What's your least favorite movie of all time?
Not necessarily what movie do you think is the worst, but it can be. I'm talking about a movie that you can't find an ounce of like in.
What's your least favorite movie of all time?
Not necessarily what movie do you think is the worst, but it can be. I'm talking about a movie that you can't find an ounce of like in.
You Were Never Really Here
super troopers was never funny to me and I like a lot of dumb 90’s and 00’s comedies
Godzilla 1998.
Pretentious, boring, unfocused, fake depth garbage. Has just enough good scenes (where the bodyguard is holding down the guy as he has a gun aimed at him) but I hated hated hated this movie. This kielbasa crap is what Madonna does to people
based, but why
>super troopers was never funny to me and I like a lot of dumb 90’s and 00’s comedies
Mi amigo. I love to watch Grandma's Boy, but Super Troopers is like some trick punishment.
Imagine the type of no-fun-allowed faggot with his head stuffed so far up his ass that he can't enjoy Joe Dirt.
Based poo-bomb watcher
It was badly directed and had terrible pacing and generic plot. It came out at a time when it could've done a lot with pizzagate/Kubrickian style motifs but it absolutely blew it. Wasted potential.
jewish propaganda
Napoleon Dynamite.
I remember when it came out and everyone was talking about it like it was the funniest movie ever.
I rented it from Blockbuster... I didn't find any part of it funny or even remotely enjoyable.
Should I give it another try?
if it is not for you do not force it. it really is particular type of film
I get that but napoleon wasn’t the funny part for me it was more his family like uncle rico and his brother actually having a long distance black girlfriend, that kind of stuff
Fried Green Tomatoes
> A housewife who is unhappy with her life befriends an old lady in a nursing home and is enthralled by the tales she tells of people she used to know.
How could a movie with this premise be so bad?
Came here to post this.
Alita: Battle Angel, unironically
I hate that movie too its pretentious as fuck
Anchorman. I don’t like Will Ferrell’s screaming comedies.
I can't imagine what awful people you both are
I saw tropic thunder in theatres and didn't go to another movie until wolf of wall street
M.Night's Glass
Fuck you, Joe Dirt was actually funny, something that can't be said for 99% of other comedies in this style, and it was also surprisingly heartwarming.
Joe Dirt 2, though... Jesus Christ that was awful.
God Bless America
Kys dummy How the fuck can you hate Joe dirt? Your sense of humour is that fucked?
The Godfather
Literally every James Bond movie ever seems like it was made for the basedboys of the past. It's pure, unadulterated cringe.
>Sequel made over a decade later
>None of the original cast or crew involved
>Straight to DVD
>I can't believe this movie is bad!
I don't have a number 1, but a few candidates on the top of my head.
>Daddy's Home
>Something Borrowed
>Sex In The City: The Movie
>Toei's Kamen Rider War Movies
>Last Airbender
>Star Wars Episode II
>Iron Man 3
Anyone ever see the movie The Libertine with Jonny Depp? I feel like it was like a movie version of the aristocrats joke. Just nonsense for the sake of nonsense.
The Joe Dirt sequel even had Christopher Walken and the Indian fireworks guy in it.
James bond has always been kill for your queen propaganda.
Joe Dirt is a classic, you probably like JR you queer.
Any Lifetime movie
>Daddy's Home
did you at least like the sequel?
this gay flick