Is weird to be grown up but still be attracted to actresses but only at a certain age? For example...

Is weird to be grown up but still be attracted to actresses but only at a certain age? For example, I was extremely attracted to Emma Watson in Prisoner of Azkaban and am still attracted to that version of her today 15 years later. Is that weird?

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No, just don't say that's love.

Why wouldnt it be considered love though?

Same for me, only the actresses that grew up alongside me. I think there's two different meanings of attracted here though. The attracted to the young version is sort of more nostalgia now, like how an 80 year old can dream of his wife from 40 years ago. It's not sexual attraction exactly, just emotional. I am attracted to that pic of Watson but not in any sexual way. Even the pics posted ironically towards that end is more nostalgia for the sexual desires I once had. In it there's an understanding that your actual taste in women has progressed in age appropriately for your own age, but there's nothing wrong with recognizing you were once attracted to women that young.

No she peaked at that age.

This makes sense but im still sexually attracted to her

Same but Carrie Fisher in RoTJ. No earlier and no later do I find her attractive.

she does look pretty cute I have to admit

nothing wrong with that

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This thread is disgusting. How are you supporting these pedos. Fucking christ Yea Forums

what a qt
i want to pat her on the head

Something about Emma Watson in PoA genuinely was magical

nothing wrong with a little bit of pedophilia

fuck off reddit


Yeah I was attracted her around that time. She was the same age as I was. Then she got old and I moved on. I'll always have the memories.

This was the exact scene where Hermoine stopped being someone I just wanted to hold hands with and became someone I wanted to hold tight and passionately kiss during the cold Hogwarts winter months

She is a grandma now. Get over it


Ooh, even more based. I kissed a girl in a dream once and it felt incredible, god only knows what kissing prime Watson would've been like.