Based Brosnan
Based Brosnan
>take pre-existing franchise
>completely change the main character's gender/race
has this EVER happened for the better of the franchise
I think we all know how the Architect would "support" a female James Bond.
>but like the codename, the actress must be the in the triple digits
if men need to move then it just proves how weak women are.
if men need to move then it just proves how big women are
It's not that type of move. Sounds like you need to be Architect-pilled
>"you expect me to talk?"
>"no Ms. Bond, I expect you to dine"
How kino would it be?
lol fat ladies haha
What is his master plan?
>b-but... keep buying tickets, please... we need to pay the drooling retards that keep churning out this bile
okay pierce, thanks
I bet he would. His way.
Crashing her diet
"for england ms bond?"
"no, for pie"
Maybe he never had a bond with the source material
it's to be sure that future James Bonds won't belittle his legacy in the long run. He will still be in the top 3 best Bonds ever even in a century, if they start casting black and female bonds.
Very clever from him.
My fem Bond fancast.
Don't ask how I know this, but one of his sons started doing herion when he was 13, the other got expelled for trying to rape a guy on a class field trip
Why does she have black girl feet?
Why cant women just create their own spy story/movie?
why do these people constantly need Men to give them something?
>Why cant women just create their own spy story/movie?
Because no one will watch it
>codename seven double o
>Pierce Brosnan Is In Full Support Of A THICC Female James Bond
>>Now that he no longer needs the role, Pierce Brosnan Is In Full Support Of A Female James Bond
>Implying this isn't based
Pierce will be the casting director and get us a THICCCC Bond.
They do, no one watches them.
>Pierce Brosnan is in Support of a Female, Full James Bond
The Architect's web expands ever larger