>can’t make jokes about gay, black, muslim and women

So Comedy genre is dead now?

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No you just need to find something else to make fun of. Like anglos.

Dave Chappelle and Bill Burr both just released new comedy specials with racist sexist homophobic transphobic material so calm your tits.

You ruined everything. Great job.

Show me a funny joke about any of that.


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Seethe harder /pol/tard

But you can make fun of white people so it's okay you bigot

>Declining actor partakes in BlackedRaw

Why couldn’t the gay black Muslim woman cross the street?
Because crosses are haram and she is a pious Muslim

You can make jokes about all of that. There are now people who make money by writing blog posts and articles about why you're literally hitler for doing so. In other words, its business as usual just with parasites feeding off your hard work.

Arnold ShrugsOffANigger

did he ever get his lambo?

>the most popular media figure in a generation is a stand up comedian.

hey Jamie pull up that /op/ is full of shit.

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Why are white males so sensitive?

made me laugh

>Most popular media figure in a generation
That's not Robert Downey Jr. Joe Rogan is big on Reddit but most normal people don't know who the fuck he is.

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I don't think he's that funny but Bill Burr had a pretty surreal moment on Conan.
Quick rundown:
>Bill Burr starts ragging on women and how accusations they make are believed no matter what
>Crowd goes silent and won't make a sound, including Conan

one word can rip the universe apart, and whos sensitive

just be a decent human being and have designated fun

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Punching down was never legitimate and it was never funny. Y’all are just mad that people don’t think y’all are funny anymore, that’s why you go on and on about “PC culture” and “snowflakes”. The fact is we don’t think y’all are funny so we aren’t giving y’all a platform to speak, that’s all.

And no, comedy isn’t dead at all. The newer generations are actually funny as hell with their memes, y’all should check them out some time. We stan people who realize it’s not funny to punch down at POCs, LGBTQIA+ folks, and other marginalized communities, and we’ll keep our memes that punch up at the Karens, Beckies, and Kyles of the world, thank you very much.

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Didn't read

He's not wrong.

What a faggot.

>we need equality
>woah, don’t punch down at me REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

What i've gathered from this is what I already knew; as a straight white man I have more worth than everybody else.


Stop appropriating my southern culture you colossal fucking faggot

Also can’t joke about fat people or retards anymore let alone even say the word retarded... what fucking world am i living in now??

So under those rules, you shouldn't punch down at poor white people or rednecks, but it's okay to punch up at wealthy Jews in the media, women in positions of power, actors and actresses, and any "minority" who is actually the majority in major cities (e.g. Hispanics in many Texas/California areas).

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It's only dead if you actually stop making fun of those groups. They can't actually stop you from doing it. All they'll do is pout about it endlessly.