Cast it.
Cast it
Eric Andre, Michael b Jordan and the predator
Imagine if you were watching some early 2000s dance off or rap off movie and this shit just happens in it.
Clearly there are socio-economic reasons behind this.
i dont really like niggers but this is pretty based if i'm completely honest
what was her rap name?
You could say that by the end, she was spittin pure fyre
she didn't beat them in the rap battle, she probably said some terrible shit about their real life situations like their moms having aids or something
now its still niggers gonna nig, but still, you dont poke animals and then wonder why they mauled you
Three white men, 1 black woman. Entire movie theme is "This was Trump's fault".
Hire me Netflix!
slavery , it was because of slavery. Whites fault after all.
70% of slaves were owed by Jews.
She probably just claimed she made better kool-aid than them.
>what was her rape name
Probably bitch or slut
based, fuck women
sounds like kino
Lil Pusy
Imagine the taxes they've consumed, and will continue to consume.
>movie thread gets deleted
>this stays up
Their boys walk by and ask them about the dead girl and they be like "that pussy was LIT famalam"
This is a movie thread. Who would you cast?
Based niggers? Who’d have thought!
idris elba
cast him
all three
>oi where’s your sex loicence?!
which one's the woman, the right ?
Remember, blacks are no different than you or me! Crime statistic disparity is easily explainable by profiling and systemic racism!
White people are Jewish and Jewish people can be white.
Cotton Crispies
a thousand years later, it'll still be like it be
based, women should stay in the kitchen
Extraordinarily based
Cat on the Grill
>mutts are so fat and stupid they think this justifies the absolute state of their third world “healthcare” system
But let me guess, fattie, that’s all the nasty niggos’ fault too?
makes you think :s
DJ Too Hot
lil kris p
>larry, moe, curly
Erykah Bad Dudes
>t. conservative
>Diz bitch nigga, Tyrone! She rap yo
>She up in my rap game yo! my shit
>Dont worry brother nigga T'shawn we gon get ours and she gon get hers
>Jamal, grab dis bitch ass punk nigga bitch
>*triple penetration*
>Oh shit Tyrone we raped a bitch she gon call the cops
>I got you ny negro, put a bullet in her head. Jamal get the niner
>No bitch can snitch when they be dead yo
>Damn T'shawn what we do with the body yo fuuuck diiz shieeet
>Tyrone dont worry I got some money for gas
>*puts corpse on fire*
>ohh yisss we oppressed by the white ma yo, sprinkle some pepe frogs and nazi symbols on her and lets get the fuck out
>ask that french nigga for a rope like she was meant for lynchin
have sex KEK
Supa Hot Fire
First make them all white and the woman a POC.
Haha, no.
they burned her, THEN shot her
Change the rap battle to a country music battle of the bands and set it in Mississippi or Alabama
Why would somebody shoot a woman after burning her?
Muff Snuff Sho Nuff Bizzy Rough
The fire rises
Migos, Nicki Minaj
to kill her so she couldn't testify, what the fuck do you think
This, unironically. Female battle rappers are fucked. I saw one where the girl had broken into her opponents house and taken photos, and then used them in the battle, and then made jokes about how the opponent was going to kill her own baby.
Don't summon the tripfag please.
What a retard
shit so fly
gotta testify
gonna touch the sky
put that bitch on fyre
How convenient for them
Looks like they won.
Irdris Elba, Will Smith, and Dwayne Johnson in Passion of the Hoe directed by Mel Gibson.
Based niggers thot patrolling. I hope she was white.
the nigger's trifold death: lit by rape,fire and firearm
This man understands history.
niggers should be outed of being human species
I like to read this in John Lithgow's voice.
>One sensationalist story about poor blacks means all blacks are violent thugs
Is there anything more intellectually lazy than racism?
Is there anything more intellectually lazy than seriously trying to pretend that it's just "one story", and not an on-going trend, recognizable not only in crime stats, but in each of our every day lives?
But the media told me only white men do mass shootings?
You can find the same trend in poor white communities. Just admit you dont like black people for superficial reasons and stop with the muh crime stats bullshit.
>iq of 48
>moderate learning disability
>You can find the same trend in poor white communities
Source: thin air
>Literally all white and black
What the fuck is wrong with you subhumans? This is why Asians will own you in the future.
>it’s not the people profilings fault it’s the masses!
Good slave
Their beats were fire.
Burning Coal
The poorest white communities have less crime than the richest black communities. Niggers will perpetually nig. Why can't you understand such a simple concept?
bugs don't have the independence of thought required to make such a final statement
well, I'm black and wish them whatever counts as misfortune for them and their families
>oi, that a knoife in your pocket or are you pleased to see me?
>oiver way i'll need to see yer loicense
Imagine what he perceives the world like.
t. nigger or white cuck
>Yea Forums "mods"
She actually lived and testified
She deserved it for hangout with rappers. You really should disassosiate with rappers, black metal fans, incels and other groups with history of violence
I bet she Ahegaod
For some reason, "mass shootings" only count if they weren't done for drugs or other gang-related activities, which I've never understood.
It's like the media and government being that kid on the playground saying "Nuh-uh! It's this way because I say so" and ruining the game for everyone.
I imagine he's just a bundle of instincts. Hungry, horny, thirsty, poopoo, peepee, sleepy, etc. No internal dialogue, no rationalizing anything. He's like a feral human.
im sure this story is 100 percent true which is why OP didnt include a source
>can't use google
earth wind and fire
the headline about beating them in a rap battle is clickbait for laughs and/or to stir shit.
if you did you would know the headline is bullshit
its fucked up though.
eric andre will smith lil wayne
t. roastie
>The woman said they all participated in a freestyle rap contest, during which her words apparently provoked the ensuing violence, prompting Glover to pull his weapon again as he and Johnson put gun barrels to her head.
>But she wasn’t specific about what triggered that anger: “We don’t really know why, except for the fact they got mad,” Dillon said.
Looks like she lost the rape battle
Bang B'ang
women are actually notorious for pulling out "props" when battling. a lot of people think its corny but nobody says anything because "wimmen can rap too, ur being sexist".
bonnie godiva vs germ free, godiva pulled out germ frees sex tape shit. the sex tape is pretty good cause germ free is sexy but still it was corny and cheap
they will be white wont they.
>"White" refers to a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East or North Africa.
This is the US Government Definition of White. Here is the map of Asia. Yellow Area = West Asia which is Middle East + Armenia, Georgia and Kazakhstan etc. This makes Jews white.
By Brit standards.
48 IQ retards get laid more than me
The woman black the two male assailants white.
I have no copays, a very nice yearly payment limit, an employer flex match, and moderate deductibles for major expenses.
European troglodytes latch on to the "lol American Healthcare" because of that picture. Minorities skew numbers so ferociously, our peerless healthcare system can't look good at national levels.
Cry more line-fags.
We can tell by your nose, goldstein.
Well, not anymore.
Caucasian =/= White
The "white" lie is to keep idiot cunts in the dark that Caucasians are the minority.
tell them that