Other urls found in this thread:
>Fuck you Joe, you bald midget.
>the top of the lake freezes and the ice floats so the fish underneath don't die every winter.
things you are taught in grade school
>this kills the gymbro
>if ice sank the whole world would quickly turn into a solid ice ball
>water is the only substance that gets lighter when it becomes solid
yet somehow people don't believe in God
what an awkward exchange of ideas that episode was
*interrupts you* you wanna know something else that is a fact?
based and frozenlake pilled
There's a point where you can see Joe winch because Black Science Man keeps cutting him off so he can ramble.
What a fucking terrible guest.
you could tell Joe was actually getting annoyed lol
Why even bother bringing him on when Joe already talked to a better dude in all respects?
I like how he tried to prove rising sea levels when he talked about the 'experiment' about the ice cubes melting in a glass of water and the water level stays the same. He disproves himself in the same statement and never addresses because he goes off on another wild tangent.
>that's enough for people to believe in something as large as a God
Brian Cox on JRE is peak comfy.
without knowing that hes a scientist with a phd i'd unironically guess that hes a low iq retard whos into basic reddit level "cool" science "facts"
This. There was a point, I think like 30-40 mins in, where you can tell Joe finally lost patience and he stops trying to have fun and talk about cool shit and just keeps trying to refute him. After the first hour there was a subtle tension in the room that made me feel awkward just listening to it.
>but octopus could be alien bro woah
rogan is cringe
didnt he "rape" some feminist?
he mentioned what causes the rise
90% of what he said i learned in 8th grade
i only listed to the audio, but it was cringy...i bet the video was bad
What is it? Run off of ice from land?
>expansion means bigger you fucking retard midget. Jesus Christ joe you get by having your sycophantic friends and guests on who never talk back because they want this advertising platform but honestly Joe you are borderline retarded, you are a Messiah of pseudo intellectuals, go drink your own piss you worthless bald bitch.
He is visibly annoyed by Black Science Man cutting him off and getting unnecessarily antagonistic. The asshole was bossing Jamie around and pretty much hijacked the show.
If you scrub through the video with the thumbnails visible it's mostly Neil deGrasse Tyson's face.
No he didn't. All he said was ice is 90% submerged but when it melts the water level stays the same. That's why the glass doesn't overflow when the ice melts.
Joe interrupts all the time when he has someone on he doesn't respect or like. He's ultimately some roided out meathead asshole, and a closet fag.
yes, he dead. glacier melting, since they are on land
retards itt, the salt changes everything
Go on
and Tyson would kick his ass if it came to that, he was a champion wrestler in college
The "your black ass is never invited back" face
I doubt that, since Joe mainlines hgh and was a national champion in some shit. Regardless, Joe is a fake piece of shit, and I'm sure is a terrible person is real life to be around.
Who has Rogan had on who he genuinely couldn’t stand? I can only think of Ron Miscavige but Black Science Man comes close.
he's trying to lose the pounds, don't be mean
idk about dilike, but he booted Tom DeLonge about as fast as he could after he went full nutty
He seemed to have good vibes with Miscavige. But there was one episode with Theo Von where he didn't seem in the mood or was too high when Theo would say something just to lead on to an interesting story.
It's buoyant, aka less dense, not lighter, dumbass.
the seas are saltier and therefore denser than the floating ice, so the volume occupied by the ice is bigger than equivalent sea water
>he thinks water gets lighter as ice
Christards are hopeless.
That was fucked up
>Tyson would kick his ass
There was one I saw, cant remember the guys name, but he was saying black people are violent because they adopted redneck culture. Joe eventually basically started arguing with him and randomly cut him off at the end.
Who was this?
His kicks sound like a fucking gun wtf
what happened with mis cabbage?
What weighs more a pound of steel or a pound of feathers?
I cant remember his name it might have been pre alex jones 911 or right after
If you believe that is real you deserve your poverty and JRE results.
Steel is heavier than feathers.
Black people are so obnoxious when they try to be "deep", they have no self-awareness at all.
Joe was pretty defensive against Adam Conover.
In 40yrs if society regains sanity they'll show that man in class as an example of pc lunacy.
and now for an actual smart person
Joe tried to get him on the double plural of fishes. Why was Joe just trying to get him on things? Did he feel insecure?
100% this will be Tysons last appearance
He thought its was a friendly banter between equals but things escalated and he lost control
yup i shut it off around that time
His kick is the best asset in his talent repertoire, no doubt.
He's unironically retarded. He completely wasted the LeDoux podcast with worthless dumfuck talk.
NDT was getting too "friendly" taking pot shots at Joe, he mocked his bald head like twice, and the fact NDT kept screaming at him probably pissed Joe off.
For the most part the show is random people showing up, hanging out, and having civil discussions. NDT was getting hype and being a cunt for no good reason other than he wanted to be monologue and show how smart he is.
So Joe started to challenge his intelligence and information.
There are a few guest that try to present their point of view or information as fact in a very pompous way and Joe will challenge them and question them.
A good example was that faggot from that Netflix show who kept using weasel words and lines to present his case about trans kids as fact.
Joe challenged him many times and even used his own tactics against him.
There are very few guests that are rude but when there are it's very obvious.
that is where things went FUBAR
So who was the worst guest and who is your dream guest?
best one was alex jones and eddie bravo. so c4razy and fun to lsiten to
They are both a pound
I hate when Eddie Bravo is a guest.
He reminds me of that spanish kid in middle school that would make up lies about shit just for the hell of it.
Can somebody explain Tyon's behaviour? Or is he just a narcissistic nigger?
that adam faggot
He is just very full of himself and never shuts the fuck up. The man has no chill. It clearly upset Joe.
>all ice in the world is floating in the oceans
I go to an engineering focused school and a few professors and students behave just like this guy. Is it autism? They're pretty chill, but just seem to exist on an entirely different plane.
>So who was the worst guest
Adam, but it was worth watching him crumble.
>and who is your dream guest?
Trent Reznor
Eddie never makes shit up though he just repeats whatever video he watched recently is all. Joey is the bullshit artist that you can't believe at all
Joe pretty much had a list of shit to talk about with Tyson something he never really does but because Tyson goes on tangents he had to.
Joe would ask a question and Tyson would go on rants about nothing in particular not answering the question and acting like he's prolific.
Constantly cut Joe off to the point Joe wasn't even part of the discussion. There are multiple points in the show where he would just interrupt Joe and Joe's face made it very obvious he was not happy.
When Joe would ask him follow up questions to clarify his ramblings Tyson would get angry.
If Joe questioned his stance on a subject he would back peddle or dodge further explanation.
He kept screaming at Joe and calling him "Dude".
Pretty much he wanted to hijack the show, pretend like he was a deep thinker, and was resentful that Joe would even dare question his point of view or information he's presented as fact because he said so.
It wad very uncomfortable and frustrating to watch because it lacked discussion.
When Joe Rogan makes you look retarded
Liked the COSMOS miniseries, hate how he's an over 9000 iq twitter user. I mean chill out Neil, we get that you're smart
>Alex Jones offered Eddie Bravo, a flat earth believer, a flight to Antarctica to prove the Earth is round and he refused and said he would send someone in his stead to report back to him. Fuck Eddie Bravo
yeah, it's not informative, just fun to listen to lol
Joe got cucked. You can say :"can i finish without getting interrupted" in a nice way. He did it before with other people if i recall.
what part of basic physics involves your obsession with a jewish volcano spirit again?
>NDT after talking for 5 minutes straight: "...and that's my point."
>Joe: "So don't you think..."
>NDT: "BUT WAIT HERE'S MY POINT" talks for 10 more minutes
A nigger
Has some kind of chip on his shoulder to prove to the world that he is intelligent. Basically the same as a manlet constantly reminding everyone he's a tough guy.
it gets less dense not lighter due to the bipolar nature of water molecules but I'm responding to bait anyways right.
That doesn't look like Brian Cox to me.
>Joe starts ranting about Quake because Reznor did the score
This is what happens when people are on adderall. It's fucked up, I see it with a couple of my friends too.
which one can jet fuel melt?
>joe says some stupid shit
>jaime immediately diverts attention by pulling up some webpage
Their mind does not prioritize social fluency.
Full blown autism is more extreme.
He was always annoyed by and dissing Jason Silva.
How did he get away with it?
Joe will never let go of his stance that trannies don't belong in women's sports, and he shouldn't because shit like that is what redpills normal people on tranny lunacy when they see a 280lb man stomping 110lb female athletes.
How will Joe ever recover?
>When Jamie tries to speak
except Tom DeLonge was right all along
I.E. Bob Lazar
>Joe Rogan talking about comedy and doing standup
I don't even dislike him but he has literally never said a single funny thing in any of the podcasts I've listened to ever, even if he's not being "on" it's still crazy for someone who does standup and has comedy specials on tv to never be funny at all outside of that. He's like that Louis Jay Gomez faggot who is supposedly so funny yet just sounds like a brodude asshole all the time and is constantly wavering between pretending to be humble and hyping up his accomplishments rather than being funny in any way. A lot of the comedians he brings on are like that too, honestly.
>it's Yea Forumscels get triggered by a literal astrophysicist again because he doesn't like Drumpf and says things that make larping christcucks mad
He's so little. What the heck!
no wonder you faggots get convinced that climate change is a hoax, Christ almighty...
entire semesters will be dedicated to the absolute pants on head nuttery from Trump and Trumpfags though. You people try to circumnavigate all intellectual pursuits in science if they disagree with a tweet.
>I.E "carbon dioxide is the building block of all life"
>it's still crazy for someone who does standup and has comedy specials on tv to never be funny at all outside of that
ohh, no it isnt.
Luis has made me laugh a lot between Bob Kelly's show, random appearances on shows, roasts and his online shitposting but I could never get behind him much on LoS and all that because he just feels hampered by trying to keep that clusterfuck going. I think he makes a much better guest than being in a hosting position.
Eddie Bravo is fucking based
Came here to post this. Based.
>using i.e.instead of e.g.
>probably doesn't even know the Latin
Galaxy brain over here, fellas
>bruh you can't reject some aspects of science and embrace others
>races totally don't exist though
You got a lot of sub 130 IQs replying to you, but it’s true. People believe in simulation universe or whatever other retarded shit because it’s “sciencey” or whatever. Your average pseud doesn’t change and just adopts whatever opinion is currency “academic”
>you can cherrypick things in science you like or dislike based on feefees
>race is real and exists despite all of modern biology and genetics saying it doesn't, because I feel it to be true
t. brainlet.
>despite all of modern biology and genetics saying it doesn't, because I feel it to be true
>>races totally don't exist though
Right, they don't.
>race is real and exists despite all of modern biology and genetics saying it doesn't
Wow so science decided that evolution doesn't apply to humans? That's crazy. Care to source that?
ummm hate to tell you this buut
>Evolution exists and happening means that different pigmitated humans with minor genetic differences are literally different races like this is DnD.
When you realise “christards” was just projection to validate your (jutsifiably) insecure sense of intelligence
an ethnic group or homogeneous group doesn't denote a whole new "race", you absolute brainlet.
Go back to /pol/.
This. Dogs with slightly different types of fur are all the same. Dog breeds don’t exist
wtf BBC is racist now
It's just like in my call of duties
different breeds of dogs aren't different fucking races and there is far more distinct genetic differences in breeds, than there are in human ethnic groups.
You people are anti-science faggots. No geneticist would call blacks or whites "different races".
No no that’s not scientifically accurate (I don’t understand science at all by the way, I just copy the opinions of scientists like a fucking sheep even when they talk about things way outside of their area of expertise, at least I’m not religious though lmao praise the science prophets!)
>dude you should check out the joe rogan podcast
What would they call them then? Varieties? Types? Why do we not use the obvious word for obviously genetically distinct groups of humans?
I hate Christcucks but scientists are the new Christians now.
NDT talks about how denial can slow down or stall civilization.
So it really is
>I like science until it conflicts with my /pol/baby sensibilities, especially on genetics and race
>Joe interrupts all the time
lol Joe would fucking destroy him, you stupid little bitch.
I never understand these posts
>thing happens
>therefore, God exists
Where's the connection? What's so special about ice floating that it requires a magic sky giant to be possible?
I used to think that until I realized the fuck off amounts of ice on land that isn't in the water.
You've been confused by modern fantasy novels into thinking the word "race" refers to entirely different species like Dwarves and Orcs. The different races of man are absolutely races, because that was what we decided to call them. Races. Evolution exists, genetic differences exist, physiological differences exist. Fuck you, you anti-science, MUH FEELS cocksucker.
Go dilate, dumb tranny.
Homogeneous genetic groups...
Do you know what defines a race or species? Look, you just cling to this bullshit because the roundabout point is that you think minorities are inferior based on race, that's always the backdoor.
Yeah I’m not surprised your reading comprehension is bad pal. I’m saying people who are low IQ (you) will copy the opinions of smart people to appear themselves smart, and not realise when these people say fallible or opinionated things outside of their area of expertise, so end up having contradictory opinions that someone else formed for them, because they themselves don’t understand the subject matter (science). Yet you claim to be above people who believe whatever their priest tells them. It’s the same shit. Most people are just pathetic followers, you included.
Seethe all you want, but actual biology is against you
It’s because retard cult thinking will never go away among the masses, it’s just moved from religion to rationalism or logical empiricism, another concept people can just throw themselves behind unquestionably
Never said they were inferior, just obviously physically different. I don’t understand pretending like that isn’t real
>race is a science just like genetics and Evolution
Get fucked you /pol/nigger, I'll repeat again: no modern geneticist thinks the definition "race" is either useful or necessary or even correct when discussing genetic variation between ethnic groups of humans. There are no multiple human races or species on earth, that's literally not a science or backed by science. You need hundreds of thousands of years to millions to create breakaway species or races.
Why do you hate science so much?
McGuiness wanted to smell his own farts the entire time
Oops, looks like science doesn't have all the answers...
muh bone marrow doesn't prove races exist though?
So a subspecies then
>race is a science just like genetics and Evolution
I didn't say race is a science. I said that evolution, genetics, and biology exist. We can objectively observe physiological differences between races.
>no modern geneticist thinks the definition "race" is either useful or necessary or even correct when discussing genetic variation between ethnic groups of humans
You mean they've been shamed into avoiding the term because of MUH FEELS MUH HATESPEECH YOU CAN'T SAY THAT ONLY ONE RACE THE HUMAN RACE
>There are no multiple human races or species on earth
No multiple species, but multiple races absolutely.
>Why do you hate science so much?
I don't, which is why I don't deny its findings unlike you. Still waiting for you to source your claims, by the way. And here's a question for you: How do forensic anthropologists know what race a skeleton is?
Mention race and watch how all these "scientists" become Christians.
Climate shit is the new ministry. Even going through my courses in college there wasn't a consensus. Basically all I get is, "the climate is changing, our contribution is undetermined. If it keeps you up at night change what you can to ease your conscious." But the media spins it as the end is nigh, just like the giant snowball we should have been post 70s.
I would argue that most of normalfags are like that.
>just obviously physically different
And? It's so minor how different ethnic groups are, there are only a few exceptions to the norm, where the differences even matter. Even IQ, which I bet you will pretend is a monolith, has a closed gap when two entirely different ethnic and genetic groups have the same access to water, food and education.
So why you would harp on it unless you were a lowkey /pol/tard, is beyond me. The applications for it were deemed useless over a hundred years ago, when our idea of race spanned to phrenology and all other debunked "race realist" bullshit. Which I'll remind you again, has been debunked for over a century.
Umm uhh
>I didn't say race is a science
good, since it isn't.
>We can objectively observe physiological differences between races.
..which no geneticist says denotes an entirely separate off off-shooting race.
>there is a big conspiracy to shame the entire world of genetics
Yes, faggot. When you don't actually have the science to back up /pol/nigger nonsense, it must all be a supa dupa secret kabal of bad guys suppressing the true science that coincidentally, is shared by Naziboos and realist cucks. It's the big meanie mainstream that's at fault! Not your lack of evidence.
>but multiple races absolutely.
Which no race realist has literally ever proved.
>which is why I don't deny its findings
No, you rather invent your own or source wordpress blogs written by stormfags.
>How do forensic anthropologists know what race a skeleton is?
The whole "we can find what race a skeleton is" is an overblown meme but we can test the genetic structure and map it alongside a database. So it's not so much "I can tell which bones are from Tyrone and Mr White", it's "I have a database of homogeneously distinct groups that I can compare these structures too and then get a likelihood of where they are from".
I accept your concession. Go back to containment.
> has a closed gap when two entirely different ethnic and genetic groups have the same access to water, food and education.
I haven't read even one (1) post in this thread, but this nigger is based. He BTFO of all sorts of people. Left, right and center.
That's not very scientific of you
Sure is funny how you can take a poor kid from Zimbabwe, give him the same access to all the first world comforts we have, and his IQ drops up tremendously in less than a few years.
That shouldn't ever be possible in /pol/nigger land.
>Skeleton's race
*rises tremendously I meant
it doesnt though
By how much
>which no geneticist says denotes an entirely separate off off-shooting race.
You're trying to stick to an inappropriate definition of race because your entire argument relies on it. Get your head out of the fantasy novels, nigger. Nobody is claiming races are different species.
>there is a big conspiracy to shame the entire world of genetics
You're being disingenuous. Nobody claimed there was a shadowy cabal of kikes in a backroom somewhere trying to censor the world of genetics. Twitter hatemobs do that just fine on their own.
>Which no race realist has literally ever proved.
Physiological differences are objectively observable, and relevant to medical science.
>"I have a database of homogeneously distinct groups that I can compare these structures too and then get a likelihood of where they are from"
>a database of homogenously distinct groups
>homogenously distinct groups
Really makes me think.
>saying a whole lot of nothing
Got a source for that?
I haven't been following yous guy's argument, but human races are a valid taxonomic category. There are useful things to be gleaned from it. Just let it go.
Right looks like an incel skull would rather hang out with the left one
>The whole "we can find what race a skeleton is" is an overblown meme but we can test the genetic structure and map it alongside a database. So it's not so much "I can tell which bones are from Tyrone and Mr White", it's "I have a database of homogeneously distinct groups that I can compare these structures too and then get a likelihood of where they are from".
Soooooo, people of the same race have more in common genetically than people from different races. BUT ALSO, race doesn't exist in genetics whatsoever.
Sure bro, whatever you say. /s
>Mesopotamia had access to food and water
>Have great civilizations
>Asia had access to food and water
>Have great civilizations
>Mesoamerica had access to food and water
>Have great civilizations
>Sub-Saharan Africa had access to food and water
>No civilization to speak of
Look, I'm not sure why you even leave containment. You're just going to post at me for another few hours because you're absolutely seething that most of academia doesn't share your /pol/tard sensibilities on your magic definition of race.
Left is actually a post op tranny.
So if he was white saying the shit you dont like he wouldnt be as obnoxious?
I accept your concession.
It's white people's fault dude!
>Geneticists are at the mercy of Twitter hatemobs
Imagine thinking this.
>6 million? Cmon Joe, the math doesn't add up
le wacky science nigger
>literally slight bone differences
there were plenty of civilisations in sub saharan africa. nubians, garamantians and the kingdom of meroe. the problem is that metal working didn't exist until about 500bc due to geological reasons and they barely had time to get things working before the roman empire started enslaving them
Only the last one was primarily jungle or dry savannah though
What is your definition of race then?
Ummm uhhh
>"It's not what Van Gogh SAW............. that night .............. it's what he felt."
And that's just in the first 30 seconds. I can see why people think he's a smug son of a bitch.
>James Dewey Watson (born April 6, 1928) is an American molecular biologist, geneticist and zoologist. In 1953, he co-authored with Francis Crick the academic paper proposing the double helix structure of the DNA molecule. Watson, Crick, and Maurice Wilkins were awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material".
there you have it. we're all equal
>posting literal /pol/ posts
>slight differences aren't differences
And he is still a racist idiot
Thanks for proving my point, faggot.
>I like how he tried to prove rising sea levels when he talked about the 'experiment' about the ice cubes melting in a glass of water and the water level stays the same. He disproves himself in the same statement and never addresses because he goes off on another wild tangent.
A lot of the ice is in Glaciers on land, like Greenland.
>muh James Watson meme
Oh, did we approach that part of the script already? You people are programmed to say the same dead arguments until everyone is sick and tired of you.
Oh no quick lets pretend DNA doesn'g exist to own the drumftards
Oh I sure you'll have an easy time refuting all the sources listed then
The fucking godfather and author of the IQ test you brainlet. You know that he never agreed with race realism, right?
>100% this will be Tysons last appearance
You know he gets like 10 million views on youtube each time right? You know that's literally thousands of dollars in ad revenue?
There’s a distinction, ‘fishes’ refers to plural genera while ‘fish’ is plural individuals.
>There are a variety of pelagic fishes a few miles out
>Wow, look at that giant school of fish
Didn’t watch the ep but what was Joe saying?
t. autist
Waiting for that source on your anecdote ma'am
If it keeps getting brought up, and all you can do is complain that it keeps getting brought up, then you clearly have no counterargument.
That's Thomas Sowell's thesis from Black Rednecks and White Liberals, but I don't think Rogan has ever talked to him, either on his podcast or any other format.
IQ literally rises when you introduce those groups to better living conditions. Absolute fucking Christ, the man who invented the IQ test even wrote about that.
I loved that Neil put Joe in his place,
Waiting for that source on your anecdote ma'am
Nowhere in this did you defend your positions with facts though.
You faggots get the same answer every time you leave your hugbox; there was no conspiracy against Watson, his work on DNA isn't the same as his personal research on race realism, his work was peer-reviewed and found to be bullshit, then he said actually racist shit and so was dismissed from the scientific community at large.
That's pretty much it. But he keeps getting propped up by /pol/niggers as some sort of unsung hero.
>If it wasn't for these darn wyppo
>Links that you can't click
Stupid fucking nigger.
The only bit I listed to was Neil getting butthurt about white people climbing mountains and saying they should carry their shit out with them. It was really stupid. I never liked that reddit nigger to begin with, so I'm glad everyone hates him now.
>if I don't agree with you, you're religion.
That projection
You can't type? Lazy retard
The podcast was pretty nothing, until he started to try to scientifically explain why it is perfectly natural for him to have sex with his 12 year old granddaughter
I don't think he'll have Iliza Schlezinger back. she made him look bad as fuck
>guy who is literally the father of DNA doesn't know the genetic differences caused by your ancestors living in an entirely different environment for millions of years
Keep digging that hole, kid.
A good read for thinkers (unironically).
This is honestly true. The just-so stories from Sociologists/anthropologists that explain ethnic/racial differences are much more plausible than the faulty data that people like Watson have provided. At least IMO.
To be fair, why did whites even go there in first place or at least not just left when they saw there was no civilization in anyway?
This image confuses me greatly, it pisses me off that so many normalfags don't think race exists yet at the same time it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside knowing that a nigger is going to die all slow painful.
all slow and painful*
To dab on the 75iq blacks
His work on race was literally peer-reviewed by hundreds of different researchers though? Why is this so hard for you to accept? So the entire scientific community is out to get Watson? Is that the meme argument?
You people have the worst time out of containment. It's better never to leave.
I don't blame them, scientists should be educating people not create a whole new religion.
I've read books about the subject, but I thought that even an wikipedia article would be too heavy a read for you brainlets.
If you're talking about Binet, he never said this. His beliefs were that genetics isn't the only relevant factor contributing to intelligence, in contrast to the more rigid hereditarianism of Galton and Karl Pearson who had pioneered the concept of IQ, not that changing the environment will be THE determinative factor in intelligence. And the coceator of the test, Lewis Terman, believed IQ to be highly heritable and was a proponent of eugenics. I don't think any of them were "race realists", but Terman didn't rule race out:
>High-grade or border-line deficiency... is very, very common among Spanish-Indian and Mexican families of the Southwest and also among negroes. Their dullness seems to be racial, or at least inherent in the family stocks from which they come... Children of this group should be segregated into separate classes... They cannot master abstractions but they can often be made into efficient workers... from a eugenic point of view they constitute a grave problem because of their unusually prolific breeding
>Perhaps a median IQ of 80 for Italian, Portuguese, and Mexican school children in the cities of California would be a liberal estimate. How much of this inferiority is due to the language handicap and to other environmental factors it is impossible to say, but the relatively good showing made by certain other immigrant groups similarly handicapped would suggest that the true causes lie deeper than environment.
He did at least allow for environmental contributions.
Why don't you prove that Watson's work is sound then? Instead of sucking him off since he's the only person on your "side" even making your pathetic arguments?
Wikipedia is not a reliable source on anything is what I meant.
>politics has never influenced the scientific community
>there has never been a historical instance of the majority of scientists putting down an idea that proved to be correct
>science isn't mostly people creating labels for things they don't really understand and throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks
Anyone who's ever spent time around minorities knows that race is a real thing. Why the fuck wouldn't we categorize each other based on common physical features? Only a retard would willingly ignore what God put in front of us and made obvious
Here's an idea: why don't we behave as though he might be right or wrong instead of presuming that he's wrong and throwing the baby out with the bathwater? Maybe have a contingency in place incase he's right.
>politics sometimes influences science, so it's doing that now (citation not needed of course)
>muh anecdotes about minorities I dislike
Go back already.
But his work was vetted for years through a rigorous peer-review process and we found out that he was wrong and remains wrong. I'm sorry that Watson being a colossal faggot hurts your feefees but if you have any information that the entire scientific community doesn't or missed in the last few decades, feel free to share it!
>let's not say he's wrong, on the off chance that maybe he's right at some point in the far future
No, faggot. Science doesn't conform to your feelings.
He should quit.
He reminds me of those old professors that only laugh to their own jokes and let fail half of class just because they felt like it that day.
Anyone knows when Brian cox or infinite monkey cage is coming back?
You are either an assblasted redditor or a discord tranny shill. Nobody cares about your opinions and the only reason people argue with you is to present arguments to those who lurk and haven't formulated opinions on the topic at hand. You have no concrete arguments, no solid points, and no foundation on which you stand. All you have are bait tier posts and rabid interjections because you're a small brained shitsmear. I sincerely hope you kill yourself or at least die without breeding, but statistically I probably don't have to hope too hard.
>Binet never said this
He absolutely said that environmental conditions effect the ability to increase/decrease your IQ over time. Yes.
Joe is a retard tho
We get it, you've run out of steam. You can go back anytime, zoom zoom.
You probably are actually a reddit tranny tho
Here's a citation.
Kill yourself btw
I guess I agree more with less-politically inclined scientists like Chinese and Russian ones.
>You have no concrete arguments
biological race as /pol/ understands it, doesn't exist.
>no solid points
Genetic variation between distinct homogeneous groups is not ENOUGH to denote different biological "races".
>and no foundation on which you stand
modern genetics, modern human biology.
>typing in all caps means I won the argument
Have you thought about killing yourself today?
“More recent evolution” doesn’t mean superiority, evolution is a continuous process and phenotypes are only more ‘derived’ from the root based on how they’re selected for, not because they’re better. Human biodiversity is due to the path early man took out of Africa, into the Middle East, along the Southern coast, into Asia/America, then at some point Europe where they raped all the Neanderthals. The environmental conditions are what led to the adaptive radiations of skin color and physiology.
99% of pop-sci shit you hear about evolution is straight-up wrong, or intentionally uses terms with different vernacular meaning.
>I have no sources or citations
Kill yourself faggot lmfao nobody wants you alive.
>Race doesn't exist!
Okay they're a subspecies then. Omg semantics! Kys
>The extent to which investigations of politically charged topics are affected by the generally liberal values of the scientists who carry out the research has been a topic of considerable debate inside and outside academia for some time. The present research informs this discussion by providing the first empirical evidence of systematic effects of political values on research reports in a scientific field. At the same time, a great deal of further meta-scientific work is needed to uncover when politics does (and does not) play a role in the scientific process, and what might potentially be done about it.
>Scientific debates often prove intractable, even in the face of accumulating empirical evidence (Kahneman & Klein, 2009; Kuhn, 1962; Mellers, Hertwig, & Kahneman, 2001). We hope that our forecasting survey serves not only as a means of addressing the longstanding public debate over alleged liberal bias in academic research, but also as a model for future scientific exchanges more generally (Tetlock et al., 2014). A similar approach might be profitably applied to other prominent controversies, such as the extent to which measures of implicit associations predict relevant outcomes (Greenwald et al., 2015; Greenwald, Poehlman, Uhlmann, & Banaji, 2009; Oswald, Mitchell, Blanton, Jaccard, & Tetlock, 2015), whether unconsciously activated concepts exert a robust and reliable influence over human behavior (Bargh, 2012; Harris, Coburn, Rohrer, & Pashler, 2013), and other present and future questions that capture the attention of scientists.
This doesn't mean that all of science is in on a great liberal conspiracy to punish poor dindu race realists, you chode.
Nobody literally ever is when you start crying about them, faggot.
Dilate dumb tranny.
>muh SAT scores
Did you literally read anything I sent you or are you in strict denial when it comes to this one singular topic?
>Yea Forums now has actual real life posters that believe blacks are equal in intelligence to all the other races because modern "science" told them so
lel what the fuck happened to this place?
blacks are stupid because they're poor
backs are poor because they're stupid
>intelligent scientists tend to lean liberal progressive
Josh Homme
>genetic differences between homogeneous groups is enough to differentiate things like
>skin color
>hair type and color
>facial structure
>voice tones
>body structure
>IQ averages
>organ compatabilities
>bone marrow compatabilities
>genetic deficiencies
>tendencies towards aggression
>behaviors to such a degree that stereotypes exist
>race isn't real tho lol
Commit suicide
also cont:
>Our forecasting survey had some significant limitations that should be factored into the design of future studies. The use of social media to recruit participants online for a survey on “politics in science” may have oversampled individuals who perceive academic research as politically biased. Future forecasting surveys should employ representative sampling to more accurately gauge scientific opinion both before and after key empirical investigations are conducted. Completion rates were also lower than hoped, with 65% of individuals who started the forecasting survey finishing it and 35% discontinuing. This could have been due to the challenging nature of the effect size estimation task, lack of clarity in the instructions, and/or the unexpected length of the survey. In addition, the belief updating observed could have been partly due to experimental demand, although the anonymous reporting conditions would arguably mitigate this problem to some extent. That some beliefs about politics in science (i.e., beliefs about the extent of bias) shifted in light of the evidence while others (i.e., beliefs about the underlying causes of bias) did not suggest that the belief updating that did occur was genuine. However, future work is needed to determine the degree to which belief change among scientists in light of new empirical evidence is genuine and durable. Future forecasting studies should also examine scientists' beliefs about the numerous potential aspects of politicized science described above.
only western scientists. Eastern ones aren't encumbered by PC.
Damn wyppo
Thank the Gods* you christcuck
Lmfao you dumb nigger, you can't even read or form ideas from text. You picked the two vaguest paragraphs and copied and pasted them and screamed LA LA LA I WON holy shit you're either the greatest troll on earth or a complete retard. Desperately coping because you can't win an argument. Literally kill yourself lmfao
>skin color
>hair type and color
>facial structure
>voice tones
>body structure
literally none of these matter.
>IQ averages
..which can be improved outside of genetics.
>organ compatabilities
...which is mostly due to blood types, which vary across all ethnic groups.
>bone marrow
which is the ONLY instance you have.
>genetic deficiencies
...which are not exclusive and can cause multiple ethnic groups to suffer.
>tendencies towards aggression
...a /pol/ meme, that isn't a correlation that has ever been proven, at least not as a direct result of low IQ.
>muh stereotypes exist because of behaviors
That's not a scientific statement
>race isn't real though
It isn't, the sooner you learn to cope with that, the easier it will be for you to post on other boards without coming off as a major retard.
China is going to have superhuman genetically engineered God's while the west is arguing whether or not having a dick makes you male and why there's so many blacks playing basketball.
My two posts: and are from the conclusion of the study that you clearly didn't read, user. You sure do sound mad. Biological race doesn't exist and it has no science behind it. Sorry.
>China is going to have superhuman genetically engineered God's
that's funny
Nice. You conveniently skipped out the parts that mentioned actual scientists and a trend of liberal leaning politics discouraging conversatism in science
>closet fag
Maybe in 50 years.
Yeah, I've heard people spew that before. Of course it's not "reliable", it's just a generally pretty good way to have an overview of something. Do you know an alternative that is more reliable or do you only read scientific papers?
>I trust the sciences done by Communists and iron fist regimes that murder gays, mutilate women's genitals, eat dogs and believe in ghosts
>someone itt is unironically arguing that race doesnt exist
Ahahahahahaha this board never fails to make me laugh
imagine being that poster right now and seething so hard that you can't even pick a source that defends your stance without cherry picking through it
>ugly garbage doesn't matter because life is only science and data
>this rough skinned curly haired stinky ape is just as pretty as this beautiful white chick
>statements are proof cause I said so
Here's your genetic aggression btw. Why are you trying so hard here when you could be killing yourself?
You have to collect all the sources at least. Wikipedia isn't reliable, regardless of the topic. Even if it gets something's right the rest could still be bs. Have sex
I'm not sure what you think this proves though, why shouldn't conservative ideology be discouraged from scientific discourse? It's a failed fucking ideology that hasn't produced literally anything in over 200 years. Why do we need affirmative action for political opinions now? Your beliefs don't change, grow or adapt over time, they are designed that way so as to NOT have that happen. Science is the exact opposite, it changes with new evidence over time. The two concepts are basically oil and water so why in the absolute fuck do you think we shouldn't be discouraging conservatism in science?
You paint yourselves as these poor victims of big meanie poo poo science while also being the largest detractors of every scientific movement in the US for at the very least, the last century.
Get fucked you mongoloid.
but why did you skip over that part?
Because their conclusion was mostly inconclusive and didn't say what you pretended it did?
>Listening to some retarded homosexual talk to whatever guests his Jewish handlers have given him that day to promote the narrative
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
what is this godawful blogsite you linked? You know that you don't magically become violent because you have a single gene, right?
Seems to me like you're an armchair wannabe grad student who probably frequents some faggy debate discord and gets assblasted whenever people insult minorities. You're either an effeminate white or some uppity pseud nigger. Shills usually give up and spam elsewhere. You're not going to win here, everyone hates you and you don't have enough friends to turn /pol/ into a swear word on Yea Forums like the word racist is in real life. Having /pol/tier opinions doesn't invalidate the life experiences that led to those opinions and the studies that back them up. You move the goalposts any time someone refutes an argument of yours with citation and you respond with nothing but shit tied bait posting. Again, please, kill yourself and make the world a better place.
why are you asking me?
It doesn't though.
Keep bitching, we are still winning
>doesn't read or address the content when there's nothing there to cherrypick. Lmfao set yourself on fire dude, you're retarded and useless
Crying about discord and telling me to kill myself isn't an argument, feel free to go back whenever you want though, you seem upset that biological race isn't backed by hard genetic science. That's fine, but there are other autists who can echochamber with you on that.
holy shit! the earth is fine tuned just for us!
I'm sold dude. Bronze age science ftw
maybe proportionally to whites in the same situation but the end IQ ratio between blacks and whites remain the same.
You don't magically become violent over having a single gene more than a white person...that's not how aggression or genes work. These aren't magic stats, and your site literally wasn't a scientific source.
>We will win and we will finally live in a communistic genderless raceless hivemind blob and if you refuse we will kill all of you!
>we are still winning
Who's "we"?
>but the end IQ ratio between blacks and whites remain the same.
except it really doesn't, IQ isn't an end-all-be-all monolith for IQ and it never has been. IQ is both a genetic and environmental factor.
Arguments aren't for the benefit of changing your opponents mind, they're for humiliating others in a competitive fun way and presenting redpills to the audience. For every citation and study this faggot nigger avoids, there's someone out there who doesn't have an opinion on the topic that formulates one based on seeing it happen. The world would be a worse place if retards had the last word always.
Did you write this user?
And we will rule it like kings. Hell we already do
>race is just a social construct go-guys
>Arguments aren't for the benefit of changing your opponents mind, they're for humiliating others in a competitive fun way and presenting redpills to the audience.
You're a cringy faggot, you know that right?
Yes you do dipshit, you're grasping at straws now because you get paid by the reply. Things aren't magically disproved just because you say they are you fucking mongoloid. Jump off a tall building
20 minutes later and you can't even debate me on the facts. sad
you realize that everytime you /pol/faggots go somewhere else, all that happens is that you get mocked incessantly, and the "audience" continues to take away that you're all brainlets and a few "redpills" away from shooting up a Walmart?
>Wikipedia isn't reliable
I didn't say it was. Nobody, except kids, is using wikipedia for a scientific source you know. Like I said, it's good for an overview, and the article that I posted looks accurate enough for someone who has no idea of what Labeling Theory is. You didn't provide an alternative. Fuck right off you.
Lmfao a rectum gaping tranny calling me a faggot, how rich. Your insults are as weak as your argument, you probably have a small wet brain to go along with your AIDs riddled micropenis
you honestly believe that a single gene in your body, makes you noticeably more violent? Automatically? You honest to shit think genes work that way?
>when you can't indoctrinate anyone into race realism, call them a tranny tranny tranny tranny
Only tourists and zoomers who haven't been here for a year, cry and throw fits about imagined trannies.
you realize that everytime you discord trannies go somewhere else, all that happens is that you get mocked incessantly, and the "audience" continues to take away that you're all homos and a few "dilations" away from killing yourself?
imagine screencapping Yea Forums links as your "evidence" and thinking you really SHOWED someone a redpill?
>you honestly believe that a single gene in your body, makes you lactose intolerant? Automatically? You honest to shit think genes work that way?
80% genetic
>It doesn't though.
pic related
im not the same guy retard, i was laughing at the green text
>literally nobody on Yea Forums even gives a shit about trannies, brings them up or shills their discord
You give out more free advertising for their tranny discords than the trannies you pretend exist, you seething retard. Nobody cares.
>some penis breathed redditor diaspora cretin gets excited to call people "tourist" and "zoomer"
Bro literally just drink down a bottle of ibuprofen and sleep on your back tonight. It's not hard and nobody will be negatively affected by it
You're trying too hard now, why keep posting? You lost your initial argument, continue to do so. Now you're just acting pathetic.
Apparently you do dipshit. You've been soloing this thread the whole time. I enjoy telling you to kill yourself, can you say that you enjoy hearing it over and over? Oh btw kill yourself
you're the one crying about trannies though? This is literal zoomer behavior.
>Muh self fulfilling prophecy it's white ppop fault
Have sex dilate etc
>one single gene contributes to lactose intolerance
I'm not certain that's true.
>implying I ever tried seriously arguing with you
That's those other reading fags, I just want you to kill yourself. I don't need no fancy book learning to know that niggers are smelly and dumb, fags are gross, and Jews are greedy and cunning. Everyone who's ever interacted with em knows this inherently. Your problem is that you haven't killed yourself today
thats not true but his grandchildren would be normal if he interbred with the local population
I'm sure you can easily refute all the sources then.
>I'm merely pretending to be retarded
oh okay, I accept your concession then. I'm done posting for the time being.
so if there were two aggressive/nigger genes you'd be on board? three? four?
>being born a certain year
>being a decrepit pozzed psuedointellectual
Hmmm which ones worse, it's a mystery! Please continue typing, I can literally see how tiny and weak your wrists are just by your gay faggy prose and limp dick responses. Btw kill yourself
>thats not true
Oh, okay then. Whatever you say /pol/nigger.
I've lost track of what yous guys are arguing about. Human races are a valid taxonomic category tho btw.
no one is going to follow those links, retard. use copy and paste next time.
>Cries that wikipedia isn't "reliable" for a scholar like him
>Uses strawman and arguments boil down to "have sex dilate etc"
Maybe if even half of them weren't broken links, sure.
Lmfao someone else already accepted your concession way earlier dingdong. Where are you going? There's so much more to talk about? Are you killing yourself? Not yet, please, I need to tell you to kill yourself!
>We're all too lazy to type in these things
Well that's probably true.
>uses "pozzed" seriously in a sentence and doesn't realize how goofy it sounds
>You strawman so I strawman you back
Have sex dilate etc
Funny how you don't actually produce the links, huh?
you're literally too stupid to present your argument. you're doing an autistic offshoot of gish gallop by dumping a bunch of broken links that you expect us to transcribe when you could have hyperlinked with less effort.
Tell me about the half that work
Your responses are getting shorter and more low effort because you're fatigued by how much of a big gay faggot you are. You've been objectively blown the fuck out by everyone in this thread and now you're ducking out like a weak bitch and a failure. If you don't kill yourself today, I guarantee you'll do it one day and everyone you ever knew will be relieved when it happens
> no, you didn't. It's not available
>/pol/ is this easy to trigger on a daily basis
>wonders why no real academic figure takes them seriously
>spams multiple low effort meaningless responses
>"y-y-youre gish galloping"
Lmfao bro you should make yourself die
I wasn't strawmanning though, it was an accurate depiction of your "arguments". You're just a really dumb dude.
>Lactose intolerance is a recessive disorder. For a recessive disorder to show, both copies of the gene, called alleles, have to be identical. Individuals who have a cytosine (C) residue on both alleles close to the lactase gene do not produce lactase in adulthood and are lactose intolerant.
On my phone, don't care enough. Dilate I guess.
My argument is kys dilate have sex.
Funny how your 3 cell count weak clear cum will never produce offspring, huh. Might as well kill yourself now save the world some time.
Never said I was a scholar. Wikipedia isn't reliable, sorry retard.
huh, so it's not "a single lone gene is responsible" then?
The decrepit faggot loses all sanity in the face of a superior specemin of human being. In his desperation, he screams barblenosh and promptly sprints headfirst into a wall, killing himself instantly.
>Wikipedia isn't reliable
And I still never said it was kek. I guess you're just a fucking retard.
they don't support your argument and you didn't read them?
where does it list more than one type of gene?
>bye I'm leaving cause I lost and am stupid
>oh wait lemme stick around for 45 more minutes
Who's triggered now loser. Also commit sudoku
lol I'm not even gay, bud.
>It's a good summary
It's an unreliable summary,kys.
Tell which you're talking about, kys dilate have sex etc once more.
I don't know if you're pretending now but:
For a recessive disorder to show, both copies of the gene, called alleles, have to be identical. Individuals who have a cytosine (C) residue on both alleles close to the lactase gene do not produce lactase in adulthood and are lactose intolerant.
Is a lot of moving parts, not SOLELY one single gene at fault for a recessive disorder. Call it a nitpick, but you had a shitty example.
im not a /pol/nigger. blacks in england arent any dumber than the general population in regards to iq, which seems to be due to the fact that their ancestors have mixed with the local population. food and comfort is the biggest equalizer for iq but to deny the genetic aspect is dumb. stupid parents generally have stupid children.
You do know that the scholarly sources for every article, are listed on the bottom of the page right?
>I-I I'm not g-gay
Holy shit you got me there. Got me good oh my god. You're the king of arguing lmfao what's wrong with being gay huh YOU FUCKING BIGOT
>Such a high level of brainletism that he can't filter through good and bad info
>food and comfort is the biggest equalizer for iq but to deny the genetic aspect is dumb.
which nobody is? Only that it isn't a monolith for success.
so is that why you never responded to this user?
because it sounds like what you're saying is that you'd be on board with it if it happened like lactose intolerance.
I'm not gay, or a tranny. It's almost liek you're obsessed?
It's usually all to push a certain way to think about the topic. They'll never add "scholarly" sources that disagree with the page. I said it can have some truth and some falsities, it's better just to not use Wikipedia at all. Jesus fucking christ, do you really think Wikipedia is that great wtf.
>Gets btfo
>b-b-b-ut you umm just can't parse stuff
I would just look through Google or something else at the least you idiot.
Bro the way you type words spells out that you enjoy the taste of cock in your mouth. It's why you're so insecure about your shit opinions that you can't leave even though you're losing terribly. You're losing so terribly right now, you're a loser. You're a big loser and you need to kill yourself to make it right. Have you thought about killing yourself? It's the only solution to your problems, which you have many of because you're:
>a retard
>a faggot
>a tranny
>a nigger
>a jew
>a redditor
>a loser
>not right
>a nothingmaster
>coping forever
>BTFO by strangers
All of this, solved. Just kill yourself
Do you really think that I can't find a scholarly source linked to a page ON the topic of the thing in question? Are you some sort of retard? Why would the sources explicitly be shown to disagree with something? So should the post for Gravity have some flattard blogsite linked at the bottom? For fairness and balance?
Dilate dumb tranny
Have sex /pol/ incel
See, you just proved my point. You could've saved a minute of time by not replying and simply killing yourself
>a faggot
>a nigger
>a jew
>a redditor
>a tranny
>a loser
literally none of these things ;) seethe more.
I said usually, it's better to just use something else. I didn't say on every topic. I think you're getting triggered or butthurt, you're sperging like a little bitch.
I banged your tranny dad last night fag
The little winky face emoji doesn't disguise how assblasted you are. I can literally feel the trembling anger coming out of your little queerboy 100 pound body weight alien pale fingers as they type out more responses. I am better than you in every conceivable way imaginable. It's one of the worlds greatest mysteries why you aren't killing yourself
I wonder how fat you are? Honest.
Ultimate copemaster, desperately trying to cling to some insult. You have no creativity or soul in anything you say and you're blown the fuck out by retarded gibberish. Did I strike a nerve? Are you really some paper thin waif, a weakling, a lanky goober? Is that why you picked up your faggy redditor scientism autistic ideologies? Because you're weak and got picked on in school? I can smell how pathetic you are from miles away. I'm 6'9 and 350 pounds btw, 6% body fat. Maybe I'll let your little gay mouth suck my 11 inch cock before I make you kill yourself
since the tranny won't reply, I'll just state the obvious. Xhe agrees that lactose intolerance exists, xhe agrees that is it caused when there is cytosine (C) residue on both alleles close to the lactase gene. Xhe agrees that categorizing lactose intolerance as a single lone gene is a mischaracterization. Xhe also acknowledges and agrees that the mechanism of genetics can cause changes in the body, such as lactose intolerance. Xhe fails in reasoning when xhe incorrectly categorizes the aggressive/nigger gene because xhe failed to read the article. If xhe read the article, xhe would have realized that xer the an analogous process is happening to what xhe has already agreed with (lactose intolerance).
Since you didn't reply, I won't give you a chance to respond. I rest my (winning) case. Better luck next time, pseud.
This is good for pasta
This thread is Joe rogans fault
Imagine being blown the fuck out both intellectually from one guy and creatively from some based retardposter
>both of these happened
>implying /pol/tards are capable
Lmfao do you guys hear something? All I hear are some decrepit chirps. Go ahead and weild that little > of yours. Your greentexts can't undo the cruel fate of time my friend. You've been undone effortlessly. All that's left for you is suicide, both painful and underwhelming.
>Lmfao do you guys hear something? All I hear are some decrepit chirps. Go ahead and weild that little > of yours. Your greentexts can't undo the cruel fate of time my friend. You've been undone effortlessly. All that's left for you is suicide, both painful and underwhelming.
Where were you when a psuedonigger transvestite redditor got so completely outperformed that he killed himself subsequently and everyone ignored his pathetic ghostposting after it was over?
Kys tranny
This is all Neil Degrasse Tyson's fault. This whole thread. What a ni
does he actualy call him bald as an insult lol?
>completely outperformed
biological race isn't backed by any hard science. Still.
>calling you a tranny
>telling you to kill yourself
Literally nobody in this thread said anything like that, you're just creating a strawman
>he still doesn't address the point that completely blew him the fuck out
Just stop posting, dude.
Kys tranny
>Literally over a dozen posts of some turbofaggot telling strangers to kill themselves.
Where? Post your sources or fuck off, this is serious discussion
which one? Nobody has proved that race is supported by genetics or biological science.