>Joker is transgender!
>the movie is Anti-Trump!
>it's a pure commie fest!
>it's a Psy-ops!
Fuck man, is there anything more pathetic that brand loyalty? Specially in regards to movies?
MCUfags seething hard
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah it’s all pretty annoying. This board will be unbearable once it officially comes out
>DUDE mass shootings LMAO
>DUDE incel spamming LMAO
>literal who sjw Twitter screencaps
This. Lefty polfags are having seizures (and that's a good thing!)
A movie starring a jew, directed by a jew, and making fun of white men will never be based or red-pilled.
Poster is so addicted to Yea Forums he can't conceive anything past MCU vs. DC.
Why do you delude yourself into thinking a 2019 Hollywood movie WON'T be Anti-Trump or lefty shit?
Why are shills so bad at hiding themselves?
>The Waynes in the comics have been everything from drug-addicts, to swingers, to nazis, to fucking satanists. The Waynes are some good-natured, wholesome couple. Nor is Batman a good person.or a proper hero.
Demonizing them, not making fun of them. Try to be accurate.
Because the script already leaked.
I think it's poking fun at white incels, but I've only seen clips so I could be wrong.
Anyway, this movie is jewishness cubed and I'm not watching it.
So has a camrip of the movie.
And it is leftist propaganda.
One of the leaked scenes has Joker explicitly telling the talk show host that he killed three Wall Street guys not because they were rich, but simple because they were awful to him, and that he doesn't give a crap about any social movement.
Try harder.
>SHIT Yea Forums doesn't have users to look for their problematic posts to shut them down instantly like I do all the time when I'm losing an argument with those bigots on reddit. I know! I'll use the archive
There is nothing more reddit than this
Yup, i posted twice to talk about this movie on Yea Forums while using the OP's image. So what? Yea Forumstards are even more retarded, since they always complain about the movies not being a carbon copy of the comics, not to mention they always want everything to be like the MCU. Everything has to be attached to a big, sprawling shared universe. But i guess that's to be expected.
Weird how he's trump in your Yea Forums post and he isn't here
Thomas Wayne is pretty obvious a Trump allegory. I didn't say he wasn't. I just find it funny how people have been pushing that the movie is Anti-Trump in order to convince the users here to not go see it. It's the shilling that i find amusing.
How does that change the fact the whole movie is leftist propaganda?
>everything from drug-addicts, to swingers, to nazis, to fucking satanists
Funny how this has all been said about Trump for the last 4 years
but sure it isn't "anti-trump" now
Because in the script, the Anti-elites movement, named the "Resist", are a bunch of destructive nuckleheads looking for a scape-goat to unleash their fury. They assault and kill people, innocent people. They're also used by the Joker as a the big dumb masses that they are.
If anything, you could argue that the movie is anti Antifa.
Is it safe to go see this movie opening weekend? I'm thinking of catching a matinee just to be sure
Because comics are one thing, movies are another.
In the comics they've tried to portray Thomas Wayne as a not so clean guy. For example the Telltale games were the player learns that Thomas had mob connections.
In the movie Thomas in the end is portrayed as a good guy, who feel sorry for Arthur Fleck, and is ultimately killed in the whole mess as a true victim of misguided rage.
Movie made by leftists, embraced by a leftist film festival... is not alt-right.
Face reality.
Or maybe, it doesn't pick sides like everyone involved has been saying.
>In the comics they've tried to portray Thomas Wayne as a not so clean guy
>for example... In the games
Is this a joke? It's so fucking obvious you don't read any comics.
I just don't wanna get shot in a mass shooting.