A-... Amazon... p-please



Perrin's... shoulders... are... wide...

Attached: boooooo.jpg (800x1200, 130K)

I feel...g....o....o....d


Mazrim... Taim... was... Deman...augh

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The Two Rivers... was... racially... homogeno-augh

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Only... Rand... has... a... tattoo... the...


The women.... don't...augh

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Ishamael... he... he...

Ishamael... he was right...

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what's going on here

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I think the ghost of Robert Jordan is trying to tell us something


My wife... she...

My legacy... she doesn't... she doesn't care-augh

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it's extremely mysterious



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Oh dear

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lmao thanks for the laugh user

Based Giygasposter

Also taking advantage of this WoT thread to ask, are the Seanchan going to be prominent in the series? I have a hard time finishing book 2 because I can't stand them. I don't wanna drop the series so early but I hate them.

They get owned repeatedly then the Aes Sedai become such cunts that when the Seanchan start operating on them you kind of root for them

I just want excessive bondage scenes with aes sedai slaves and their masters. Especially focused on breaking them.

seanchan are america

there's good

there's evil

then there's america

>then the Aes Sedai become such cunts that when the Seanchan start operating on them you kind of root for them
i'm not sure, i really like aes sedai. i guess there's going to be a lot more seanchan in the series. guess i'm going to have to suck it up

i think that's the worst part for me. this damane bullshit ... just why. i loved book 1 and half of book 2 now this shit pops up
did RJ have a fetish or something?

My sides

Checked, and Seanchan intrigue is imho just as interesting as Aes Sedai stuff and I appreciate both factions, in terms of holding my interest as a reader

okay user maybe i judged them too soon, will try to give them a second chance