Just watched OFotC'sN for the first time

That nurse should've croaked

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Nurse Ratchet is a Grade A cunt for sure. Give pic-related a try if you're in the mood for a more light hearted mental patient movie.


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user-kun, your picture's missing...

One Flew Over is an a powerful movie - I wish it didn't end on a downer for Mac and Billy especially, who has now doubled my love for Brad Dourif. I watched National Lampoon's Animal House right before it, and that was a fucking disappointment. Whatcha got in mind?

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Is this the last Hollywood movie where it's explicitly stated that the protagonist is going to prison for having sex with a 14 year old girl?

>Ahh. Juicy Fruit

Aight this looks interesting, I'll give it a shot.

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Ratchet did nothing wrong. Those people were there voluntarily, and she got attacked by a psycho pedophile rapist.
you probably saw the movie when you were too young and couldn't see how obnoxious Jack was supposed to be, and thought everybody who is the "star" of the movie is supposed to be the "good guy", and anybody against the good guy MUST be the "bad guy"

15 actually, and she totally said she was 18 and propositioned him. So ya know.

SONOFABITCH! You had them fooled!!!!

You write like a cute little girl.

Cuckoo's Nest is undoubtedly a powerful movie (and book.) I've loved it for years and only recently saw The Dream Team because I was on a Michael Keaton binge. Don't expect it to be moving in the same way. It's a funny adventure, has Christopher Lloyd and pays homage to Cuckoo's Nest in a lot of subtle ways, so I figured it was worth mentioning.

If you're really into Cuckoo's Nest, I would recommend reading The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test. It documents the antics of the author, Ken Kesey, and a lot of other lunatics during the 60's. Kesey is a fucking character and you
can see a lot of his spirit in McMurphy.

Animal House is the best comedy of the decade. Maybe it's just for people who have had sex.

I literally watched it for the first time right now. That's one assumption more than a little dead.

Jack is an incredibly impulsive character that makes many situations worse. That's why he saw jail time in the first place. He's also a brave son of a gun with a soul bigger than Ratchet's entire family combined, and his actions were unmitigatedly heroic, every one of them.

Individuals who voluntarily check themselves into a sheltered accomodation and psychiatric institute 100% deserve better than the destructive treatment they faced - not just in the movie, but in the reality of mental health care for a long time. Treating grown men like children and forcing disgusting, invasive "dialogues", forcing intimate info out of Billy in front of everyone, these things are complete abuse by any reasonable standards and the use of electroconvulsion, the poison in the medication and lobotomies the cherries on the cake. You must be seriously deep in the shit modern society foments to think there's anything "right" about the situation Ratchet presided over.

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So was Jack crazy or just an ordinary criminal?

quit trying to apply modern mollycodddling $2000 a week "care". She did what she could, her best. She listened to the group vote about baseball, she gave back their cigarettes after they volunteered them to her. She's a good nurse.

Ratchet was an evil manipulative cunt. She had what's coming.

God I hate hipsters who take the contrarian position because it's edgy. She's responsible for billy's suicide. She knew his worst fear and pushed his buttons. That's not a caretaker, that's a psychopath. Fuck you.

It's an easy style to imitate. Add a cute anime pic and many an user: fooled.

Lol see , yeah I'll give it a watch.

Funnily enough, I looked into Cuckoo's Nest (having of course heard about it and seen gifs and such for many years but not knowing anything about its plot, setting, history at all) because of the EKAAT, which I've peeked at occasionally on a friends library. Seems ... well, as mad as you'd expect. I'm interested in Kesey now I've watched Cuckoo, so hey ho.

You're dead Roger Ebert, get back in the fucking ground.

You're probably too young. Read a book.


That you believe basic human rights are "mollycoddling", and also are bringing money into it, says it all. Ratchet's best is apparently having 0% sympathy with any of their opinions, feelings or perspectives under all circumstances. That's an impressive low.
>She listened to the group vote about baseball
You've actually got to be kidding?
>she gave back their cigarettes after they volunteered them to her
Actually seek help.

I forgot my pic, woops eheheh

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I never saw Ratched as a villan and was legitimately surprised to hear how much that role destroyed the actress' real life. I guess it is because I watched it as a kid with my parents and we talked about it after. They are both psychiatrists and we agreed her behavior seemed clinical and measured. It wasn't until college that I realized no one else saw her that way.

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I mean this sympathetically when I say that the psychiatric establishment is deeply, profounded warped in a multi-dimensional clusterfuck of self-referential, neoplatonic jargon-hell that justifies abominations of human mistreatment by the same metholodogy every other evil organisation, cult or fad has done in the past: and that's by being perfectly logical and reasoned, well "measured" as you put it, using its own internal linguistics and standards that don't actually match up to reality and which contort human lives to fit mad preconcieved notions of desk-bound creatures and emotionally stunted gromits like a Procrustean bed for the human mind.

I mean it sympathetically because I, too, had a psychiatrist parent, and suffered for it without realising. From within the artificial reality, everything makes perfect sense. All the models of human behaviour are elegant and intuitive, and the world is at peace. All perfectly consistent and logic - and also grounded on utterly faulty premises pulled from a Sigmund Freud tier rectum and propped up by centuries of tenured horseshit as more and more academic's payrolls depend on it. Reality is not fucking like this, it is a messy and chaotic process that eats the sterile for breakfast. But the sterile are so often the innocent victims of these institutes and not the perpetrators.

I don't expect you to like what I or anyone else, least of all Ken Kesey who lived through 1960's psychiatry, have to say about all of this. But it's the truth. Anyone who has lived both outside and inside those worlds will tell you which one is false and grinds humans to nothing: it's the one that once believed, dogmatically, that lobotomies were justifiable.

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Ratchet was doing a terrible job before McMurphy even enters the picture. Borderline abusive to her patients and making no effort to foster a therapeutic and rehabilitative environment. The story is an indictment of the sanitarium and the archaic state of mental healthcare at the time, but Ratchet was doing the place no favors. She was a petty tyrant and utterly inept in her position of authority. She manages to get by when she's only watching over a gaggle of docile, over medicated sadsacks, but can only react to McMurphy's passion by stripping him of his humanity. Ratchet is a product of that system, but she is still pure fucking evil.

Well how do you treat people who are schizophrenic, manic, suicidal or psychotic if not measured? How would you not go bonkers yourself if you did not distance yourself from the "mess"?


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Wrong Map fallacy. If you're trying to navigate a treacherous environment and your map is a load of garbage that doesn't correspond to the real terrain, what do you do? This is a real question and your answer will be significant.

I didn't want the thread title to be too long - do you know what happens to overly long thread titles?

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I feel a bit sorry for Louise. She did a fantastic job portrayal a reprehensible character, and as in so many cases before and since got personal flack for it. Like the guy who played Scorpio in Dirty Harry (god I love that film) who is basically a choir boy in real life but got hardcore phonecalls for years afterwards.

This is a cute photo, but she doesn't really have any curves. Maybe that contributed a little - she does look like a dour villain.

Most horrifying university moment: when half the girls in my junior yr psychology class casually sided with Ratchet after our professor screened the film. And the female professor said unironically there was definitely room for debate. A third of these girls were wearing pajama-like clothing. I realized then how fucked our world is because these women were so entitled and had ridiculously inflated grades. $100k/yr private university btw.

so is there some sexy nurse scene that was cut?

I feel your pain bro. I've known how deep the unis are fucked for a long while, and everything personal account is a new ache.

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I just looked this up and found this tidbit on IMDB:

>Louise Fletcher was so upset with the fact that the other cast members could laugh and be happy, while she had to be so cold and heartless, that near the end of production, she removed her dress and stood in only her panties to prove to the cast members she was not "a cold-hearted monster".

Wow. 10/10 coping method!

Jack probably brought a quarter ounce of coke to the set that day.

strange, but alright. thanks for digging that up.

She did her job, someone killed himself because he was an incel, and then she got attacked by a criminal. She did nothing wrong.

He better have done, the mad bastard. Then again, he hated Milos Forman so he probably could've have gotten away with too much.


At leas this wrong take is wrong in a funny way.

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It's a cliche, but I felt like a mental patient that day, realizing our extremely well paid, expensively dressed and coifed professor screened this movie to every class yet had never researched author Ken Kesey, or the film's history and legacy. What's more, I'm positive she must know other professors who felt similarly.

Also, just being around adult girls who thought it perfectly acceptable to wear satin cotton pants and tanktops and shoes that were basically fluffy slippers to class was depressing. If if were freshmen year fine, but by now the illusion of higher education was dead for me, and it was probably my first time grasping the immensity of millions of college thots in the workforce. They swallowed every bullet point without fail.

"Millions of College Thots in the Workforce" is a quotable line, like something from the Sam Hyde TED talk. What inhuman horrors have visited the year 2019 that were unimagineable in 2009.

This movie lead to the shitshow of mental healthcare the US has today.


I want to keep Danny DeVito as Martini as a pet.

"Martini... don't you wanna play? Martini... don't you wanna... Martini?"