What's this guy's fucking problem??

What's this guy's fucking problem??

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Is that my fucking coworker?

guy is an asshole and has money. he has a hot slavic girlfriend

I thought he was dating that muscular guy he traveled thru India with? They held hands a few times and always got single rooms.

probably not
but boy, he sure does look like him, doesn't he?

maybe he is. only watched a few of his videos once.

he's a boomer sex tourist that loves to make fun of poor natives

He fucked a tranny once

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he clearly sets up fake shit like when he invited two random hot chicks to dinner with him.

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Is he a kike? Some other kikes yelled shallom to him and he said "how did you know?".

Bruh... It was deliberate fake you fucking moron.

you're mom was deliberately fake when i fucked her with my tiny dick you faggot


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I thought he's kinda based but he does seem like a bit of an asshole, maybe he's just playing it up for the people on the street

no thanks user

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best episode is that one where that random guy in some belarus village takes him everywhere because he gives him vodka, and then the guy thinks he's a spy and gets angry

only good vlogger

>only good vlogger


stop spamming this bald faggot

I don't know, but I want to get invited to vodka, wine and food by babushkas.


but in fairness, there's a lot of hot trannies in Russia

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Whats his fucking problem?

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damn... i need to go to russia

I just love that he travels to totally unremarkable places that nobody in their right mind would have any reason to visit. I like seeing shitty hotel rooms and weird bus and train rides.

>ywn have a hot russian tranny be your adventure buddy throughout russia
why even live? fucking end my burger life

seen a few of these videos you've seen em all.

He does amazingly unremarkable things like eating in train station restaurants.

>that video where he befriended a russian drunk who invited him back to his place for drinks and they argued over politics till he got kicked out

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But..they're comfy!

Anyone surprised he (she) hasn't been killed yet for being a FtM in 3rd world countries?

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no way. post pic of her female form before she discovered her "true" self

It's a "traveling the world with your bro" simulator for us poor bastards who dont have the time or money to travel (aka 95% of all people)

need a russian tranny to fuck me in the anus desu

i enjoy these though the other user is right it kind of gets boring
new age content has a focus on different people all over, there's only so much you can glean from old soviet hotels and babushkas living in the sticks

its a joke dummy

it hardly makes me a dummy for asking

For me? Its first person walking videos in other countries.

they must have better surgeons

comfy and interesting videos
sometimes he does seem a little like a dick though

What are you guys on about? He's always super nice to people, that's why he gets so many interesting stories and tours. And while some videos are boring shit most are still a gold mine. Just depends where he ends up, not every stop can be a grand adventure. His latest collab videos are especially kino.


i want to FUCK that qt russian girl he met, jesus he must have had a great time with her

kino, really

>travels around the world without a care
>hooks up with hot Slavic babes
>gets excellent content and makes big youtube bucks
He literally has no problem.


Lol Harald? They never held hands and I'm pretty sure Harald has a gf. Baldy was married I think and is always running around Eastern yurop with hot slavic chicks.

Probably because he's jumping hotels and drinking 24/7.

>is Jewish
>for no apparent reason gets popular when traveling soviet countries
>a bong that managed to learn 4/5 Russian
>low key making fun of Russia and it’s people
>low key bashing Putin
>makes you think Russia is so hard and cruel
>meanwhile Londonistan has 100+ mosques

He’s a mossad agent.
Jews are laughing in your face, goyim.

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Where did Alina go? She hasnt been in any of his recent videos.

But didnt she have big milkers? Tranners cant have big milkies.

Slavs just have more feminine features until the vodka, tobacco, and fighting does its thing to them.

He was fun initially but that whole >muh USSR gimmick is getting boring.
Honestly, I hope he return to India again those vids were more fun. Maybe its cos I'm eastern yuro and that seemed way more exotic

>a bong that managed to learn 4/5 Russian

he speaks it really poorly

Think she lives in Belarus.

Yeah, she went with him to Georgia just to get a CHG dick

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>you shouldn't be bashing a gangster KGB agent who enslaved 150 million people
yeah, you are definitely not either an agent or an useful idiot of some kind

all autistic he can’t go anywhere without someone mentioning the queen of churchill like he knows them personally

he’s just travelling through i think his russian is pretty decent for a tourist he manages to converse with most people

Oh shut the fuck up. Find me a grown man anywhere, much less an Anglo that will be able to learn a foreign language, even better, a Slavic language and be able to use efficiently. Mossad has can train crippled people Krav Maga in a month. I think they can teach a bong to speak Russian well enough.

is it really that bad?
the locals seem to be able to communicate with him ok

gib link

It was only a matter of time before the schizo showed up

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