How low is it going bros?

How low is it going bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:

as low as Disney can buy

is this the first time a communist movie has flopped on RT whilst adam sandler kino is the greatest film of the year?

Fuck you and your fucking RT thread you fucking imbecile, they became irrelevant the moment they got 300 diversity hires


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How the hell can anyone with a brain take rt seriously at this point.

Despite making only a 78% positive critic score on Rotten Tomato, Joker will have a 99% positive audience score

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RT is like reading the National Enquirer for news. It's useless, cherry picked shit, even the user reviews. Metacritic user scores are way more accurate, but critic reviews are still a fucking cope.

who cares faggot

That's a bit optimistic; I think a lot of SJW retards will hate this movie, as will people who think movies actually cause mass violence.

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upsetting you personally =/= becoming irrelevant among the actual public

how does he do it?

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The public will catch on

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how can they rate a movie that hasn't even been released yet?

How is it cherry picked? RT uses hundreds of reviews for big releases like this one.

Stop posting about movies and save sweden

lol. fuck marvel. fuck feminism. DC 4 life.

Joker has both a higher percentage and higher score right now though.

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I think normies will be disturbed by this movie. They've gone soft. They can take gruesome violence but only when it's glorified/funny like John Wick and Deadpool, not when it makes you actually feel bad.
Mind you that this has nothing to do with the quality of the film.
Cinemascore will probably not be above B+

buy cat food.

You got that backwards. For example Captain Marvel on Metacritic only has 56 reviews, whereas on RT it has 461 reviews, meaning Metacritic is the one that cherry picks.

Same with The Dark Knight, 333 on RT and 39 on Metacritic.


>pisses off sjws because muh incel dog whistle bla bla bla
>pisses off marvel fanboys
>pisses of disneys professional shill army

It will go to 50%


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La abominacion

it premiered at a festival, so that's still a pretty high percentage. People aren't looking at it as cape shit, so the standard is higher. I think it will actually grow a little when it is released to bigger audiences.

A fucking tranny kek

>top critic tomatometer rating: 50% (rotten)
>top critic average rating: 7.43/10
I hate this site so much. What a dishonest, manipulative piece of garbage. They lost their shit over user reviews but have zero, nada, moderation for their critics. You can be a troll and rate a 10/10 movie rotten and RT will do absolutely nothing about, but muh review bombing is so problematic.


Looking at the critics on rotten tomatoes, 90 percent of the bad reviews have come from feminists, leftist Jews, and a fucking tranny

God the discourse surrounding this film is going to be fucking insufferable, I really don't want to hear any of it.

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This is society fault. GAMERS rise up

What did she mean by this?

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Literally don’t care about the score, the only thing that matter is Joaquin Oscar nom

That means “oh noooo incels are gonna relate to him so it’s bad”

Role model for incel shooters.

But you already knew that.




>Here, the Joker represents an ideology, becoming more vigilante than villain. He ends up creating a movement that helps the citizens of Gotham rise up against the 1 per cent who’ve neglected the city’s most vulnerable. But how exactly that ideology goes beyond a wan “society is bad and has been unfair to me” is hard to pin down. Whether intentional – and regardless of whether slices of the public will see Phoenix’s Joker as more hero than anti-hero – the film does offer a queasy sense of entitlement, which seems to ring true to how lonely, violent men view themselves.
More and more proof that it's propaganda for the left and their communist dogs

>im a woman whaaa whaaa whaaa i just cant stop crying like a dumb whore.

Fuck alienated people. Being inclusive is a problem.

>thirteen threads about Joker already
Are you clowns gone crazy or smth?? Why creating fucking 13 threads for capeshit that isn’t even released?

Definitely low 60s in a few days

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>support the jewish 1% or you're a commie

god you guys are so fucking retarded

Anarchism isn't inherently left-wing.

It's genuinely astounding how Yea Forums can manage to BTFO themselves THIS BADLY

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why do you care so much about posting this movie when talking about the joker if you are not a Disney employee?

Who would even watch a movie like this?

Welcome to society

>Some critics have been dancing around whether or not Joker is “potentially toxic,” but most believe, thanks to Phillips’s visual skills and Phoenix’s committed performance, that it might also be one of the best films of the year. I don’t disagree with any of that


God, I’m tired

Why single out that it's WHITE males specifically?

Because retard while you were celebrating Joker's "high" rt score you and the rest of the morons on this board were mocking JoJo Rabbit for it's "low" rt score and now we're about 3 or 4 days from Jojo being certified fresh and Joker being just another shitty DC movie

But you can't understand this because like everyone else on Yea Forums you're dumber than a sack of hammers

And what the fuck does Disney have to do with anything?

Are you unironically suggesting RT is even slightly credible? Lmao. People aren’t retarded, bro

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as low as they want it to go

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Imagine how the shills feel. They're working overtime now that /pol/ has turned on it and now Yea Forums is slowly turning on it

They cherry pick which puerile blogs are accredited. It isn’t complicated.
It’s a complete joke, bro. Look at pic related

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I do like how a ton of praise came from the Venice Film Festival while american critics are shitting on the Joker movie for existing in the in the current social climate. They really believe this movie is going to end society as we know it.

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Who cares? BvS was in the 20s and it’s absolute Kino. That horrid new Spidey flick was ~95% and it’s dogshit
This is a site whose methodology and critic sample are so terrible that Black Panther is its Best Film of All Time. Why be invested at all in such an inherently cringey metric?

Remember when Yea Forums was 100% certain it was going to sweep the oscars?

No, they think it will inspire incel shooters like BLM did.

Good chance that it will.

The fact that you think BvS was kino makes me question your sanity.

>BvS was in the 20s and it’s absolute Kino
Ha, what?

don't you nerds know it's cool to hate popular things and even cooler to like unpopular things?

Why does anyone still care about RT?

Honestly, why are they allowed to get away with this shit? How is this not blatant racism? Fucking do something about this, lazy ameritards

>There are so many problems with this film that I honestly don’t know where to even begin. First of all, the Joker is a straight-out villain in the comics. In prior movies, he has never once been presented in a way to draw sympathy or empathy from the audience. And yet, here we are watching a film that asks its audience to have some sympathy for Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix). The character is not one who should be presented in such a way that we see him in Todd Phillips’ film.

>“I used to think my life was a tragedy but now I realize it’s a fucking comedy,” Arthur says while confronting his mother Penny Fleck (Frances Conroy).

>Much like last year’s Venom didn’t have the Spider-Man presence, the same can be said here. Well, replace Spider-Man with Batman and you can get the idea. It would be hard to not have any presence of the Wayne family at all in the film. As such, Thomas Wayne (Brett Cullen) is in the film and running for mayor. Sure enough, Alfred (Douglas Hodge) looks over young master Bruce when Arthur wants to confront Thomas. Meanwhile, Penny frequently writes to Wayne to ask for financial help.

>One can see the Martin Scorsese influences on the film. The King of Comedy is one film that comes to mind. Meanwhile, Robert De Niro’s character, Murray Franklin, is clearly a stand-in for Johnny Carson. The curtains are a big tell for this with a similar color to that of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson.

>I went into this film with an open mind. Obviously, I grew concerns upon learning that the director of The Hangover would be directing a film about the Joker. Regardless, an open mind isn’t even enough to find entertainment value in the film. I mean, Joaquin Phoenix is a talented actor and he does his best with the material. Unfortunately, a talent actor alone is not enough to lift up even the most terrible film scripts. There was no being able to connect with the film. Believe me when I say that I tried but there was nothing there. Even when I laughed, I hated myself for doing so. There’s nothing funny about mental illness. There’s just no fun in this film. Maybe a few of Murray Franklin’s jokes but that’s the extent of it.

>I don’t like to use the word “hate” lightly but when it comes to this film. I hated it. Roger Ebert said it best in his review of North so many years ago. I hated every single minute of this film. Joker is complete and utter trash. To say that this film is also a disgrace to DC Comics is not an understatement.

I always figured the left hated Johnny Carson.


I feel like people down the line are going to start actually reading these RT reviews to a degree instead of just the snippets the site offers, because this is just dogshit, and so overtly biased and a percentage isn't enough to gauge the quality before seeing it now.

>"Minority groups need representation in Hollywood!"
>[incels get representation in Hollywood]
>"No, not like that!"

The utter state of american critics.

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>To say that this film is also a disgrace to DC Comics is not an understatement
I mean they made Suicide Squad, Catwoman, Supergirl, Jonah Hex, Steel, Batman v Superman, Justice League, The Kitchen, Superman 3, Superman 4, Batman and Robin, RED 2, Green Lantern, Batman Forever, The Losers, Watchmen, Man of Steel, Return of Swamp Thing, Constantine, and Birds of Prey

>no person could ever enjoy this film
>wins Golden Lion at Venice Film Festival
Jesus Christ I hate America

>trannies trashing it because of its politics

guaranteed kino

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And btw I posted the entire review. Those 6 paragraphs are all of it.

Reminder TJ Miller sent this tranny this email

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>we need to be more inclusive of marginalized people!
>fuck the marginalized people that disagree with me!
It's all so tiresome.

Those broad shoulders.

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>Luke Wilson's face
If you only you knew how bad thing really are.

>there was no being able to connect with the film.
>believe me when I say that I tried but there was nothing there.
>even when I laughed, I hated myself for doing so.

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>The Globe and Mail
They're a literal Liberal Party mouthpiece like the Toronto Star. Their opinion is worthless.

based and coffee instant pilled

I wonder if people actually think Disney gives a shit about review aggregators. No one could think they're part of a decades-long conspiracy of buying reviews.

Have you read the positive reviews? It 100% will
this is pure liberal bait and a very clear picture as why all hollywood elite are running away from LA and going down to texas

>not only I had sex with transgender people

Is this what jewish ancestry does to someone?


>Not only have I had sex with transgender people, but I have donated widely to organizations that support their freedom


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>Legitimately mentally ill person can't connect with a film about a mentally ill person

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name literally ONE movie that won multiple oscars without being in at least the mid 90s on rt

gigi 1958

Green Book won best picture last year and is at 78%.

The Exorcist
RT is a critics aggregator, not a fucking council lol.

>be tranny
>be alienated
>we need representation

Hypocrisy has been nearly monopolized by leftists.

Who cares? Critics are all 4th wave feminist 大豆boys who judge entertainment solely on diversity quotas and how politically correct things are. So shit like Endgame, The Last Jedi, Ghostbusters 2016, Captain Marvel, and that "I'M IN MY PRIME" stand up dyke get treated like Citizen Kane but anything that goes against their cult group-think like Dave Chappelle's new special is problematic and shouldn't be seen by anyone.

Quit using rotten tomatoes. The top critics couldn't tell their ass from their elbow.

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Gladiator won 5 oscars including best picture and has 76%

what part of "multiple" confused your tiny retard brain?

Ford v Ferrari, Knives Out, and Marriage Story are the ones that will sweep the oscars at best Joker might get some throw away shit like best makeup

Imagine if any of those Scorcese films were made today?

>white men
>Travis Bickle, a privilged white man, uses excuses to take out his violence on society.


So he's mad that the film wasn't some capeshit trash

Hey why did you ignore another one is The English Patient

>what part of "multiple" confused your tiny retard brain?
Green Book won 3 oscars: Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor and Best Original Screenplay. What do you think "multiple" means if 3 doesn't count?

76% with almost 200 reviews. Joker is already at 72 reviews and in the mid 70s odds are by the time the next 127 reviews come in it will be high 60s at best and no movie that low won any important oscar

>Criticizing a movie for what it isn't
This is Nostalgia Critic tier. Holy fuck.

>Quentin Tarantino’s revisionist war film, Inglourious Basterds, has one of the best cinematic endings of all time while the film holds up ten years later.

>What I am sorry to report is that this is a film that could also take place in 2019. It’s not so much because of conditions in Europe but how things presently are in the United States. Much of today’s anti-Semitism is being enabled by the man presently holding office in the White House. And yet, Jewish Republicans are willing to look the other way and ignore anti-Semitism in their own party. Sorry for the frustrating anger but I’m writing after reading the news that this president has quoted someone who called him the King of Israel and Jewish people. If you excuse me, I’ll be writing this review from that context.

>A lot has changed since Inglourious Basterds was released theatrically ten years ago. Anti-Semitism is worse than its been since the 1940s. Viewing this film now isn’t the same. Not when Jews are vulnerable.

>This film has two major plots that converge during its epic climax. Yes, one of the best cinematic endings in history. I can’t stress enough just how much fun I had watching the ending in theaters. I had just as much fun rewatching the film this week. It wouldn’t be the last time that Tarantino would use a revisionist twist. Because Tarantino used up the revisionist twist ten years ago, Once Upon A Time In…Hollywood doesn’t quite hit with the same magic. He already used the twist here!

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>that time Aquaman's score dropped like a rock even though it was mainly positive at the start
looks like Disney made a few phone calls to kill this movie.

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Face it fag, you got completely BTFO

This is the cringiest post I’ve seen in months. See you at the Academy Awards, fag

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what alternate universe do these people exist in?

Out of Africa has 48 reviews, 60% and 7 Oscars
Any other goalpost moving attempts, shill?

>tfw Hoes can't handle the Kino

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>Most of the film takes place three years following the open. One plot, which takes its roots in the film’s opening, sees French Jewish cinema owner Shosanna Dreyfus (Mélanie Laurent) seek to burn down the theater when all the Nazi leadership are inside. The second plot sees First Lieutenant Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt) with a team of Jewish American soldiers. What ties these two plots together isn’t just the converging climax but SS colonel Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz). Landa was there when Shosanna escaped from French dairy farmer Perrier La Padite’s basement in 1941. Meanwhile, Landa is also hunting down Raine’s team–known as the Basterds–because their killing and cutting off Nazi scalps.

>Shosanna informs projectionist Marcel of her plans to burn down Emmanuelle Mimieux with all the Nazis inside. Meanwhhile, British Royal Marine Lieutenant Archie Hicox (Michael Fassbender) is also planning an attack. His plan involves teaming up with the Basterds.

>While Waltz won an Oscar for his role as Landa, it’s very hard to imagine anyone else but him in the role. Yet once upon a time, Tarantino wanted to have Leonardo DiCaprio. It’s a good thing that the filmmaker decided to replace him with Waltz instead. This is a role where you simply cannot imagine anyone else.

>Tarantino makes some bold choices here. The film is ultra-violent as are most Tarantino films. On another level, Inglourious Basterds isn’t so much a Holocaust film in the traditional sense. It’s certainly a war film. We have good guys and bad guys. The good guys are…ultra-violent and crush heads with baseball bats. With some changes, you could literally drop this film into other moments of history. However, dropping the Bear Jew (Eli Roth) into another point of time just wouldn’t work.

>At the end of the film, Raine carves a swastika into Landa’s forehead and professes it to be his “masterpiece.” If you ask me, Inglourious Basterds is Tarantino’s best film.

>I can’t stress enough just how much fun I had watching the ending in theaters. I had just as much fun rewatching the film this week. It wouldn’t be the last time that Tarantino would use a revisionist twist. Because Tarantino used up the revisionist twist ten years ago, Once Upon A Time In…Hollywood doesn’t quite hit with the same magic. He already used the twist here!

He gets paid to write like this? what the fuck.

Not enough fatsuits and anus jokes for you? Too bad

Bohemian Rhapsody

No, it's a tranny with a blog that got elevated to "critic" as part of Rotten Tomatoes' new push for more diversity among critics

...You know it was shitposting right.
No one actually thought BvS was kino

or Yea Forums is just fucking retarded and can't wait until a movie has at least 100 reviews before calling it "kino"

In what reality was it good? It was a confusing boring mess. Snyder fags are the worst.

I think you need to go and dilate. You're clearly mentally ill.

can I get the one without tranatula

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Why does his stance look so familiar? It's not PROMOTIONS I'm thinking of is it?

Because they have been responsible for literally each and every mass shooting in america and are the predominant proponents of electing a reality TV host as president

That is because trannies hate white males

>confusing boring
You outed yourself as a pleb.

We all know Mr Rodgers Tom Hanks is going to win.

If they live in the third world

How can you vote for someone without knowing what their platform/policies are? You pick a team and blindly fight on its behalf.

>It was a confusing boring mess
Literally the only capeshit movie I've liked in the last 10 years, and I did not like Watchmen or MoS

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Not as plebian as you, my friend. To actually think that mess was good.

Top tier writing my friend.

oh you definitely will. I wouldn't miss laughing at you dipshits when this movie gets shut out completely at the oscars IF it even gets nominated which is getting more and more unlikely

Oh, now you're following back on stupid memes as a recourse. So mature of you.

Reminder MCucks have been kicking up a seethe these past couple of days because they were so sure m-muh McDonald's Arthouse was going to fail in Venice. But that backfired on them. So, like the autistic children they are they've been crying, screeching, and whinging because that's what autistic kids do when things don't go their way.

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what rotten score would this kino get?

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Calling someone a pleb is sooo mature.

And what of the memes? Would a great film spawn such dumb memes? Are you honestly defending that writing? Fuck me, I think you have an infection in your neo-vagina.

>this is not disney trash for you to call it capeshit
the director himself says otherwise

>Would a great film spawn such dumb memes?
It could.

Nobody on Yea Forums said anything about Venice, much less how Joker would do there.

Stop talking crazy.

>Knives Out will sweep the Oscars
LMAO the absolute state of MouseCUcks
>what part of "multiple" confused your tiny retard brain?
Green Book won three (3) Oscars last year. Serious question: do you have Down’s syndrome?


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Based Faheem Zahid is here lads!

Your post has nothing to do with what I said. You okay Mousecuckteer?

>Nobody on Yea Forums said anything about Venice, much less how Joker would do there.
Read the fucking picture you mongrel. Now read this one. You are desperate huh?

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>Implying normalshits will be able to relate to /ourguy/

>Because they have been responsible for literally each and every mass shooting in america
False, Not according to the data.

Why does RT even bother with "critics" anymore?

why would I care about what you said to someone else?

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>well you're just reddit
Seethe more. There is no snyder cut coming

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Pretty good actually. Seething reviews from US critics just shows how retarded they are, while praising Knives Out for its political themes. This is what happens when you let liberals dominate any one sector too much, they shun anything they don't like.

you seem out of touch on modern business practices, familymart

>Seethe more. There is no snyder cut coming

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Now you're getting it!

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watch all the critics pan it because "INCELS WHITE MAN BAD REEEEE" but then watch it win all the prizes because kino

Is it safe to go see this movie opening weekend? I'm thinking of catching a matinee just to be sure

Not defending the review but you're acting worryingly obsessed with this person

>Now you're getting it!

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but that's only been a problem recently, niggers and Jews have been ruining the planet day 1

European critics are farther left than American critics.

They like Joker because it makes America look like a dying hell.

It is though

ohh im pretty sure they care. did you not watch the captain marvel fiasco?

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>In prior movies, he has never once been presented in a way to draw sympathy or empathy from the audience. And yet, here we are watching a film that asks its audience to have some sympathy
WTF? You can't just make movies different to the older movies, that's fucked up! Disney needs to buy DC so that we can get live action remakes of stuff we already know we like.


He's a jew though

Iits full of spics and niggers tho

Just the west coast

it doesn't matter, he looks white so he's white


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Is anyone happy that this is divisive with American critics? If anything it just proves that it is indeed not only good but uncompromising with its vision(unlike JoJo rabbit).

Many of these people actually describe this movie as powerful, captivating and then give a negative reviews. Never have I seen this with any film in the past decade let alone a comic book film.


Either that... or it proves it is shit.

>Is anyone happy that this is divisive with American critics?
Everytime I see this much controversy about something, I go and see it and it is literally nothing.

I am sure Phoenix gives a good performance and the film obviously has Scorsese homages. It'll be alright. But it'll certainly go out not with a bang but a whimper.

People hyped up that Dave Chapelle comedy shit as being controversial. I watched it and it wasn't his greatest by a long shot.

The funny thing is, all these SJWs and the like complaining about the film are just doing all its marketing.

Children, could you stop being retarded? It won the golden so it can't be bad. American critics are just being idiots.

Nigga no one cares please die

despite Thor 3...most of Yea Forums liked Waiki Taiki.. .also its a pretty mediocre im not sure who is BTFO? either you wanted it to fail or not and its just kinda in the middle
neither side gets BTFO
actually..WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? You didn't even see either movie

blip bloop Kleep Klaap snippity snap

I don't know. Personally I value critics who can talk about the films form, themes, not plotholes and politics, these critics don't talk about stuff like that these days. The only value I can ever get from 99% of American critics is whether the movie is safe and dishonest or uncompromising.
I don't think one should compare stand-ups with movies(American stand ups have always been mediocre). They have never been as good and it wasn't praised by Venice film fest as far as I know.


I am not comparing stand ups with movies. I am comparing controversies.

I kind of think that controversy like this can overhype something.


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Could the USA stop being so stupid? It seems that today there is only mutant faux-socialist liberals there or literal neo nazies expecting to get laid when Hitler comes back.

I don't know, how about you read the article?

>Globe and Mail
>left propaganda

You really don't know Canadian Journalism do you?

The shooting that occurred during the TDKR theatrical run is a terrible precedent. Calling this an "incel" movie also scares away normies.

>Calling this an "incel" movie also scares away normies.
are you retarded?

Alienated people should be rounded up and executed.

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This article is unironically correct; men are ignoring a HUGE part of the pleasure they can receive by ignoring prostate pleasure.

You don't think all this controversy and arguing is going to cause hype? Especially since it is winning awards too?

Yeah but people who feel rejected in general for being different can relate to this. Whether this might potentially inspire nut jobs to go out and kill random people is out of the films creators control. The purpose of the film is to exhibit, what isolation and rejection can do to a person and a mentally deranged person at that. Joker was never a stable person to begin with, so this film if anything is showing how not to handle a mentally ill individual. Lefty fags love to disregard these people as losers, who don't deserve empathy. They look at the columbine killers as nonhuman demons when in reality, they were people too, like u and me, they could have been your brother, your cousin or even your son.
That's why this film is important and this message had to be put out there. The hypocrisy is fucking ripe, people love to talk about mental health awareness, mental health is not attention seeking blah blah, fucking hilarious how they flip on mentally ill people when it reaches an extreme they can't comprehend

You're a homosexual. Straight guys don't enjoy thingsl ike that.

Touched a nerve there sonny boy? That's how they're selling this movie.

Don't tell them or we'll have gay incels.

Goddamn I fucking love being a white male
It is so fucking good I don't even know
Fuck, I'm gonna have a white people beer right mf now

>scare away normies

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What the fuck is this shit? Are you dense?

What do you get when you cross an "incel loser" with a society that openly mocks him and prints out article after article dehumanizing him?

Incel is just a buzzword, in Arthur's case he was mentally ill and had no one to help him.

Women are ignoring a Huge part of pleasure by refusing to get molested on the streets and raped.

You get merryment and diversion.

Are you homosexual because you can't get laid?

But that doesn't make sense, if he was gay he'd get the ol' suck 'n fuck all the time.

>it's just a buzzword
So? It isn't real, everyone with a brain knows it. Most people don't have brains.
>mentally ill
No such thing.
>no one to help him
Like all so-called incels.

>No such thing
Then what causes hallucinations?

Literally all the best movies are 70-80 percent on RT. Anything over and under is trash


No such thing.

Do you dream at night?

Can someone recalculate the score after taking the white American women out of the reviews, please?

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No such thing.

>such thing
No such thing.

Oooookay Virgin, whatever you say
Gonna watch some Kino next month, have fun watching.. She-Thor, I guess. Hey, you think there’ll be fatsuits?

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Nigger, that one had a low score too, why is it even an example?

No one knows what you’re mumbling about, schizo

>Gets good score for the first days.
>Gets shit reviews from americans
>I-It doesn't matter, c-critics are shills...

Way to fucking embarass you with movies you didn't even see.

>implying the joker hasn't been portrayed as an unfortunate soul that just cracked after everything went wrong in multiple different forms of comic media

I fucking hate these people.

Bvs was shit but the rest of the post checks out

American ''''critics'''' are fucking trash. They're not reviewing the movie itself, they're reviewing modern day politics

Not him, but you’re a pleb and a boring one at that. I’ll go critique for critique with you anytime, but we both know you can’t hang

It won. The score doesn’t matter

Normally I would agree with you, and I don’t think the negative reviews are shills either. But it’s pretty clear in this case that the initial positive reviews were from people that understand that having a character do bad things doesn’t mean the movie is endorsing it. Whereas these following negative reviews are largely from people that think the movie is endorsing a “troubling” message.
The problem seems to be that people are focusing more on how the film makes them feel rather than it’s qualities as a film.

I fucking hate how racially charged everything these pos write is. White men there, white men here...... Fuck off

Not enough quips

Bvs is the definition of kino, only guillible retards can't see that

God I fucking hate trancels

>Sent from my iPhone

Critics are praising Hustlers a movie starring Jennifer fucking Lopez of all people. And they started to downvote Joker.

It's Venom all over again.

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The thing is Joker isnt a cape shit movie despite being a character from DC.So it cant be dragged down to capeshit fan faggotry.