How many christcucks will start watching just to get dabbed on once they realize it is not about bears fighting?

how many christcucks will start watching just to get dabbed on once they realize it is not about bears fighting?

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No one's going to be watching, user

You underestimate how many people read the books.

I mean plenty of people bought WOT but that show is probably gonna flop. Same shit with Narnia probably.

You mean it’s not about giant bears fighting?

golden compass has more brand recognition than fucking WOT

the bear fighinting ends in the first book/first season I guess, then Iorek(the bear) basically fucks off to Svalbard and comes back in the third book/season to help Lyra

No one cares about it, user. It doesn't have a real fanbase. It is only known as that "strange movie with a cgi polar bear that i never watched".


They already tried adapting this series when the books were way more popular, nobody watched that either.

the movie was shit cash grabd that tried to surf on HP and LotR waves, it has a big enough fan base and "cool shit" for normies to eat it up, I just hope a bunch of christians watch just to see their butthurt once the plot really kicks off

>I just hope a bunch of christians watch
They won't. Nobody will.

>I just hope a bunch of christians watch just to see their butthurt once the plot really kicks off
Bruh, no one cared when the books were released. No one cared to such an extent that the author actually commented on how surprised he was over the lack of care.
>"I've been surprised by how little criticism I've got. Harry Potter's been taking all the flak... Meanwhile, I've been flying under the radar, saying things that are far more subversive than anything poor old Harry has said."

why is everyone Yea Forums like this? you always say everything will flop, it never does and then you all cry saying that cinema/tv is dead, same thing happened with The Dark Crystal, same thing will happen to this
I'm tired of your sour grapes assholes, honest.

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I read this book when I was younger so most of the themes/symbolism went over my head.
Why was God in a cage at the end?
Why does the girl want to start the Republic of Heaven?
Why did the Subtle Knife make demons whenever you used it?

The plot was altered for the film because of major christian butthurt

Are you surprised his "books" are written like he's a complete edge lord 14 year old mad his parents made him go to church one weekend.
>bro what if demons are your frriends
>bro what if heaven is like actually hell bro
>bro what if you killed god bro
No fucking shit no one was interested in his level 9000 fedora tipping.

Sounds like Shin Megami Tensei.

the christian butthurt already started, I see

Yea Forums will be watching if only for the sexy underage girl

>Why was God in a cage at the end?
He went senile and basically left the ruling to his first lieutenant
>Why does the girl want to start the Republic of Heaven?
Because the world of the Dead is a way for the Angels to enslave everyone under the church
>Why did the Subtle Knife make demons whenever you used it?
Because worlds should be kept separated, the author is truly based and redpilled

You don't have to be christian to point out the edgelord atheism in the story

is this volibear?

At least he has taste and is more subtle about it.
Or maybe I recognize a bad book when I read one, and they're all garbage. And yes before you respond with more retardation I actually read all of them. And as I said, there's a reason his absolute tripe continues to float on the pond scum of shitty writing while literary classics like Chronicles of Narnia and Lord of the Rings continue to be read today and made into successful motion pictures.
In fact, it seems like you are the one seething here, that your shitty >MUH CHRISTIANITY IS EBIL books aren't nearly as popular as the books heavily inspired by Christian mythos.

Didn’t the books end with Main Girl and Main Boy promising to open up a portal once every 10 years or so to fuck like rabbits?

>just because it is atheistic it is edgy
and two bears mauling kids because they called an old dude bald isn't edgy? because that is in the bible itself

>you always say something will flop, it never does
Yes. Nothing ever flops, everything is a hit.

It's just edgy atheist Narnia with none of the soul, love and authenticity.
Pullman hates God and hates humanity.

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>noooo you can't criticize the dogma

No, they decide it's too risky and Will breaks the knife after he closes the last portal. The only portal allowed to stay open is the one between the world of the dead and the world of the elephants on wheels.

From what I’ve read, the author basically wanted to be the anti-C.S. Lewis. I thought the books were pretty well-written, and much more imaginative than most kids books.

Don't mess with God's prophets cuck :)

i couldn't finish the second book it was so boring

>Pullman hates God and hates humanity.
>message of the books is "do good because you're good not because you will go to hell if you don't"
how is that hating humanity? if anything it is loving it

>elephants on wheels
Lel. I think those were supposed to be emulative of the Houyhnhnms in Gulliver’s Travels, but Pullman doesn’t have the satirical (or writing) skill of Swift, so they just came off as a weird stand-in for muh noble savage

Why does it matter the motivation of why someone does good as long as they do it? Christians have done more good then atheist you overanalyzing cuck.

I thought the books embraced humanity’s best aspects, our infinite quest to explore and learn and self-sacrifice and all that jazz. Has Pullman said faggy edgelord stuff since?


>you can't criticize the dogma
I'm not christian, you can criticize whatever you want. But maybe don't do it with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. Especially when the overall story isn't any good.


Cringe, I'll be watching. They're very popular books and the trailer got a lot more views than most things HBO uploads does.

just because there are more christians than athetists, even in the book the priest wants to kill Lyra because
>muh god
It applies itself to every religion christians, muslims, buddhists every single one of them do evil things because
>muh god
you never see atheists doing this shit

Stop being racist

yeah bro the crusades were totally cool
fuck off christcuck

Because the threat of ending up in hell gives the church a lot of power to manipulate people who want to do good things.

>you never see atheists doing this shit
You do, they just use politics.
>muh communism/muh fascism
>muh Marx/Mao/Stalin/Hitler

>much more imaginative
"Like bro lets take the Bible but like G E T T H I S completely subvert it by making it THE OPPOSITE!"

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I said “Europeans” in response to his statement about doing great things. I’m not Christian.

Except that wasn’t all there was to it. It incorporated aspects of Greek mythology and European folklore, and very detailed world building.

When is it finally starting?

Yeah but good things still get done

It has that fucking guy that sings writing and acting.

>and very detailed world building
It might have been a long time since I read them; but from what I remember, having random things having vaguely fantasy sounding names does not equate to detailed world building.

“Dabbed on”
Shut up zoomer

The only reason why i'm going to watch this show is because of the cunny.

when did you become an atheist, Yea Forums?

>whaaaa why is everyone Yea Forums like this?
>heh, i just hope a bunch of Christians watch it and get expertley wreked XD
You need to grow up some day user.
Also, how can you simultaneously think HDM has this huge rabid active fanbase that will make the show some sort of massive success but also imply that every Christian will watch it expecting bear fights with no clue wtf it is? Anyway I'm glad you have such an ebin intellect and hope you get the chance to laugh at some epically roasted Christian non-geniuses if only to make you feel better.


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Based on ops photo it is clearly about fighting bears.

The bar for world building has been set really low. JK Rowling had 2 towns and 3 schools and that was enough to sustain a 7-book/8-movie series.