Are incels even human? Honestly, look at this shit and tell me that you want to interact with him in any way
Are incels even human? Honestly, look at this shit and tell me that you want to interact with him in any way
Are COD fans even human?
Just be yourself, bro.
So I heard you're selling your Xbox?
What do you want for it?
Just be confident bro
Why does everything have to be on women's terms? My best friend is a fucking hideous balding chud. Yet I won the best friend lottery and couldn't ask for a better bro. He has a wife, kids, and loving family. Meanwhile I'm conventionally attractive and I'm ready to drive 120mph into a tree. What does that say about our shallow society?
He looks like one of the worms from Men in Black looool
cuck him
>/r9k/ is going mainstream at a staggering rate and there's nothing we can do to stop it
ask the average person if he knows what /r9k/ is and see his response.
It's fault of incels that they are incels though
nah. if the pedos had gotten to him first, he couldn't be an incel. I blame Bryan Singer for only fucking twinks
Maybe he doesnt have a shit personality like you
>falling for the personality meme again
Looks are everything bro. It's 2019. I agree with he should cuck him and show that balding manlet who the real Chad was meant to be.
>'m conventionally attractive and I'm ready to drive 120mph into a tree. What does that say about our shallow society
lost all sypthay for you there, based friend dabbing on attractive people
how ?
balding manlet cope
he means the attitude. this is depressing since the incel mindset is annoying as fuck. for those virgins who just want to be left the hell alone the screeching whining type becoming more mainstream is not a good thing.
This is the most retarded forced meme ever. Even by the left's low standards.
It's true and you fucking know it chuddy boy. Don't like it? Gain height, lose weight, and have sex.
Why are people who chop their sex organs off so obsessed with people having sex?
I'm 6'4" and white chuddy boy. Loving every projection from your balding manlet self.
Untreated mental illness is so tragic.
>120mph into a tree
stop using this if you don't want to be identifiable thread to thread
The incel mindset was the norm during the 2000s though. How many shitty movies, tv shows, and songs were about a vaguely pathetic guy in his late teens or 20s who couldn't get laid and was sad, and occasionally angry, about it?
that isn't the incel mindset. the incel mindset is more extreme, rather than just sad or lonely and occasionally frustrated and angry it's consistently aggressively hostile to the outside world at large. you rarely saw that depiction in anything prior to like 2009.