Taikafags BTFO

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i hate that jewish asshole, and I hate his politics, but What we do in the shadows is still very funny.


The trailer made this pretty obvious.
The jokes were lowbrow as fuck with nothing clever.
Such a waste of imaginary hitler

Waititi is a jew? I thought he was Polynessian or something. He sold out to jews though and I'm not talking about Jojo Rabbit but Thor Ragnarok

yeah he is exactly like peele: half ethnic half jew, raised by his mother, compensates by making himself extra ethnic, uses media as a way of insulting white christian men.

I don't think Hitler was Christian.

The trailer felt like LOL so randum Hail Hydra and I wasn’t interested. I want cool new concepts and shit to escape in I don’t need weird meta humor about assholes that killed millions. It be like Seth Rogan making a movie about how Genghis Kan smokes weed with Snoop Dogg. I just don’t care.

He actually went by Cohen for most of his early career.

Why do they like the "innocent Nazi befriends Jew" trope so much anyway
>Jojo Rabbit
>Boy with the Striped Pajamas
>Inglorious Basterds

Oh wow, Peele is half-kike too? Holy shit, even the supposedly non-jewish ones...

Yep, but also take advantage of hollywood connections for fellow tribesmen.

Jewish power fantasy

Classic jews playing the victim

Self hatred, Deep down they want to be blonde white men.

Hitler doing something wacky as a joke gets kinda old fast (works better in a stooges short).
The trailer looked pretty Schmaltzy anyway

They just want to be your friend :^(

I loved Wilderpeople, and that came across as the part as kind of a pleb filter, so I'm not worried.

I don't think you know much about history.

>failing to read the single sentence directly below the headline
as stupid as stupid gets, mama

Taika humor is too similar to humor you use on kids.

But Scarlett speaking with a sexy German accent...

Neither do you if you're ignorant about SS conventions and rituals. Nazi's are not Christian, SS is inherently anti-Christian and Hitler as head of state lead/allowed this.
Pretty much the only crosses in Nazi Germany were iron crosses.
Speaking of only Hitler, his Christianity was earlier in his life and politics (Mein Kampf days) but even he thought that shit was gay sheep trash after being fully entrenched in power. Hitler surrounded himself with soothsayers, occultists, astrologers (Christianity flat out says no mystics allowed). Albert Speer and Hitler designed and dreamed of a church-less new-Berlin. The ReichChurch was only NOMINALLY protestant as they replaced the clergy with SS leaders and injected their own SS rites into shit like weddings (Wodin references become more common as Christ mentions disappear) and made them only accessible to Aryans while subverting actual german protestants (much like Bismark with certain early humanist/socialist policies).
Hitler and Nazi Germany by the mid 30s were no atheist but to consider them Christian (even if they appealed to the Vatican for support at one point) is retarded western white fantasy shit. If the NAZIs won they would've had their own germanic volk-mysticism religion of the state.

Comment less and read more, faggot
(but more likely just google Kirchenkampf and Reich Church and try a little harder than wikipedia, retard)

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Why are Jews so obsessed with Hitler? That man literally lives in their heads 24/7 rent free.

Hitler unironically believed Germany needs Islam rather than the weak, jewish Christian religion

Where can i find a young jew that i can hide behind my walls??

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But...but...the jews told me Hitler was a devote christ-lover!

White Christian men are a bunch of faggots go burn tiki torches and cry more homo

inbreeding will do that

I hate this sheep molesting kiwi kike cocksucker for ruining Ragnarok with his endless fucking jokes every five seconds. I just watched Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and it's the perfect mix of action/comedy/drama!!!FACT!!!

>Why do they like the "innocent Nazi befriends Jew" trope so much anyway

Real question is why does Scarlett Johannsson like being in movies with Nazi imagery?!?FACT!!!

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The trailer felt like LOL so randum Hail Hydra and I wasn’t interested. I want cool new concepts and shit to escape in I don’t need weird meta humor about assholes that killed millions. It be like Seth Rogan making a movie about how Genghis Kan smokes weed with Snoop Dogg. I just don’t care.

What the fuck does Hitler preferring what he considered "stronger" religions over Christianity have to do with Jewish subversion of Christianity and Europeans in general?

>"critics" say
fuck critics

both fundamentally flawed meme answers

Some Israelis actually are blonde white men, you know

>is retarded western white fantasy shit
Christianity is literally a Jewish sect from the Middle East that was fundamentally designed by ((((Saul of Tarsus))) to destroy the Roman Empire from within as revenge for their actions in Judea. And it colonized Europe over the Roman Empire and replaced its indigenous religions, values and traditions with essentially Jewish ones. No European colonization of some third world country was ever so complete. nevermind the "western" colonial process also consisted of Christianization.

And while the early Christians massacred the "pagan" preists and burned their temples, Judaism was still allowed and protected.

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