Filmd about female vigilantes

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I'm 22 years old and never kissed a girl.
I'm not autistic or ugly or anything, I just have literally no self-confidence whatsoever and don't know how to start building it.

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give me jap gf now

Attached: カフェ・ベローチェ「#飛鳥休憩中」読書篇 乃木坂46 齋藤飛鳥-CkfsWH3WRdU-[0 (1280x720, 2.74M)


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Ashurin and Erika are best girls

No thanks

hottest Red Velvet member and why is it Yeri?

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Sorry lad, but it's already too late and you should ideally be statusmaxxing at this point. Late teens is usually where you gain experience and establish yourself properly and sexually. Once you get passed 20 it gets harder and harder, but you might get away with saying you're a late bloomer or a Christian. Once you hit 25+, it's pretty much over.

That's that Nogizaka46 girl. The odd one in the mouse ad.

cringe twicetoddler

She's half Indonesian and Japanese. Top tier qt

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That's completely wrong. I lost my virginity at 24 and I lead an active and healthy sex life.
Just kidding, I lost my virginity at 15, unlike you fucking losers.


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kek. i don't even know who this bitch is, but she's cute and i think it's funny that she can't figure out a pen. glad to know posting her will also trigger the autists.


>He thinks saving webms of people he doesn't know and posting it on an anonymous TV board to "trigger autists" isn't autistic in itself

This is why your dad hates you user

>actually believing him

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Why are they so ugly bros?

see >glad to know posting her will also trigger the autists.
uh oh. seems my shitposts are causing quite the stir today.

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back to kpg

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>tfw 29yo touchless virgin

even if I started to fix my Life today and everything worked flawless it would take years and I would only at best get me some used up roastie.
after some point (25 or so) you can't come back from this failure I think.

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her name is hyunjin from loona 1/3

god i wish that were me (girl on the left)

Furuhata Nao, the girl on the right, is such a fucking hottie now

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pic unrelated?

I don't think this is about female vigilantes at all. I think you just want to kiss cute Japanese girls. That has nothing to do with television or film

The cute Asian girl thing is just an act in public. But at least you get that. And you learn to appreciate they only cut off your balls in private. Saves face for everyone.

based autistic bread addict

anons have been posting variety show clips, perfectly Yea Forums related
are you gay?

No, I like -cute- Asian girls.

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all the Japanese on exchange at my uni are less cute. Theres some literal kpop tier Korean girls here though

Go get them champ!

fucking ugly ass sub-human.

Come on guys, do you need reminding?

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hang in there brah, took me til 27, but i made it. :)

once. :(

I bet they also have kpop tier artificial faces

I love yurina hirate, bros...

Sleep naked.

How could that help?

Anyone actually like (Japanese only) idol music without any of muh dick'ery attached?

For some reason this reminds me a little of early 2000s r&b

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>I'm not autistic or ugly or anything

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did better than the real trump at least

What do you think the white boys look like at Japanese unis

Some of perfumes stuff is ok but jpop and K-pop are garbage. I live in Japan and don't have any interest in idols, music, anime or shitty school drama movies

Yeah I had it once and then never again. Women are aliens and I don't speak their language or appear on their radar

Funny, I like Perfume, saw them live and up close, but I don't think they're all that. Kind of surprising to me they're seen as a bit of an exception. They are pretty much idols.

she looks like she dreams of hapa children

I think it's because they have a legit producer who works for them and they started out indie. I could be wrong


And for the record the girls I posted are better dancers and singers(other than A-chan) and I'm not attached to them or anything, only know a couple of their songs.

>they started out indie
lol no, they started out with an agency called Amuse who picked them out of Actor's School Hiroshima. Their start isn't much different from Kyary's who Nakata also produces and got her to sing. I hope I can find this hilarious video of their early Bee-hive days. I'm looking for it now.

So damn cute.

ayyyyy here's the video

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Chinese > Japanese > Korean

u certainly are autistic user, or u'ld have hired a pro by now

You have no idea what you're talking about

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Check out Sheena Ringo
She's amazing, she does so many different genres

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literally exactly factually wrong

Food? I agree

Just gonna post more cause I love her so much and she's one of my favorite artists

yall niggas so predictable on god

female prisoner Scorpion fils series

Meiko Kaji is a badass.

forgot the damn picture. . .

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>dude she's popular so she's bad

No. It's always the same ones every time. Can we get some less cliche recommendations in a Japanese thread for once?

Step 1. Stop caring what people think or at least stop trying to impress people. (Self-)confidence is a belief in one's self that isn't reliant on outside validation. So you show yourself and they laugh. Do you really think THAT's going to be what haunts you on your deathbed or the years you wasted giving a shit about something so ultimately meaningless?

show yourself up*

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Where do I start if I want to get into this shit? Their culture looks so stupid and fun.

There is a whole board for otakus

post idolshit you weeb

Burmese not indonesian

Apologies, do you think the nogi girls do lewd things to each other?

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no you coombrain

i would fuck her pussy so hard

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Everyone who surrounds Su is cursed

posting in the daily asian women worship thread

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that's where you're wrong scrub
(chinese in sexy traditional wear allowed)

31 here, fucked a prostitute once and it changed nothing. I'm just trying to focus on getting a decent job at the moment. No idea what I'm going to do after that.

im a slave to gook women

>31 here, fucked a prostitute once
how did that go?

I was very tipsy and could barely feel anything. Didn't help that I was like 80% hard and she barely made a sound lmao. I'm genuinely a decent looking guy with a near 7" dick. I was popular growing up, but I always shied away from getting intimate with women -despite having plenty of chances. It's ruined my life basically, but I have nobody to blame but myself. I live with that feeling everyday.