Is there a greater miscast in the history of superhero movies than this shit?

is there a greater miscast in the history of superhero movies than this shit?

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Halle Berry as Catwoman

but he's such a handsome jewish boy

How many blonde men actually have faces like that?

Most of them have doughy faces with eyebrows you can't see.

Even the blondes with good face features end up lookin like lanky twinks like David Bowie or Sting

also I'd argue Rey is biggest per franchise miscast ever to happen considering the push they gave her and she is absolutely hated.

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Gal Gadot is way more miscast than he is.

He may not be blonde but he's still handsome and has a Chad-face suitable for capeshit.

Gadot is just not sexy at all and exudes nothing that Wonder Woman should.

The line is "very attractive Jewish boy" Mousecuck, and there's nothing dishonest or wrong about that so keep coping.

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Ben affleck did it

Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor

He makes a very dumb face when he's running, why? Is that his running face?

Lucas Till is the right age, has the looks, and has the chops to play Barry Allen
I hope the cast him for the inevitable DCEU reboot

>One silly scene where he was told to make a dumb face while running means that's his running face
Why does this get constantly brought up? He's an actor, that scene could have been played other ways but they wanted a comedic angle

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>one scene
He always looks dumb, more so when running

Everyone in the dumpster fire that was JL looked dumb - from bloated Batffleck to de-mustache'd Cavill.
Not his fault they failed to portray how lovely he is

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a lot of DCEU has been horribly miscast yet Yea Forums gives them a pass cause it's not MARVHAL

He was looked at during that hot second it looked like Miller might bail.

I'm still hoping the guy from IT will step down as director and they'll definitely drop the movie


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>I'm still coping this hard
Remember when you were so convinced he was going to be recast?
I remember, I can screencap them if you forgot.

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are you ok?

batman wonder woman and flash were terrible miscasted

Are you? Because I distinctly remember when those """"""rumors""""" of him being recast and replaced with Lucas Till were spammed on here and you were so convinced he was being recast. Now the film is basically greenlit and production is due to start in January and you're still posting things like "the guy from IT will step down as director and they'll definitely drop the movie".
He's The Flash, it's done.

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>Gadot is just not sexy at all

Are you a homosex?

>batman wonder woman and flash were terrible miscasted
Grow the fuck up

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first, fuck you little shit i could care less about marvel and want dc movie to be good, but even aquamen could be better casted to follow better the 52 on the comics, flash batman and wonder woman were terrible, specially batman since fatlect is gone. Ah and the suit was terrible for the movie, too padded, no neck. The concept was good though.


>Gadot is just not sexy at all

Can you literally be any more gay?

keep seething retard, kek

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Ezrafag is so used to samefagging for his favorite actor that he believes everyone who doesn't like Miller is a samefag like him.

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I don't samefag cuz I don't have to. :^)
Keep trying to force this narrative though, it's hilarious.

>>Hole my beer

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>>I meant hold, you fucking mong

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You need a fucking frontal lobe to be considered even remotely sexy you mouthbreathing pakis.

Ezra is CUTE

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Ezra Miller is an infinitely better cast than Grant Gustin.

Grant is like the Andrew Garfield of the Flash, he's just too unbelievably good-looking and seemingly cool to play the character properly.

At least Ezra has the flexibility to bring together his gorgeousness with the fact that he can play dorky and he can play cool seamlessly enough to be a perfect Flash. Plus his adoration of the source material and determination to get things going on the right track are insanely admirable and, so far as I'm concerned, make him just the type of actor you'd want cast in probably any role.

Lol, just cos you hate Ezra or wanna be a homophobe to look cool on the internet, or, hey, can't get a girlfriend so gotta spend your time bullying someone who could with a snap of their fingers and doesn't even care who you are does not make him a bad cast.

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He plays Barry more like Bart. Then again Gustin seems more like Wally on the tv show.

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The delicious irony will be when Flash finally hits theaters and is a surprise kino these contrarians will be forced to eat their words.

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>Women don't like Ezra

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yeah afleck will come back any time now, cope more. that and spider man toby is too based for you, post the others bad ones next time

ew... thats barely a women

As a woman here to defend against my beloved and all casting choices surrounding him, let me assure you that, straight up, Ezra Miller is the dream man and all women love him.

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>women love chad
no way

Doesn't matter, that's the beauty of Ezra is that despite being so different and queer he still attracts women and guys at the same time.

Why does Hollywood hate blonde and ginger men?

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Yeah, I'd fuck your dream man in the ass



Mmm, so would I, if I could.

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He is appealing to all walks of life - women (cis or not), men (cis or not) and gay/bi/trans/questioning/straight.

Attached: Watch Ezra Miller Is a Style God GQ Video CNE.webm (1196x1080, 110K)

Whoops posted wrong .webm :3

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>the millerfag already dumped the euphoria tranny

>doesn't know I'm posting in both threads at the same time
I am an effortless multitask-ererer desu senpai

the goose could play him

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>Ezra’s shirt
>”Pol will know what to do with them”


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You are gay?

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Every time I see this picture I can’t stop thinking about if Aquachad plowed his boipucci

>looks like a gay twink

>implying not Chad jaw

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I'm so done with people who cite this film as making Ezra a villain.

Have you even watched it? It's literally a film designed to show the audience that everything Darren Wilson says is a rehearsed lie (as shown by the end of the movie where he's clearly shown having been practising his interview lines in a mirror). The movie is not designed to empathise with him, it is the exact opposite.

In addition to that, the movie was not just directed by Ezra Miller. It was directed by Ezra and Sol Guy, a black man.

Mate, learn your shit before you run around making stupid comments like this.

If it were up to me this faggot would be dead lying in a ditch somewhere after he OD’d

I just hate faggots so much

Wow you're so edgy
The only faggot ITT is you for being so pathetic and angry

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Yeah the cunt that plays Wonder Woman.

It's just banter m8, don't worry too much about it.

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Gal Gadot for sure