Is there any kino where the parents doubt their son's sexuality?

Is there any kino where the parents doubt their son's sexuality?

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im sad now

Why are boomers so incredibly dense like holy shit, you'd think they were all shaken as a baby or something by their parents.

wtf there's nothing wrong with being gay ~!!!!!!!1!!

My parents don't think this right? Surely they assume(wrongly) that I got some in college

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Apparently being a 22 year old kissless virgin is worse than being gay.

Nothing is more gut wrenching than realizing all those hours you spent playing video games were wasted

>could that have anything to do with this

>hurr durr I grew up in a captive market where women had economic incentive to seek out stable partners just like all of human history previously
>but now that my awesum generation destroyed that incentive, why can't my son get a gf?!?!?!?

This is actually very sad

They think you're gay

If you've never been with a girl, EVERYONE thinks you're gay, only smart-ish people who realize you're ugly and don't want to lower standards

Fuck, I heard rumours that I want to move from my country because I'm fag and I want to be a fag in Europe

that hurts, she cares about him but was probably a hot slut in high school so she never thought what it was like for others

>mfw 23 yo gay virgin
>mfw I have no face

She's a single mother, so she probably was a hot slut.

But you are a fag, and Europe loves people like you.

Leaded gasoline

Boomers are literally lead-poisoned retards

>In great shape with a good job and living on my own
>This still isn't good enough in the USA to get a girlfriend who isn't obese

I really wish there was some possible way to convey to my 69 year old father what the internet and tinder has done to our generation of women but there's literally no way for him to understand. My mother told me to date fat girls which is incredibly insulting to me considering I lift multiple times a week and would never ever lower myself to that point. I'd rather just keep masturbating to porn forever than be seen in public with a fat girl. I don't know what my parents think I am, I'm like a product almost entirely of the internet since the internet is what has raised me for half my childhood.

any media really

real life is out there, not inside indulging in fiction

I heavily implied the lie that I got some in college too, user.
If it makes you feel any better I got some for real eventually at age 30

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no you didn't

Nothing’s worse than making your parents feel guilty over your own shortcomings

that's what "father's" job is

My parents got divorced before I was out of diapers. Now I'm back in diapers. I don't give a fuck what they think.

all i did was chase pussy in college and now im a dropout and my grandpa is disappointed in me so it could be worse

Donnie Darko and Boy Erased

>Now I'm back in diapers
the 2nd act really took a turn


see if your parents have any home videos

yea you're supposed to lose your virginity by fucking your dad

I wasn't expecting a hearty laugh

>single mom thinking only about sex

the son should always exceed the father
a poor father doesn't let go of his seat at the head of the table away; a terrible father doesn't make it a challenge

At least she told him he is missing out on great sex

i want some mentally ill kinos about kids who got brainwashed on tumblr and pretty much ruined their lives and isolated all their real life friends and family

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My Dad was talking to me about girls a few weeks ago and he just casually slipped in “it doesn’t matter to me if you’re gay” or something similar. He brushed over it pretty quickly and went back to the topic but I knew he has his doubts. What’s even worse is that I’ve seen him be homophobic on more than one occasion so if he says something like that to me then he probably is sure I’m gay and spent a lot of time making peace with it.

Women get more and more selective every year it seems. It's incredible. I don't think we are even close to rock bottom yet.

It's always the parents fault

thanks for succinctly summing up my life, user

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Were you successful?

my mom has done this to me repeatedly over the years

>It's always the parents fault
Well, yeah. If they create a system where men are "economically unattractive" (whatever the fuck that means), they've completely and utterly failed.

Never mind the feminist arguments that die in the face of evidence like that.

>dad kicked me out for admitting I might, just maybe, think I'm a tiny bit gay
>this "xhe" complains their dad gave them a gruff answer and brushed it off
Oh no poor baby

Her dad is incredibly based. She should be thanking him for not encouraging her horse shit, but she probably won't.

yea over the course of about three years i lost count after 50 or so women so i don't know how many it's been. it stops being fun after the first few

>My mother told me to date fat girls which is incredibly insulting to me considering I lift multiple times a week and would never ever lower myself to that point.
>someone who's fat will always be fat
they aren't the worst women out there.

All you fags have to do is go to a strip club, take a few pictures and videos with you clearly visible next to a stripper or two, and leave your phone out where your parents can see it. You might be the family degenerate but there's no reason to be the fag.

When I was younger I just thought you just randomly got a girlfriend by being a nice guy and not doing anything.

The Truman Show starring Me

Your dad is supposed to teach you how to be a man

Just say you're asexual. These days they'll be called bigots if they aren't okay with it.

>"I don't know what to tell him since he never learnt these things in high school like normal guys"
>waah why is it my fault I failed as a parent?! waah, why can't the state raise my kids for me? waaah

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that's what i was implying

Guys who chase pussy are always successful it’s a numbers game but they always end up regretting it or becoming jaded and remember anyone who has a high body count has fucked mostly average to ugly women who were probably drunk or worse

In the before time, in the long long ago, it was actually like this

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My Dad's an IT technician

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Literally just let your parents catch you furiously masterbating to lesbian pornography. Problem solved.

W-what do you actually do?

>average to ugly women who were probably drunk or worse

I'm a woman

Can you really know you're not gay if you've never been with a woman?

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>oh honey we're glad you're experimenting!

Sure you are, sweaty...

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My parents are ok with it, and my father is chill with it considering it took him three marriages to find the one.

We started lifting again and losing weight and so far I have been on two dates this year so I’m pretty happy with myself.

he still put penis in vagine

very based

My mom has very low self esteem.

Kayfabe you lost it
Don't even fake it till you make it. Just act like you already had it. No one cares about how you lost your virginity. No one is going to ask you SHIT. Most people aren't cumbrains, so they're not going to ask about your sex life. They're not going to ask about how or where or when you lost your virginity. Don't fall for the media lies and pressure, where you need to have constant meaningless sex and then magically hopping off the fun train like you haven't burnt your brain out.

No woman is going to launch some deep evaluation when you do fuck her. She's not going to have a fucking clipboard, making notes on your performance. When you do lose it and she knows it's terrible, whatever the fuck. If she talks about it and says how awful you were, you can always bullshit. Or not give a fuck. Or just not suck at sex, our caveman ancestors did it, it's not too difficult.

The common insult, "incel" falls apart when you realize the big issue with incels isn't their lack of sex. Having sex is whatever the goddamn fuck anymore. Few actually fuck to make love, it's just blase mutual masturbation at that point. It's the incel's lack of any sort of positivity or working the best with what they have.

How do you know it’s a woman in the OP pic?

I still don't know actually


Real talk tho, is it worse to never show up with anything or show up with an ugly girl to your parents?

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>women on Yea Forums
yea ok


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Have sex

Then homosexual porn. The japs have that gay stuff. Just get the guy on guy stuff and leave it on the computer

>be 16
>argument with mom
>she loses so she tells me to get laid
>months later she's searching my room and finds my condoms and is furious
>always tries to make smart ass remarks because she's such a toasty roastie
>asking dad about a cold sore on my lip and she pipes up that its probably herpes
>have never brought girlfriends over to house because mom is so terrible and it's embarassing
>year or two later
>haven't had a girlfriend in a while and rarely go out but when i do its with my guy friends
>mom tries to sit me down and say she's worried i'm gay and having sex with one of them
what the fuck do moms even do besides be wrong, cry, and fuck up?

Be it the top 20% in looks and height also being just dumb enough that your easy to manipulate

How do you teach this shit anyway?

Because she types like a retard.

Be realistic. Pierce Brosnan couldn't get his wife to lose a calorie and he's one of the toppest tier men in looks, let alone his millions of dollars and fame. There's no chance you're going to get her ass up and out.

Where is your dad in all of this?

>Dad is super religious
>One day yells at me for having a girl over the house alone.
>Haven't gone on a date with a girl in 15 years
Whose the faggot now dad?

>22 year old virgin
haha can you even imagine???

My dad doesn't even accept "autism" as a condition. He says it's just a new label for "retard".

Are you dumb or pretending?

>that’s ugly
Girls uglier than that have ghosted me

he's right

It was all the stories we're given throughout our early lives. Chicks are fairer, nicer, appreciate kindness, are empathetic, blah blah. It turns out men are the more emotional sex, more caring, they're the ones who write all this wish fulfillment of love and devotion. This collective brainwashing of "the right girl will like you being a gentleman so just be one to every girl until you find the one" is bullshit, it's just a collective trap everyone has set to make lives easier for women who don't deserve it.

Can you imagine what it was like in the 70s, when you could actually talk to a woman. Nowadays if you're not doing something you'll be on your phone or have earphones in or whatever. I was born in 90 and I don't remember what train journeys used to be like, did people talk? I guess some might have had discmans or books. Or the newspaper.

>teach son to be confident
>teach son how to behave in public
>teach son how to dress and groom properly
>teach son how to ask out girls
>teach son realistic sex education

You can teach all of this. This woman failed as a parent and is in complete denial.

me too man, me too...

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they thought I was gay until I got caught stealing those porno mags. I could see the simultaneous relief and anger in my dad's eyes

depends really
if you went to college in the USA from 2005-2008 you more likely than not had a lot of sex while also had plenty of time playing smash 64 or halo 3 with your bros

He never cared, he drove me and girls to movies or the mall before and avoided my mom too.

Your mom probably has an undiagnosed mental illness a lot of women do because people usually let crazy shit slide with women, like you and you dad do with your mom, that shit isn’t normal and you probably don’t know that because you don’t know anything else

What are you talking about? You could still talk to women and other people in public just fine until the mid-00s. Smartphones killed it.

OP’s parents home Fido’s

>Smartphones killed it.
Feminism killed it.

>I was born in 90 and I don't remember what train journeys used to be like, did people talk?
Do you mean sky and subway trains? I was born in '88 and I very clearly remember what it was like before smartphones took over and you should be able to too.

if he was gay, he would be getting tons of action (from guys) and would be surrounded by girls (as friends)

This I don't even look women in the eye anymore unless they are an employee.

>My parents got divorced before I was out of diapers. Now I'm back in diapers. I don't give a fuck what they think.

im a 25 khv and the first time in my life my mother said something to me about a girlfriend was when I was 24 lmao. never had a gf and haven't even had a friend since grade school, but didn't feel the need to ask me anything about it until last year.

it was pretty hilarious because even though I am way too old for it she was trying to tell me the same lame ass shit in your post that people tell 14 year old kids when they first start noticing girls. be nice, act like a gentleman etc. what a fucking joke

Oh you mean like raising a child to be a functional adult human being? I feel like there’s a word for that, it usually involves two adults like “parenting” I think

Well sure, I chose 70s because I figure most 4channelarians have parents in their 60s, who would have been the same kind of age in the 70s.

Pff of course it is
Who is better Oscar Wilde or some fucking loser fat faggot who’s afraid to talk to women?

>could that have anything to do with it

Gee I don't know...

Yeah, this. That parent obviously doesn't want to accept that she raised a 22 year old virgin.

They hit something real there are the end. If you do not learn in high school then you are likely to never learn unless you are in college. There are no classes and nobody to really help you.

she is saying he is gay as a cope

>This I don't even look women in the eye anymore unless they are an employee.
You still can, but I'm talking about the contradictions that confuse and anger young men.
>Don't talk to me in public!
>Why won't anyone talk to me?!
>It's okay if men make less than their wives.
>Men are economically unattractive!
>If men didn't have to feel like they need to be in control...
>I'm not dating British guys. They're too timid.
What the fuck do these people want?!

>tfw mormon family
>i test their morals by asking them if they would rather have me live alone the rest of my life or marry a man
>they now think i'm gay
that was a mistake

fucking boomers man.
>why is my child who i never parented a worthless piece of shit with no life skills!?

Goddamn mormon.

Absolutely. Him being gay is her psychological "out" to avoid taking responsibility for her failure. She's trying to imagine a reality to where she didn't fuck up her son's life.

I'd think you were gay, asking a question like that.

Why the fuck would you do that?

It's terrible advice even if they mean well. Unfortunately you hear the same shit constantly and it just makes things worse and worse.

Exactly I don't even bother with women because I just assume their all batshit crazy. IF they really aren't than Twitter really should be illegal.

nah I spent them most playing with guys and girls who are good friends of mine to this day. I've lived in europe for a while and had two gf's there, neither of which would have ever happened if I didn't play games

>As an adolescent I had long hair because I was into shitty metal music and instead of talking to girls I spent all day playing WoW
>I was also overweight
>Dad thought I was gay or something
>My entire adolescence is him making snide comments about my sexuality or how ugly I was
>Literally crippled any sense of self esteem I had, and I'm still fucked up from it

Kolob is still open for you, user. Joseph Smith understands even if your folks can't.

I feel like people just have kids and do very little parenting. I see it in my extended family. They don't want to be bothered with it, but like everything else you reap what you sow.

>Always get asked at family gatherings if I had a girlfriend
>Always say no
>Cousins getting married, etc
>Over time family has just stopped asking
>tfw they've given up on me

No, people didn't really talk. Before phones, people would be into trashy novels. Before that, newspapers. There was always some sort of "don't bother me" behavior. Even if people did talk to strangers, it's because they were regulars.

I always answered I can't afford a girlfriend as a self depricating dig at myself for being a poorfag and calling out women for the money hungry whores they are.

>mormons on Yea Forums

Now I understand who makes all the cunny threads

Nah you're a fucking retard if you genuinely believe it's anyone fault but your own.

people have kids literally because it's what they think you're "supposed" to do. but most of them check out right when the cute baby phase ends, when it stops being fun and they realize that having a kid keeps them from doing the things they used to do.

that sounds like a plot to a movie

You're about the only person in the thread I'm disposed to feel for. My old man was an unmitigated cunt every day of his adult life until he finally found the decency* to take his own life.

*Not really. He'd successfully kept the existence of two earlier children a secret until they grew up and rashly sought to contact their biological dad

The best post on this entire website right now

I haven't had a girlfriend in 12 years and only had one total when I was in college for about 6 months.

>hey son, I bought a weight bench. I know lifting probably doesn't interest you, but if you get swole it'll be a lot easier to get girls.
>Merry Christmas, son, I got you a guitar. It's actually a lot easier to learn than you might think. It'll help you get mad puss in high school.
>Hey son, feminism is all total horseshit. If you really like a girl you need to be uncomfortably close to raping her, really grabby and pushy. Girls love it. I know it goes against everything school and movies have taught you, but you have to trust me on this. I didn't get your mother by being her beta bitch.

my mom did this kind of shit and shes very mentally ill

>...but women aren't materialistic!
Yeah. Sure.

I graduated high school with negative self esteem and it never recovered. That's all there is to it. Whenever I saw a girl I was interested in she was almost always being pursued by a guy better looking and more wealthy than me. Some people are born losers.

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boomers have atrophied brains. I'm convinced they can't think at all, they simply react to stimulus. No boomer is capable of contemplation.

My dad only really told me about the third one when I was 22.

start small and take the tv out of your bedroom

i actually had a girl friend for awhile in high school but i refused to being her to my house because of my passive aggressive nagging bitch mom and my lip smacking lecherous asshole dad

based redpilled possibly blackpilled dad

This is a sad thread so I'm just going to go

based and diaperpilled

Kino post and proof that even with the loss of Robert there is still hope for Yea Forums.

I don't think you can "teach confidence." You can tell a kid to be confident, but without constant positive social reinforcement at school, they're not going to be confident.
>Hello, friendless, why don't you be more confident? I know your grades are mediocre, and you've never had a girlfriend, and no one talks to you, and you've never found acceptance with anyone, and everyone either hates you or is completely indifferent towards your existence, but just be confident! I know you're hopelessly depressed but just stop and give it a shot!

Someone needs to succeed in life before they can be confident.

If my parents really wanted me to get a job and get laid they should have raised a man.

Joke's on you, I'm getting a degree in game design so it isn't wasted at all :')

>captive market
>just like all of human history previously
The bronze age called, they want their "women as chattel" system back.

Imagine starting work at 18, and for the next 40 years you work 12 hours a day doing a fake job (including commute, breaks and work preparation), come home and watch judge judy and go to bed. This is the worldview of boomers, they are know fucking nothing about the world, the can't even into the internet, there is zero wisdom in the boomer, at best some might be able to teach you basic trade skills.

You deserve it fag

You're supposed to impart knowledge to your kids. It could be in the form of advice, stories, experiences, jokes, etc. They can be simple like what worked for you and what didn't work for you like telling how you met and courted the mother.. you're supposed to make the kid help you around the house do technical stuff like putting grout or doing simple repairs as soon as he is able to.

Start going to church find a waifu that way ffs, treat it no diff than signing up for grindr or w/e app you been using to get some pussy.

>x called want y back
literally how the fuck can you type this shit out and not want to kill yourself?

I wish I was my parents were this supportive. When my dad found out I had a gf, he beat me with his belt because he thought I committed “fornication”.

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>Go to Dad's house for father's day.
>"Happy Father's Day Dad!"
>"Thank you! I'm sorry I didn't do a better job".
This cut me deeper than my car will at 120mph into a tree.

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boomers were the perfect slave class

It took me until like 25 to even internally accept that I was worthy of being given the time of day by other human beings, and when you've been delayed that long, how do you even start reaching out to people? I have no idea.
I don't think I care anymore though. That part of you just dies after a certain amount of years.

that's why looks are the only thing that matter in this world

This but unironically.
>Childhood is blaming your parents for mostly everything
>Young adulthood is thinking no, it's your own fault and you should take responsibility for your own shit.
>Adulthood is realizing that you were fucking right, and while it's your job to fix your life now, it really is the parents' fault for pretty much all your problems to begin with (especially problems related to social development etc)

pfft, at least he owned it

Encourage your son to punch dickheads. Number 1 confidence builder.

I understand your pain, my father has been saying a variation of that to me recently too.

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