a critical darling (something Venom wasn't), and thanks to all that, it made Sony confident it could continue to do Spiderman without Disney.
In short, the firing of Lord and Miller off of Solo directly led to the gutting of the MCU's next phase.
Here's another thought: Jumanji outperformed TLJ about three or four weeks in. Maybe that was also another factor in Sony feeling confident?
>The presence of Lucas and the reshoots don’t mean that the upcoming film is in trouble.
Amazing writing
It's just tiring to have threads full of this day after day.
Those are called pickup shots, not reshoots.
Its like a train crash happening in slow motion. I have zero interest in seeing the new movie, I'l just stick to the EU and the clone wars, that will always be the last star wars for me.
>saltierthancriet Reddit subhumans spams his reddit folder episode 99999
Rent fucking free subhuman
>and it's kino
Only to shills.
No one believes this until Lucasfilm and Disney themselves confirm it, the only person saying "oh we're trying to fit it in the schedule" is Rian himself.
Remember when they said Green Lantern was going to get a sequel? Or Fant4stic was going to get a sequel despite being a box office bomb? Or Bryan Singer was totally going to do a continuation of Superman Returns?
>Disney is setting up Rian to take the blame for the shitty movie he wrote and directed
How do you become part of a test audience?
This kike has the ugliest fucking nose I've seen in my life.
major reshoots 3 months before release is not normal
>But it was easily noticeable that production was fucked. It looked so fucking bad and rushed at parts.
Solo tried to hide rushed CGI by darkening the scenes. People are on to the trick of half-assing CGI by pretending the scene was intended to be filmed in the dark.
The masses completely rebelled at the infamous Game of Thrones battle. Claiming pitch-black actions scenes are "an artistic choice" fools exactly no one.
That isn't a source. It says reshoots are "apparently happening" and they source MSW.
Why do you guys like spreading unsourced info so much? It's sickening to watch. People like you are the cancer that is killing the internet.
>There's a reason why their first choice to replace Trevorrow was... Johnson.
>RJ was supposed to direct EP XI.
FUCK. We were THIS close to an actual Reylo sex scene. All JJ is going to do is give them a few kisses if we are lucky. I'm actually crying in the club rn why is life so unfair?
Movies that had extensive reshoots
>Dark Crystal
>The Exorcist
>Back to the Future
What’s the problem here?
Liking Kylo doesn't make you racist or sexist. Neither does writing him well. Kylo has plenty of LGBT and POC fans. Racist and sexists are the ones who wouldn't like him because they are toxic masculinity incarnate and think he's "weak" for showing emotions and they don't like the romance angle because Rey falling for the bad boy triggers their cuck senses.
So you are all wrong.
You can thank the "progressive" mentality for why Rey and Finn and Poe are so fucking boring and not allowed to make mistakes. And even if they were well-written characters, it doesn't make you inclusive or progressive. This whole argument is so fucking dumb. I hate you all.
Nice reading comprehension Disney shill.
Disney will blame EVERYTHING on Rian Johnson. Not just the movie he worked on. EVERYTHING that went wrong with NuWars will be placed on Rian's head.
>Johnson is, quite literally, the only director out of all the new Star Wars movie to not utterly fuck up production.
He doesn't know.
TLJ had an insane amount of reshoots, and the movie change a lot. Check the Crait first theory, how Hamill did scenes with Laura Dern and Colin Trevorrow's twits.
Do you have a single source to back that up? JJ was the one who said that from the beginning they wanted the story to be about Kylo, and not just about Rey. That is the opposite of what you are claiming. KK is also a huge Kylofag, so I'm inclined to believe you are pulling shit out of your ass.
I realized this when Disney started throwing George Lucas under the bus. They tried to blame Lucas for the shitty ideas in NuWars. It was obvious that they were scrambling for a scapegoat.
Rian is the perfect sacrificial lamb for the NuWars altar.
the funny part is how they've made every fuck up the EU did
>New Death Star but bigger and better!
>Jedi/Sith in hiding crop up again
>Emperor comes back
>writers ignominiously kill off established characters without peer review due to a personal grudge
Can’t be sure, but I’m hardly holding my breath.
The main difference is that it took twenty years for the EU’s mistakes to hit the point where George was about to clean it up, while Disney has fucked it up in 5 and shows no sign of stopping. They also have absolutely nothing worthwhile to make up for it.
No retard I don't work for Disney and I read fine. Rains shit movie is rightly blamed, it caused the fan base to fracture.
>OPs ass
>writers ignominiously kill off established characters without peer review due to a personal grudge
never happened in the EU, Mara Jade and Jacen were killed off because the plot demanded and was foreshadowed.
>Jedi/Sith in hiding crop up again
>Emperor comes back
Those are the only things I'l grant you but they happened way better in teh EU, also you can safely ignore Legacy era EU, if sith coming back is not your thing. Because the EU managed to built a universe without only focusing on the Jedi and Sith.
No, its just meh
>No I don't agree with you I agree with you
>Let me confirm your post by following the narrative laid out by my masters
>Confirmed as Disney Shill
My point is tha Rian isn't the only person who bears responsibility for the dumpster fire that is NuWars. But he's the one who will take all the blame.
That was for the "i am iron man" scene. Also it sucked
>All these buttmad retards who can't accept that Solo is KINO
Everything Han talks about in episode 4-6 all happen in 1 week. It's like he never had anything important happen to him again
>99% of the thread is just unsourced made-up bullshit and people arguing about it
What a worthless thread.
For once I want Disney to admit they fucked up. What will it take? IX making 500m worldwide?
Based retard
Rogue One says hi
I can't tell if these are real people who are genuinely braindead and angry or if there are just a bunch of bots and shills here every day making these threads and keeping them alive.
>his son's mother
he's helping his wife's son work on Spider-Man
>for some reason Johnson was able to convince Lucasfilm to go completely hands off with it.
What do you think is more likely: LucasFilm for the first and only time went completely hands off and let an unproven indie director do whatever he wanted with their main line of movies, OR LucasFilm told Johnson what to do every step of the way and he didn't provide any pushback whatsoever creating the illusion that LucasFilm just let him do whatever he wanted?
Kathy is responsible for TLJ in its entirety, and she was so pleased that she immediately showered Johnson with praise and offered him a massive three picture contract. The fucking train wreck of a story is almost exactly what she pitched to Lucas while he was writing ESB. She was shot down hard. This was supposed to be her revenge.
>Disney Shills have arrived
Because redditlettermeme says he’s good
Isn't obvious the reshoots are about CGI Leia being terrible?
You need to work better on your lingo, Disney shill.
What forum is this
Must be pretty cool to be powerful enough to ruin one of the most famous franchises of all time over a minor business slight that happened years ago.
Tried to watch it twice, I just can't get into it, I turn it off after 10-15 minutes. I had the same with TFA though. Rogue One nearly is the best Disney movie, despite a messy start and some seriously undeveloped characters. Last Jedi had me glued to the screen, but not because it was good. I just knew I was watching the death of a franchise, and despite it being baffling, I could not turn away.
reshoots are absolutely not normal.
>minor business slight that happened years ago
She worked under Lucas and Spielberg for well over a decade. She very likely had to endure years of getting her bad ideas shot down over and over. It seems slight, but that shit eats away at people. She was groomed by both legendary directors and got a bunch of producer credits early in her career, which she used to build leverage over decades. It's probably some real fucking Game of Thrones shit behind the curtain.
And everyone agrees that Infinity War was better in every way.
Solo is retarded shit. I was entertained the first time i saw it, but it doesnt hold up. Its full of nonsense and stupid shit.
Stuff like this interests me a lot more than the usual omg evil Disney muh SJWs muh jews schtick
Everything I said is true. The only people who hate on Kylo are sexist incels or hateful, delusional SJW who think stanning the POC characters make them a good person.
You didn't take my advice to heart. You're way too obvious.
Divine bait, well done.
Stanning POC characters doesn't make you a good person. In fact, only focusing on their race makes you a racist.
Kylo is well-written and it doesn't make you sexist or racist if you write him well or like him. He is a likeable character, it's not that deep. He has a ton of POC and LGBT and LOTS of female fans.
Rey, Finn, and Poe are shit. The end.
Nah. He’s 3rd in line for fault after KK and RJ.
JJ is a bland commandant that just produces what his corporate overlords dictate. If he had his way it all would have just been a near shot for shot remake of the OT. KK and RJ were pushing for subverting expectations, focusing on meta commentary and politics over story, and pushing out the old fan base. JJ was done after TFA and there was still a lot of fan enthusiasm by that point even though I always found it a shitty remake of ANH. However the troubles for Disney SW began with TLJ
Sexist incels don't like Kylo because they want a toxic masculine power fantasy like Vader or Darth Maul. They can't stand a pretty boy with emotions that girls swoon over because they are threatened by it and think it's a "womans sill romance kind of story" because they see women and what they like as being inferior. They are not being pandered to for once, they can't self-insert into Rey seeing shirtless Kylo. That's why they are constantly saying things like "we should have a sexy Dark Rey or a sexy Rey scene". Rey is a female and the POV character, so naturally it's going to have scenes that are from a female gaze. Similar to how Diana in WW had a scene of her walking in on her LI naked.
anyway Kylo is based and a feminist icon and Poe and Finn are ugly manlets who are also irrelevant and everyone just has to deal with it. Rey is shit too, but she is at least good for self-inserting, which is more feminist than her being some boring, infallible power fantasy.
>pose in front of books to appear smart
>it’s all fashion and hollyjew shit
>pretty boy
Whoa there, friend, you might need to slow down!
>China is racist
>let’s put in a frumpy viet dumpling
t. seething manlet
Stay threatened and cucked.
I'm so hard right now.
meant to quote
>toxic masculine power fantasy
Disney is paying you too much.
You stick out like sore thumbs.
Post your height instead.
Yeah, Disney is paying me to shit on their boring toxic masculine wannabe heroine and her ugly, irrelevant POC sidekicks for being horribly written and insultingly failed attempts to be "progressive" whatever the fuck that even means these days.
Maybe if you manage to grow a braincell, your dick will get bigger too but no one is waiting around for either.
Kylo is based and a feminist icon and the real star of the ST, as he should be. Anyone wanting some "sexy waifu" as a main character can keep crying, because it ain't happening. This trilogy belongs to the Kylofags, most of which are women.
Actually Kylo has a lot of based male fans with good taste, so I take that back. He is simply the character with the most female fans since Reyfags only care about her so they can self-insert for Kylo.
I'm average height for a woman.
I see. And how big is your penis?
>This isn't even my final form.
Are you trying to call me a tranny or just joking? I can't tell anymore with this website.
I actually prefer the idea of Kylo being like "nowayfag" to Dark Rey, because he really loves the boring sunshine Rey for some reason and not some edgy tryhard thot like Dark Rey.
uwu I hope there is a tender moment between Ben and Rey like this for IX.
I think you mean "yet".
He'd still fuck her though.
actually if you are going to get autistic, neither should be there. It should just be "I can't tell with this website."
It's not about race and shit, it's about unbelievably shit writing.