>"claims" to hate trannies
>if there's a transgender actor, actress, character, whatever in a mainstream show or movie there will be endless threads about them
What did they mean by this?
"claims" to hate trannies
Other urls found in this thread:
the few trannies on this board shit it up non stop
/pol/tard tourists
Yea Forums is used by hundreds to thousands of people every day, all of them with a variety of opinions and ideologies. And all of them are completely retarded
except you and me specifically
user I'm afraid I have debilitating, incurable retardation
you misspelled /pol/
>Yea Forums
>For 10 years, famous as being the most depraved part of the internet, home to CP, tranny porn, degenerate NEETs, etc.
>Suddenly becomes a bastion of conservatism for its second decade even though none of the users have changed their lifestyle habits
Self-loathing is a powerful force. The gradient between how a person would like to live their life and how they actually do so can create energy like positive and negatively charged particles.
Trolls having a pecking order.
There's the creative and intelligent one's that want others to laugh with them. These trolls can be found roaming from website to website and never stay too long.
And on the other end you get the complete opposite, unfunny, low iq, prone to aggression and mental illness. These 'people' usually stick to sites they don't like and are simply there to shit up threads for their own amusement. Their iq is so low infact they'll try to form small communities with other low tier trolls, this phenomena is referred to as the discord tranny. The discord tranny simply can't cope with the fact of their mere existence and thus, must siphon reassurance and a superficial friendship with other discord trannies. If a discord tranny can't find other's to cope with, they're liable to kill themselves, the chances of this is roughly 40%.
Imagine thinking Yea Forums isn't just /poltv/
Conservatism is the new counter culture.
/pol/tard here
I'm really bored of /pol/
Yea Forums is my main board now and I'm not going anywhere
/pol/ wishes it was as good as Yea Forums. /pol harbor/ is the only truly fun thing that happened on it. All other stuff like dorner and zimmerman are mediocre in comparison to what Yea Forums had. Also Yea Forums invented meme magic.
Anyway that's all in the past they're both shit now.
>says both boards r shit
>still shits them up
sounds pretty based not gonna lie
you don't have to
you're all welcome here with open arms because people like SupaHotFireIsNotAllowed sold us out for moots ad revenue years ago and only you can save us from them.
Like locust
Yea Forums loves to hate.
Yea Forums invented meme magic with the Royals and Chiefs. Lurk moar.
I’m trans, Yea Forums...
Yea Forums's only great accomplishment is spamming MESSI and TSUUUUUUUUUU everywhere and winning Big Brother
meme magic truly belongs to Yea Forums
Yea Forums is used by 1000 people a day, user. go look at the board stats.
>implying /leftypol/ doesn't shit the board up more, including falseflagging with threads like this one RIGHT NOW
that's the people who actually post retard.
>winning Big Brother
A feat still unmatched today. Yea Forums's only claim to fame is sending a card to cia and some porn lol
Yea Forums was top comfy with LOST and created the most memes out of any board outside of Yea Forums and the Le Bains plane crash proved meme magic was real
these tranny """waifu""" threads are protected. female ones are deleted. wonder if its a trannymod or trannyjanny
do you even need to ask? of course it is
they are spammed every day too
>he thinks 4chin won't attract another batch of mentally unstable retards beside incels
and that makes it even more obvious
>giving a shit about sports
Yep it’s true, try making one about an actual woman and not a tranny or fag and they get deleted
fuck trannies and fuck niggers
It's /pol/ immigrants. All /pol/ users are tranny fetishists. The real Yea Forums natives are making cunny threads like they always have.
>he hasn't figured it out yet
It's whatever garbage Yea Forums like that gets to stay up
Why is /pol/ so FUCKING RETARDED, bros?
Funny how long these have stayed up compared to archive.4plebs.org
This is a /pol/ website.
rent free