Yea Forums has SsethTzeentach

>Yea Forums has SsethTzeentach
>/his/ has Dovahhatty

why does't Yea Forums have a youtube representative?

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Oh good more recycled memes used to sell some faggots youtube shit

we have armond

don't forget that /g/ has based Luke

stop shilling your channel dovah. At least keep it in /his/

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/pol/ and Yea Forums have razorfist
and /biz/ has Bizonacci

dam that video is kino af

Yea Forums is too fractured and at war with itself to ever have a representative

This is the shittiest board on all the chans and no one wants to be associated with it.


Bizonacci hasn't posted in like half a year.
Poor guy is probably dead.
Either the Bogs got him he went all in on Link.


we have E;R

he was Yea Forums until he took down avatar and steven universe

we have YourDogfuckerSucks

this is amazing. wtf, thanks desu. im lolling so hard at this channel, 'are those demication volunteers i see' and "HE WAS A CONSUL OF ROOOOOME" fkn LOL

we already have a rep
vincent ambrosio

Critical drinker desu

I know you are, but what am i?

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we have RLM, though it's kind of the reverse of these: sseth and dovah are influenced by their board memes, while rlm completely influences this board

Yea Forums has fantano
/x/ had exer erb

>history youtubers? cool!
>omg, I love Hearts of Iron 4 and Europa Universalis III

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So many LPers are Yea Forums representatives without consistency between them