What are the most bullshit episodes of Bullshit?

What are the most bullshit episodes of Bullshit?

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>you can't shape your body through exercise and good diet

>Walmart not bad!
>circumcision is whatever

Global warming denial, but Penn later recanted it.


Smoking indoors

>"according to BMI, I'm obese! Isn't that ridiculous?"
>later gets heart attack and is forced to go on crash diet

Calling out Mormons on not letting gays in Boys Scouts.

Their conspiracy theories episode.

All they did was insult anyone who even remotely questioned 9/11, and then use a sob story as an argument. How would the brother of a firefighter who died in the WTC know that it WASN'T a conspiracy? Cause he's fucking sad? That was the lowest moment of the show. They did a similar thing in the endangered species episode.

Or their bought and paid for Walmart episode.

The pro illegal immigrants one

>instead of tackling arguments from scientists and architects we're just whine about our hurt feelings
>oh, and here's some complete retards to laugh at

Traditional marriage not being more stable than other relationships.

Conspiracy theories is the usual "show you a crackpot" and ignore well spoken people who are skeptical about government reports of events. "Who cares?" is not an argument. Went full "muh firemen."

The one section about Gandhi was kind of bullshit because their biggest beef with him was he liked sex?

Obesity/fitness episodes which were basically cope from Penn being a fat fuck.

Immigration. Not even against immigration but when you have a country with such deep seeded cartel violence the idea of just ignoring it and not protecting the border is insane. Especially when you look at other countries building walls or how places like the Russian southern border are getting overwhelmed with actual terrorists because of weak security.

Organic food wasn't completely wrong but had some issues. Grass fed beef is proven to have a wider range of nutrients than grain fed for example.

The rest were pretty fair though.

He was not for circumcision they just had a giggle at people tying weights to their cock to grow it back.

They're all bullshit. Those two are pseudo intellectual hacks, and aren't even good magicians, they just got by on the 'he doesn't talk and I do' gimmick for so long.

worst I saw was obesity
the best one is the dolphin one

that one guy sued his doctor though lol

I could see an argument being made since they coax the women to chop their little boy's penis off while they are still literally high as fuck from the serotonin release after giving birth. They're not mentally fit to make decisions like that, especially when doctors lie to them about the health risks of not getting it cut off and that they have to do it right now.

The vaccine one

The ones where they pretend evolution is actually a viable theory of how we got here.

based Christcuck

They used to say that the last episode was going to be "The Bullshit of Bullshit" and was going to explain all the ways they manipulated viewers into agreeing with them.

Global warming

Did they say it was peaceful?

The breastfeeding one was pretty bad from what I remember

>He was not for circumcision they just had a giggle at people tying weights to their cock to grow it back.
Foreskin restoration works though

Watched every episode of this show and the only thing I remember is the naked girls in the one about lawns

the fact that they're both mouthpieces for some libertarian think tank ruins almost every episode in retrospect

their episode on the death penalty was straight up embarrassing
fuck off

I would say that I'm against the death penalty because I know that there's lots of people who are falsely convicted. That's the only reason though. If I remember correctly, the person they interview had his little daughter abducted from a sleepover, raped, and murdered. In a world where we knew for a fact that the person we had was guilty, I am 100% behind executing him. Don't care about being humane either. I say kill him in whatever way is cheapest.

>I'm against the death penalty
>I'm for the death penalty

Don't vote, please.


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I'm against it in practice, but I'm for it in theory I guess. If the justice system was solid enough that people weren't falsely convicted, I would support it completely, but sometimes people are falsely convicted, and so for that reason only I'm against it.

I like the one where they made fun of maddox desu

lol i remember that one

Oh liberalism, you really did good in the coming years

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that logic applies too any kind of punishment really
only problem is death is kind of irreversible
maybe we should just freeze people like in Lockout

If everyone that was convicted on deathrow was guilty than i'll support, but we know that isn't always the case

they also mentioned gandhi being racist without considering whether racism is actually a noble position

Yeah, but if we think someone's a murderer we at least have to take them out of society. It's obviously still an incredible and unforgivable injustice when we put the wrong man in prison, but at least we can let him out, albeit after stealing years of his life away. The system is horribly broken, and if it gets fixed, if that's even possible, then I'd like capital punishment to be added back in, but not before.