What the actual fuck?

what the actual fuck?

Attached: billburrnword.jpg (719x803, 143K)

If the word is so bad it should be banned completely from society, nobody should be able to use it

it already is you dumb fuck

>has hair
that’s an old special, ol billy boy has been bald for some time now

>white supremacist
notice this is being used more often now because "racist" lost its power due to overuse and misuse.



1. luckily it isn't and we have bastions of free speech such as this website
2. under globalist SJW banana-land rules blacks are allowed so say nigger if they want to. the guy you are replying to is saying that no one should use it ever if it is as bad as you make it out to be

shut up nigger

nah its blacks little special word only theyre allowed to use

What? People say it all the time in attempted reverence of eah other


Bill Burr more like Bill Based

Bill hasnt said nigger onstage since emotionally unavailable in 2003

bring back Louie


Louie is King of the cucks tho. If they let him back he would just double down on being a self loathing cuck, comedy is dead.

So he's finally getting a divorce?

OP is lying. Why is his thread still up?

somebody post that pic of nia from the last thread

The lovely

>So there I am , raising some other niggers child.
What did he mean by this?

This isn't a real article you dumbasses.

It's the white man's word anyways, we made it.

maybe in the united states of 52%.
see? nothing happened

>bill burr is a white supremacist
did anyone tell his wife?

Attached: billacked.jpg (725x453, 59K)

That's brutal.

America needs to lighten up.

Funni white ppl angwy they can't say a word that is apperently "meaningless" to them

dude it's the current year
>orthodox jews are being called antisemitic for criticizing zionist israel
>black muslim comedian got called a white supremacist lately
welcome to 1984 brought to you by leftists

Attached: D9FAZiHVUAAFYT2.jpg (960x561, 91K)

you can be racist and married to a black person you dumb /pol/ user

Hate niggers, hate their white guilt enablers even more though

>bill burr pretends his black wife is a muffin and punches her to death on stage.
>this ones for the LADDIEEES in the front row!!!