How do we fix such a profoundly sick society?
How do we fix such a profoundly sick society?
You literally, unironically can't
Have sex
how do you cure a rabid dog?
Go back in time and make the Axis win WW2.
Only a massive upheaval, disaster or economic will start to reset things.
Yea Forums - Television & Film, you stupid fucking faggot.
Gas the jews
Hang all traitors
Shoot every nigger
Bully the lgbt into suicide
>how do you cure a rabid dog?
put it out of its misery
Creating the Joker in 1939: Give him a mustache and massive societal unrest and economic hardship.
>unironically wanting to get married and have children
Biggest meme ever. We're now at a point where people are actually catching on to that and living more fun lives. People can barely afford to live on their own in this economy and having children out of wedlock is a crime factory.
Me? I'm 45, married once for 18 months, and will never do it again. I have complete freedom and I fucking love it.
you're pretty stupid yourself if you're expecting OP to just not know what board he's on and your post will somehow show him the error of his ways.
2 simple steps:
1.- stop fapping to pornos
2.- unfollow all women on social media
first step will fix men, second will fix society
the true and final blackpill.
by destroying this dude
Destroy capitalism
>Yea Forums "mods".
Yuo will never undestan d, Veronica
Finish what Hitler started.
Another World War would fix so many problems.
these, if you are involved in politics and still voting, you're a fucking idiot. just try and make this life and good as possible for yourself while everything around us continues to deteriorate until the inevitable collapse
you push it even more, but using proxies intead of revealing yourself
Why are the top two beginning the descent into hell? So even "wholesome" women were already a problem?
What a weird image kek.
this is your brain on jewish ideology
This is what the left is trying to do, the west society needs to collapse to fix it.
i can explain all the process but english is not my first language sorry user
t. fellow white person
>Why are the top two beginning the descent into hell?
How many fathers do you see in that image user?
You have to burn it down. Burn da whole society down to the gwound.
Where's the white women raising a niglet?
I think we all know a clown that has a few tricks up his sleeves to alleviate our sickness.
You know what they say, laughter is the best medicine.
with fire and blood