How exactly did society treat him like trash?

How exactly did society treat him like trash?

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Other urls found in this thread:

they ignored him and his crush turned him down

this is the society we live in


I had no idea, Im sorry

The movie has a lot to do with economic inequality, lack of access to healthcare, and so on. It's actually a very anti-Capitalist, anti-Trump film. It's really boring too. I think the mentally unstable white incels who are hoping to see themselves in the Joker are going to be really let down. They probably should just let this one go. Oh well.

Why do you think the mentally ill white incels going to see this film will be let down by it being anti-Trump?

You'll understand when you grow up little zoomer

0/10 bait

They targeted gamers....

Attached: Gamers....rise up.jpg (447x588, 29K)

men are born as disposable trash. if you don't have the right genetic make up society will do all it can to ostracize you

And what do these men plan on doing about it?

by not giving what he deserves, but since hes such a nice person he ends up giving others what they deserve

Based socrates

meant to say "not receiving what he deserves"

> if you don't have the right genetic make up society will do all it can to ostracize you

That goes for everyone regardless of age or race, women and children included. It's called survival of the fittest and that's always been the order all things that have ever lived on this planet.

wow, so a straight white male in america is the oppressed one? this why hollywood needs more diverse perspective. the privilege of these movie makers is stunning. the joker isn't tragic, he's a whiny little bitch. that black woman in the picture should be the one going crazy, not the white man with structural power.

The subtext is that he was always crazy

He's jewish and they're all crazy because of inbreeding

>black woman
There is no way you can tell that's a woman from the photo

He's a giant man baby who can't roll with life's punches so he blames society

no gf

watch the movie and find out

Different poster, but because the anti-Trump is just anti-white male.


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No state supplied gf

Except she looks at the state of most of her people and can honestly say she is lucky to be the US and have access how ever small to white society and it’s benifits compared to where she statistically would be without it

A white man especially in the US looks around sees his living standard lower than most of his people elsewhwere

Survival of the fittest unironically allows for people who feel you've wronged them for trivial reasons to murder you and remove your genes as well. Just so you're aware.
Imagine all the problems we wouldnt have if women were less picky.

you'd snap too if you had to get on a nog stank infested bus everyday.

I think that is why they made him tranny.

It's more like: The mainstream cultural norms for female behavior have made women a fucking nightmare to be around

So is rape but that doesnt make it ok

>Imagine all the problems we wouldnt have if women were less picky.

The same could be said for civilization allowing all men to get a piece of the pie through the social structure that is marriage. Giving so many males the opportunity to breed is also a mistake in itself
Then again most women were probably raped in prehistoric times so their opinion didn't likely matter either way.

if a girl doesn't sex me bad things are going to happen

is that ricardo milos behind him

Civilization was completely fucking stable, so stable in fact that it recovered from multiple devastating wars while women's sexuality was controlled.
In less than 60 years we're in the death-spiral following women's liberation.

They were raped mostly by alpha males and or protected by one the issue now is women breeding and moving freely and raising children as single mothers combined with not enough wars to weed out the fighting age betas making large swaths of angry dead ends ready to kill becuse they were built for death

he was the angriest gamer you've ever seen

it's not just women's liberation.

it's that capitalism is now directly aimed at them. thus you have a feedback loop of female behaviour encouraged by elites to spend more money and be more "individualistic". all news corps are controlled by those elites etc which means that women can now do quite literally anything and there is nothing or nobody to give them a reality check or criticise their behaviour.
it's one thing for a male to engage in hedonistic behaviour, drug taking etc etc but usually the male will know that his behaviour is not well oriented. in the female case they don't discern there is anything wrong with their behaviour so long as it's the norm.

Imagine being so fucking ignorant about basic biology lol

What does starting wars to wipe out a large chunk of young fighting-age men who might someday form a middle class to threaten your power base have to do with biology?


>women have superficial trash taste in everything
>beta simps defend this

By not giving in to his lazy and half assed desires. Also by not treating him like the king he felt soo entitled to be.

Yeah that's pretty much it.
But a good deal of this could've been prevented eugenics were a thing and population numbers were kept in check.

It's capitalism aimed at both sexes. One sex gets too much freedom and liberation in a bad way to the point where they don't realize their behavior is inherently, the other is becomes too restricted rising standards and pressures, eventually bailing out and no longer giving a fuck despite the fact they know their behavior is not well-oriented.

>Civilization was completely fucking stable
Rome fell, Greece fell, Egypt fell, Babylon fell and so on. Though it's slightly different this time around because women have more sexual freedom this time, but in the end it'll still result in some kind of collapse regardless, because that's just how social Darwinism works.

The problem is rapid population booms eventually leading to gradual behavioral sinks, which are ultimately the result of too many genetically inferior males getting too many opportunities to breed with females. It works for a period of time but is generally the crux of a civilization's demise in some way or form.

Its honestly pathetic and pretty embarrassing as a species that things like this drive people to murder, suicide or both. People now a days literally go bonkers from the stupidest and most trivial shit you can think of. I guess our society has gotten physically and mentally weaker because there arent enough real hardships to overcome for this population.

This is pasta isnt it?

>Continues to list civilizations that did the exact same thing
The point is that it's more devastating for a civilization to liberate women than participate in two (2) world wars that claimed more than 30 million lives.

if it's trivial then you shouldn't have a problem being alone and never having sex again for the rest of your life


It's simple. You dress up a pretty boy and don't deal with the drama. A hole is a hole.

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Literally download an app, message a few people, meet up and fuck. Tinder exists you fucking dork. Nothing incels or any other pathetic group bitches about has any significant complexities or hardships attached. It always boils down to laziness, stubbornness and just being a dumb fuck that refuses to try. Change my mind.

what does any of what you just wrote have anything to do with what i posted? nu-Yea Forums is so bad at arguing
i guess i can play that game too, it's boring though. no user, i wont let you touch my penis

What school is this that they allow games to be played in public computers?

You attempted to say that finding someone to have sex with isn't trivial. I replied and let you know it isn't. Don't get cold feet now, tell me more things that are just soo difficult?

>tfw DC makes pure KINO

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as a gamer he was part of an opressed demographic group

In that case I agree.
But outsourcing, immigration, industrialization (and eventually, AI) also play a big part in this (and also contributed to the downfall of various societies as well.) We're just beginning to reach the combined, cumulative breaking point of it all.

But most of it inevitably stems from a lack of population control. Wars and famine played a huge part in partially "fixing" these issue, but in such a technologically advanced, post-nuclear world, humanity's numbers continue to increase with no signs of stopping any time soon.

The problem is that you're putting all of the blame on women and women alone, when the liberation of women in itself is the telltale sign of a large population of weak men, and therefore the first red flag indicating an inevitable societal collapse. Those weak men being the end result of generations of former inferior males breeding with women.

>Literally download an app, message a few people, meet up and fuck.
First of all you're assuming it's mainly about sex, which it may or may not be.
Second of all, these are most likely people completely fucked over in terms of social ability and physical attractiveness, making casual meet 'n' fuck sites worthless.

>It always boils down to laziness, stubbornness and just being a dumb fuck
How is being a virtual midget any of these things?
Having the jaw of a Cephalopod?
A small dick even?

>Change my mind
No you're a retard, I'm hoping the lurkers that read the thread realize how much on one you are and learn to just ignore your shitposts.

jesus fucking christ what does a man have to do to see the leaked footage PLEASE

>How exactly did society treat him like trash?
they kept telling him to have sex

It didn't
He's an entitled wh*te male
He grew up with everything handed on a nice silver platter to him so when adulthood comes he can't cope with the fact that he actually needs to stand out to be successful so he freaks out
Many such cases

>You attempted to say that finding someone to have sex with isn't trivial
what the fuck? no. how the fuck did you get that out of it? the point was, if it's trivial in insignificant then you wouldn't have a problem being alone and sexless for the rest of your life. it has nothing to do with the triviality of finding sex you dumb fuck, you're arguing something that i'm not even talking about

So your argument is that the primary driver of societal collapse is repression of female sexuality, particularly in the arena of mate selection. so that by permitting/encouraging women free selection of their partners and promiscuity, you would presumably circumvent the typical pattern of rise-and-fall that every civilization goes through.

What are your sources for this belief?

You brought up sex first faggot, so yeah it is about sex because that's all you idiots bitch about. Also most dating apps and websites have women that are just as disgusting and revolting as these deformed socially awkward idiots. They are probably just as dumb to. If you are one of these people and expect to get some giga stacy thats your own retarded fucking problem. Ugly people don't get top tier chicks, unless they are rich. It's called understanding your worth and moving accordingly. If there's one thing that pisses me off more than anything else in this existence it's fuckers that choose to make an excuse instead of working on the problem actively. I wouldn't expect you to change my mind, it's yours that has to change first before anything i said will make sense.

really though gonna love the blue checkmark salt. anyone have anything to contribute so far?

moms spaghetti

In all of those civilizations that you cited, they too had the equivalent of liberated women and open borders by the time they fell.

I didn't have sex with another human being until i was 24. Didn't have a problem, just let it happen naturally and i didn't have depression, become an incel or bitch about it online and threaten to kill women.

Every single frame


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your obviously some creepo that has some weird obsession with incels, it's completely clouding every thought in your mind. how often do you get in arguments like this and then start ranting about incels lol this shit is hilarious, people like you are becoming a stereotype on this board

>it's all about sex
t. cumbrain

>stop bitching about sex
>proceeds to bitch about sex

lmao you don't even realize what youre doing, thats the funniest part

>But most of it inevitably stems from a lack of population control. Wars and famine played a huge part in partially "fixing" these issue
Hard disagreement on that one, the reason we're (assuming you're from the 1st world, like Europe) in the shitter is because we refused to let society go through the natural process of reaching its zenith in terms of population growth. Rather than see it dwindle the push for immigration was forced upon it.

The overpopulation-meme is only relevant when talking about 3rd-world nations such as US, china and africa.

>The problem is that you're putting all of the blame on women
I'm not putting blame on women. Same as you I don't give agency to women.
I'm simply stating that women must be controlled in order to secure the future of a society.
>muh weak men
Go ahead, vilify them, just like you are sitting idly by today, making you part of the weak. The spirit was broken long ago.

You are a dumbass.

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About as often as anons like you slink away from conversations that they are clearly outmatched in.

outmatched hahahahhaa. youre seriously a moron, most of the people reading this are laughing at you because youre like one of those people that starts screaming at a cashier over nothing

Pretty much yeah

>women get more freedoms
>society falls apart
Many such cases!

>they called me Mr. Blacked

>not "toxic waste"
One job.

That's literally the basis of society. Every leader needs followers, and the followers aren't going to play unless you give them incentives.

Nailed it.
Congrats on completely missing the point, fucking mongoloid.

>control women
Are you a /pol/ack? Women naturally go after Chad, just simply sterilize all ugly men and men under 6'0 and in two generations incels are no more.

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Nah you turned the conversation into something different when i wasn't some retard that just memes and parrots. I began talking real shit and you had to find a way to cope. I get it, truth can be scary but it's also extremely satisfying when you can use it to make someone uncomfortable with it.

No, not at all, because women were always repressed, even back in primitive times. They were mostly at the mercy of alpha males and their ally groups. You can see this occur from chimpanzees, to bumfuck tribes living out in the wilds of African savannas or the Amazon. That's why so many men have 'taboo' sexual fantasies about raping women, while most women have 'taboo' sexual fantasies of them being raped. That's how our innate biology works, and that's how it still works because evolution is slow as fuck and can't keep up with the rapid, dramatic changes that civilization and technology brings us. At the end of the day we're still just a bunch of fucking savage chimps.

Societal collapse is more or less the result of unchecked male sexual liberation, not female sexual liberation. Female sexual liberation is the result of a weak male populace, created from generations of accumulated shit genes and excessive population booms. Though by today's standards you could definitely argue that it's the accumulated sexual liberation of both genders. Or you can just google behavioral sink theory and make the comparisons from there.

>began talking real shit
this guy actually thinks what he's saying has some deep meaning to it and he's laying down some epic truths. wow you are one extremely embarrassing person. people totally try to avoid you as much as possible

>Not downloading whatever shit the computers in your school library can run

>But most of it inevitably stems from a lack of population control
Most of these problems lead back to technology. Such an overpopulated world as we have today can only be the product of the industrial system that supports it, particularly with medical care and surplus food. Kaczynski was right.
Add a touch of Jewish subversion and, well, the result is what we have today... Better start preparing for the incoming collapse.

It's not really deep but it is hard truths that people like you run from everyday and then turn around and blame others for your own problems. I notice this pattern with a lot of people who think they have it bad or can't get what other "normal" people have. You can mask the conversation anyway you want, it's here and people are viewing our back and forth.

WTF this is literally everyone on Yea Forums and /pol/

Agreed, war and plagues played their part in 'resetting' the natural cycle of civilization before things got too out of hand. But thanks to nukes and advancements in medical technology, farming, manufacturing, livelihood and ((them,)) there's no real external factor keeping our numbers "in-check" anymore. Meaning we're on the verge of a catastrophic behavioral sink collapse on a massive, global scale. Hell, we're already deep in it.

Seriously? Fucking pathetic.

The defeat of the axis ultimately lead humanity from the eugenic to the dysgenic principle. Everything else follows from there.

Actually, where we are right now in history is extremely unique regarding social relationships. Life was physically demanding in the past, but at least people had large families, friends, the support of their community, organisations like the church etc. We live in a time where for many people, they go days, even entire weeks, without any social interaction at all. The ancients, in fact, saw such a thing as being the worst punishment of all, viewing ostracism or exile as being a punishment worth only the most grievous of actions. Ostracism and exile are now common occurences in contemporary times.

Psychological stress on that scale is pretty harsh.

>they didn't laugh at his jokes
>she didn't fuck him
>he murders random people

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No government issued gf

Hey dipshit, I don't know who raised you, but they clearly failed. In this world, there are the dominants and there are the submissives. The Strong and the Weak. We can parade around, trying to ignore this cold hard truth, but it exists. No more, no less. There is always a winner, and there is a bunch of losers. All you're doing is just LARPing like you're one of the strong.

>Congrats on completely missing the point, fucking mongoloid.
How did he miss the point? He made a clear link betwee how social isolation can be just as bad as physical hardship. The fact the guy did't answer that question is actually acknowledgement that we all know a life without real human interaction is a dreadful one.

dude you seriously sound like a failed guidance counselor something. you have no hard truths, you just have laughable talking points that every other braindead dipshit spouts off because they heard it from some other dipshit. do you think youre a life coach or something?

>Meaning we're on the verge of a catastrophic behavioral sink collapse on a massive, global scale. Hell, we're already deep in it.
Yes, and combine this with worldwide ecological disaster and you're set. Whatever you think of climate change, we can all see that oceans are acidic and full of plastic, environmental destruction and desertification goes on and on, resources are finite and dwindling in a world where global consumption is growing indefinitely, etc.

As great as fascism/natsoc would be compared to what we have now in the West, it still operates in a technoindustrial framework, and one can argue that this is dysgenic in itself.

Every time you reply to me from now on i'm going to get progressively more smug because i am the clear dominant winner.

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what did you just say? no user you can't stick a finger up my butt, what the fuck?

>As great as fascism/natsoc would be compared to what we have now in the West, it still operates in a technoindustrial framework, and one can argue that this is dysgenic in itself.
Yes indeed. That was Evolas, Heideggers and other critiques aswell. But white birth rates were still very positive, abortion allowed and men hating feminism non existant. The core family was the model and the foundational mythos of white Europeans had not yet been poisoned. Ultimately NS was an aberration of the deeper wells it drew upon and already part of the degeneration. But I also don't see any way to get European civilization back to those fountainheads. As long as industrial-consumer society and the metaphysical materialistic framework of secular scientism prevails. Also very few people give up their freedom to be degenerate and there are no actual normative social framworks to integrate to, even if we wanted to.

The Ancients didn't have video games, internet porn and craigslist. If you go longer than three days without human interaction you might be mentally retarded.

Yeah, forced eugenics, while morally questionable from an individual standpoint, is still the most humane solution we have when it comes to handling over-population & natural resource depletion crises in a modernized world. It's either that or return back to the savage days of mass genocide through extremely devastating world wars.

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>people will reply to this bait

got a 3 day ban for racism outside of Yea Forums

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I need some pusy STAT, bros. Feeling a little homicidal.
*jerks off*

>The Ancients didn't have video games, internet porn and craigslist. If you go longer than three days without human interaction you might be mentally retarded.
These two sentences don't make sense when together, so I'll just take them seperately.

>The Ancients didn't have video games, internet porn and craigslist.
Yes, they had instead friends, family, religion. Considering how things are right now, I think a lot of people would take the former rather than the later. Even slaves in the Roman Empire were allowed to have a social life, you know.

>If you go longer than three days without human interaction you might be mentally retarded.
The inability to empathise with people or attempt to understand that someone might go through something that you find impossible is a sign of psychopathy, you know.

There is simply no way for the West to return to eugenics in any way, morally, spiritually, metaphysically and politically. If at all, that option goes to the Chinks. While they will be constantly attacked by the "free West" until they/we are gone.

Sometimes it doesn't work

I believe collapse is inevitable, though it will be gradual at first. The best one can do is prepare. Maybe we need such a cleansing for this sick world, as terrible as that will be.

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He murdered some guys that were fucking with him. He murdered Murray because Murray only invited him on to make fun of him (from his perspective, I guess). It was excessive but not random.

Oh, well I guess he did kill that one guy for no reason, even his midget accomplice was shocked. Never mind.

The West would easily be able to weather mass migration, globalist economics, the whole lot of it, if only it had kept the institutions neccessary to support people through difficult times - the extended family, men's clubs, and the Church.

A lot of the reason why politics is so pursued by young men on both extremes is because politics is literally one of the few places left where you can bond and socialize with like minded people. 50 years ago those same guys would have been bonding at Church, or the pub, or the Lodge etc. Getting rid of those things fucked things up majorly.

Jerk off again, keep doing it till you chill the fuck out

I don't believe there will be a collapse; South Africa is hardline communist, a failed state, 90% bantu and whites get murdered. Still no real collapse.

If there will be one, it will be a total ecological disaster but not before the mid century, when Africans grow to 4 billion and we will have an apocalyptic scenario of constant wars and mass migration into mostly Europe.

>women who literally believe they live in a patriarchal rape culture because guys spread their legs on busses think they have the right to judge anyone else

>I think a lot of people would take the former rather than the later.
Those people are idiots who are not grateful for the quality of life they have no living in a time where your average lifespan was 20.

That one guy used to be a dick to him apparently.

We don't have family friends and group gatherings today?

>If there will be one, it will be a total ecological disaster but not before the mid century, when Africans grow to 4 billion and we will have an apocalyptic scenario of constant wars and mass migration into mostly Europe.
An ecological collapse would hit everyone, but Africa the hardest. And I remain hopeful that Europe will turn it around before it's too late, even if a few countries do seem fallen already.

you haven't been paying attention i guess. published studies claim that something like 25% of millennials don't have a single friend, and 40% don't even have an acquaintance


Also i don't empathize with dumb and useless people. It might make me a psycho but atleast i don't have to associate myself with them and have the pull me down.

>useless people
user, you're on Yea Forums, of course youre useless

I don't think so. Two reasons: female voting patterns, 40% Greens now. And secondly: IF the catastrophy were to come to Africa and you had millions, if not tens of millions of people dieing, I very much doubt the humanitarian, humanist or Christian West could really close its borders and doom millions to death. Even if they knew that they would only bring the collapse upon themselves aswell. We have seen that dynamic play out in the refugee crisis and the people raped, beaten and murdered as a result of that policy and the suppression and demonization of all that dared to critize it. But also the rise of the populist right.

So maybe under those circumstances a truly hard right backlash would come; or a civilizational suicide. Today already 30% of the births in Wiesbaden for example are Muslim and which does not include all other foreigners. And the west is getting old and ever ollder, small in numbers and shrinking ever further.

That was literally the first time you even responded to me. More than one person can find you absolutely retarded, you fucking dipshit.

Based and redpilled

They need to get off their ass and go meet people. Like what the fuck, how hard is it to walk into a mall or bar, shit even a church if you are incredibly desperate.


I'm really interested in getting the full picture of Arthur's life, honestly. I want to know if he quit his job at the chemical plant like most Joker incarnations or if we're to assume he never had something like that, which I will if it isn't touched on.

I figured that but i didn't really give a shit, just kept my dialogue going so others know which posts were mine.

Is he gonna be anything like the Joker in the comics or are they only using the name to attract people?

this varies a lot between places. where I am (sydney) people are out in established groups, most of which have been friends since school or uni, and its very hard to break into anything. I lived here about 2.5 years before I met my current friend group through a hobby

>The same could be said for civilization allowing all men to get a piece of the pie through the social structure that is marriage. Giving so many males the opportunity to breed is also a mistake in itself
No, wrong. That is the basis for a stable society. The lower tier males get a lower tier woman and the higher tier males get a higher tier woman. Instead of what we have now, which is that most women get access to the top 20% of men and most men get no women at all.

The only benefit to what you're suggesting is some kind Darwinistic survival of the best genes, but it's no longer natural selection that's at work, it's sexual selection. So you're giving the keys to the genome to women, and they don't make the best choices.

Yes, but such a big collapse would mean that Europe would't have the luxury to save all of the brown people in the world, especially if it means the breakdown of large infrastructural systems.
I do believe the backlash you mention will happen, but again only when people in the first world really feel the privation of their needs, instead of a slow descent which frustrates and depresses but doesn't galvanize.

you don't get what is happening, its just going to get worse. almost everyone is addicted to facebook and social media. those people you meet in a bar are also addicted to social media. have you even been to a bar in the past 5 years? every girl in them is constantly on their fucking phone snapping pics of herself or her friends like they're trying to be fucking instagram stars. social media is eroding how we interact with each other irl because it's all in service to facebook and instagram.

>lack of access to healthcare
when you are born with fucked up genetics

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not that guy, but I'm on Yea Forums and I deliver pizzas to people. Doesn't seem very useless to me.

I mean if you are a decent human being and willing to talk to people in a polite and kind manner most will be willing to let a new person into their group.

And there are the excuses upon excuses. Jesus fucking christ.

no its really not that simple, they're not always looking to expand. they'll talk to you sure and maybe even invite you to something where you can meet others, but you're still just narrowly coasting acquaintance with a slim chance of it leading anywhere. and that's assuming you can actually socialise well

no, they aren't excuses, you just don't get out much and see it for yourself.

You're retarded if you believe it's "weak males" that collapse society. Your premise is the exact opposite of the problem.

Oxbridge clique Anthropologist, J.D. Unwin, in his studies of human civilizations wrote extensively on the role of unchecked female sexuality and its role in civilizational collapse. Turns out that in almost every case of a collapse or civilizational wane, unchecked female sexuality was present. He also noted that the rise of civilization itself and the move away from hunter-gatherer societies correlates heavily with the imposition of strict regulations on female sexuality.

Crazy how that works, right? It's almost like Social Darwinism is a gay meme for fedora-tier nerds.

The problem is, that, at this point, millions upon millions of Africans and Middle Easterns would already be in Europe. An old and internally defeated Europe. So a "collapse and backlash" would not really guarantee European survival. And it will be a dog eat dog scenario either way.

Reminder that Joker is not an incel, he has a qt Zazie Beetz gf in this flick.

I hope to God...

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Yeah, therein lies the real struggle.

>the rise of civilization itself correlates heavily with the imposition of strict regulations on female sexuality.
Yes, we can clearly observe this today. At peak civilization. Fantastic "theory" you got there and so easy to falsify

Surely there will be no long term repercussions from your female population having children at 40 instead of 16 :p

Oh, my lucky stars,

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Retard, or possible boomer

I'm not this good at baiting because people who actually think this way boil my blood.

Do you think this is normal?

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Nah you are just a faggot that wants to blame others instead of your own laziness.

what is with these 15 year old larping boomers? you all use the same keywords in every argument. laziness, effort, try. are you a clone or something?

can I be suicidal because I can't go to college and get out of mysery because I need to work all the fucking day to take care of my sick grandma and my autistic ass? (I live in fucking Brazil btw)

People started using the internet more? Yeah i'd say that is a normal transition for an invention that totally changed the way people live.


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Happens to other animals too, the penguin going off to commit suicide comes to mind.

now user, be a smart boy and take it further than that. if meeting people online for relationships is becoming the new norm, what does that mean? hmm. what has happened to tinder and other dating sites?

And somehow this doesn't have anything to do with the increasing social alienation and erosion of communal bonds, right? People should just suck it up and download Tinder TM.

He was molested by one of his moms boyfriends when he was younger, which brought on emotional trauma and the sudden laughter as a coping mechanism for stress.
As an adult society treated him like trash because nobody can see past a mental illness that is visible like his laughter, so he cant get a Real job in a high cost of living location. In reality his whole situation coudl have been changed by fucking moving out of 1,000,000 rent apartments.


no user of course not. internet tinder good incel bad

Read Accidental Superpower, pretty much laid out the blueprint of the current future. Learn to stop fearing the bomb and love it.

Society keeps blaming mass shootings on video games...


Holy shit, what did he post?


therapist not caring/department being closed down
being socially awkward
not being successful at his clown job/stand up comedy
trash worker strike

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You literally have to pick one.

everyone defends video games and says they don't cause violent behavior, yet so many people are going insane over this movie. i dont get it

The fuck are you going on about communal bonds? People get older and start having other responsibilities than being up their neighbors ass and in the communities business. All i hear from this thread is a bunch of bitching and excuses instead of doing something your your lives. Fuck sake this is incredibly boring and pathetic.

The left isn't going insane over the movie. They've always been insane.

It's called viral marketing. People selling things can use the internet too.

Thanks for the recommendation

>People get older and start having other responsibilities than being up their neighbors ass and in the communities business
Jesus, way to miss the point boomer

>People get older and start having other responsibilities
yea, like providing for their family and doing things with them. if you don't have a family you don't do those things. no one is getting married anymore and something like 40% of children right now are being raised in single mother households.
for all your boomer bullshit you don't realize this is degeneration

>South Africa is hardline communist, a failed state, 90% bantu and whites get murdered. Still no real collapse.
Because it is still propped up by the core of Western Civilization, and the core is still healthy enough to sustain it.

i'm 32 and my gf is 26 We have years before we have children. Stop being so obsessed with stupid shit and go have some actual fun for god's sake.

Average lifespan, for most of history, is a measure of infant and child mortality.

please dont have kids, people like you end up raising failure incels

I'll be sure to have a few just for you. What's your name user?

>reddit spacing
Samefagging detected

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what is this a fucking MOBA? I'll let them call the police, I don't give a fuck,

they're both the same thing...........

>they ignored him and his crush turned him down
Aww poor baby!

my name is varg

Leave him be, he's a technophilic cultist of Progress. Whatever you explain to him will come out the other side without being processed. A perfect example of the dysgenic nature of the system we were discussing earler.

How did you find this site grandma?

His crush turned him down and some people were mean to him! Oh no!

I know you incels are tired of hearing this, but have sex.

>lmao it's pathetic that some people who are deprived of several needs on Maslow's hierarchy snap and lash out against society

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Better deliver those plain cheese pizzas you filthy animal.



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>can't be bothered going to the cinema
>don't want to ruin the experience with a camrip

watching everyone talk about the movie...while hahahahah...while i can''s bound to send anyone, a little....loopy!

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Is this confirmed? I thought his gf gets killed

but its fun picking their brain, it's hilarious how many people on Yea Forums do that type of larping boomer routine. i dont know if they got brainwashed from mainstream news or /pol/ did it to them

>Yea Forums is filled with christcucks that desire the american nuclear family
Why are so many of you such whitebread normies?

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What happens in The Killing Joke? I can't remember

>Yes, we can clearly observe this today. At peak civilization. Fantastic "theory" you got there and so easy to falsify
>peak civilization

You are aware pretty much every credible academic aside from Steven Pinker, who has actually looked at where we are right now, is forecasting doom regardless of political orientation, right?

Had a booty call last night, feels good desu. Whens the last time you had sex user?

Because he is ugly and people treat ugly man like trash

>I'm bored with this. Now let me tell you I'm miserable and how you should pull up your bootstraps

Now that's marketing. Play that Boomer hate angle. You'll get a shill bonus.

>longer than three days
I've gone a month without even looking at another living thing. If you need other people to live, you might be the one who's retarded.

Booty Call is an okay movie, though I'm not a huge Jamie Foxx fan

It's always hilarious watching the basement dwellers here talk about the society they never partake in

Marginalized him entirely because he was white and male
Dissolved the family unit
Destroyed gender relations, reducing them to mere business transactions lest you get MeToo'd
Enforced soulless promiscuity instead of having sex with someone you love
Replacing our higher callings with banal activities
Having blase platitudes become moral foundations
Destroyed spirituality in the name of materialism
Made it impossibly expensive to have your own family
"Empowered" women by allowing them to grow completely insane
Destroy the middle class
Selling out our identities and internet to Israeli cybertech
Eroding the environment in the name of "Green Earth," despite their methods creating more pollution than the previous system
Brand worship replacing religion
Brands becoming more powerful than governments

This isn't completely based on killing joke. Just the failed comedian part

They would not be incels if they could lad.

>because he was white
user, I.....

Confirmed niglet

>my prom date turned me down so all women are whores waaaah
Women have always been the best filter for bad genes.

he's an unattractive white male

You know what I'm talking about though right? The flashbacks Joker had. Did his wife die? I thought that's why he went ahead with the crime planned


want to gas the jews too? Great minds think alike.

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See for yourself.
Click the play button at the bottom, not the middle unless you want pop-ups.

I'm a niglet because I watched Booty Call?

She did die

This is literally what actual boomers think. When did this board become a haven for 60 year olds?

>the resetera leak

Damn. Kinda upset it turns out the whole relationship with the black girl is all in Jokers head. Kinda doesn't make sense that he imagines stuff like that.

I knew a girl in highschool that used to play boardgames at BTK's house as a kid

Thank you for saving me the time

You're a niglet because your black user

you overestimate boomers

I must have a mean case of Vitiligo then

You haven't ever actually talked to a Boomer have you? Or are you 12 and think millennials are 60?

Unironically wrong.

I’ve been following your work all day and I think you have the potential to become one of the greats.

Man, everyone in this thread is a fucking idiot that doesn't know what they're talking about. Joker doesn't just go mad because 'muh incel' he goes crazy because:
>His mom's boyfriend beat him to the point of brain damage when he was a child
>His mom has a mental condition that he likely inherited
>He gets taken off of his meds halfway through the movie
>He gets beaten and humiliated by a group of kids and businessmen throughout the movie
I know a bunch of you retards are just shitposting but the fact that a bunch of boomers and incels believe the first post just pisses me off. You all need to kill yourselves ASAP

>Kinda doesn't make sense that he imagines stuff like that.
Stick around here long enough and you'll understand why

>His mom has a mental condition that he likely inherited
What an anti-semetic piece of shit this movie is turning out to be

there are more white schizophrenics than jewish

Are you implying jews aren't white?

he was a low grade straight white male who got no help from white supremacy and no help from the progressives and as such had no way to get help from anybody

None of that will matter when CRISPR becomes common applicable science and humans take the next evolutionary jump and we become our own Gods. Its cliche but Deus Ex addressed this 20 years ago, and the mechanical vs. Genetic augmentation/manipulation debate is a huge deal right now. We can genetically make pigs that have harvestable human organs. We can, quite literally, make unicorns with weaponized bacteria and RNA using CRISPR. Read up on it...shit is terrifying and will ultimatly lead to the transcendence of humanity.

Its already happening.

>CRISPR becomes common place
>all the shitskins just make their babies 75% white with subtle ethnic flavor
>CRISPR gets shutdown because "it promotes white supremacy"
Search your heart, you know it to be true.

humans dont deserve to be transcendent. can we just make dogs the transcendent ones? dogs are cool

he had to be near n-

>How exactly did society treat him like trash
... The movie isn't even released yet but from the trailers he had shit tier access to medicine because of being poor , lived completely alone while trying to provide for his dying mother, was probably a bastatd, was beaten in the streets, forced to work a humiliating jobs, and was publicly ridiculed for his otherness as an adult. All of that while receiving no support from his community at all through either the state or just his damn neighbors and fellow citizens

So yeah, that kind of sucked. I'm assuming his life as a child wasn't much better as well

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>born without a choice
>forced to live a subpar life exclusively because of recessive genes
This is bullshit, I deserve every opportunity someone with better genes does. You cant prove me wrong.

>been alone most of his life
>was abused as a kid
>mother is literally insane
>if he died he would simply be nothing more than a bad smell for the neighbors
>his existence doesn't matter
>any attempt to be a part of this society gets shut down
>people don't laugh at his jokes but people laugh when he tries to be normal
>mother eventually get's sent to arkham asylum

It's less what the man went through and more the man never existed. One would go mad if even his own existence was in question and there was no way to really prove it. Doesn't help when society see's you as nothing but the butt of a joke. society doesn't laugh with him, they laugh at him.

Even then his "gf" didn't actually like him, it was out of pity. It's EVEN WORSE to be pitied then to be alone.

One of my dogs can’t stop licking the other one’s dick and the other one just sits there and enjoys it.
We’ve asked the vet if something’s wrong but apparently that kind of behavior is perfectly normal.
So those are the sorts of beings you want to see transcend? Ones that sit around licking each other’s dicks?

What? How do you know any of this? Is it out in theatres in different dates internationally or something?

that sounds awesome no homo

>Excuse me could you PUH-LEASSEE stop bothering my son?
>Oh, okay and could you and your, uh nigglet PUH-LEASEE stop sucking up all the air with your broad, disgusting noses intended for the white man. You're a like a mongrel sucking the life force from precious, Aryan babies. THAT'S IT I GOTTA SAY IT NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER

Lots of posters here have been through similar issues. Yet we still delight in larping as Chad who's fucking your Boomer mom. Apparently.

Historically the most oppressed group of people are the mentally ill. We can see just from the trailers that his therapist doesn't care to help or understand him, he writes down in his diary that he has to pretend it doesn't exist so people will treat him normally.

>I don't believe there will be a collapse
Famous last words.

Mental illness is basically the same as being a manlet. Men need to admit they're weak for help, but no one actually wants to help them. Admitting to weakness makes women avoid you, despite also saying men need to be more open. It just sucks, suicide really is the best option


Are you implying Trump is anti-capitalist?

>South Africa is hardline communist, a failed state, 90% bantu and whites get murdered. Still no real collapse.
Watch what happens when the food starts to run dry because the retards killed all the white devils who actually know how to farm the lands.
It'll be Zimbabwe 2.0, but then again they can probably just get aid from whoever helped Zimbabwe with its food shortag-
>Oh wait.

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From every perspective, whether Aristotelian, Thomist, or Marxist, it's not terribly surprising. Whether you think man is a political animal, a spiritual animal, a social animal, or some other kind of animal, all of these characterizations of what a human is logically result in some people lashing out under current conditions.

South Africa is in a really fragile state. It's fate depends on which faction of the ANC wins out: the center left and centrist factions that aim for the country to be like Brazil, or the left wing faction that more naturally sympathize with Pan Americanism, communism, and the EFF. Since the EFF is full of retards, my money is on the more moderate factions.

Are you 13?

Go werewolf

Protectionist nationalist on a good day. picking winners and losers and trying to unilaterally control markets and even the Fed. Socialist bullshit that keeps rand Paul up at night.

Reddit didn't invent double spacing between paragraphs. It's easier to read posts that way and we've been doing it here since 2005.

Sincerely, an oldfag

Well society for him is living amongst inner city niggers. That is enough to make anybody go insane and become homicidal

There are also like 25x more whites than jews, and that's even if you classify them separately(you probably shouldn't).

How can one post be so wrong

No and CRISPR is extremely real. A simple google search will pull up publications in several scientific journals. Instead of Deus Ex think Gattaca. Its decades off, but will likely be highly advanced in a generation or 2. I'll be long gone but science is gonna science. Interestingly Eastern countries like Japan and Korea are rolling with the studies because they dont have many laws about fucking with human DNA. Japan made identical twins...they also made micro-pigs which are adorable and a couple hundred bucks. Read up on it, A Crack in Creation is a good starting point and anyone with a feigning interest in genetics read it 3 years ago. Try to keep up.

>implying economic inequality is exclusive to capitalism


>Tariffs are a socialist

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He's ostracized because of a compulsive tic, has no hope of getting out of poverty because he has to look after his sick mother, gets beaten up by randos constantly at his shit job and his hero humiliated him on national television

You probably are not still here but what you do is admirable and even if you live a life of misery and struggle it will be a virtuous one

Government exerting control over markets and taxing US businesses. You could've jewgled the definition of tariffs in the time that post took you.

>Don't forget me

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>Send it all to China
LOL, have fun with every neighborhood in the US being a favela.

>uses whitemales as scapegoats for society's ills
>shunned them as a race using past generation crimes that may or may not happen to jusity it, despite current generation being completely innocent of it
>seen as priviledged and held in contempt despite clearly having issues more than anyone academically and socially due to suppression from the wrong belief that they have priviledge
>movie portrays a man who has fallen through the crack as the result of this collective social neglect, became disillusioned and finally went mad to cope with his circumstances
>tranny critics mad because they can't just label him a nazi because he clearly has issues that needs help, but wasn't given to him
>tvtrannies are mad that the movie tries to accurately portray the people they think as pathetic "incels" as people who are actually in need of help, and not easy targets to ridicue while having the morale highground
>tvshitpostera has a field day baiting for (You)s posing as trannies and pretending to not get the point of the movie and that incels should man up
Anything else I'm missing?


does anybody have that long /r9k/ copypasta about what it is like to ask for help as somebody whose life is fucked for so long? Had some good shit about how all people designed to help you cannot possibly on the most basic level because to rise to a position with the authority to help requires one lead a life of success and survivor biases which makes them fundamentally incapable of understanding those they are supposed to help.

Women not being picky enough is the reason we end up with losers like you.

They told him to go back to r-eddit

any state action is colloquially socialist, keep up jr.

Pretty good summary for anyone who wants a serious answer

you two are the biggest faggots

Well it's antithetical to free market values, which is a step toward socialism if not socialist outright.

140 iq here
you are garbage and i am entitled to lording over you

but we do live in a society that protects your kind

I also would like to read this if someone has it.

Poast it

Go wild


Does Batman show up in the movie?

it's pretty much the king of comedy with DC comics, everyone already knows what happens in the movie

>watching movies for the plot
maximum pleb

recessive doesn't mean bad

This, in a sense. Trump himself isn't exactly anti-capitalist, but he represents people who have been fucked over by capitalism more than pretty much any other group (poor rural whites). regardless of his own ideology.


how does what you waid relate to this post

You have given me a lot to think about, user.

user says he can't watch the movie.
user 2 tells him that it's just a rehashed KoC (which I agree).
I'm saying if you're going to see the film you're doing it to see Joakino, not the already predictable story

I don't know why you're saying it's a rehashed King of Comedy. I mean, I see the similiarities, but it's more like Taxi Driver to me.

Going Joker

my point is that user is not going to ruin his experience by talking with people who've seen it before watching it himself
because as you said, you don't watch movies for just the plot, you watch them for the overall experience

People will rarely mention devil in the details like this just to trvialize Joker into incel rage.

gamers are second-class citizens even in school prisons

stacy's getting fucked by her english teacher

Not him, but imagine if you were made sick and then commanded to be well. Society locks you up for a crime you didn't commit and while in prison some guy with AIDS rapes you in the ass and then when you get out of prison and mention you're sick people just say get better. Would you feel like shooting a few people?

Not saying they're the same, but to the incel that's how it feels, so maybe consider a different strategy.

It's because people are denied the most basic fundamentals of life. Yeah there were wars and shit, but peoples needs were largely being met by that society. For comparison, let's say 1950's America was being invaded by, say, Russia, promising prosperity, jobs, a homogeneous culture, civility, and comfort. Americans would largely defend themselves against Russia. Why? Because we already had that. Now imagine Russia invaded today and offered all that. I'm more than willing to bet we'd have much less Americans fighting against them. Hell, with a promise like that, I'd imagine we'd have a huge number of defectors.

>Its honestly pathetic and pretty embarrassing as a species that things like this drive people to murder, suicide or both
reproduction is a biological imperative that most people don't have the strength to deny. animals in nature will also become depressed and withdrawn if they can't find a mate. also, humans are social animals, and we require some degree of human contact or we become depressed and withdrawn - much like other social animals.


>co directed by sam raimi

Have you ever thought about the possibility it's not "society" and that you're just a gigantic asshole and people avoid you for a good reason? Did you ever consider it's you who has to change? Has that thought ever crossed your mind?

That's not what redditspacing is, we just don't tell them because they're incapable of figuring it out themselves.

Your average Yea Forums poster is not capable of self examination, introspection or improvement

It's just easier to blame some other boogeyman than take a long look in the mirror

dude just stop being autistic, be yourself lmao

put urself out there more dude
go out with ur friends dude
get a gf dude

just be urself dude wtf

>and that you're just a gigantic asshole
that doesn't stop anything. assholes can have plenty of friends or relationships.



so literally an incel?


Jewish projection detected

He’s a tranny, not an incel. TRANNERS AND BOYMODERS RISE UP


oldfags, did Falling Down and Toxi Driver cause the same reaction? I feel like it's the first time when a movie gets so much negative reception despite everything about it shown looks high quality.

>I guess our society has gotten physically and mentally weaker because there arent enough real hardships to overcome for this population
I love it when historically ignorant retards like you think people didn't kill other people over way more trivial shit in ancient times

>in school
Literally go home.

>in any way conscious of the death of the west


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