Is it the only movie that pleb filtered the entire world upon release?

Is it the only movie that pleb filtered the entire world upon release?

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I can think of quite a few more. The most recent being Godzilla: King of the Monsters

"It has no pace, sloppy continuity, bland characters. It's my contention that John Carpenter was never meant to direct science fiction horror movies. Here are some things he'd be better suited to direct: Traffic accidents, train wrecks and public floggings..." - Alan Spencer, Starlog magazine November, 1982

"A surprising failure" "Carpenter's most unsatisfying film to date." - Phil Hardy, Science Fiction (1984)

"Too phony looking to be disgusting. It qualifies only as instant junk" "A foolish, depressing, overproduced movie that mixes horror with science fiction to make something that is fun as neither one thing or the other. Sometimes it looks as if it aspired to be the quintessential moron movie of the 80's" - Vincent Canby, New York Times

"It seems clear that Carpenter made his choice early on to concentrate on the special effects and the technology and to allow the story and people to become secondary. Because this material has been done before, and better, especially in the original "The Thing"" - Roger Ebert

"This movie is more disgusting than frightening, and most of it is just boring." David Denby, New York Magazine

"The structure of the piece reminds unpleasantly of porno films..." - Daily Variety

"So single-mindedly determined to keep you awake that it almost puts you to sleep" - David Ansen, Newsweek

"A wretched excess" - Gary Arnold, The Washington Post

"The only avenue left to explore would seem to be either concentration camp documentaries or the snuff movie." - William Parente, The Scotsman

"What the old picture delivered – and what Carpenter has missed – was a sense of intense dread." Variety (In 1951, the same paper had said of Nyby's film: "The resourcefulness shown in building the plot groundwork is lacking as the yarn gets into full swing. Cast members fail to communicate any real terror.")

"If you want blood, go to the slaughterhouse. All in all, it's a terrific commercial for J&B Scotch." - Christian Nyby, director of the original

*Blocks Carpenter's path*

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Starship Troopers did the same.

Just a reminder that these are all real “film critics” and that some people take their opinion seriously

Wow, it must be so embarrassing to look back on what is now considered to be one of the best horror films of all time and realize that you trashed it because it was the popular thing to do at the time. Critics really are sheep.

>Dude if the movie has good effects that means they didn't care about the story or characters
That's every pretentious critic in the 80s

While I like The Thing, I have to say that these were critics back then, you know, ones actually criticizing movies. Now compare them with current "critics" who literally asslick any shitty "diversity" flick or even all that superhero garbage. They have no balls to criticize anymore. Should they still be called 'critics' then?

Those old critics were pretentious up their own ass pseudo intellectuals. Now they're pretentious up their own ass psedo intellectual brainwashed pc zombies


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you think I'm reading all that you faggot

>Is it the only movie that pleb filtered the entire world upon release?
Child's play. Here is the real pleb filter.

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John Carpenter's name and film has and will continue to outlive all those worthless curmudgeon's.

Is this a statement or a question dipshit?

Some of them are dead pal, dead!

>Those numbers
>What's the date

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I still dont know if the masses hated it because they truly didn't like it, or if they didnt want a good movie that came from DC instead of MARVEL

It's heavily flawed, not 3/10 bad tho. There's some really good when wonder woman shows up at the end...or..umm when bruce has to call jack to tell him not to stay in the building that's obviously gonna get destroyed....or ...when lex....uhh

This was the movie that clued me in on there being something seriously off about modern pop culture in general and the field of “criticism” in particular. It was like they were actively refusing to connect any of the dots the movie is inviting them to connect, “critics” panned it and so the public followed suit, citing the “experts” to dismiss anyone who pointed out to them what the film is doing and saying with the characters.

It's the destruction

It was meh at best, and the DC thing made it go into decisively dislike.

did they just hate carpenter or something? what the fuck is this

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Umm do you guys remember that scene...where umm...Bruce is on the computer and....uhh...

Honestly how did this even happen? It's such a blatantly excellent movie and it was panned as one of the worst ever made when it was released. So strange, did something happen in the early 80s that caused this movie to piss everyone off ?

Speed Racer

>Because this material has been done before, and better, especially in the original "The Thing"
The original "The Thing" is just a bunch of guys sitting in a room cracking jokes for an hour, not even particularly concerned by the fact that there's an alien on the loose and it has killed a few of them.

No, people just had higher standards at the time

contrarian posting is old

Just because you don’t know comics doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t. That’s one of the things that makes this movie sort of unique. It’s made for people who actually know the source material, not just superficial things about characters or Clliff’s notes versions of some stories, but the underlying themes and mechanics of the entire DC setting.

King of the monsters was actually shit, fuck you.
Fuck you too.

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>the masterpiece e.t brought to you by Steven pedoberg
Fo sho

lol no

My favorite Razzie nominated film

Heh, I hope this is a joke. That was the worst attempt at shoehorned cinematic universe garbage in any capeshit.

What, that Luthor was planning on using the metas he’d already been surveilling to form a corporate-sponsored team to act as our planetary security against “alien” threats? That part, or the bit where Bruce glimpses a possible apocalyptic future?