Why do racist people fuck theirs sisters?
Why do racist people fuck theirs sisters?
fem ryder is not for sex
Maybe they have hot sisters, why not ask em?
Because incest is a patrician fetish
I went to high school with a guy that thought the same way you guys did. He got blackout drunk one night and tried to fuck his younger sister. She was mortified and is still in therapy a half decade later and his parents won't speak to him. Memes are all well and good, until you go full retard and actually try to fuck a family member
Someone post the blowjob scene with her toys surrounding the cock
I love images that reference other shit.
She is being coddled and he wasn't hit enough. The parents are to blame.
I hate niggers
I feel like you might be victim-blaming just a bit there bud
To keep the bloodline pure
This. I do judge people by their fetishes, and I think incest is a really really bad one.
Reminder that this is an anonymous image board and you aren’t scoring any reddit gold by acting as edgy as possible
You too retard
what do you think about the humble foot fetish?
Calm down incel
>and everyone clapped
Gota keep it in the family
>once dated an autistic girl
Makes me sad everytime, I kinda miss her.
The tantrums were fucking annoying though.
i feel like girls are warming up to the incest idea, especially with cousins.
Creepiest comment I've seen on Yea Forums in a while, and that's saying a lot.
That's just ridiculous, user. I have seen and said much worse.
heh heh heh i'm gonna fiddle ya
I don't think that's true
You are right, but ur cousin is warming up to me
>five years of therapy
She is being coddled. What he did was wrong but she needs to move on.
I'm not being edgy. If she has been in therapy that long and hasn't improved something is amiss. Sexual abuse does not need to define your life and her letting it control her is coming from somewhere.
Does anyone have the picture of FemRyder lying on her bed with a bunch of autistic shit?
I think that objectively it’s a lot better than fucking a sibling, and probably a high tier fetish (although it’s not for me)
It keeps the bloodline pure
>b-but muh deformities
If you have deformities with rececive genes its too late, your lineage is impure, you need gene therapy first
Reminder that a woman drew this
and there is nothing wrong with it.
femshep is based on Roons
>especially nieces
As someone with hemophilia type A, Incest is a horrible idea. Even generations later it effects your line.
>He coddled her and she wasn't hit enough. He is to blame.
If we based companionship on likelihood of hereditary diseases incest wouldn't be a priority. People with heart conditions wouldn't be allowed to have children, you might as well argue for eugenics at that point. Considering your issue is generational.
It would still be the parents job to beat her. If he wanted to romance her going caveman style about it isn't smart. If she isn't into him just blackmail her into it.
Yes, Eugenics would be a good idea.
Too bad that cock sucker Hiter and the enteral kraut ruined it forever.
Your poor education is not Hitler's fault. There where and are many others who urge for eugenics. Consider moving to China to support their current efforts. Or be logical about it and remove yourself from the gene pool so you do not spread your lesser make-up.
For me, it's realistic portrayals of incestuous relationships between brother and sister.
I long ago decided I will not be having kids.
Yes others have tried it, but Hitler was the one that everyone points to as "proof" that Eugenics is bad.
Why would I move to China? My defective genes would not be an acceptable trait for future generations.
Yeah and the cool crystals recipe recipe makes chlorine gas, traps are gay and women's farts stink.
People who try to imitate things they see on Yea Forums in real life tend to come to a sticky end, there's nothing new about this
>lefties fuck kids
>drumpfies fuck their sister/mom
Who do radical centerists fuck?
>one that everyone
Everyone besides me and you then, huh?
>why China
To help them remove lesser genes. You don't need to breed, just support their methods.
It was a very realistic portrayal as it set up a scenario where they could fall in love due to familial circumstances. Though I suppose calling any kind of love realistic is a bit pointless...
story time
That's hot damn
their nieces
>Trump was very close friends with Eggstien
>the moment those pictures and info started to gain traction Eggstien suicides
>The Church is filled with right wing people yet fuck endless kids even today.
Stop treating politics like Sports teams faggot.
any man who doesn't fuck their sister is a straight up cuck. What, you want tyrone to fuck her? pathetic.
Badboy: heh I tricked you into committing incest that means I win
Oldboy: kek
What they want a giant glass canon Amerimut to kill the non Han?
you seriously believe that fake news?
They are currently breeding out a non-chinese approved ethnicity in china through forced marriage. But I would assume the goal is to mix their genes with as many races as possible to breed the weaknesses out of everything. They aren't taking over Africa for no reason.
The only way to really get in your sister’s vagina is for her to mostly forget your her brother or to start grooming her so young she doesn’t see sex with you as incest.
>judging someone for believing something when you yourself believe things
Consider death
You're not scoring any Reddit gold either, kiddo, by trying to act so "above" everyone else. You must really be from Reddit if you think anything they said was edgy
not really they just have to not consider incest a bad thing or have it as a fetish
Going from trust and safety to J-J-JAAM IT IN in is the type of trauma that causes permanent PTSD.
Fun fact: clotting is a bad thing in zero gravity.
>but every things that is said about leftists is true!
oof and cringe. Again. Politics are not sports, stop treating them like that. The parties are not "yours" they are not your friends. they dont give a single fuck about you besides to get you to vote for em. We all mean less than shit to them outside of REAL Americans, Multinational Corporations and their lobbyists.
I don't know if they are ready for Chicano Amerimutts.
why do sodomites think people who fuck their sisters should be mocked but not men who cut their dicks off and wear dresses? Why do they never make any sense?
Is that your professional medical opinion?
Why would you know that?
I really liked Andromeda
Really now?
Are you saying the Air Force made a mistake on rejecting me and my ilk? Seems like they would need people that could be more efficient in space in the space force.
That's all very well and good, but it doesn't magically make any of the allegations user made against Trump anything more than guilt by association.
If that is the case
Same can be said about the Clintons.
Joke's on you my sister's black.
I've never been, what's it like?
I am unsure, but why care about sodomites when they'll all burn anyway? Do you not trust in God to protect his chosen people?
Cousin marriage is extremely common in Islam and why there are so many birth defects plaguing Britain.
It is also legal in Japan and 1% of marriages there are between cousins.