ITT: Actors who have killed people

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Robert Wagner

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no he didn't why do you guys keep spreading this lie?

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Eh? She smokes irl so maybe she's killing herself but I don't get about her killing so someone.

What’s the story?

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How come gets away with it just because he's Jewish and famous, in that order?

What does that expression convey user?

Charlize Theron killed her own father

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she mortally wounded me by breaking my heart


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Hi Patton the MST3K reboot is soulless and you know it

Maybe we can just recognize sick people when we see them


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This for sure. Dude is a sick fuck and rumored to be a big time warlock in the hollywood underground

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He only killed Irish

She was only Irish too.

if you believe that then Christopher Walken is also and accessory

>On May 2, 1997, Seiuli, a known prostitute, was being watched by police getting into the SUV, unaware that Murphy was the driver. Murphy was pulled over, questioned for 30 minutes, then released, while Seiuli was arrested for an outstanding warrant on prostitution charges. Murphy claimed he was just being a "good Samaritan" by giving Seiuli a ride.
>On April 22, 1998, Seiul was found dead on the sidewalk outside of her apartment building by a neighbor in the same building. Clad only in lingerie, police suspected that Shalimar was locked out of her apartment and tried to use her robe as a rope to slide down from the roof then swing to an open window but instead she fell five floors and suffered severe head trauma resulting in her death.

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she's killed millions

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Robert Blake

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Forgot to add, she was a tranny.


based manlet

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Black Cinderella aka Brandy

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> If you count abortion as murder
Nicki Minaj

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unconfirmed but ya just know the dude has a couple of kills

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Johnny Depp

>Johnny Depp embezzled a fortune from the night club he was part owner of, because he had a major heroine addiction, then when he was being sued by his business partner, Anthony Fox, he had Fox murdered. To date Fox's body has never been recovered and he is officially listed as a missing person.

Missing person article on Anthony Fox-

Article by Radar covering Depp's connection to the murder-

Hollywood blind item discussing Depp's connection-

Old article from 2004 from when Depp was forced to sell the Viper Room, because Fox was suing him, and then mysteriously was murdered at the same exact time he was suing Depp-

From the article-

>Johnny Depp reportedly gave up his co-ownership of trendy Los Angeles nightclub THE VIPER ROOM following the controversy of his missing ex-partner.

>Depp has been caught up in the scandal surrounding the disappearance of businessman ANTHONY FOX, who went missing two years ago, and hasn't been heard of since.

>Now, as part of a legal settlement, Depp has quietly handed over his ownership of the trendy club to Fox's daughter, who plans to sell the Sunset Strip club.

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>He retired from the RAF in 1946 with the rank of flight lieutenant.


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>Kills a hollywood star and 2 children
>Raises a son that grows up to be a rapist
Somebody stop him!

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Who did Mark Wahlberg kill? He only beat some asians up and threw some rocks at some black kids.

I mean it was literally his job post WW2 to hunt down and kill nazi war criminals. So that was pretty based

was cheating on his wife, she found out, he murdered her with fentanyl, been playing the greiving husband ever since

Does it count as killing someone if you give a person drugs, then that person, while they were high on those drugs, goes and kills their husband and then kills themselves?

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>gay man in denial finally loses it and kills his wife
truly the most kino ending to his character arc

His wife died of cardiovascular disease and accidental overdose

he didn't even give her drugs. it's all a meme.

Wehrmacht 1943-44

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>abortion after surviving rape

This sounds more like fanfiction. I refuse to believe that anyone would willingly rape her.

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Killed our childhood version of Jim Carrey . He was strangled to death by this aging, depressed, hallucinogenic ghoul

I would have killed her too if she was my wife.

I bet this fat fuck is just loaded with SSRI's. I know I'd have to be to function if I looked like that

I'm sure they were all classic kills

Warlock? Explain

Was he a feeder? A architect? Did he spoil his canvas?

His new show Kidding is making a lot more sense now

Christopher Lee is the fucking man

>implying he's not an actor

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I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe

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Brad's a wimp. Couldn't hurt a fly.

People are more normal before rape and trauma

Marky Mark is a decorated Vietnam War veteran responsible for the death of at least 100 Charlies.

Giving birth to Max Landis is far worse than murder

No joke, this guy is a beast. He could kill you in 5 ways with just his pinkie finger.

Some car crash he was at fault for back in the eighties, I read he recently finally met with the family of the daughter that died.
And honestly I wonder if the even made him the way he is, this guy has the calmest, almost blandest personality.
I could not see him harming a fly or raising his voice in anger.

>Stewart served during World War II and also in the Vietnam War as a pilot, rising to the rank of Brigadier General in the United States Air Force Reserve, becoming the highest-ranking actor in military history.

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A Jew who killed someone, how shocking.

This is a really good thread

>buys a nice summer house right near the car crash

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Bow down to the Chief, gay boy.

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He has blood on his hands.

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Higher than the Gipper?
I have to say, it's too easy reaching back to the days of black and white, just about every actor alive lived through the draft and got a piece of action

No, not that weird fagshit you faggots bring in from /pol/, this is about the girlfriend he drove to suicide.


Lol my body looks just like that and I hardly even workout.

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Actually, the one guy old enough to be drafted multiple times and who didn't serve

Cause of death never said which 100% means drugs which he 100% knew about so yea he did it.

the president is a civilian you mong

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The dude who killed Brandon Lee while filming The Crow


Stuff he introduced his girlfriend to made her kill herself, and all the visits to Epstein's Island

Jim is supposedly big into the occult in hollywood but not just like I believe in it for the money but like facilitates child/human sacrifices . And also is a top tier warlock with a lot of power in the industry. Most of those a list actors who rarely do movies because they are into other darker shit. There is a YouTube clip where he pretends he is mocking the Illuminati but is low key telling you the truth of what he believes ..

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Is he? Isn't the current president the commander in chief of all armed forces

>fucking faggot worked as a male model and actor in the army instead of going and fighting

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Yes, you moron. What do they teach you faggots in school? Sucking dicks and catching Pokemons? Nothing else?

>Reagan was promoted to First Lieutenant on 14 January 1943 and was sent to the Provisional Task Force Show Unit of This Is The Army at Burbank, California. Following this duty, he returned to the 1st Motion Picture Unit, and on 22 July 1943 was promoted to Captain.

>In January 1944, Captain Reagan was ordered to temporary duty in New York City to participate in the opening of the sixth War Loan Drive. He was assigned to the 18th AAF Base Unit, Culver City, California on 14 November 1944, where he remained until the end of the war. He was recommended for promotion to Major on 2 February 1945, but this recommendation was disapproved on July 17 of that year. On 8 September 1945, he was ordered to report to Fort MacArthur, California, where he was separated from active duty on 9 December 1945.

>While on active duty with the 1st Motion Picture Unit and the 18th Army Air Forces Base Unit, Captain Reagan served as Personnel Officer, Post Adjutant, and Executive Officer. By the end of the war, his units had produced some 400 training films for the Army Air Forces.

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>made the valedictorian Annie O.D.
>killed Ron because he couldn't pay him back
>talked Charlie into an hero'ing off a bridge
>killed 13 year old Tiffany during a drive by

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to save a couple dozen

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They taught me the correct answer....
What was your problem again?

The glove didn't fit.


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"Sometimes I just kill me"

I have never killed anyone.


Wife #3 Bill, in the pool.

We've met before, haven't we?

He's THE captain, he's entitled.

Landis is legitimately a turd. He's attached to a few good projects but those aren't enough to salvage his shit-hood. Also NL's AH was boring.

based mental patient man




makes sense with his recent "nihilistic drugged out free-will-denying beard guy" schtick

Cringe and bluepilled

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Rebecca Gayheart played his wife lmao

Cliff never killed his wife. Theres no proof of it.

You know how many presidents got out of fighting in the civil war? They all do it. If they got money they'll do it

Didn't he murder six million jews or something?

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At least The Blues Brothers, Animal House and An American Werewolf in London are classics.
Trading Places and Coming to America are very good too
>NL's AH was boring

He barely hurt that insectoid even in the context of the film.

he seems disturbed

>Implying she didn't do the raping

post body

national lampoons animal house

you forgot the goonies

>believing in that pro-life bullshit

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>accidental overdose
no such thing

It was the dullest thing I've sat through since I last had to watch a chick flick. It's own spiritual sequel, Caddyshack, blows it completely out of the water.

Make no mistake, there are highlights like the bit where the 10 year old reading Playboy gets a scantily clad women thrown into his room and immediately cries "THANK YOU GOD!", that's the only bit of the movie that made me lol. D-Day and Donald Sutherland's teacher were good, and Karen Allen anything is Karen Allen anything. The rest is a genuine attempt to make us sympathise with that wretch that John Belushi plays and the fatass rookie, and to make us want to see the badass horseman suffer as opposed to him in the drill sequence. For all the fucking hype that film recieves, it was a total snore.

Fellas fellas fellas. You can both be right: by accepting that a) foetuses are people, and b) Nikki did us all a favour.


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fair enough, abortions are fucking based if the result is less scum in this planet, I cant get why pro-life people wants poor kids with single mothers or junkie dads that eventually are going to be part of the crime rates and then ask for murder them.

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>random prostitute lowlife dies in a shithole ghetto
>based eddie murphy did a good deed (or just wanted to get his nut with a hooker who gives a fuck) and is now attached to this
Damn moral of the story never help nobody

She was a he.

It's true. Phill Lewis got 4 years for killing someone while drunk driving. This was before his acting gig, so that's why you've never heard it before.

Man we are so focused on conspiracies with these actors, these fucking Hollywood lawyers are the ones pulling the real witchcraft

Yeah because you get guys like Audie Murphy and Richard Todd or further back the original All Quiet On the Western Front had a bunch of extras who were veterans of the trenches. And that's just Hollywood.

Yeah because everyone who gets raped is a 10/10 retard

And? If you don't think Eddie wasn't at least a little fruity listen to his standup

Oh, fucking please. Obama drone striked a city worth of people over his presidency, without formal declaration of war by the congress.

Nobody who saves erykah badu images is in shape

He and his ex Jenny McCarthy were instrumental in the anti-vax cruscade, and an estimated 1000+ people died from measles and other diseases from listening to people like them before they recanted.

They outweigh all other stars put together.


Based trips of stabbing deaths. OJ was a stone cold killa.

how does he look 50 and 15 at the same time?

she is fucking UGLY

In a twisted way it makes sense. It seems intuitively logical that someone for abortion - for the murder of unborn children whose lifes would be an unwanted burden and a trainwreck destined for crime - to also be okay with the ruthless, fascist-tier cracking down on criminals of all stripes by a hardnosed police force. And vice-versa, that anti-abortion types who believe in the sanctity of life and letting innocent infants be born and have a chance to make something of themselves, should also be utterly against the brutal and unforgiving methods of first world justice, including the death sentence.

Instead we see the exact opposite pattern, with proponents of abortion hating the punishment of criminals by brutality and death and vice versa. And it makes sense, when you realise that no-one, a-NO-one, is dogmatically for or against life. We all believe that *some* should live and some should die. The question is who, how, and why? What the left and right stances on this question embody are contrasting systematic attempts to answer this question, both being logically consistent from their starting premises - those premises being an inverted view of determining worthiness and morality. Deeply opposed, and yet fundamentally similar, as both ruthlessly advocate death for some and ruthlessly spare death for others.

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he also shot winona on accident

>Explained to Peter Jackson what it sounds like when you stab a man from behind in the lungs

It is and Marilyn Monroe was a mass murderer. Why do you think whores are on a steady diet of pills and booze? It's the guilt from all the abortions.

Man the glove didn't fit, what more do you want?

I get what you say but I think that people who are ok with abortion makes more sense because they usually think that at least half of unwanted children are going to be that brutal criminals that they are not ok to be killed because their background, education, etc... and that can be solved if everyone have the opportunity to dont ruin their lives and other lives by bringing someone else who are not able to take care of.

But "pro-life" people looks like they only want to watch the world burns, because is not like a lot of them tries to help single mothers or poor parents with money or whatever they need just to make sure that kid is coming to this world and is going to have a pretty good life, they just want to satisfy their personal beliefs even if that means that they have to fuck someones life.

That is not a good christian for me.

All this demonstrates is that your premises match the left wing camp, which are as divorced from a mutually evidential basis as the right wing basis.

Notice the incoherence between being squeamish about killing an adult man who has robbed, raped and murdered, and thus prepared that the man had never been born in the first place, or had been killed by an interdiction in the womb before his birth could be finalised.

The way to resolve this is to assume a determinism, that the baby in the womb may be a baby *NOW*, but is destined to become a criminal murderer who no-one would sympathise with. So it's okay to kill the unborn baby now because it's destined to grow into a nasty criminal, so it's simply efficient to kill him now and prevent his crimes before anyone gets to know him and like him (even if they are other criminals).

But it still runs into the problem: assuming you even CAN ascertain that a given child is likely to become a criminal, how is okay to kill them as a baby but NOT to do so once they have proven themselves to definitely be an actual criminal? Maybe that criminal has friends or family who would miss them when they're dead, which can't be said of a foetus who never had a face or a name.

Your challenge: understand the opposing premises as accurately as its proponents understand your own.

Oj Simpson

Probably took out more than the rest of the thread combined.

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You would have done the same if you were in his shoes.
Nobody wanted to fight and die in the rice fields during a pointless war.

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Any rappers who actually killed people?

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Who has she killed? Your heart?

Nah, rappers are the pussies, that's why they're singers not thugs.

roger ebert


You just know he's watched the life drain from someone's eyes, up close an personal.

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>that reddit beard
what a fucking faggot


Then I love her even more now. She was great in GBH.

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Is that THE James Doohan, better known as Star Trek's Scotty!?

Leslie Grantham most based killer actor.

>Shoot German taxi driver while you're stationed there in the army after the war
>Spend 12 years in prison
>Get released and decide to become an actor
>Audition for a main role in a big new show
>Tell new boss about your past. They don't care. Get the role
>Become one of the biggest TV stars around


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She is hideous.


I firmly believe Cliff from Once Upon a Time on Hollywood was partially based on the Natalie Wood/Robert Wagner story

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>I firmly believe

Fucking hell it's not even subtle.

I'd never done a crazy thing in my life before that night. Why is it that if a man kills another man in battle, it's called heroic, yet if he kills a man in the heat of passion, it's called murder?

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He was truly too good for this world.

F in peace

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I looked it up, holy shit you're right.

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God I hate this faggot



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Of her titties

You must be fun to hang out with

He did remarry mighty fast, desu.

Oh, right. Forgot about that.

Poor guy.
'Hey Brandon, how is it going? Good¿ Great. What are we filming today? Okay, so I point this at Brandon and pull the trigger? Easy.'
Died of cancer a couple years back, too, iirc

Fir years, the rumor was he had run over some guy while drunk as a skunk and the L.A.P.D. in the studios pockets helped cover it up.

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chevvy chase killed someone?

>Suffering from what would today be described as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Murphy slept with a loaded handgun under his pillow. He looked for solace in addictive sleeping pills.

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