Is this ableist?
Is this ableist?
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5’4”? Talk about unrealistic
>mfw I have the same physique as pre-sum cap
a-at least I'm not a manlet
As a 5'5 manlet yeah it makes me pretty suicidal
The message of this movie is literally
>it doesn't matter how good of a person you are on the inside, you're not worth a damn to anyone unless you're a 6'4 Chad
The message was literally the opposite.
Well it's triggering incels, so yeah probably.
no way a man can be this short, right?
My head-canon is they are friends and giga chad refuses to let his buddy pay for drinks
then why was he completely useless until they turned him into a 6 foot giga chad
Because he wasn't a super soldier yet.
I’m the same weight as post-serum capt, and I’m only 5’6”.
Look, you can be a good guy that's also an asthmatic manlet or you can be a good guy that can physically flip a car. One of the two is more useful in a war.
because he's doing something that requires physical fitness
George costanza?
Why do you have to be tall to be a super soldier?
pre weapons*
Because Marvel didn't have the rights to Wolverine.
Just think if they’d given it to a woman
Im 5'4" and i weigh 165.
>peggy treats steve like a second class shithead up until he gets the juice and only begrudgingly begins to accept his presence in a room
>as soon as he steps out from being juiced she literally can not resist touching him immediately and insanely wants and shows affection for him
>Steve is such a sad beta he thinks its true love and abandons his friends, future, loved ones, and a society with internet and modern medicine to live with a ginger woman with big tits in the 1940s doing nothing when 9/11 happens
Height isn't correlated to physical fitness. He could have been a jacked manlet like gymnasts are. I don't even understand why he grew a foot anyway. I thought the procedure was basically super roids, why would be become taller?
Why did height matter in becoming super human?
Why does western society defend literally ever flaw in the human body but when it comes to height guys NEED to be over 6 foot?
Didn't she like him before the serum? I thought I read that somewhere.
Western society's body positivity values are for women only. Male specific stuff like hairline positivity will always be laughed at.
But why? WHY??
Was Steve dying?
>tfw ywn molest Chris Evans big muscle titties
Me too.
It's staged and they're dating.
do you have a sexy twink booty?
god i wish i were that small
That's not true, he jumped on a grenade. That's what you can do as a manlet - jump on the grenade.
Because being a man actually kind of sucks. Think about it, a lot of what you are supposed to be as a man are decided entirely by luck of genetics.
>good hair
>good jaw
>big dick
Even mental health for men is a joke. Of course men want to have their issues solved and talk about it, but as a man, you CAN NOT talk about being afflicted. Otherwise, you are admitting to owning a vagina and being unable to man up through your problems. Women make a big deal about men needing to open up, but then turn their back on men who do because they automatically view them as weak.
Being a man is a burden in modern society, it's no wonder why a large portion of men commit suicide.
Well Peggy immediately moistens when he comes out of that capsule.
No way he's under 100lbs in that photo
No men can talk about emotional issues without a problem.
Incels are overly emotional, female brained drama queens. They shouldn't talk about their mental issues so much
>men should never talk about anything and keep their frustrations and problems bottled up and building until they lash out and harm/kill others, this is what a man must be
Unfortunately, yes. Men aren't supposed to be emotional
Why? That's a retarded way of thinking.
What if there was a female superhero who was fat and then became fit?
Because that is how society has directed men since the dawn of time.
Seems like that aspect of society needs some changing.
With the risk of sounding retarded, is height really that big of a deal in usa? Plenty of people in my country live normally, have gfs, wives, children etc
Yes, height is the number one factor in deciding if people like you or not
>women like attractive men
color me surprised
Manlets need to take the gay pill and read the Symposium.
>being below 6'6"
>emotional man at literally any point up until now
>gets killed by rivals, laughed at by women and fails to reproduce
>emotional men now
>laughed at by rivals, laughed at by women, and fails to reproduce
Sounds weird. Has it been like that in the previous decade or earlier?
He would be still capable of lifting the hammer, serum or not.
How's the weather up there, friend?
i'm 5'7" kill me kill me kill me i'm losing my shit i'm losing my mind i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT i'm LOSING IT
>all those insecure manlets agonizing over Cap being tall
>while in the same universe, a hairy, ugly, canonically 5'3" guy constantly pulls young and hot chicks all over the globe
It's bad enough you get care so much about fantasy shit, but then at least do it right.
Your ilk deserves everything it gets (or wont get).
i only respect short men because they know what it's like to live life on hard mode
Just b urself
>"Hey Steve I hear you gained ten inches."
>"Yeah and I grew taller too!"
He literally juiced to get strong but he feels like to talk shit at Ironman who got his powers from hard work
Didn't Tony instantly replied to this how everything Cap is coming from a vial?
to all you youngsters saying chad this and chad that. chad didnt exist in the 1940s, it was his grandpa chet
>acne scars that I conceal with facial hair
Can't win them all
Fuck patriarchy and fuck toxic masculinity
>buhu I have everything Im so sad
Congrats, you only have to live life on easy mode instead of very easy mode!
When did I ever whine about how my life is going, faggot?
Unscripted moment. Haley couldn't resist touching those pecs according to her.
That's sexual assault. That predator needs to get metoo'd
Post face cutie
You're not wrong, but it never will. We can only eat so much red meat and drink so much whiskey to compensate before either it or society kills us.
If you work put the pads of your feet and do neck stretches you can loterally gain 1 to 1.5 inches of height in 6 months
>Peggy's framed picture of him pre-serum on her desk
You missed the point, sure she liked his body but for her it was probably just a bonus as she already fell in love with him pre-serum.
>grow grow grow
Nah she's just virtue signaling
Because the procedure was not super roids serum but ubermensch serum.
You cant or society will collapse.
I was 5'0 100 lbs in high school, basically socially and sexually disabled in my developmental years. My growth spurt after high school took me to 5'7 which is still shit. Unironically ruined my youth. Felt like that little girl in interview with a vampire, waiting to grow up but nothing happened.
Lifting weights feels so pointless as a manlet too. Even when I was pushing 175 lbs, my frame is just inferior and seeing these 16 year old 6'5 kids in the gym with their genetic trustfunds kills my soul.
This thread is full of bunch whinny homos, just thank the God you weren't born a fucking woman
>genetic trustfunds
But you're right, it does feel pointless to be a manlet. It's why I'm still 130 and never started at the gym, I'd only be seen as coping. No one respects you, no matter what you do.
>not taking the Columbu pill and becoming a 5'5" mr olympia
Cope and cringe
130 cm? that's dwarfism
jesus will they ever recover
No, 130lbs
It is cope but there is no alternative. Like a disabled dude in chronic pain who copes with drugs, you either cope and try to feel good or die.
Why is penis volume not listed?
It has always been the case, but it's also been exacerbated by social media allowing women to filter 500 men whose height doesnt start with 6 within a couple minutes.
My brother is the same height,and he's an absolute Chad, he's slept with hundreds of woman, and that's not exaggerating.
I want to crush all the manlets in this thread like Godzilla walking through Tokyo
10 inches and 140 lbs. Where did that mass come from?
i literally look like the one on the left
He had AIDS but the serum cured it
Because men are and always have been disposable.
I'm in tears
which is retarded because men are the more useful gender even in non life or death matters
/fit/ thread on Yea Forums? My favorite!
Woman detected
Yeah but men can't literally create new life.
>a wahmen
>seen nothing more than a hole to fuck unless married and with children
>more or less irrelevant pass 40 unless with children
>bleed from vagina one a month
You are fucking retarded, you say men are disposable, but who literally end up in garbage bins in China in India? It's little baby girls because their parents know that they rather have a boy. You MRA are fucking brain dead morons.
Height is literally the biggest indicator of privelege and happy life.
It's a bigger privelege factor than race, sex, orientation or religion.
Manlets are literally the most opressed group.
Literally not true lel.
This unironically
This is fact as I'm also pretty handsome but still a manlet.
Nope. Bartender and him are friends. Gigachad was waiting there for maybe 30 seconds patiently for the conversation to end, until I guess he had enough, and decided to just lift him out of the way, and then tried to order drinks. Bartender was stunned and then just made him the drinks. I know because Im friends with that bartender. Or, I was friends with him. Not anymore since he decided to start smoking weed and playing vidya all day long.
>super power is being as large as the top 30% of the population of young men of (non southern) European descent
he is no lanklet
Before coming to Yea Forums I was perfectly fine being 6'. Now I see people taller with me everywhere and feel inferior. This place is hell
Me on left.
Thanks god.
no thanks, I'd rather watch kinos and play vidya
>post serum
>6'2, 240lbs
Lol, this is worse e-statting than wrestling. Evans is 5'11 and 185lbs at most in the movies.
Tell him he's compensating. Relay his reaction
>Evans is 5'11 and 185lbs
t. 5'11 and 185lbs, king of manlets(?)
I'm eye-balling it based on my own frame (5'10, 222lbs). Evans was pretty small in every movie after First Avenger.
You are upset the movie is accurate?
>has fucked hundreds of women
>he’s compensating
How would a 5'4 95lbs guy fair in the dating world if he had the face of Chris Evans?
would get the used goods in his late 20s and unfortunately actually believe whatever ex-whore he gets with actually loves him (she doesn't)
I wonder what will happen to society once artificial wombs start working.
I feel the same way. It's weird how such a common source of alienation has almost no media exploring it. I think about killing myself all the time because of my height too, yet I don't know of a single book or movie where height-related depression is a theme
He's not wrong, retard. Group A loses large number of men and Group B loses large number of women. Group A would have a much easier time replenishing their numbers. We're still guided by an atavistic drive to procreate, at the end of the day. It informs these double standards we have. Women getting much more shit for sleeping around is cause, at a base level, this makes it hard to establish paternity of a child. They're also much more sexually selective than men cause sex for them is a significant investment what with the fact they can get pregnant. Men are more disposable but also more useful, etc.
Tell that to the mushrooms growing out of my cumrag
Because other people are actually trying to be chads even tho they are short, and they don't want some pathetic moron to destroy their chances at doing that by being completely pathetic in public.
fuck that's literally me, to the broad but skinny shoulders and frame, I look like a rectangle with 2 sticks
Obsessing over not coming across as weak is pathetic as fuck. Emotional authenticity regardless of how it makes others perceive you is the true alpha disposition
>played by a 6"2 man
>Enlarged vagina
No thanks.
Except what I am talking about is based on reality and not some autistic theories of gender value. Historically and realistically men are more valued then women. Always were and always will be.
>muh wahmen get easy sex
LMAO, scientists, philosophers, entrepreneurs, generals or anyone relevant is a man, but wahmen can get some guy to pump and dump them so they are better off then us I guess durr.
Also group B would just rape the shit out of group A as they did in real life
Quite chilly may I have a blanket?
What a bunch of fag talk
If you are 5'9 and under you should becomes a trap and service your 5'10> overlords
You should kill yourself
Start working out, I was the same in high school. Get /fit/.
Being ugly is worse.
>trying to put the cut off at 5' 10"
LOL manlet detected. The true cut off is 6'2" and below for traps, 6'3" becomes eunuch slaves in our trap harems, and 6'4" and above are the chad harem masters.
woah he's JUST like me...
>95 lbs
Did they put any thought into that whatsoever? That's a major motion picture too you'd think someone would be like "that's unrealistic" at some point
How literal would the movie have to be for you nattycels to realize that it represents a healthy diet of steroids, HGH and lifting?
Never forget
>WW2 had mandatory conscription
>HOWEVER, the US government banned anyone from voluntarily joining the army
>this means every single person who went to die in WW2 was selected by the government. Every single one.
>the majority of people sent to die in WW2 were conservatives, just enough to swing elections, to make sure the Republican Party never rose to power in the US
>when I say "rise to power" I mean have a super majority, and they haven't controlled the senate since 1930
>all the good guys were sent to die in a massive genocide, obscured under the pretext of war, and ever since then the Jewish-controlled Democratic party has been ballooning the US national debt higher and higher
Major redpill if true, except less than 500k Americans died in ww2.
I'm not 95lbs, you'd literally die from that
But I'm 141lbs and 6'2
I dunno man.
I think charisma and body are more important
I'm 6'1 and skinny and never gotten laid or had a gf.
Meanwhile, I have a friend who's 5'11 and fat and he literally fucks a new girl every weekend
Obviously he's being dramatic. Height hardly matters besides to these virgins online
cope harder manny
That doesn't look like 240lbs.
You're playing life on hard mode lad, don't let it get you down.
Just focus on getting fit and making money, you'll find your happiness.
He had various health and physical problems beyond being a manlet. Did you watch the movie?
One of the biggest things we missed out of the first avenger was the lack of major time of pre serum cap with Peggy. If she tapped that tiny body then I get why cap abandoned everyone to go back in time and leave everyone for her, but if she didn’t then he should’ve stayed to fuck her niece
he is super dense
Yeah short chads exist.
Like I have one short gymbro and he was always slaying pussy more than everyone.
He was dumb too, but he just had no shame.
I remember one time we were on a cruise, eating lunch or something at a buffet. We're like 5 guys, I'm not sure if we were drunk yet, maybe a bit, or maybe we were hungover.
Table next to us, there's this fantastic 9/10 blonde milf which huge tits, her body is slender but those were Fs at least, probably bigger, and her gown gave her an amazing cleavage.
She had like 2-3 kids with her, her husband was away getting some food.
And he was just staring right at her going "damn, holy shit, look at that shit, fuck" way too loud, and she was smiling back at him.
Everyone else at our table were trying to hold our laughter or just being embarrassed.
I'd knife him from asshole to forehead
No you can’t
>Bunch of males taking a cruise vacation together
Lol, fags
You wouldn't do shit, pussy.
Dicklet detected
It's like going to a club or bar with just your guy friends, you meet chicks there
>I'd knife him from toe to ankle
Fixed it for you, no charge my midge friend
>like 5’4 manlet
More like pitied. Nobody loves somebody you pity
>It's like going to a club or bar with just your guy friends
I believe they boost RDJ offscreen so the actors can eyeball each other from the same level. Evans is about 6’ in real life, I’ve met him and he had a few inches on me at 5’10.
Also Evans’ stuntman doubles for Charlie Cox in Daredevil, who is canonically and IRL 5’10, so they’re already frauding his action scenes a little bit. That could be confusing too
Here's a study that found that manlets are twice as likely to kill themselves. Manletism is no joke.
Where to even start?
1) the Republican Party was partially liberal until Goldwater. Look up Nelson Rockefeller and Taft.
2) the Republicans have controlled the Senate very often since 1930. They’re controlling it right now
3) why would GOP politicians suck so much Israel dick if the Democrats are the only Jewish controlled party?
4) why has so much of the deficit come from GOP administrations, including the one right now?
In sum, you’re retarded
>Historically and realistically men are more valued then women
Thats the lie men are told. Look biology and society requires men to be expendable. But since men think, they can do the selfish thing. So how does culture compensate? Call men heroes. Shower them with importance. Its all to make expendability palatable
>I know that there is historical evidence and reality, but ignore all that and believe my crazy theories based on biology. Oh wait biology says that men are faster, stronger, smarter fuck...
Are you stuck in 2012? 6' is close to manlet status
Regardless of his stupid political views, captain america has made millions of nonwhite women want right-wing white men sooo....
That's her internal justification.
>no see, Steve I liked you for who you were before
>now that I've proven I liked you as a manlet let me marry you as a chad
I guarantee she wouldn't stay with him if he reverted back to shrimp mode.
>that virgin who has a mgtow google account and comments "yeah right on brother mgtow!" on youtube videos
god i love this shit so much lmao
I'm fairly sure this happened to a girl in my class
height is the most important
there is a game show in my country where a girl gets to choose a guy to date as she gets to know him through series of questions and challenges
there's this short guy that has a face of a prince charming, everybody likes him, his oozing with charisma but in the end the girl chose the ugly, boring, tall guy
you might think this is only one girl but this happens more often than you think
so the moral of the story is height is all that matters
What gameshow? Post a link
I hope he fucked her
I was sitting in a food court once and I spotted a tall lanky ugly dude who had zero hygiene. I watched him walk by himself across the court assuming he was alone when he eventually met up with his hot girlfriend. It was then that I noticed the height disparity in dating and it’s everywhere
im 175cm in denmark, on the once in a blue moon occasion that i walk out my front door to buy food or whatever Im instantly reminded that im a subhuman and that there's no point in trying at life and return to comfortable isolation
>Not a manlett
lmao americucks are hilarious
Fuck Republicucks.
Tfw born 50-100 years too early for andriod gfs and born 120 years too late to avoid feminism and the "sexual liberation".
You're confusing men and incels
>scientists, philosophers, entrepreneurs, generals or anyone relevant is a man,
99.999999 percent of people
Being short is like having a permanent physical disability that no one will ever acknowledge is a disability and will actively make fun of you for having it. I really have trouble seeing the point of being alive at 5'5"
Reminder that her touching his chest was not in the script and was her pure lust.
same but 5'9 in scandi
just described my life 175 too
went out with a coworker and her roomates a few days ago and one of the roomates was talking about a guy that was cute, nice, smelled good, cooked well but was short. It's brutal, I feel a lot for manlets.
Instant breast growth?
I can sympathize. But at least you can be average/tall in South Korea, Japan, or Latin America. There isn't a place on Earth where I wouldn't be considered short
lmao provided you are white(considering Denmark) just go to a Asian country and get a cute short wife bro. Unless of course you are a poltard muh race autist.
i had girlfriends, relationships, and sex in high school. never heard of the manlet meme until i read about it on /fit/. my first girlfriend was a foot taller than me, and a couple others have had a few inches on me.
god she was perfect. rest in peace
I’m 6’0 and that’s below average when you think about it. There’s lots of guys taller than me so I know your pain. There are even some non-whites taller than me. I’m flabbergasted.
Should've said something
>government healthcare is free market
nigger what
it's all about charisma and personality, unironically
That's bullshit. She was kinda into him before, against common female nature. When he turned into a greek god on top of being virtuous her ovaries went into overdrive and she pulled every trick in the book to get him head over heels for her.
>his grandpa chet
pic related, it's best Chet
>the Democrats are the only Jewish controlled party
I'm 5'8 and I am still a manlet
Nice cope, nigga
> you'd literally die from that
that's not true, I was 95 lbs til I was 24