I should probably buy this.
I should probably buy this
the reddit trilogy
Hot fuzz>shaun of the dead>at worlds end
do you really base what you like on what reddit likes? faggot
I can't imagine anyone arguing with you on this
based correctposter
the reddit order
true, hot fuzz is amazing
I only go on reddit for porn mostly
>hot fuzz
absolutely perfect movie for first 2/3rds, weaker but still good ending
>shaun of the dead
doesn't hit the same high points as hot fuzz but is much more consistent
>world's end
not as funny but still a very good movie
These are all underrated, hidden gems
Let's not go that far.
Shaun of the dead is my favorite. Every part is good.
buy it and throw 2 discs away
guess which 2
shaun of the dead is the only good one. Hot fuzz is trite rubbish
the bonus behind the scenes disc for hot fuzz and world's end
That would be The Dark Knight trilogy. That's reddit.
Hot Fuzz> Shaun of the Dead > literally every other movie Edgar Wright ever made > World's End
You are under 30.
The World's End is a fucking 10/10 movie. Hot Fuzz and Shaun are both a solid 9 and 8.5 respectively.
worlds end made me feel a genuine sadness that I was not expecting. I felt funny for days afterwards.
Try fitting in more reddit fags
>imagine being prideful that youre a 30 year old still spending tine on Yea Forums instead of with friends or a wife, gf, ect.
Youre in the prime of your life lol
This. Everyone judges it compared to the other two when it's not really going for the same thing
world's end was good, I didn't bother watching it until recently because I heard bad things
have they done anything of note since?
You sure are protective of this website you seem so ashamed of.
Are the extras and directors commentary any good? If it has the commentary track at all
Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright have gone on to good things since, not sure about Nick Frost.
How's Attack on the Block?
Yes. Each one has multiple commentary tracks and each one of them is fucking amazing.
Edgar Wright and Tarantino do one for Hot Fuzz.
its ok
It's cute. Rent it.
I saw Frozzy's name in something recently. So he's working at least.
>hidden gems
I’ve never said this before but fuck off zoomer. These were daily Comedy Central daytime movies
Hot Fuzz has like five commentary tracks, a shit bunch of informative and funny extras, and an entire mini-movie of Edgar Wright's home movies of him, Pegg, and Frost on the press tour for Hot Fuzz. It's superb.
HOW did they fuck up the third one so bad. The first two were the comfiest movies ever made then they fucked it
Hot Fuzz is one of my all time favorite movies.
Nailed it.
buy the 4k edition at the nearest best buy! :)
World's End honestly would have been better without all the alien BS.
>le expectations subverted
it hit too close to home
Wait, what about the Alien one? Paul?
i havent seen World's End. What's so bad about it?
Also, does no one like Paul?
Only if you watch it for the wrong reasons.
yea this Hot Fuzz bonus disc is excellent, the commentary with the city cop and country cop is my favorite
Paul wasn't co-written or directed by Edgar Wright, it's not part of the Cornetto Trilogy
not funny
plot tries to do too much; could've done more with less
i wanted a comedy, but i got a shitty drunk buddy movie with no good jokes.
The World's End prioritizes emotion and character development over comedy and action. It's still funny and the action scenes are intense and exciting, but it's more mature than the last two
Hot Fuzz is overrated.
Sean of the Dead is underrated.[spoiler/]
Faggot with bad taste.