What's the worst thing he has ever done?

What's the worst thing he has ever done?

Attached: 1567661811571.png (1000x1000, 414K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Make it to where the most relevent thing about him on Yea Forums is a 30 second clip of him visiting a seed store.

try to become a farmer

sneed lol

Voted for Obama

He blew up his father's kidneys


Raping Maude Flanders was pretty dark


Attached: Homer Golden King.webm (478x360, 437K)

Seasons 10 to 30

Dead meme. Back to your Discord.


Attached: 1567649928112.jpg (262x234, 17K)

Reminder that the sorry fuck who keeps complaining about there being a Sneed discord got banned from that discord for posting cuck porn.

Attached: download.jpg (216x233, 6K)

season 11 to season 11, episode 5 to episode 5


Attached: moe.jpg (262x234, 14K)


Attached: download.jpg (216x233, 10K)


Sell tomacco


Attached: moe(2).jpg (262x234, 40K)

Attached: 1520339070405.png (203x256, 23K)

based i love sneed now
formerly cringe

Attached: moe(1).png (262x233, 57K)

Attached: Sneed.jpg (216x233, 10K)

@120831529 you dont deserve a (you)
>Dead meme. Back to your Discord.

Attached: wojak mad abomination soy.png (840x854, 411K)

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Dead meme

Attached: worst meme ever.jpg (640x480, 44K)


Attached: sneed posting.jpg (1508x3108, 594K)

>posts screencap of supposed sneed discord for weeks
>posts invite
>it's clearly not the same as the photoshopped screencaps
nice try but this is just sad

As I went dumping that folder of OC
I saw above me that asspained janny
I saw below me that fresh new IP
This board was made for feed and seed

This board is Chuck's board, this board is Sneed's board
From the old green oval to the deepest sneedlore
From the butthurt spammer, to the mods' banhammer
This board was made for feed and seed

I've fucked and I've sucked and I followed my sneedbros
To the beautiful lands of Yea Forums page zero
And all around me newfags were SNEETHING
This board was made for feed and seed

This board is Chuck's board, this board is Sneed's board
From the old green oval to the deepest sneedlore
From the butthurt spammer, to the mods' banhammer
This board was made for feed and seed

When the mods are sleeping, I post my greentext
On the 18th of June, I saw the Sneed GET
As they were saging, I felt them raging
This board was made for feed and seed

A three day ban there had tried to stop me
A great big mod there said you can't post Sneed
But when the janny works, he does it for free
This board was made for feed and seed

This board is Chuck's board, this board is Sneed's board
From the old green oval to the deepest sneedlore
From the butthurt spammer, to the mods' banhammer
This board was made for feed and seed

Nobody living can ever stop me
As I go posting my latest OC
Nobody living can kill this based meme
This board was made for feed and seed

This board is Chuck's board, this board is Sneed's board
From the old green oval to the deepest sneedlore
From the butthurt spammer, to the mods' banhammer
This board was made for feed and seed

Attached: 1568075946350.jpg (900x652, 291K)

this song is so based it hurts

Attempting to rape Lisa

Attached: 1564880399454.gif (480x360, 106K)

remember when he tried to plant gummy bears lol

Attached: whichone.png (1615x912, 568K)

Here's a (You), my friend.

Get fucked.

Being unfunny and boring for decades

You're the expert.

You now remember when he framed Marge for drunk driving. Fuck you too.

Blaming marge for DUI.


god damn it I just want a comfy simpsons thread for once

Peter: But since we're all gonna die, there's one more secret I feel I have to share with you. I did not care for Sneed.
Lois: What?
Peter: Did not care for Sneed.
Chris: How can you even say that, dad?
Peter: Didn't like it.
Lois: Peter, it's so good! It's like the perfect meme!
Peter: This is what everyone always said. Whenever they say...
Chris: Chuck, Farmer 2, I mean, you never see, Sneed!
Peter: Fine. Fine. Fine OC, did not like the meme.
Brian: Why not?
Peter: Did not...couldn't get into it.
Lois: Explain yourself. What didn't you like about it?
Peter: It insists upon itself, Lois.
Lois: What?
Peter: It insists upon itself.
Lois: What does that even mean?
Chris: Because it has a valid point to make, it's insisted!
Peter: It takes forever getting in; you spend like six and a half hours... You know, I can't get through, I've never even finished making a sneedpost. I've never posted "Sneed"
Chris: You've never even posted "sneed"?!
Stewie: How can you say you don't like it if you haven't even given it a chance?
Lois: I agree with Stewie. It's not even fair.
Peter: I have tried on three separate occasions to get through season 11 episode 5
Lois: Yeah, it's a great episode. I love that episode
Peter: I have no idea what they're talking about. It's like they're speaking a different... You know, that's where I lose interest in it.
Lois: You know what, Peter,
Chris: They're speaking forced meme!
Lois: The language they're speaking is a language of gummi bears; it's something you don't understand.
Peter: I love Maskposting. That is the answer to that statement.
Lois: Exactly.
Peter: Well, there you go.
Lois: Whatever.
Chris: I like that meme too.

""""""my bad""""""

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